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Is There Such Thing As Happily Ever After?

Prologue: 3 words, 8 letters, one strong meaning, life goes on. Katniss I pace silently through the woods, a bow and arrow at the ready; eyes open and searching for movement. But today, my mind is far away. It is spring, a little over a year after I returned to District 12, and bright green sprouts have begun to emerge from every surface. Warm, fresh-smelling wind takes the edge off the chilly air, and signs of new life crowds the woods. Things arent changing just in the woods, though. In the past year, more people had come to District 12, babies were born, schools and shops built. The District Council are even planning on building a mall and movie theatre. Peeta and I have changed as well. We are still broken people, we still have nightmares, and there are still times when one of us wakes up screaming our heads off, not knowing who we are. But he loves me, and has loved me all along. And somewhere along the way, I finally realized how just how much I love him too. All Peeta had done was love me, take care of me, and love me some more. He waited for me. He gave up his life, and his mind, to save mine, repeatedly. And in the past, what had I done for him? I pushed him away, time and time again. So today, I will tell him I love him. In the past, Ive showed him how I felt about him, and when he asked me if I loved him, I said yes. But Ive never really gone up to him and said I love you. Why? All the people I loved were hurt. Everything I touched was destroyed. Whenever I want to tell Peeta that I love him...... the image of Primrose, my sweet, innocent, beautiful sister fills

my vision. Other times, I see Peetas blood splattering on the pristine tiles of a floor in the Capitol. I see Cinna, beaten and bloody, being dragged away from me. I see Darius and Lavinia. I see my father. I see all the people that perished in the uprising. And it reminds me of what happens to people I care about. That to love someone is to, eventually, lose them. It has already taken me so long to convince myself that Peeta wouldnt be ripped from me like everyone else. After all, even after all that has happened, he is one of the few people that remain by my side. And I owe it to him, to let him know that I really, truly, love him. That all the love he poured into me wasnt for nothing. Peeta understands me so well; he would know the exact significance of my words. I sigh and lower my bow. I will not get any hunting done today. Walking back to town, a strange clenching sensation grips my stomach. Fear? No. Anticipation? Impatiently, I quicken my pace gradually until I am sprinting at full speed, and burst into the bakery, panting hard. As soon as I am inside, the delicious smells of baking bread and pastries waft through my nose and my stomach growls loudly. But my hunger is forgotten as soon as I see him; my beautiful, sweet, caring, strong, boy with the bread. I take him in, from his soft blonde curls, to his beautiful blue eyes, to his sweet smile, to his strong arms. A big, stupid grin spreads across my face in place of my ever-present scowl, and what feels like pure joy fills my heart and runs through my veins.

Peeta looks up from the cake he is currently working on, and freezes. He stands there, just staring at me, for a long moment. Suddenly I am worried. Why are you looking at me like that? Stop, Its creepy, I laugh nervously, wondering if I something got stuck to me during my time in the woods. I just.... havent seen you smile like that.... In years, he breathes; and a mixture of emotions flickers across his face-awe, happiness, sadness, anger, then back to sadness, and finally, hopefulness. Yes. I havent smiled like this since before my father died. This smile that can only appear on a blissfully happy girls face, devoid of worry and want. The smile of a girl in love. Peeta snaps out of his reverie, and walks to me, handing me a cheese bun. He smiles, his whole face brightening when I kiss him as a thank-you. I chomp down on the bun eagerly and mumble, Peeta, would you like to come into the woods with me? I have something to show you, Anything to keep that beautiful smile on your face, he replies, his eyes shining. We started walking towards the woods. Hah. Beautiful? Me? I retorted. Its sad that you dont know how beautiful you are, he insists, when you smile, its like the sun breaking through on a stormy day. Except your eyes shine so brightly they put the sun to shame,

I stop arguing, partly because I know Ill never win, and partly to hide the fact that a lump had formed in my throat. My cheeks flush an alarming shade of red. Leading the way, I walk through the forest, to the lake and tiny cabin. I had never brought Peeta here before. It reminded me too much of Gale, and it hurt. But I was finally ready to let go, to accept that I made the right decision. During the past year, I had cleaned up the little cabin, with some help from the home builders. It was painted a pretty shade of blue, had new, clean windows, the floor was covered with thick rugs, furniture was added, and I added my own little touches. I open the door, and Peeta smiles in delight. There is a small bed, a couch, a small table, and 2 chairs. I point at the bowl in the centre of the table, which holds small, glittering, greyish, translucent pebbles, and feathers that line the side of the bowl. The feathers are sky blue with golden tips. The feathers reminded me of you, I say shyly, because the blue is like your eyes, and the gold is like your hair. And the pebbles are like your eyes? he adds. I just nod. We sit at the table and eat the bread, fruit, meat, and water that I packed away in my bag earlier today. And when were done, we look at each other, in a comfortable silence. Our eyes say everything. Peeta gently cups my face with one hand, and I lean into it, holding it against my cheek.

I love you, I say, simply. But those 3 little words mean so much. And his eyes are so filled with love and understanding. He takes out something from his pocket; the pearl he gave me in the Quarter Quell arena. On a shining, delicate, golden ring. One day, lets get married, okay? Peeta says, his voice low and husky with emotion, as he slips the ring onto my finger. In response, I wrap my arms around his neck, and kiss him. His arms, warm and strong, pull me to him, and we are like one person, breathing in unison.

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