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Application>>component>>window>>view 1.

View Description of a visible screen area (layout) Contains and lays out controls (aka widgets) Defines actions (i.e. relevant input on controls by the user), which trigger event handling 2. Controller ,handles the data flow between the model and the view in both directions Performs event handling Each component has a component controller Each view has a view controller 3. Model provides the data from backend 4. Component Reusable UI program package Mostly contains views, often uses modelsf Communicates with other components via component interfaces 5. Application Something runnable (from client application, i.e. web browser) Identified by URL

Running an application means starting a component, navigating to an initial view in an initial window. 6. Windows :groups together multiple views

, which are connected by navigation links. One of these views, is specified as the start view and is displayed the first time the window is called.
7. Context A controller contains a context which holds the data. The data flow between the contexts is referred to as context mapping..

8. Interface


window: interface view. = 1:1 relationship interface view is linked with a Web Dynpro application so that the window can be called using a URL.

interface view enables windows to be reused by multiple components= Elaborate window >> view = 1: n One window has multiple views. Each view can be displayed only once in the current window at the same time. One of them, is the default view (gets displayed when the window starts up, hence no need to use inbound plug)

Plugs Various combinations: View plug <=> window Interface plug View plug <=> view plug (using navigation links)

Empty View
always generated automatically in a window or a view set area, provided that no view has been embedded manually.. can be used to hide a different view. When you create an empty view, an inbound plug with the default name ShowEmptyView is created

View Set
to display more than one view in a screen. a view and its embedded view sets always occupies 100% of the screen display can do stuff with empty view in here

Plugs and Navigation Links

outbound plug : navigation link = 1:1 inbound plug: outbound plug = 1 : n

Since interface views behave exactly the same as views with regard to navigation, the properties described below also apply to interface views. Information about which plugs are connected with each other is not contained in the individual views. This information is stored separately in navigation. By implementing the navigation you create a static, potential connection between two views of a Web Dynpro application. You thus define the view sequence for when the Web Dynpro application is executed. You must define a navigation link for each possible view change.

View Controller view : controller : context = 1: 1 : 1

Global Controllers Web Dynpro component : Global Controller = 1: n lifetime extends to cover the whole period during which the component is in use.

UI elements : general Events = 1: n general Events : action = 1:1 . If such an action is created, an event handler method for this action is created automatically.(

there is no cross-controller communication)

Event Interfaces of Web Dynpro Components

Each component has an interface in order to enable communication between Web Dynpro components and to enable a component to be called up by a user. This interface consists of two parts: Interface View of a Window Contained in a Component The interface view of a Web Dynpro window is used to link a window with a Web Dynpro application that can be called by the user.

An embedded component can also be integrated in one of the windows of the embedded component using inbound and outbound plugs. The window of the embedded component can behave like a view with regard to navigation. (See also Web Dynpro Window)

The window of the inner component does not have to have graphical elements. It can also be available for the functions contained in your component controller or for contexts for the embedding component. Interface Controller of a Component As well as the visual part, the interface of a Web Dynpro component also has a programmatic part, the interface controller. This is visible inside and outside of the component, and performs the program side of the exchange of business data. An embedding component can also call an embedded component using this controller.

An additional option for data exchange between the embedding and embedded component is crosscomponent context mapping.

The interface of a Web Dynpro component can also be defined independently without implementation. It is therefore possible to separate the development of the Web Dynpro component and the development of one use of the Web Dynpro component. You can also create multiple interface implementations for a Web Dynpro component. For each interface, the required implementation is not selected until runtime. The interface and implementation are linked by the same name.

Component controllers and interface controllers enable events to be created. Events are used to communicate between controllers and enable one controller to trigger event handlers in a different controller. Cross-component communication can be implemented using the interface controllers events. Events that were created in the component controller are visible within the component only.

Inbound Plugs
Inbound plugs in a view also react like an event. Therefore, when a view is called using an inbound plug, the event handler that is optionally available for the inbound plug is always called first. In this case event handling takes place within the current view controller, however.

Even the controller of an interface view reacts to the starting point in the view by calling the event handler method that belongs to the corresponding inbound plug. An event handler is therefore created and can be programmed suitably for every inbound plug in an interface view.

UI Element Events
Some UI elements, such as the button element have special events that are linked with user actions. These events are predefined and have to be linked with an action at design time.

