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Topic: Unsettling Parallels between Security and the Environment
Course: INT 881

D.O.A: 27/01/2012

D.O.S: 17/04/2012

Submitted to: Mr. Mohit Prakram

Submitted By: Mr. Himanshu Chaudhary Reg. No. 10902369 Roll no. A05 Section: 0E111


Acknowledgement I owe special words of thanks to my Teacher Mr. Mohit Prakram for their support, thoughtful counseling and encouragement at every step of the term paper. We are also thankful to the teachers of the Department for giving us the best of knowledge and guidance throughout the project. And last but not the least, we find no words to acknowledge my friends & moral support rendered by our parents in making the effort a success. All this has become reality because of their blessings and above all by the grace of god.


In this term paper under the topic Unsettling Parallels between Security and the Environment We study about different types of communication technologies used in todays mordern era and what types of threat causing over them. We also study about the different types of security measures for all the threat releated to the communication system/technology and its environment communication system/technology and its environment


Table of Contents S.No. Topic

1 2 3 Introduction Communication Technology History Past to Present Various type of ommunication technologies use Internet Wireless Connectivity E-mail Read/Write Web Audio Online Smatphones Networking

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The Concept of computer communication security The insecure compter network enivornment Considerations and Implementation of a Security Policy The pros and cons for the communication technologies References

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As long as there have been people, there has been technology. Indeed, the techniques of shaping tools are taken as the chief evidence of the beginning of human culture. On the whole, technology has been a powerful force in the development of civilization, all the more so as its link with science has been forged. Technologylike language, ritual, values, commerce, and the artsis an intrinsic part of a cultural system and it both shapes and reflects the system's values. In today's world, technology is a complex social enterprise that includes not only research, design, and crafts but also finance, manufacturing, management, labor, marketing, and maintenance. The insecurity of the Internet has been compared to environmental pollution: running a vulnerable machine creates negative externalities as it becomes a potential vector for worms, distributed denial of service attacks and so on. Communication Technology: Communication is an integral part of human existence. It is communication that decides the very identity of human beings Modern society is turning into an information society and communication is the exchange of information. It is the process & transfering information form a Sender to a receiver with the use of a medium in which the communication information is understood by both sender and receiver. Communication Technology implies the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to exchange information verbally or non-verbally. It is processing of information interms of accessing information, decoding information and sending it via a medium and changer to the receivers. Medium or channel can be written or oral or gesture form of information through speech, action or any electronic machine. Communication Technology is the electronic systems used for communication between indeividuals or groups. It faciliates communication between individuals or groups. Who are not physically present at the same location? Systems such as telephone, telex, Fax, radio, T.V. and Video are included, as well as more recent computer based technologies, including electronic data interchange and e-mail. In short, communication technolgoy is the activity of designing and constructing and maintaining communication systems.

Communication Channel

History: Communication: Past to Present

From ancient writing techniques and newspapers weve moved on to text messaging and email. From Morse code and telegraphs to telephones and radios, we now moved on to televisions, computers and cell phones. Since the end of the 19th century, the way people communicate has been completely transformed. No longer beholden to pen and parchment, people can now deliver massive amounts of data with the push of a button. New communication technologies have connected not only people but also businesses, changing the way people interact on a daily basis. TVs that utilized tubes with vacuum seals and boasted analog signals and black and white color are now Flat Screen LCDs or Plasmas that boast all digital High Definition Signals, thousands of lines of resolution and millions of color pixels. Rotary phones and dial up communication has been transformed to portable phones. From there they moved on to satellite communication cellular phones. Hand written symbols, numbers and letters went from being carried to being digitally transferred. We no longer have to wait for days to receive information as most of our data messages can be transferred in a matter of seconds over high speed broadband internet connections with computers that boast Gigabytes of Ram and Gigahertz of processor speed.

Various type of technologies used for communications:

The creation of the Internet allowed computer networks from around the globe to network with each other, giving individuals access to an incredible wealth of information. In 2010, about half of the world's population has access to the Internet, growing from only 6 percent of the population in 2000. Email, social networks, newsgroups and video transmission have connected the world like never before. Privacy concerns have arisen with the proliferation of the Internet, especially

with government monitoring and certain social networking sites, but the Internet has woven itself into the fabric of society and business. High-speed connections allow for an immense amount of information to be transferred in seconds. Wireless Connectivity: Wireless network refers to any type of computer network that is not connected by cables of any kind. It is a method by which homes, telecommunications networks and enterprise (business) installations avoid the costly process of introducing cables into a building, or as a connection between various equipment locations.Wireless telecommunications networks are generally implemented and administered using a transmission system called radio waves. Mobile Phone Bluetooth WiMax Global Positioning System Wireless LAN

E-mail: Electronic mail, commonly called email, is a means of sending messages to someone instantaneously over the Internet through a service provider or email hosting website. Email now virtually replaces hand-written correspondence sent through the postal system. Senders can not only send a direct message but also attach images and documents to the email, giving recipients immediate access to information that might otherwise take days to receive and even longer to edit or update as necessary. Additionally, email services retain messages sent between parties in your account until you delete them manually, allowing you to always have a record of communication. Read/Write web: Blogs: A blog is a personal journal published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears first. Blogs are usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often are themed on a single subject. Wikis: Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslinks between internal pages on the fly. Social Bookmarking: Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to organize, store, manage and search for bookmarks of resources online.

