Sagramore Van Seil

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Sagramore Van Seil, two sides of the coin The Van Seil Family Histories The Van Seil

Family was once smiths for the Lords of Waterdeep, and until now their craft is known to the populace and the nobility, if its not for their quality of work but their efficiency in meeting the demand of the nobility. Their ascension to nobility after being adopted by House Gralhund begins their service to the city of Waterdeep. On the front, the Van Seil supplied arms and armor meet the demand of the operations within Waterdeep, the Van Seils too supply such arms to the Knights of the Shield without the knowledge of the Lord of Waterdeep as the Knights are one elusive organization, fragmented and a loosely organized to avoid detection by the City Watch. The dealings were cemented by Elanor Van Seil, the father of Sagramore Van Seil. Sagramore was placed under secretive training by the Knights of the Shield as insurance that the Knights would protect them from the Watch without Sagramores knowledge. Other than Sagramore, Felmore, his elder brother is a master smith in for the Griffon Cavalry and the City Guard. He learned his craft from their grandfather Belmor Van Seil Sagramore the Squire While the order noble families preferred the blade, the Van Seil family has been a hallmark of blunt weapon users, especially the warhammer as the hammer symbolizes the strength, resolution and will of the family. Sagramore studied the art of war from his father whom served once as one of the knights in the Lords Alliance. The arts of grace and intrigue was gained from Newark Gralhund, a court ambassador for the Lord of Waterdeep to be much well mannered than most. The young Sagramore, then 18 served his charge, Ellidan Stormfield a veteran knight serving the City Guard as a Legion Commander whom also a member among the secretive Knights of the Shield. His reputation for his ruthless efficiency and unorthodox methods in solving problems is known by the locals within the Trades Ward, many may find his methods questionable nonetheless he was able to quell many problems and stemmed them from its infancy. One of the tasks being assigned by the Lord is to quell the increasing dissent by the merchants over the trade restrictions being imposed on them; some merchants even resorted to hire mercenaries to assist them in their rebellion. The rebels had resorted in assaulting officers and burning down offices in Waterdeep. My lord, the rebels are not going to be pleased with your course of action, the young Sagramore looked down to the many angry people at the trade square. Ellidan looked at Sagramore with a pair of his sinister green eyes. You dont understand. Fear is the greatest motivation for lowly people like them to be taught the meaning of respect; you have to sacrifice some people and make them an example for the others, only then the seed of dissent can be uprooted this way. The ends justify the means, thats what Im saying but there are still boundaries whether there is a good reason to do so. Ellidan led 30 cavalry men to quell the mercenary army of 100 men which the merchants had gathered to make themselves heard. Lances ready! Ellidan signaled his men preparing for a charge. You stay close to me, and remember what I have taught you, the law has to be upheld

