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Computation of new interaction indices for Indian Multiinfeed HVDC system using RTDS J.Sreedevi, C.Ahalya, K.S.

Meera, R.S. Shivakumara Aradhya Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore, India 1.0 Introduction:
The historical application of HVDC systems occurred in situations where significant technical and economic advantages occurred over comparable HVAC systems. Countries such as China and India, with high population densities in certain areas are starting to implement multiple HVDC links terminating in close electrical proximity in an AC system forming multiinfeed HVDC system. One of the major concerns in design of HVDC system is the susceptibility to Commutation Failure (CF). Repeated CF generally causes over current in the valves and also delays the restart of the HVDC system after fault clearing. In the multiinfeed HVDC system, both converters connect into the same AC network and the Commutation Failure at one converter could affect the other converter. Also, the proximity of the converters results in high voltage interaction between them. In India, two HVDC links NER-Agra, Balia-Bhiwadi which are coming up and existing Rihand-Dadri form a multiinfeed HVDC system. This system is chosen for the study of integration issues that are present in multiinfeed HVDC system. This paper deals with the computation of the multiinfeed interaction parameters which are newly introduced Multi Infeed Interaction Factor (MIIF), Multi Infeed Effective Short Circuit Ratio(MIESCR [1] and Commutation Failure Immunity Index (CFII)[2] for multiinfeed northern region system in India.

2.0 Interaction indices for multiinfeed HVDC System: 2.1 Multi Infeed Interaction Factor (MIIF):
Critical to the planning of HVDC is the real and reactive power interchange between the HVDC system and the AC system to which it is connected. HVDC Control systems can provide a degree of optimization, but the inverter AC voltage waveform is paramount. An indicator based on the observed AC voltage change at one inverter AC bus for a small AC voltage change at another inverter bus provides a first level indication of the degree of interaction between two HVDC systems. This interaction factor is called the Multi Infeed Interaction Factor and is defined mathematically as[1]:

MIIF21 =

----------------(1) where, V2 % is the percentage bus voltage change at converter2 for an inductive fault at converter1 and V1 is the AC bus voltage at inverter 1. Inverter AC busses electrically far apart will have MIIF values approaching zero, while MIIF values approaching unity indicate AC busses that are very close.

V2 % 1% voltage change in V1

2.2 Multi Infeed Effective Short Circuit Ratio(MIESCR):

Single infeed HVDC systems use a basic parameter called the Effective Short Circuit Ratio (ESCR) to assess whether or not the AC system into which the HVDC system is operating is sufficiently strong to support the operation of the HVDC system. For HVDC system this is defined as: ESCR = (short circuit capacity at bus - MVAR of filters ) / rated DC power ----------------(2)

The stronger the AC system, as reflected in the short circuit level, generally the better is the HVDC performance. Most systems plan for an ESCR level above 2.0 at rated power. In a multiinfeed context, equation (2) may produce optimistic results, but the short circuit levels appearing at the respective inverter AC busses cannot be considered as dedicated to the associated HVDC link, but rather must be shared amongst HVDC links in proximity. Equation 2 can be extended to the multiinfeed environment to be[1]:


SCC MVAi Q filteri Pdci +

j =1, j i


-------------------- (3)

j, i

* Pdcj

MIESCRi = Multi Infeed Effective Short Circuit Ratio at inverter i SCC MVAi = Short Circuit Capacity at inverter i Qfilteri = Total MVAR of the filter at inverter i Pdci= DC Power of the link i MIIFji = MIIF of the inverter j with respect to inverter i Pdcj = DC Power of the link j Where MIESCR is the multiinfeed definition of ESCR and the subscript j refers to all other HVDC links in electrical proximity. By this definition, an HVDC link may be embedded in a relatively weak MIESCR system, say around two, whereas a conventional calculation as per equation (2) might indicate that the system is relatively strong at say four or five.

2.3 Commutation Failure Immunity Index (CFII):

Earlier method of quantifying the susceptibility of the converter to Commuation Failure(CF) was to calculate the maximum permissible voltage drop on the converters AC busbar[2,3]. A better approach of calculating the threshold fault level that just precipitates in a commutation failure which quantifies the immunity towards commutation failure is dealt in ref [2]. This approach uses the electromagnetic transient simulation to compute CFII. RTDS which is having very accurate power system models to simulate electro magnetic transients is used to find out CFII which is given below:


Critical Fault Level 100 Rated DC Power


2 Vac 100 CFII = Lmin Pdc


where, Vac is the line voltage, * Lmin is the fault impedance and Pdc is the rated DC power. The multiplying factor of 100 is used to express the index as a percentage. The larger the immunity index, the larger is the fault level that can be sustained without the converter failing commutation. CF in a multi infeed HVDC system is classified as Local Commutation Failure if a fault at a converter causes CF at that converter only and Local CF in multi infeed system is very similar to that of the single infeed system. CF of a converter caused by disturbances on the remote converter(s) of a multi infeed HVDC system is classified as Concurrent Commutation Failure. Accordingly local CFII and concurrent CFII are defined with a fault inductance at local converter and remote converter[2].

