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What is shear?
Shear stress occurred when the internal

resistance in the structure is parallel to its cross section area

This stress is also known as direct shear stress

Shear Stress Equation

V = A
Shear stress in N/m2 (Pa) Internal Resisting Shear Force Parallel Cross Sectional Area


Structure is in equilibrium

F = 0




Bolts failure



DESIGN OF SIMPLE CONNECTION For normal force requirement

A= P


For shear force requirement



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What is the average shear stress in the internal vertical surface AB (or CD), if F=20kN, and AAB=ACD=1000mm?
a) b) c) d) e)

20 N/mm 10 N/mm 10 kPa 200 kN/m 20 MPa

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The anchor shackle supports a cable force of 3.0kN as shown in Figure 1. If the pin has a diameter of 6 mm, determine:1. The free body diagram. 2. The maximum shear stress in the shaft

Figure 2 Three 20 mm diameter of steel bolts are to be used to attach the steel plate to a wooden beam as shown in Figure 2. Knowing that the plate will support a 110kN load and that the ultimate shearing stress for steel is Sut= 360MPa, determine the factor of safety for this design. (show all sketches related to the answer)
3.1 X

The suspender rod is supported at its end by a fixedconnected circular disk as shown in Figure 6. If the rod passes through a 40 mm diameter hole, determine the minimum required diameter of the rod and the minimum thickness of the disk needed to support the 20 kN load. The allowable normal stress for the rod is allow = 60 MPa, and the allowable shear stress for the disk is allow = 35 MPa.

Answer = 4.55mm

The rigid bar AB shown in Fig. 129a is supported by a steel rod AC having a diameter of 20 mm and an aluminum block having a cross sectional area of 1800mm2. The 18-mmdiameter pins at A and C are subjected to single shear. If the failure stress for the steel and aluminum( st ) fail = 680 MPa is and ( al ) fail = 70 MPa respectively, and the failure shear stress for each pin is fail = 900 MPa, determine the largest load P that can be applied to the bar. Apply a factor of safety of FS=2.

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EXAMPLE 2 (cont)
The allowable stresses are
680 = 340 MPa F .S . 2 ( al ) fail 70 ( al )allow = = = 35 MPa F .S . 2 fail 900 allow = = = 450 MPa F .S . 2 =

( st )allow =

( st ) fail

There are three unknowns and we apply the equations of equilibrium,

+ M B = 0; + M A = 0; P(1.25) FAC (2) = 0 FB (2) P (0.75) = 0 (1) (2)

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EXAMPLE 2 (cont)
We will now determine each value of P that creates the allowable stress in the rod, block, and pins, respectively. For rod AC, FAC = ( st )allow ( AAC ) = 340(106 ) (0.01)2 = 106.8 kN

Using Eq. 1, P =

(106.8)(2) = 171 kN

For block B, FB = ( al )allow AB = 35(106 )[1800(10 6 )] = 63.0 kN

Using Eq. 2, P =

(63.0)(2) = 168 kN
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EXAMPLE 2 (cont)
For pin A or C, V = FAC = allow A = 450(106 ) (0.009)2 = 114.5 kN

Using Eq. 1, P =

(114.5)(2) = 183 kN

When P reaches its smallest value (168 kN), it develops the allowable normal stress in the aluminium block. Hence,

P = 168 kN (Ans)

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Example 1.12
The inclined member is subjected to a compressive force of 3000 N. Determine the average compressive stress along the smooth areas of contact defined by AB and BC, and the average shear stress along the horizontal plane defined by EDB.

