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Eastern Europe Australian Immigration Services Registration number B1860251D Melbourne Victoria Australia

Initial Assessment Form


Your Personal Details (date personale) 1. Family Name: (numele de familie) 2. Given Names: (prenumele)
Badea Liviu

3. Gender: (sexul)



4. Date of birth: (data nasterii) 5. Place of birth: (locul nasterii) 6. Nationality: (nationalitatea) 7. Address: (adresa complete si codul postal)

20.04.79 Bucharest jewish Bucharest sector 2 Calea Mosilor 274 bl. 18 ap. 24 020892

8. Telephone/Fax: (telefonul/faxul)

Telephone office hours: (servici) 0311070970

Telefhone after hours: (acasa/mobil) 0720380670

9. E-mail: 10. Current Marital status: (starea civila) necasatorit

Additional Details (date aditionale) 11. Do you have family or dependants who will
emigrate with you? (aveti membrii de familie
care vor emigra cu Dvs. ?)

(Type YES or NO) (DA sau NU) NO

12. Spouse (sot/sotie)

Nationality: (nationalitatea) Age: (varsta) Profession: (profesia)

Eastern Europe Australian Immigration Services Registration number B1860251D Melbourne Victoria Australia

How long has she/he been working? (de cati ani lucreaza)

13. Dependent Children (copii minori)

Age of 1st Child (varsta primului copil) Age of 2nd Child (varsta copilului al doilea) Age of 3rd Child (varsta copilului al treilea)

14. Other dependent family member(s) (alti membri dependenti ai familiei care nu au mijloace de intretinere proprii si depind material
exclusiv de aplicantul principal)

Age of 1st dependent (varsta primului dependent) Age of 2nd dependent (varsta dependentului doi)

15. Do you have relatives in Australia who might be able to

sponsor your application for migration? (aveti rude in

(Type YES or NO) (DA sau NU) NO

If YES, please indicate the following details: (daca DA, dati amanuntele urmatoare): Relation to you: (gradul de rudenie) Nationality: (nationalitatea) Relatives Status in Australia: (statutul in Australia) Relatives date of arrival in Australia: (data stabilirii in

16. Have you ever held any type of visa for Australia? (ati
avut vreodata o viza pentru Australia?)

(Type YES or NO) (DA sau NU) NO

If YES, please indicate the following details: (daca DA, dati amanuntele urmatoare):

Type of visa: (tipul de viza) Date Issued: (data cand a fost eliberata) Place Issued: (locul eliberarii) Length of validity: (durata vizei)

17. Have you ever been refused a visa? (vi s-a refuzat
vreodata o viza pentru Australia)?

(Type YES or NO) (DA sau NU)


Eastern Europe Australian Immigration Services Registration number B1860251D Melbourne Victoria Australia

If YES, please give details: (daca DA, dati amanunte):

18. Please rate your English language abilities (cu note de la

1 la 10 apreciati nivelul cunostintelor Dvs. de limba engleza)







19. 20.

Other languages in which you are fluent: (ce alte limbi

cunosteti bine)


Have you ever been convicted of any crime? (ati fost

condamnat vreodata)?

(Type YES or NO) ( DA sau NU)


If YES, please give details: (daca DA, dati amanunte):


Have you or any of your immediate family had serious health problems? (ati avut Dvs. sau membrii familiei
probleme grave de sanatate?)

(Type YES or NO) (DA sau NU)


If YES, please give details: (daca DA, dati amanunte): diabetes, insulinodependent

Education (educatia)
Primary School (scoala primara perioada intre anii) Name of institution and City: High School (liceul teoretic)
(numele scolii si orasul)

From (de la)1985

To (la)1993

Primary School no. 56, Bucharest From (de la) 1993 To (la)1997

Eastern Europe Australian Immigration Services Registration number B1860251D Melbourne Victoria Australia

Name of institution and City: (numele institutiei si orasul) Cantemir Voda High-School, Bucharest From (de la) To (la)

Profile High School (liceu industrial sau de profil)

Name of institution and City: (numele institutiei si orasul) What qualification did you obtain? (calificarea obtinuta)

Mathematic-Informatics (Basic, Fox-Pro) From (de la) To (la)

Vocational School or Apprenticeship (scoala profesionala

sau de ucenici)

Name of institution and City: (numele institutiei si orasul) What qualification did you obtain? (calificarea obtinuta) Date when Qualification Obtained: (data calificarii)

College (scoala postliceala)

