Integrated Marketing Communications Session 3

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Integrated Marketing Communications

Session 3

The IMC Process

Identify the marketing problem / objective Define the communication objective Define the Target Audience Situation Analysis : Understand & analyse the environment, TG, competition, price points, packaging etc Interrogate the product Do a consumer check (if need be) Brainstorm to get a compelling insight for the campaign Define the proposition: Is it differentiated? Identify relevant Touchpoints What are the various media that can be leveraged? Write the creative brief for an integrated campaign

Arriving at the Big Idea

A collaborative effort Brainstorming by all stakeholders viz. account planning, account management, creative teams and sometimes the client too! However, the first step towards this is a creative brief by account management/planning

Creative Springboard
(Any background information related to the task at hand)

Role of communication
(Why do we need to advertise? What is the objective/action expected from this communication?)

Target Audience
(Who are we speaking to? Describe the TG both demographically & psychographically)

Key Perceptions
(What are their perceptions & attitudes with relation to the category & the brand)

(Who are your major competitors and how do they advertise?)

Single Minded Proposition

(What is the single benefit/reward that the brand promises over its competitors?)

(Why should the consumer believe you?)

(What should be the look & feel of the campaign?)

Key Consumer Insight

(What insight can be used from the consumers life that acts as the creative springboard for the campaign?)

(What are the media vehicles that can be leveraged?)

(Are there any dos and donts?)

(What are the dates for internal review and client presentation?)

Saffola Gold launch TVC

Jingle: "Kal se re, kal se re."

Jingle: "Kal se re, kal se re."

"Kiya Kiya...

...try bahut kiya."

VO: "Apke vo aur unki...

...koshishey, hamesha kal se. Aap to dugni samaghdari apnaye, aaj se."

Saffola Gold Creative brief (Retrospect)

(Any background information related to the task at hand) The healthy heart cooking oil brand Saffola has launched a new variant Saffola Gold, a premium edible oil priced 25% higher than its closest competitor. While Saffola has always been perceived to be a brand for heart patients, the brand now wants to widen its target audience with the growing concern for health among people.

Role of communication
(Why do we need to advertise? What is the objective/action expected from this communication?) To reposition itself from being a curative brand to a preventive one. (From Heart Cure to Heart Care)

Target Audience
(Who are we speaking to? Describe the TG both demographically & psychographically)

The intended target group is edible oil users in SEC A & B households in the metros in the age group of 25 45 years. While the intended consumer is male, it is the wife who decides the monthly groceries. She is also the one who is most concerned about her familys health and will go an extra mile to ensure its well being. Increasingly, todays lifestyle, eating habits, stress, sedentary lifestyle is all leading to health problems from a relatively young age and her husband is a classic victim of all these. Much as she tries to enforce a healthy lifestyle at home, she is seldom successful thus causing her to worry about her husbands health.

Key Perceptions
(What are their perceptions & attitudes with relation to the category & the brand)
Saffola has always been perceived as an oil for heart patients. Hence, she feels the brand may not have much role in her relatively healthy family, neither does it justify the premium on price. She has options such as Sundrop & Dhara which also promise to be healthy and light vegetable oils.

(Who are your major competitors and how do they advertise?) Sundrop, Dhara, Flora. These are refined or sunflower oils which are considered to be light & healthy. And certainly better than the saturated oils such as Dalda. Other edible oils include Palm oil, groundnut oil, soyabeen oil, mustard oil. The competitors are either differentiating on taste, purity or health.

Competitors communication : Sundrop (Sunflower oil) the healthy oil for healthy people Dhara (refined vegetable oil) dhara dhara, shudh dhara Flora (Light & easy to digest) Fortune (sunflower oil) ab bas toot pado (lighter, tastier food) Fortune (soyabeen oil) fortune ka paanch ka ashirwaad Other brands : Postman, Sweekar

Brand Proposition
Single Minded Proposition
(What is the single benefit/reward that the brand promises over its competitors?) Switching to Saffola Gold is the first step to a healthy & young heart.

(Why should the consumer believe you?)
Saffola Gold has the unique composition of 80% Rice bran Oil and 20% Safflower Oil that is highly effective in reducing cholesterol. It comes with Losorb technology that aids in less absorption of oil, thus making food healthier and tastier. The oil is also fortified with Vitamin E that boosts immunity

Insight & Tone of voice

Key Consumer Insight
(What insight can be used from the consumers life that acts as the creative springboard for the campaign?) When it comes to adopting a healthy life style, one always tends to procrastinate. In their 30s, men are not usually heart patients but prone to the disease due to stress, lifestyle, bad eating habits and lack of stamina, lethargy being early symptoms. Yet, whether it is following an exercise regime or a healthy diet, one keeps postponing it to another daya day that never really comes. Aj nahikal

(What should be the look & feel of the campaign?) Slice of life, Light hearted, Warm, Positive

Integrated approach
(What are the media vehicles that can be leveraged?)

Packaging Pack label New logo

Mass media Television TVC 40 sec Radio spot 30 sec Print FP magazine ad, Advertorials

Brand Activation An activation idea that helps own Heart Care Collaterals Shelf strip Posters Danglers Innovative designs for large format stores

Musts n Must nots

(Are there any dos and don'ts?)

Saffola Gold logo unit Pack presence across communication Brand codes: gold & yellow hues Positive approach, not to be gloomy or dark

(What are the dates for internal review and client presentation?)
Internal review Final presentation to client

Some examples of Propositions/Insights

Dominos Pizza Lux Maggi Noodles Dabur Chyawanprash

Class Exercise
Write the TG & its perceptions for the following
1. Raymonds The Complete Man 2. Horlicks

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