Component controllers and interface controllers enable events to be created. Events are used to communicate between controllers and enable one controller to trigger event handlers in a different controller. Cross-component communication can be implemented using the interface controllers events. Events that were created in the component controller are visible within the component only.

Inbound Plugs
Inbound plugs in a view also react like an event. Therefore, when a view is called using an inbound plug,

the event handler that is optionally available for the inbound plug is always called first. In this case event handling takes place within the current view controller, however.

Even the controller of an interface view reacts to the starting point in the view by calling the event handler method that belongs to the corresponding inbound plug. An event handler is therefore created and can be programmed suitably for every inbound plug in an interface view.

UI Element Events
Some UI elements, such as the button element have special events that are linked with user actions. These events are predefined and have to be linked with an action at design time.

1. Narrowing cast Vs widening cast? If we copy an instance of sub class to super class its called narrowing cast 2. Is model used in Webdynpro ABAP? The webdynpro ABAP Graphical tool set doesnt give any option to create model. We can define a class in transaction SE24 and the instance of that class can be used as model within the Wedbynpro code. 3. What are the different ways of getting data from a table and pass it to Webdynpro context node? a. select the data to an internal table and pass it to the node using bind table method b. use a model class instance to get data c. use the service call option provided by webdynpro framework 4. What is the Service call option in Webdynpro ABAP? Webdynpro ABAP Graphical toolset gives a wizard which automatically generates the code for calling a BAPI or Web service. This wizard will create a custom controller which has context nodes or attributes similar to the parameters of BAPI and a method which calls the bapi and pass the value to the context. We only need to use this custom controller within another controller, map the context and call the method. 5. What is an Application? An application forms as the link between a component and URL.

6. What is a faceless component? Faceless components are webdynpro components without window or view 7. In case of a component used within a component, how does parent component communicate to child component? through Interface controller and Interface view of the child component. 8. Interface View of a component has 1:1 relationship with ..? The window of the component 9. What are actions in a view controller? The methods that can be linked to the UI elements of a view are called actions. 10. What is role of plugs in views? Plugs in views help the navigation between views. Navigation happens through the link created between outbound plug of a view to the inbound plug of next view.

When I click to create a roundtrip to the server and quickly click several times in succession, the system creates yet another request, which triggers a short dump. If I click slowly or only once, no short dump occurs. Answer: Before the system sends the page to the server, it activates a click protection. However, it takes several milliseconds to activate this protection. During this period the problem described above may occur. We cannot provide a solution for this problem. The browser environment requires a certain period to activate the click protection. The protection is executed on the client at the beginning of the submit handling. After I implement Note 986790 to solve shared memory problems, JavaScript errors occur when I execute Web Dynpro applications. Answer: Deimplement Note 986790. Implementing this note causes the problems described. With complex screens, the application suddenly stops working correctly. What could be the cause? Answer: If UI container elements are nested in Web Dynpro views (for example, five tabs within each other), it leads to very high nesting depths of the HTML rendering tag. As of a depth of approximately 100, the browser stalls, because it cannot process such deep hierarchies. The solution is to simplify the views by decreasing the nesting depth. Web Dynpro does not provide for a generic simplification. Where can I find a list of limitations for Web Dynpro ABAP? Answer: Note 1098009 describes the limitations that currently apply.

1) Types of ABAP UI Technologies Webdynpro for ABAP, BSP 2) MVC Architecture Concepts and usage of the same in ABAP Webdynpro

3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Difference Between the View Container and the Transparent Container What does a Model Class Consists of What is an Assistance Class and How is it Instantiated in Webdynpro Design Patterns in Webdynpro(GAF,OIF Etc) How do you debug an web based Application (Could be from ABAP Webdynpro, BSP or CRM Web UI) 8) How do you create a ALV Report/Editable ALV in Webdynpro 9) How do you Navigate between Views in Webdynpro 10) Usage of Plugs in Webdynpro 11) Usage of Webdynpro Component Controller 12) How do you access a Context Nodes and elements Programmatically 13) Message Areas in Webdynpro 14) Concept of OTR(Object Text Repository) and its Usage 15) Concept of Interface Views 16) Sequence of Webdynpro Events: Ex: WDDOINIT,WDMODIFYVIEW 17) Can a Component have Multiple Applications 18) How do you launch a Webdynpro Application from a Transaction 19) How do you Navigate between two Webdynpro Components 20) Usage of Tree UI Element in Webdynpro 21) Usage of Exit Plug in a Webdynpro Window 22) why FQDN(Frequently Qualified Domain Name) is necessary for running Webdynpro Applications 21) Standard ALV Component required to create ALV Reports in Webydnpro 22) How do you build Select Options in Webdynpro 23) How do you build F4 Search Help in Webdynpro 24) How are Plugs(Inbound/Outbound) bounded in the Window 25) How do you Control the visibility of the Webdynpro UI elements Programmatically. 26) What is the user of Interface controllers in Webdynpro. 27) How do you navigate between different Webdynpro applications 28) What are the webdynpro events and what is the sequence of trigger 29) How are Error messages created and handled in webdynpro 30) What is an OTR and mention its usage in Webdynpro 31) Can text elements be used in webdynpro, if yes how?

