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Konfigurationsmglichkeiten fr Mediator und BPELEngine

Ziel: Sammlung von wesentlichen Parametern zur Steuerung der Durchsatzfhigkeit der TMZ-Umgebung, sowohl beschleunigend als auch bremsend.

Sicherung, dass die Infra-DB nicht zu gro und damit nicht langsam wird. Partitionierung und regelmig lschen. Siehe: htm

BPEL Process Manager

Dispatcher System Threads (2)

Specify the total number of threads allocated to process system dispatcher messages. System dispatcher messages are general cleanup tasks that are typically processed quickly by the server (for example, releasing stateful message beans back to the pool). Typically, only a small number of threads are required to handle the number of system dispatch messages generated during runtime. The default value is 2 threads. Any value less than 1 thread is changed to the default.
Dispatcher Invoke Threads (20)

Specify the total number of threads allocated to process invocation dispatcher messages. Invocation dispatcher messages are generated for each payload received and are meant to instantiate a new instance. If the majority of requests processed by the service engine are instance invocations (as opposed to instance callbacks), greater performance may be achieved by increasing the number of invocation threads. Higher thread counts may cause greater CPU utilization due to higher context switching costs. The default value is 20 threads. Any value less than 1 thread is changed to the default.
Dispatcher Engine Threads (30)

Specify the total number of threads allocated to process engine dispatcher messages. Engine dispatcher messages are generated whenever an activity must be processed asynchronously. If most of the processes deployed are durable with a large number of dehydration points (midprocess receive, onMessage, onAlarm, and wait activities), greater performance may be achieved by increasing the number of dispatcher engine threads. Note that higher thread counts can cause greater CPU utilization due to higher context-switching costs. The default value is 30 threads. Any value less than 1 thread is changed to the default.

Payload Validation

Select to enable validation of inbound and outbound messages. Nonschema-compliant payload data is intercepted and displayed as a fault. Note: This setting is independent of the SOA composite application and SOA Infrastructure payload validation level settings. If payload validation is enabled at both the service engine and SOA Infrastructure levels, data is checked twice: once when it enters the SOA Infrastructure, and again when it enters the service engine.
Disable BPEL Monitors and Sensors

Select this checkbox to disable all BPEL monitors and sensors defined for all BPEL components across all deployed SOA composite applications.

Allgemeine Parameter: Parallel Worker Threads (4)

Specifies the number of parallel dispatchers for message processing. Increase this parameter to increase the number of outbound threads for parallel processing. Parallel Maximum Rows
Retrieved (200)

Specifies the number of rows retrieved per iteration for parallel processing. You can set the value of this parameter to 50 to 100 times the Parallel Worker Threads property, depending on the memory consumption limit. Note: A large value for this property can result in memory exhaustion.


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