The compressive forces acting on the areas of contact are

+ Fx = 0; + Fy = 0;

4 FBC 3000( 5 ) = 0 FBC = 2400 N

3 FAB 3000( 5 ) = 0 FAB = 1800 N

The shear force acting on the sectioned horizontal plane EDB is

+ Fx = 0;

V = 1800 N

Average compressive stresses along the AB and BC planes are


1800 = 1.80 N/mm 2 (Ans) (25)(40) 2400 = = 1.20 N/mm 2 (Ans) (50)(40)

Average shear stress acting on the BD plane is

avg =

1800 = 0.60 N/mm 2 (Ans) (75)(40)

Chapter Objectives

Understand the concept of normal and shear strain Apply the concept to determine the strains for various types of problems

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In-class Activities
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Reading Quiz Applications Normal Strain Shear Strain Cartesian Strain Components Concept Quiz

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The center portion of the rubber balloon has a diameter of d = 100 mm. If the air pressure within it causes the balloons diameter to become d = 125mm, determine the average normal strain in the rubber.
a) b) c) d)

0.2 0.25 0.25 1.25

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2) What is the unit of strain?
a) b) c) d)

mm mm/m Micron no unit

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s's = s

s 's = lim B A along n s

s ' (1 + )s

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nt =

B A along n C A along t

lim '

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CARTESIAN STRAIN The approximate lengths of the sides of the parallelepiped are

(1 + x )x

(1 + )y (1 + )z
y z

The approximate angles between sides, again originally defined by the sides x, y and z are

2 xy



Notice that the normal strains cause a change in volume of rectangular element, whereas the shear strain cause a change in shape

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The slender rod creates a normal strain in the rod of = 40(10 )z where z is in meters. Determine (a) displacement of end B due to the temperature increase, and (b) the average normal strain in the rod.
3 z 1/ 2

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EXAMPLE 1 (cont)
Part (a) Since the normal strain is reported at each point along the rod, it has a deformed length of
dz ' = 1 + 40 10 3 z1/ 2 dz

( ) ]

The sum along the axis yields the deformed length of the rod is

z' =

[1 + 40(10 )z ]dz = 0.20239 m

3 1/ 2 0

The displacement of the end of the rod is therefore

B = 0.20239 0.2 = 0.00239m = 2.39mm (Ans)

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EXAMPLE 1 (cont)
Part (b) Assumes the rod has an original length of 200 mm and a change in length of 2.39 mm. Hence,


s's 2.39 = = = 0.0119 mm/mm (Ans) s 200

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Due to a loading, the plate is deformed into the dashed shape shown in Fig. 26a. Determine (a) the average normal strain along the side AB, and (b) the average shear strain in the plate at A relative to the and y axes.

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EXAMPLE 2 (cont)
Part (a) Line AB, coincident with the y axis, becomes line after deformation, thus the length of this line is

AB' =

(250 2)2 + 32

= 248.018 mm

The average normal strain for AB is therefore

( AB )avg = AB' AB = 248.018 250 = 7.93(103 ) mm/mm (Ans)

AB 240
The negative sign indicates the strain causes a contraction of AB.

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EXAMPLE 2 (cont)
Part (b) As noted, the once 90 angle BAC between the sides of the plate, referenced from the x, y axes, changes to due to the displacement of B to B.


xy = ' then xy is the angle shown in the figure. 2


xy = tan 1

3 = 0.121 rad (Ans) 250 2

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1) The rectangular membrane has an unstretched length L1 and width L2. If the sides are increased by small amounts L1 and L2, determine the normal strain along the diagonal AB.
L1 L2 A) + L1 L2 L1 + L2 C) L1 + L2
2 L1 + L2 2 B) 2 L1 + L2 2


(L (L

2 1

+ L2 2 + L2 2

2 1

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2) The rectangular plate is subjected to the deformation shown by the dashed line. Determine the average shear strain xy of the plate.
A) 3 150 150 200 B) 3 200 3




+ 2002

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Chapter Objectives

Understand how to measure the stress and strain through experiments Correlate the behavior of some engineering materials to the stress-strain diagram.
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In-class Activities
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Check homework, if any Reading Quiz Applications Stress-Strain diagram Strength parameters Poissons ratio Shear Stress-strain diagram Concept Quiz

