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Michigan Deer Management Planning Process

The management of Michigan’s deer herd is under intense scrutiny by hunters, farmers,
the timber industry, and the public in general. There is perhaps no wildlife issue that is
receiving as much attention and conversation as the management of Michigan’s deer herd
among these diverse stakeholders. Limited staff resources and time, however, precludes
the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) from administering extensive
public engagement for the deer management planning process at this time.

Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC) and the DNR have agreed to create a
partnership to develop a robust public input process that will facilitate the creation of a
strategic deer management plan. The public input process is being organized by MUCC
and includes a broad spectrum of stakeholders, while the DNR and other researchers will
provide scientific support.

A statewide Citizen Deer Advisory Team (CDAT) has been formed to oversee the public
engagement process and develop recommendations for deer management strategies,
based on the scientific information presented at the Deer Symposium and public input
from around the state. The CDAT will begin meeting in October 2008 and includes the
following agencies and organizations:

State/Federal Agencies
• Michigan Dept. of Agriculture • MSU Extension
• MI Dept. of Natural Resources • USDA-Forest Service
• Michigan Dept. of Transportation • USDA-Wildlife Services
• MSU-College of Agriculture and
Natural Resources

• Commemorative Bucks of MI • Sportsmen Against Hunger
• County Road Association of MI • United Sportmen’s Alliance
• MI Association of Timbermen • UP Whitetails Association
• MI Bowhunters Association • Whitetails Unlimited
• Michigan Farm Bureau • American Tree Farm System
• Michigan Forestry Association (invited)
• MI Recreation and Park Assoc. • Insurance Institute of Michigan
• Michigan Resource Stewards • Michigan Sheriff’s Association
• MI United Conservation Clubs • MI Traditional Bowhunters
• Michigan United Deer Hunters (invited)
• Quality Deer Management • NRA (invited)
Assoc.-MI Chapter • Safari Club International
• Sierra Club (invited)
Strategic Deer Management Goals

1. Maintain deer populations by deer management unit at levels compatible with

available habitat while providing recreational opportunities with consideration of
the public’s vision for the deer herd, based upon sound scientific management
2. Manage habitat to provide for the long-term viability of the species while
eliminating (or at least limiting) negative impacts to all other species dependent
upon that habitat.
3. Use hunting as the primary tool to help achieve population goals.
4. Develop literature and programs to provide information and education on deer
5. Reduce the probability of transmission of Bovine TB and other diseases among
the wild deer population and between deer and livestock.

Proposed Planning Activities: 2008-2010

1. Create a Michigan Citizen Deer Advisory Team. The purpose of the team is to:
a) assist MUCC in ensuring that the planning process is reaching the broadest
spectrum of stakeholders as possible;
b) ensure that the educational materials are appropriate and effective; and to
c) help integrate the information received throughout the planning process and to
develop management options for consideration by the MDNR.

2. Create Regional Citizen Deer Advisory Teams. These teams may include, but
are not limited to, 10-20 regionally-based participants from a variety of
stakeholder groups, invited based on input from the statewide Citizen Deer
Advisory Team.

3. Develop educational materials, based on the scientific information from the

public symposium, to use at public meetings, advisory team meetings, and with
focus groups. The education tools will include a video with interviews of deer
management experts throughout the country.

4. Public survey. To more explicitly characterize what issues are identified and how
they are ranked according to different stakeholders and across all regions in the
state. The survey will extend insights to a large sample of Michigan citizens,
which will enable statistical comparisons between stakeholders and regions.
Timeline: October 2008 – February 2009

5. Public synthesis and draft planning alternatives: MUCC, with the assistance
of the Statewide and Regional Citizen Deer Advisory Teams, will prepare a
summary of the public input and develop management alternatives for
consideration by MDNR. Timeline: December 2008

6. Technical reviews of the various deer issues will be written by Wildlife Division
staff to describe the issue, characterize the insight gained on each issue through
the roundtable process and public survey, summarize other existing data and
knowledge relevant to each issue, and describe existing or feasible management
programs to address the issue. This information will be helpful to the advisory
teams as they make recommendations. Timeline: December 2008

7. Facilitated focus groups meetings to provide qualitative feedback on emerging

issues and proposals. The focus groups will be with MUCC clubs, representatives
of the general public, and deer hunting interest groups. Timeline: February 2009

8. Venison suppers and feedback: MUCC will encourage that deer hunters hold
small meetings to review MUCC educational materials and provide feedback on
several key questions. Timeline: Winter 2009

9. Hold regional meetings for the public to provide comment on the proposals and
provide additional suggestions for changing management practices. Timeline:
June 2009

10. MUCC will amend the proposal, based upon the public comment and Citizen
Deer Advisory Team input, and submit the summary of public input and draft
management alternatives to the NRC and the MDNR for consideration and
adoption. Timeline: Fall 2009

11. DNR will create a strategic deer management plan based on information gained
through the public engagement process. The plan will be available in draft format
in Winter 2010 for review.

12. Open houses throughout the state, which will include a brief presentation of the
plan and discussion. The public will also have the opportunity to provide
comment on the DNR Web site.

13. DNR will present the strategic deer management plan for Director’s information
in March 2010 for decision in April 2010.

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