no matter the cost, even the lives of many people. Hold fast to your hammer. Signal the charge, Sagramore. Sagramore blew the horn and the 30 men strong cavalry men charged into the mob with the sound of thundering hooves, deafening him followed by the sounds of sharp metal being impaled, faint screams of men, neighs of horses and clashing of steel can be heard from the ensuing chaos The rebellion was quelled, routing many of the mercenaries and even more killed from the charge. An investigation revealed that the Merchant Guild secretary was behind the scheme and thus he was executed in public to serve as a reminder not to defile the law, his head was hung atop a pike along with other mercenaries in front of the Barracks until it was decay and their skulls bleached. Many mercantile noble houses find it very distasteful but they knew it was necessary to quell the rebellion by the guilds. The Open Lord of Waterdeep, Piegieron of Paladinson summoned Ellidan to face trial on crimes against the rebels a week after the incident after finding that too much blood has been shed to quell the rebellion that wanted Ellidan to answer for this unorthodox methods. Ellidan Stormfield, explain yourself on what grounds that these men should be slain in a manner of your fitting. As a man of your fitting status, cant you grant clemency to these men, Piegieron addressed to the floor on his podium. The price for treason is death, your Highness. These merchants hired mercenaries, fighters worthy of an army, your position as the Lord of Waterdeep can be compromised if this rebellion is not stemmed then. After all the dissent arises from the fact that the taxation structure was found unsatisfactory by the mercantile community there, Ellidan gives his statement in defence. How dare you question my intentions that the taxation is made to help the needy of the citizens of this City of Splendors. Putting the head of the secretary of the Traders Guild along the mercenaries atop a pike is not the way it should be. Execution is fine by all means but humiliate a person this way is getting too far, Piegieron slammed his fists on the podium. The mumbles within the audience chamber dropped silent. This is to serve as a reminder to the populace that there is law within Waterdeep and this is my way of upholding the law. This dissent is only the start, and dissent should be dealt from its infancy not when everything sprawled out of control, a rebuttal from Ellidan. Peigeron sat back on his throne crutching his head while his advisors whispered something to his ear and he nodded along after one and another said something to him. The session will go on a recess and shall congregate once again in a few moments; an announcement will be made shortly at the courtyard of the palace, the court scribe announced the recess of the trial. Sagramore and Ellidan walked out the chamber into a small room. Ellidan held to Sagramores shoulder Sagramore, you have served me well as my squire while in office, if the sentence is meted on you that I shall defend you for you are only a serving squire as should be and you shall rise to knighthood one day. Your duty does not end here there are more things to be done. You have the choice to leave me and serve another knight. I shall stay and serve, and earn my knighthood my own way with you, my lord. Sagramore replied with hopeful eyes. It was a great honor serving you as a squire. Ellidan patted his head and laughed. That was a good one there you pulled. A scribe entered the room shortly

and gestured to both Sagramore and Ellidan. The session will resume shortly, Sir Ellidan. Please enter the audience chamber. The scribe walked out after passing the message to them. The audience chamber is once again bustling with chatter and murmurs. As Ellidan enters the chamber, the audience floor look at him with condescending eyes, Ellidan replied in kind with intimidating stare causing many of the audience members flinched and look the other way. Will he be found guilty? He could be banished from here? Banishing him seems to be easy on him, he could be hanged. These are some of the whispers from the crowd and it does not cause Ellidan to even flinch or blink. The council resumes the session without Piegerons presences at the throne. One of the council members stood up from his seat and open up a scroll and started reading. Ellidan Stormfield, the council has spoken and found that although law has been upheld by you in quelling the rebellion but your murderous ways has affected the lives of too many people in the Traders Ward. The Lord and the council found you guilty of abuse of power and authority over the populace in Waterdeep. You title of the East Gate Commander will be stripped, your official seal, equipment and documents shall be surrendered and the barracks to be vacated by tomorrow sundown, mumbles echoed about the chamber either in condescension of Ellidans action or surprised to see a guard commander being stripped of his title in the long history of Waterdeep. The Lord and the council shall announce that this session is being concluded. Joining the Knights of the Shield After being removed from his position, Sagramore still followed Ellidan on his duties not for the City Guard but for the Knights of the Shield. Ellidan told Sagramore, There are limitations where law of men could bring peace but there are also other ways to keep them in check. Once you enter this place, you shall pledge your loyalty not just to me but the First Shield of the Order. Sagramore nodded and followed Ellidan into a residence in located deep into the forest to the east of Waterdeep across the Dessarin River. The hall is donned with heraldries of many families within Waterdeep including the Van Seils, Sagramore was puzzled to see his family crest among the ones present there. Both of them were led by a servant to a secret door behind the hall. Walking down the stairs where the wall is donned with shields bearing the emblem of an eye in the middle. We are in the Knights of the Shield chapter house of Waterdeep, it is not in Waterdeep as we were driven out many years ago. To guard our secrecy this place has been chosen as our chapter house. Do not worry about that the people as they want you to serve them in their way because of your service to me has been taken notice by them. A large banner was hung down on the wall bearing the same crest on the shield. Seated along the table a woman clad in a half plate and leaned beside here is a great sword. The woman stood up and greeted Ellidan and Sagramore. Ellidan, my student it is good to see you. How was your protg growing? And you brought yourself a member of the Van Seil nonetheless. Ellidan bowed down. Thank you my lady, you have been kind and yes he has been learning well throughout his service.

