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Mapping Contest

Season 3

EDUCATIONAL PROJECT Programs Since geography, like history, must take its place in the progressive mastery of languages, of course it gives a special place to cartographic language. Programs require that students are regularly and gradually introduced to reading maps (of all types and at all scales) and drawing maps. Beyond the acquisition of a specific language drawing, for the student, must be the means of developing an argumentative discourse on space. Students will be asked to use the practical tools offered by geography, in order to get to a better understanding of space: maps, but also diagrams, images, documents, statistics ... Information systems (GIS) are now in common use (online map, positioning systems, satellite images ...). Students must learn how and why to use them. They are important tools in the service of both knowledge acquisition and the practice of the geographic approach. Document 1 Introduction to the history and geography curriculum in Year 9 Year 9 in France starting with thirteen-year-old students - is devoted to the study of the relations worldwide and their effects on the territories at different scales. Globalization is transforming the hierarchy of states and it expands or suppresses the socio-spatial inequalities in the territories. Studying different landscapes and maps and carrying out drawings will give students a first approach to its impact on regional dynamics. As the program goes on, case studies will provide a deeper view of the world and help develop a simple map of the organization in the world today. In order to locate and place, to understand and explain, students will handle maps and images of all types and at all scales, regularly using the resources provided by information and communication technology. Document 2 Excerpts from the Introduction to the history and geography curriculum in Year 9 I TRADE ALL OVER THE WORLD Theme 1 MAJOR AREAS OF PRODUCTION AND TRADE Theme 2 TRADE IN GOODS Theme 3 HUMAN MOBILITY Theme 4 PLACES OF COMMAND or TRANSNATIONAL ENTERPRISES II IN THE TERRITORIES OF GLOBALIZATION Theme 1 THE UNITED STATES Theme 2 THE EMERGING POWERS Theme 3 POOR COUNTRIES III ISSUES ABOUT GLOBALIZATION Theme 1 GLOBALIZATION AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY Theme 2 GLOBALIZATION AND ITS CHALLENGES Document 3: Geography Issues in Year 9

The competition is relevant with school programs in general and with Year 9 program in particular since it consists in a manipulation of geographical data, either mapped or not , and it also includes performing a sketch of a given territory. The choice of maps corresponds to the areas that are studied in Part II of the program while focusing on the phenomena studied in parts I and III. The purpose of this competition is to enable students to better understand the globalization and its effects on the territories by the realization of sketches. The competition is also relevant with the graduation system as it corresponds to what is expected from students at the end of year10 - the final year in French middle schools : carrying out a simple mapping task.

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