32) What is the use of Road Map UI element 33) What are exit plugs?How are they created? 34) Is it possible to hide F4 function for an Input element programmatically? 35) How do Webydnpro Upload and download functions work, Explain.

1) Types of ABAP UI Technologies Ans: Webdynpro for ABAP, BSP 2) MVC Architecture Concepts and usage of the same in ABAP Webdynpro Ans: As per the MVC Architecture there is a clear separation between flow logic, view and the Business Logic. View holds all the UI elements that are visible in the UI, Controllers have the flow logic. Controllers are of different kind (Component Controller, View Conroller,Window Controller). Business logic is held in the Model which is in the form of Assistance class in webdynpro context. 3) Difference Between the View Container and the Transparent Container Ans: View Container holds the views, there can be multiple views assigned to the view container but only one view can be active(viewed) at a time. Transparent holds the webdynpro UI elements, A layout type can be associated with it. 4) What does a Model Class Consists of Ans: Model Class is the Assitance class in webdynpro. It contains the Business logic in the form of methods, Global data & Constants in the form of Class Attributes. The Model class can be accessed in webdynpro component using the attribute wd_assist->. Note: All the visibility properties of the Class are applicable when accessing the class using the object wd_assist. 5) What is an Assistance Class and How is it Instantiated in Webdynpro Ans: Assistance Class is the model class which would act as the data

provider for the webdynpro component and it is instantiated by the webdynpro component during the run time and no explicat instantation is required. 6) Design Patterns in Webdynpro(GAF,OIF,QAF Etc) Refer to the link: FPM Concepts in Webdynpro 7) How do you debug an web based Application (Could be from ABAP Webdynpro, BSP or CRM Web UI) Ans: External break-points should be used to debug web UI's. 8) How do you create a ALV Report/Editable ALV in Webdynpro Ans: ->Add the Standard ALV component to the web dynpro Component. ->Use Components tab: Ex: ALV_MATS type SLV_WD_TABLE ->Create a context node with the table field information to be displayed ->Write the ALV Default Code for table display ->Set the read only attribute to false to switch to editable mode using the method set_read_only of the interface IF_SALV_WD_TABLE_SETTINGS implementing class CL_SALV_WD_CONFIG_TABLE). 9) How do you Navigate between Views in Webdynpro Ans: Navigation between Views is through Plugs(Inbound and Outbound), 10) Usage of Plugs in Webdynpro Ans: Plugs are used to Navigate between the views. Parameters can be passed using the plugs similar to interface parameters of function module or a class method. 11) Usage of Webdynpro Component Controller Ans: Component controller is used to the store the Global attributes and Methods of the component. Attributes/methods declared in the component controller are visible through out the component and they are accessed using the attribute wd_comp_controller outside of

component controller(like views,windows etc) All the context nodes defined in the component controller are visible in all the views and windows of the component. Ex: if a variable called gv_count is defined in the component controller, it can be accessed in the view using the syntax wd_comp_controller->gv_count. 12) How do you access a Context Nodes and elements Programmatically Code required for accessing the Context Nodes can be written using the webdynpro code wizard. For Ex: if there exists a Node Node1 with cardinality 1:1 and has 3 Attributes to it Att1, Att2,Att3. The attributes can be accessed using the below code. data: lo_nd_node1 type ref to if_wd_context_node. data: lo_el_node1 type ref to if_wd_context_element. data: ls_node1 type wd_this->element_node1. lo_nd_node1 = wd_context->get_child_node ( name = wd_this->wdctx_node1 ). lo_el_node1 = lo_nd_node1->get_element( ). **Read Node1 lo_el_node1->get_static_attributes( importing static_attributes = ls_node1 ). **Write to Node1 lo_el_node1->set_static_attributes( exporting static_attributes = ls_node1 ). 13) Message Areas in Webdynpro Message areas are created in views to display messages (Error,Success,Warning,Info).