Audio Online:
Podcasting: A podcast

is a type of digital media consisting of an episodic series of files (either audio or video) subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication. Internet Radio: Internet radio (also web radio, net radio, streaming radio, eradio webcasting) is an audio service transmitted via the Internet. Music streaming on the


Internet is usually referred to as webcasting since it is not transmitted broadly through wireless means. Smartphones

Smartphones are exactly that--mobile phones that know how to do an amazing variety of tasks. These cellular phones have a multitude of features that not only allow you to communicate while on the go in a number of different ways, but give you Internet access, keep track of appointments, and allow you to add features and applications for every need (or desire) you can think of. Text messaging through mobile phones is increasingly becoming the way to communicate quick thoughts to friends, family and clients, whether it's to promise a call later or simply to pass on a thought before it's forgotten.

Networking Online networking websites, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, are ncreasingly becoming the most popular means of instant and detailed communication. These sites allow registered users to communication with friends, family and clients from moment to moment. You can add images, update your status (telling everyone what you're doing this very moment), start a fan page for your business, write notes, send personal messages, and more. The idea is to allow users the opportunity to connect with everyone they know, even if they are hundreds of miles apart.

The Concept of Computer Communications Security

Security concerns in computer communications and software applications are a relatively recent phenomena. These concerns have grown since the discovery and widespread use of the worldwide web, the internet and changing hostserver relationships. Corporations, financial institutions, and the government have all recognized the risk and responsibility of using computer technology since their increased use of computer communications. The corporate world has always recognized that the potential for industrial espionage is real. As a result, companies have taken steps to protect their formulas and manufacturing processes. Financial institutions listed on the stock market have sought to protect trading and exchange information. These institutions have installed safeguards to protect stockbroker communications.


The importance of security awareness and computer security awareness has increased exponentially since September 11, 2001. Recent government legislation involving law enforcement as it relates to computer security has changed the perception of privacy. Identifying computer intruders and combating network attackers has always been a priority by corporations and government entities. However, the search for terrorist intentions has caused some compromises in the privacy areas of ordinary law-abiding citizens. This changed perception of privacy has extended into parts of the corporate world, the financial markets, and all government institutions. New computer security measures have been adopted to prevent the pirating of confidential information and threats due to terrorist intentions. The Insecure Computer Network Environment The world is an entirely untrustworthy and insecure computer network environment. Only recently, steps have been taken to understand the nature of all sources (attackers) and intended victims (targets). Different security appliances have been developed to protect the corporate enterprise from various methods of attack. These security appliances with the proper computer protocols have reduced the risk in computer communications and increased confidence in an insecure network environment, a few examples of the better-known security appliances.

The universal vulnerability is defined as the state in a computing system which: Allows an attacker to execute commands as another user Allows an attacker to access data that is contrary to the specified access restrictions for that data Allows an attacker to pose as another entity Allows an attacker to conduct a denial of service The guidelines for an exposure in a computing system are defined as follows: An attacker may be allowed to conduct information gathering activities An attacker may be able to hide activities A capability can be included, that is expected, but easily compromised A primary point can be used by an attacker to gain access to the system or data.

Something that can be considered a problem according to some reasonable security policy

The security of a computer network is defined in terms of trusting the accuracy and confidentiality of the data received and transmitted from the system. Four basic threats to a good security policy are Masquerade, Interception, Modification and Denial-of Service.

Four basic parameters essential to a good security policy are Authentication, Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. The authentication process is used to verify the identity of the person or persons with access to information and defends against masquerade. The property of confidentiality is used to guarantee that information is not available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals and defends against interception. The integrity property verifies that data has not been changed, destroyed or lost in any manner and defends against data modification. The property of availability is defined as being accessible and prevents denialof-service events Cryptography, which incorporates encryption and decryption of computer data, has provided protection and increased confidence in data communications. Symmetric encryption algorithms use the same key to encrypt and decrypt while asymmetric algorithms use different keys.

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To validate the integrity of data Hashing was developed as another form of cryptography. Once the hash function mathematically operates on a computer message, it cannot be reversed. Both parties know the algorithm, and a Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC) authenticates the originator of the message. Another process called Digital Signatures4 has been developed and accepted as a commonplace security practice. New protocols, which are more compatible with specialized security mechanisms, have been generated. These mechanisms were able to prevent compromises in network security and reduce incidences of malicious activity. Different types of attacks can penetrate a computer system or network. Large e-mails or uploading large files with the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) can cause Data Flooding. Considerations and Implementation of a Security Policy Initiatives to protect and defend a computer environment will derive the following benefits: Creating a framework for implementing security features in the network infrastructure. A process will be devised so existing network security can be audited. The procedures that are generated can be considered expedient, prudent, advantageous, and roductive. Global security can be implemented and enforced.

A basis for legal action can be created, ifnecessary

The pros and cons for the communication technologies: Pros:


Reach most friends, family and business contacts in seconds. Develop a business line without needing a real office. Fast development and less time to market. Lower prices on communications to consumers. Real time interaction with other information systems. Home and daily tasks automation. Asking questions with a million people willing to help out.

No reliable trusted sources. Information might not be accurate. Communicating over a distance might degrade the human approach to relations. The mind has become lazy, not reading the entire page but going straight to the interesting part. Reduced privacy. A faster world based on technology reduces the amount of time to be with ourselves.

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Communication security is a systems engineering discipline. The field requires a systems erspectiveand approach. The entire computer architecture needs to be thoroughly understood before a layered approach to design is undertaken. In todays world, integrated network security is no longer a benefit or something nice to have. It is a crucial element needed to protect and defend almost every aspect of daily life. In the end, a secure computer network architecture is not enough, a personal commitment to security awareness, and a dedication to a security policy might protect us in an insecure computer network environment.


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