BTL Shortwave Al Mazroui

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BTL-6000 ShorTwave 400 User-interface inductive / Capacitive Colour 5.

7 touch-screen 1 or 2 channels inductive 1 channel capacitive 400w Pulse 200w Continuous BtL encyclopaedia 62 indications 100 user-defined programmes 50 1500hz 50 2000s

BTL-6000 ShorTwave 200 Colour 5.7 touch-screen 1 or 2 channels inductive


200w Pulse 100w Continuous BtL encyclopaedia 62 indications 100 user-defined programmes 50 1500hz 50 2000s

Preset Protocols

User Programmes Pulse Frequency

ProveN TheraPY LaTeST TeChNoLoGY

Pulse Length optional accessories inductive Applicators

80mm 140mm 42mm 85mm 130mm

80mm 140mm

Capacitive Applicators

Soft-rubber Plate Applicator 12 x 18cm

BTL-6000 ShorTwave
A New GeNerAtioN iN ShortwAve DiAthermy teChNoLoGy
all rights reserved. although every care has been taken to provide accurate and up-to-date information, no responsibility can be accepted for any mistakes or misprints contained in this catalogue. The products and their specifications, as shown in this catalogue, may change without notice.


the BtL-6000 Shortwave is a state-of-the-art device for high-frequency heat therapy. the use of high-frequency energy for heat therapy has the advantage of a greater penetration depth in contrast with conventional methods, such as hot packs, baths, infrared light or even microwave treatment. the heating effect of the electrodes for the inductive and capacitive methods of application is fundamentally different.

BTL-6000 ShorTwave
intuitive operation via the touch-screen

FreeDom oF movemeNT SiX JoiNTeD armS For aLL TreaTmeNT PoSiTioNS

From achillodynia to migraine

CaPaCiTive aPPLiCaTorS
with the capacitive field method, the body part being treated is located in the high-frequency electric field between two insulated electrodes. During the capacitive method of application, the transformation of energy into heat takes place mainly in the tissues with low blood circulation (e.g. fat layer and connective tissues). therefore, the greater part of the heat is generated in areas near the skins surface (upper-skin fat tissue). this, combined with the distance between applicator and skin, is important in the patients sensation of heat.

the inductive field method produces high-frequency electric currents within the body tissue by means of induction. these currents will increase as the electric conductivity of the corresponding tissue region, such as tissues with good blood circulation (e.g. muscle tissue and inner organs), increases.

eaSY To STarT
Pre-set therapy protocols User-defined protocols Patient database in the unit encyclopaedia with applicator placement images

360 rotation in 2 joints

rehabilitation orthopaedics Neurology Sport medicine Dermatology (wounds, burns and scars) Gynaecology eNt internal medicine Urology

maXimaL Power & SaFeTY

Due to the advanced automatic tuning system and patient safety-switch

Two DiFFereNT moDeLS: moST CommoN iNDiCaTioNS BTL-6000 ShorTwave 400

For iNDUCtive AND CAPACitive APPLiCAtioNS Power up to 400w for optimal application possibilities (200w continual) one channel capacitive field one or two channels inductive field Colour touch-screen user-interface

eaSY aPPLiCaTor SwaPPiNG

Click in place, no screwing required

BTL-6000 ShorTwave 200

For iNDUCtive APPLiCAtioNS one or two channels inductive field Continuous and pulsed mode Colour touch-screen user-interface Power up to 200w (100w continual)

ShorTwave DiaThermY

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