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The modulus of elasticity E is a measure of the linear relationship between stress and strain. The common unit is:
a) b) c) d)

kN/mm2 MPa GPa All of them

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2) The Poissons ratio, v of common engineering materials lies in the range:
a) b) c) d)

0v1 0 v 0.5 -1 v 1 -0.5 v 0.5

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STRESS STRAIN DIAGRAM Note the critical status for strength specification proportional limit elastic limit yield stress ultimate stress fracture stress

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STRENGTH PARAMETERS Modulus of elasticity (Hookes Law)

= E
Modulus of Resistance
1 1 pl ur = pl pl = 2 2 E

Modulus of Toughness It measures the enter area under the stress-strain diagram

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The stressstrain diagram for an aluminum alloy that is used for making aircraft parts is shown in Fig. 319. If a specimen of this material is stressed to 600 MPa, determine the permanent strain that remains in the specimen when the load is released. Also, find the modulus of resilience both before and after the load application.

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EXAMPLE 1 (cont)
When the specimen is subjected to the load, the strain is approximately 0.023 mm/mm. The slope of line OA is the modulus of elasticity,


450 = 75.0 GPa 0.006

From triangle CBD,

BD 600 106 E= = = 75.0 109 CD CD CD = 0.008 mm/mm

( )

( )

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EXAMPLE 1 (cont)
This strain represents the amount of recovered elastic strain. The permanent strain is

OC = 0.023 0.008 = 0.0150 mm/mm (Ans)

Computing the modulus of resilience,

1 1 (ur )initial = pl pl = (450)(0.006) = 1.35 MJ/m3 (Ans) 2 2 1 1 (ur ) final = pl pl = (600)(0.008) = 2.40 MJ/m3 (Ans) 2 2
Note that the SI system of units is measured in joules, where 1 J = 1 N m.
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lat v= long

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A bar made of A-36 steel has the dimensions shown in Fig. 322. If an axial force of P = 80kN is applied to the bar, determine the change in its length and the change in the dimensions of its cross section after applying the load. The material behaves elastically.

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EXAMPLE 2 (cont)
The normal stress in the bar is

P 80 103 z = = = 16.0 106 Pa A (0.1)(0.05)

From the table for A-36 steel, Est = 200 GPa

( )

( )

16.0 106 z = = = 80 10 6 mm/mm Est 200 106

The axial elongation of the bar is therefore

( ) ( )

z = z Lz = [80(106 )(1.5)] = 120m (Ans)

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EXAMPLE 2 (cont)
The contraction strains in both the x and y directions are

x = y = vst z = 0.32[80(106 )] = 25.6 m/m

The changes in the dimensions of the cross section are
y = y Ly = [25.6(10 6 )(0. 05)] = 1.28m (Ans) x = x Lx = [25.6(10 6 )(0.1)] = 2.56 m (Ans)

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SHEAR STRESS-STRAIN DIAGRAM Strength parameter G Shear modulus of elasticity or the modules of rigidity G is related to the modulus of elasticity E and Poissons ratio v.

= G
E G= 2(1 + v )

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A specimen of titanium alloy is tested in torsion and the shear stress strain diagram is shown in Fig. 325a. Determine the shear modulus G, the proportional limit, and the ultimate shear stress. Also, determine the maximum distance d that the top of a block of this material, shown in Fig. 325b, could be displaced horizontally if the material behaves elastically when acted upon by a shear force V. What is the magnitude of V necessary to cause this displacement?

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EXAMPLE 3 (cont)
By inspection, the graph ceases to be linear at point A. Thus, the proportional limit is

pl = 360 MPa (Ans)

This value represents the maximum shear stress, point B. Thus the ultimate stress is u = 504 MPa (Ans) Since the angle is small, the top of the will be displaced horizontally by
tan (0.008 rad ) 0.008 = d d = 0.4 mm 50 mm

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EXAMPLE 3 (cont)
The shear force V needed to cause the displacement is


V = ; A

V 360 MPa = V = 2700 kN (Ans) (75)(100)

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