WD allows to have multiple Message errors in a view but throws an error when the view is displayed. Use the code wizard to get code for raising error messages. Few of the message classes and methods are: Interface: if_wd_message_manager. methods: report_t100_message.(used to report message from the message class) 14) Concept of OTR(Online Text Repository) and its Usage OTR's are similar to text elements in ABAP. OTR's are created for UI texts and texts can be maintained in multiple language. OTR's can be created using the transaction: SOTR_EDIT 15) Concept of Interface Views If the views of a different components are need to be used in a webdynpro component mark the view as interface view and use it in another component. It's similar to using a include in a program. A Interface view of the component can be used in any no of components. this concept supports the reusuability of the views. 16) Sequence of Webdynpro Events: Ex: WDDOINIT,WDMODIFYVIEW,WDAFTERACTION, WDBEFOREACTION etc Sequence: WDDOINIT of the component controller, WDDOINIT of the Window Controller, WDDOINIT of the View Controller, WDMODIFYVIEW(On Input/Display on any UI Element). WDBEFOREACTION(Method for validation of user input, Once the user action happens on the UI) WDAFTERACTION(Method for non-action specific operations before Navigation) WDDOEXIT( Exit from the View/Window/Component Controller) WDPOSTPROCESSING(used to perform exception handling for supply function methods) 17) Can a Component have Multiple Applications

Yes, For a given webdynpro component any no of applications can be created. Applications are similar to transactions in SAP. You can associate different Interface views of the component to create different applications using the same component. 18) How do you launch a Webdynpro Application from a Transaction Refer to the previous blog Calling webdynpro application from a Transaction URL: 19) How do you Navigate between two Webdynpro Components You can use Interface views to navigate between components or create a navigation class and do a explicit call. 20) Creating a tree in Webdynpro Tree UI element is used to create Tree in Webdynpro. Tree can be defined as part of the table column. 21) Usage of Exit Plug in a Webdynpro Window Exit plugs are outbound plugs used to close the webdynpro application. they can be called from the view which are embedded in the window Note: Exit plugs won't work in portal environment. Exit plugs can also be used to pass the call to another URL. Here is the sample code snippet of the exit plug call: method onexit . data url type string. data close_window type wdy_boolean. url = 'url_name'. close_window = abap_false. wd_this->fire_to_exit_plg( url = url close_window = close_window ). endmethod.

22) why FQDN(Frequently Qualified Domain Name) is necessary for running Webdynpro Applications Refer to sap help: be9442572e1231e10000000a1550b0/content.htm 21) Standard ALV Component required to create ALV Reports in Webydnpro SALV_WD_TABLE 22) How do you build Select Options in Webdynpro Using the standard webdynpro component WDR_SELECT_OPTIONS You can refer to the example: WDR_TEST_SELECT_OPTIONS 23) How do you build F4 Search Help in Webdynpro A F4 help for an input field can be made available by attaching the search help to the table field. Usage of standard help component WDR_OVR. Creating a component for help and attaching it to the node element as Freely programmed value help 24) How are Plugs(Inbound/Outbound) bounded in the Window Plugs are created in the view and bounded in the window by using the drag drop option in the window view. 25) How do you Control the visibility of the Webdynpro UI elements Programmatically. Create a context element of type wdui_visibility and bind to the visibility property of the UI element. 26) What is the use of Interface views/nodes in Webdynpro. Interfaces nodes and views are created to use them in other webdynpro components. 27) How do you navigate between different Webdynpro applications Create a navigation class and trigger the target application to be called. 28) What are the webdynpro init events and what is the sequence of trigger Sequence: WDDOINIT of the component controller, WDDOINIT of the Window Controller,

