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Citrix XenCenterWeb Setup

Citrix XenCenterWeb Virtual Appliance Setup and Configuration

Citrix XenCenterWeb Setup & Configuration

This document describes how to setup the Citrix XenCenterWeb Virtual Appliance.

Citrix XenCenterWeb Setup & Configuration

Virtual Appliance Import

After the Virtual Appliance (XVA) has been downloaded and unzipped the XVA needs to be imported into the XenServer environment through XenCenter. These steps describe how to do this: 1. In XenCenter right click on the Resource Pool the XVA will reside; 2. Select Import VM; 3. Click Browse and browse to the location where the XVA was unzipped, select the XVA and click Open; 4. Leave Import type set to Exported VM and click Next; 5. Select the Resource Pool on which this VM will reside and click Next; 6. Select the Storage Repository on which this VM will reside and click Import; 7. Once the Configure virtual network interfaces for the new VM dialog box appears, click Add to add a virtual interface and customize if necessary (please refer to the XenServer documentation for more details); 8. Click Next; 9. Uncheck Start VM after import and click Finish.

Citrix XenCenterWeb Setup & Configuration

XenCenterWeb boot time setup

After the XVA has been successfully imported the initial Virtual Machine (VM) setup needs to be done. These steps describe how to do this: 1. In XenCenter start the VM by selecting the VM and clicking on Start from the toolbar or by right-clicking on the VM and selecting Start; 2. Switch to the Console tab for the VM; 3. During the first boot enter the following information: Root password;

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Citrix XenCenterWeb Setup & Configuration

VNC password;

VM hostname;

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Citrix XenCenterWeb Setup & Configuration


After booting has finished, login to the VM with the root username and the credentials provided in step

Citrix XenCenterWeb Setup & Configuration

IMPORTANT: XenCenterWeb post-boot setup

After booting has finished and being logged in to the VM perform the following steps to configure the MySQL root user password and the XenCenterWeb setup user password. These steps are done from the Linux command line: 1. MySQL root user password setup: # mysqladmin -u root -h localhost password <new password> *Replace <new password> with a password of your choice


XenCenterWeb setup user password: # htpasswd -c /usr/local/lib/apache2/passwd/passwords xcwsetup

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Citrix XenCenterWeb Setup & Configuration


After setting the passwords you can logout of the console: # logout

Citrix XenCenterWeb Setup & Configuration

XenCenterWeb Configuration
1. 2. Point a browser to http://<hostname or ip address of webserver> Since XenCenterWeb is not configured yet, it will offer a link to the configuration page


Authenticate with user xcwsetup and the password provided in step 2 in the post-boot setup above

Citrix XenCenterWeb Setup & Configuration


Continued on next page 4. From the main setup screen follow the instructions, when asked for the database credentials use username root and the password provided in step 1 in the post-boot setup above

If changes need to be made after the initial setup, point a browser to http://<hostname or ip address of webserver>/config/setup.php

Citrix XenCenterWeb Setup & Configuration


Optional: XenCenter Web Networking setup static IP

The default networking setup for XenCenterWeb is dhcp. If you want to use a static IP address you need to edit the file /etc/network/interfaces. There are various tools available for editing files in Linux. You can either use one of the built in editors (e.g. vi or nano) or use a file-transfer tool which can be used to connect to the server and has a built editor (e.g. WinSCP). Make the following changes: Replace the following line: iface eth0 inet dhcp With the following lines:

iface eth0 inet static address <ip-address> netmask <netmask> network <network address> broadcast <broadcast address> gateway <default gateway> An example is:

iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway

After making these changes we need to restart networking: # /etc/init.d/networking restart

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