Name of institution and City: (numele institutiei si orasul) What qualification did you obtain? (calificarea obtinuta) Date when Qualification Obtained: (data calificarii)

From (de la)

To (la)

Higher Education (University) (universitate)

Name of institution and City: (numele institutiei si orasul) What qualification did you obtain? (PROFESIA si

From (de la)1998

To (la)2003

Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Engineering Faculty, Bucharest Engineer, Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Engineering 2003 (list most recent experience first)

Date when Qualification Obtained: (data calificarii)

Work Experience for last 10 years

(EXPERIENTA DE LUCRU in ultimii 10 ani incepeti cu pozitia cea mai recenta)

Name of Employer and City: (numele institutiei si orasul) Period of Employment: (perioada angajarii- luna si anul) Job Title/Position: (profesia) Name of Employer and City: (numele institutiei si orasul) Period of Employment: (perioada angajarii- luna si anul)

SC MEMENTO ARCHITECTURE BUCHAREST From (de la)sept. 2008 Structural Design Engineer SC MEGA STRUCTURES SRL BUCHAREST From (de la) jul. 2008 To (la)present To (la) oct. 2011

Eastern Europe Australian Immigration Services Registration number B1860251D Melbourne Victoria Australia

Job Title/Position: (profesia ) administrator and director of my own firm, structural design engineer S.C. SQUARE HEAD DESIGN S.R.L BUCHAREST

Name of employer and City: (numele institutiei si orasul)

Period of Employment: (perioada angajarii- luna si anul) Job Title/Position: (profesia)

From (de la) aug. 2010 Structural Design Engineer

To (la)present

Name of Employer and City: (numele institutiei si orasul)

S.C. Cazan Impex S.R.L BUCHAREST

Period of Employment: (perioada angajarii- luna si anul)

From (de la)jul 2010

To (la)present

Job Title/Position: (profesia)

structural design and HVAC engineer

Name of Employer and City: (numele institutiei si orasul)


Period of Employment: (perioada angajarii- luna si anul)

From (de la) jan. 2007

To (la)march 2008

Job Title/Position: (profesia)

structural design engineer, head of the Bucharest branch

(If you worked for more employers, please list the same details at the end of this document)(daca aveti nevoie de mai mult spatiu,
adaugati detaliile la sfarsitul acestui document)

Further Studies (studii suplimentare) 22. Do you wish to take further studies in Australia? (doriti sa
urmati studii sumplimentare in Australia)?

(Type YES or NO) (DA sau NU) NO

If YES, please indicate what is your area of interest: (Daca DA, indicati in ce domenii)

Eastern Europe Australian Immigration Services Registration number B1860251D Melbourne Victoria Australia

6 23. Did you contact other immigration agents? If yes, please provide details.
? In caz afirmativ, dati detalii.) (Ati contactat si alti agenti de emigrare pentru Australia


Eastern Europe Australian Immigration Services Registration number B1860251D Melbourne Victoria Australia

7 24. Please enter here any additional information. (spatiu pentru informatii aditionale)
Role structural design engineer Company S.C. City Pro Design SRL Bucharest Dates June 2007 April 2009 Description Period: 2007-06 2009-04 Company and location: S.C. City Pro Design SRL Bucharest (No. employees: 10-25) Job domain: Construction/Decorations my firm had a sub-designing contract for CITY PRO, for structural engineering for different types of structures-civil buildings, big and small (from P+12 to S+P) and industrial ones, office buildings, metal framework, etc(Full time)

Role engineer Company S.C.Activ Proiect SRL Dates May 2004 July 2006 Description Period: 2004-05 2006-07 Company and location: S.C.Activ Proiect SRL, Bucharest (No. employees: less than 10) Job domain: Construction/Decorations engineer (Full time) i was an employee of Activ Proiect, as an engineer, for structural engineering for different types of structures-civil buildings, big and small (from P+12 to S+P) and industrial ones, office buildings, metal framework, etc(Full time)

Role engineer Company S.C.Incona Proex SRL Dates August 2003 May 2004 Description Period: 2003-08 2004-05 Company and location: S.C.Incona Proex SRL, Bucharest (No. employees: 10-25) Job domain: Construction/Decorations i was an employee of Incona, as an engineer, for structural engineering for different types of structures-civil buildings, big and small (from P+12 to S+P) and industrial ones, office buildings, metal framework, etc(Full time)

Eastern Europe Australian Immigration Services Registration number B1860251D Melbourne Victoria Australia

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