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Re: How you will release change request in SD module? How often you release them?

Answer when we do any new configuration or # 1 customization and save it the system will give u a pop up u have to give request name and description of change then enter, system will generate your request number, save it and then go to modifiable stage by t-code se10 here u will get an external request number, then go to release external request and then external request by using release button

Re: How you will release change request in SD module? How often you release them? Answer Hi IF you save the document we will get one # 2 request number go to se09 or se10 we can see our request. there are two types of request Customizing request- Functional requests Work bench request- Technical here in customizing request we should select our request and click on transport button

And this is done through task which is transported by clicking on the lorry icon given in SE 10 and it is done at every stage in configuration and customization

after billing what are the documents will be generated? Answer Accounting document # 1 Go to VF02, Click on accounting document. Then u sees the created accounting document. If material is excise able then there are three documents generated 1. Accounting document 2. Excise accounting

How can we make Rebate processing? What is the procedure? Answer Rebate is the form of discount # 1 total billing
given on the during a specific period of time to configure this there Are few steps to be done. 1. Create rebate recipient using vbo1 and there you need to

Mention the conditions of the accrual you plan to give. Note : the following details are to be filled while Configuring the rebate recipient. Sold to party: from XD02 and this customer should be Eligible for rebate. Material for which rebate is to be given Sales organization for which rebate is to be given. Validity period Billing amount on which rebate is to be given The rebate settlement key should be open status Create a sales order using VA01 with subsequent delivery and billing. Now got to vbof ( retro billing ) and decide the date from which you intend to give rebate to the date till which Now go to VBO2 and change the status a full or final settlement and on the menu bar click as to how the rebate is to be paid Now go back to va02 for the sales order you had earlier created and remove the billing block and reduce the amount of the billing value with respect to % of rebate agreed upon Now go back to VBO2 and change the status to c ( complete rebate settlement ) and save Now go to vg01 and create a credit memo to the customer for the billing amount settled.

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