WDDOINIT of the View Controller, 29) How are Error messages created and handled in webdynpro Create a message UI element in the view and trigger the message required(Error,warning,status) using the code generation wizard. 30) What is an OTR and mention its usage in Webdynpro Online Text Repository is the central storage for texts for webdynpro applications. An otr can be fetched in the program using the below mentioned code. data: lv_string type string. lv_string = cl_wd_utilities=>get_otr_text_by_alias( alias = 'PACKAGE/OTR_NAME' ). 31) Can text elements be used in webdynpro, if yes how? Yes text elements can be used in webdynpro. Refer to the below code snippet. data: lv_string type string. lv_string = wd_assist->if_wd_component_assistance~get_text( '025' ). 32) What is the use of Road Map UI element Roadmap UI element is used to display step-by-step workflows. It can used to clearly define a process. 33) What are exit plugs?How are they created? Exit plugs are used to exit from the webdynpro page or an webdynpro window. Exit plugs are created in the window. 34) Is it possible to hide F4 function for an Input element programmatically? Yes..Use the interface if_wd_context_node_info and the method set_attribute_value_help 35) How do Webydnpro Upload and download functions work, Explain. Fileupload UI element There is also restriction on the max data volumes that can be uploaded. Filedownload UI element.

36) Explain the concept of Road Map UI element in Webdynpro. Refer to the link: Road map UI element webdynpro for abap 37) How to create popups in webdynpro. Create a view and embed the view in the window and call the window to trigger the popup. 38) Explain the concept of OVS and its usage WDR_OVS is the standard webdynpro component to generate F4 helps for the input field. OVS refers to Object value selector. 39) Using Radio Buttons/Checkboxes/Dropdown lists in webdynpro Radio buttons/Checkboxes are used for objective selection similar to what is available in SAP GUI. An event is associated with each UI element for onclick action. 40) FPM Concept and its usage in webdynpro.->>>>Refer to the link 41) what is internationalization in webdynpro abap application? Internalization refers to creation of texts used in webdynpro application in a specific language and providing option to translate to multiple languages if necessary. This is achieved by using OTR's or text elements for static texts and performing translation when required. 42) What is Cardinality of a context node in webdynpro Cardinality refers to no of elements a node can accomodate during run time. When a node is created the cardinality is assigned to it. Cardinality is of the following kinds: 0:1 -->At run time, no element or maximum one element can be instantiated 0:n -->At run time, no element or maximum of n elements can be instantiated 1:n -->At run time, minimum one element or maximum of n elements can be instantiated 1:1 -->At run time, only one element should always be instantiated if you try violating the cardinality there would be a short dump saying Number of elements of the collection of node node_name violates the cardinality 43) what is Personalization in abap webdynpro application

Personalization refers to changing the properities of UI elements at runtime. Personalization settings are user specific. Configuration controller is used for personalization function. ex: Changing the order of columns in a table display. 44) what are the controller types in webdynpro ABAP -Component Controller->Component Controller is global part of the component and each component has only one component controller. Global Attributes and methods required by the component can be defined here. -Custom Controllers->Custom controllers are defined during design time and these are optional. The visibility Custom controllers is in the entire component and has the life time equal to life time of the component. Custom controllers are used if a set of views have to be grouped to perform a special function or hold a set of data. -View Controller->Flow logic of the views are in view controller and a view can have only one view controller. The visibility of View controller is specific to view only. -Configuration Controller->Configuration controller is used achieve personalization function. -Window Controller->A window controller exists for each window and can also have methods to write coding logic. Every window will have the default method and it is used to receive parameters. The windows controllers are visible in entire component and also in the custom controller. 45)what are Layout types in Webdynpro and its usage ->Flow Layout : Used for sequential display of WD UI elements. ->Row Layout : here each ui element is displayed on its own column and the width differs from row to row.Rowheaddata is used to insert a break.

->Grid Layout : Ui elements are arranged based the no of columns. line breaks are inserted based on the size. ->Matrix Layout: Matrix layout arranges ui elements in columns. Matrixheaddata is used to insert a line break. Usage of the appropriate layout to build a webdynpro application is determined during the UI design. 46)what is supply function method in SAP ->Supply function method is used to populate the context node or to default values to the context node elements. supply function method is called before the node is accessed for first read. ->Using supply function method is optional 47)what is singleton property of context node ->Singleton property is one of the attributes of the context node if this is set there can be only one instance of the respective context node at runtime. 48)How to default a value to the context attribute In the context attribute there is a property to set the default value. Use the same, However the default value can be overwritten using the set_attribute method of the interface if_wd_context_element. 49)Is it possible to pass parameters to webdynpro URL? yes you can pass parameters to webdynpro URL and it is passed as below. for ex: your url is

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