Sagramore Van Seil, Im Duchess Lucia Thione-Hhune First Lady of the Shield. Your father has put you in our care so that he has a certain advantage over the other nobles in Waterdeep I might say that, sometimes there are things that other people would not agree but as long as we stay abide the codes of conduct is fine by all means, dont you think young Sagramore? the woman gestured with her cutleries. I have seen what my lord. Erm I mean my mentor had been doing and I do agree in your words First Lady, Sagramore answered. It is not about acting outside of norm but we understand in a different perspective of the same topic. This is what Sir Ellidan taught me about. Very good young one, you will be a good addition to the order in Waterdeep and never forget to spread our influence to the other reaches of Faerun. Now you shall pledge your loyalty to the Knights of the Shield, Duchess Lucia held up her great sword and placed the flat of the blade on Sagramores shoulder as he kneels down. Sir Sagramore Van Seil, the Inquisitor and Whirlwind Sagramore is now 22 years of age, his brother passed him one of the finest made warhammers made by a Van Seil which is nonetheless his brother Felmore himself. I want you to have this, Sagramore. I called this hammer The Inquisitor as the Van Seil family has made hammers for many generations for officers in their duty to uphold the law and order within Waterdeep thats why one of the weapons in the City Watch emblem is a hammer. Sagramore reaches out for the hammer. Thank you, brother. Im going to wield this hammer with the familys name and honor, Sagramore accepted the hammer. I hope that during your trail for knighthood is a successful one. Upon leaving the house, his father passed him a horse, a strong breed warhorse which he had seen him growing when he was a teenager. This is the horse I would like you to have, Whirlwind. He is a little moody sometimes and does not really like tight close spaces which explain the rough shrieks at night when we tried to put him back into the stables. But he is a strong and tough one and very loyal too. Sagramore, treat him well for this is one of the few prized horses that the family owns. Sagramore rode on the back of Whirlwind and did not resist which is quite unusual for horses. He seems to take a liking on you, even your brother had trouble riding on him after trying many times and you only met him once and you rode on it with no problems. I wish you good luck on the trials. The Knighthood Trials is where all potential knights are being tested worthy of the title and also a festival for Waterdeep where the people could enjoy the events surrounding the trials and watch the matches. Young and brave people from the noble families send in their candidate to be challenged in an honorable competition of combat, the winner of the trials would receive an appointment from the Lord of Waterdeep himself. The knowledge of Sagramore once served Ellidan whom was convicted of his crime does not acclaim much to other candidates as they started him with cold and condescending eyes but Sagramore stood tall while he enters the jousting arena. As the parade of the candidates proceeds, one of the Knights, a woman slightly younger than Sagramore rode forward. Sagramore Van Seil, Im Elwyn Grandolf. Heard of your days as a squire of Ellidan Stormfield, did not end well am I right? That must have spoiled your reputation. But anyway, I see you have quite the hammer there. I forgot you are from the Van Seil, silly me!

Lady Grandolf, need not to be rude others might I say. I find your demeanor interesting but however, consider that you have joined the tournament then you are my rival. Rivalry first, pleasantries can wait after this, Sagramore replied sternly. I though you will be much more well mannered that I though of. I guess I was wrong about you. True enough, pleasantries can wait, see you in the joust, Elwyn rode off to catch up with the front. Sagramore looked on as she galloped away and thought off the many things during his service as a squire. However he may think, he may not be well accepted by the locale as he had served a dishonorably discharged officer nonetheless but however it was not entirely his fault but a black stain could possibly ruin his career in Waterdeep. Sagramore bested everyone in jousting; his skill on the horseback has been honed well by his mentor Ellidan during his days as a squire. His lance struck true and knocked down every single opponent squarely on the chest. Upon the finals of the joust, he has to beat Elwyn which was known to be trained under Sir Randolf Traven the Third Captain of the Griffon Cavalry well known for his horsemanship

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