2.0 Multiinfeed HVDC system description:

In India, two HVDC links NER-Agra, Balia-Bhiwadi which are coming up and existing Rihand-Dadri form a multiinfeed HVDC system. This system is chosen for the study of integration issues that are present in multiinfeed HVDC system. The network around the 3 HVDC links NER-Agra, Balia-Bhiwadi and RihandDadri is represented in detail, while at the periphery buses the equivalents are derived to represent the network connected at that bus. The steady-state conditions as well as the short circuit levels in the integrated network are preserved in the reduced equivalent system in order to represent a typical operating condition of the system[4,5]. The Single line diagram of the reduced network considered for the study is given in Figure 1. This reduced network is modelled on Real Time Digital Simulator(RTDS) available at CPRI for carrying out the studies on integration issues of multiinfeed HVDC systems into one AC system. The reduced network consists of (a) 24 - 400kV Buses, (b) 5 - 800kV Buses, (c) 45- 400kV Transmission Lines, (d) 3 - 800kV Transmission Lines, (e) 3 - HVDC links, (f) 28 - Equivalent sources, (g) Generators explicitly modelled (NER) - 3600MW and (h) 20 loads. The data on three HVDC links modeled on RTDS is given in Appendix I. HVDC controls of these three HVDC links are modeled using the control blocks available on RTDS.








Figure 1: Single line diagram of the reduced network considered for the study The RTDS comprises of specially designed hardware and software. RTDS hardware is Digital Signal Processor (DSP) based and utilizes advanced parallel processing techniques in order to achieve the computation speeds required to maintain continuous real-time operation. The temporary transients class of studies for which the RTDS is most often used requires simulation time step to be in the order of 50 to 100 sec (frequency response accurate to about 3000 Hz). Script file is one of the features of RSCAD software of RTDS where multiple simulations can be run without user interaction. It contains C like code referred to as scripting language. This script language is used and script code is developed to find the multiinfeed interactions factors MIIF, MIESCR and CFII for the system considered and presented in this paper.

3.0 Computation of interaction indices: 3.1 Computation of MIIF for Bhiwadi, Agra and Dadri inverters:
Determination of MIIF requires multiple runs of fault simulation by varying the fault inductance and hence the script file is used in calculation of MIIF based on flowchart given in Appendix- II. To obtain the MIIF12 of inverter 1 with respect to inverter 2, it is necessary to obtain the value of fault inductance that result in 1% voltage dip at the inverter 2. Thus this is carried out by using the script file in RSACD software of RTDS. Then in the same script file MIIF is calculated as the ratio of the % of voltage dip at inverter 1 to 1% voltage dip at inverter 2 for obtaining MIIF12. MIIF as defined in equation(1) is calculated for multiinfeed HVDC system considered, and it forms a matrix from one inverter bus to other. This MIIF matrix is given in Table 1 below. Table 1: MIIF Matrix for the three inverters Agra, Bhiwadi and Dadri Relative Inverter AC Voltage Change MIIF Table Bhiwadi Dadri Agra Inverter1 Inverter2 Inverter3 0.998 0.568 0.094 Bus at Agra MIIF1,1 = =1 MIIF2,1 = = 0.568 MIIF3,1 = = 0.094 0.998 0.998 0.998 which 1% Inv. 1 0.991 0.079 fixed Bhiwadi MIIF = 0.304 = 0.304 MIIF2, 2 = =1 MIIF3, 2 = = 0.079 1, 2 reduction 0.991 0.991 0.991 Inv. 2 0.294 0.297 1.007 in voltage Dadri MIIF1,3 = = 0.294 MIIF2,3 = = 0.298 MIIF3,3 = =1 is applied Inv. 3 1.007 1.007 1.007

MIIF values range from zero to one with zero implying infinite electrical separation and one implying on the same bus. Diagonal elements of the MIIF matrix are unity. MIIF less than 0.2 indicates there is no interaction between the inverters and no need to analyze further. If MIIF lies between 0.2 and 0.4 it is found that there is no Serious interaction and if MIIF greater than 0.5 lot of interaction between the inverters and measures to prevent it are to be incorporated in the system. Thus for a dip in voltage at Agra & Bhiwadi, there is no dip in voltage at Dadri. Thus there is no interaction of Dadri inverter with Agra and Bhiwadi. Also the MIIF values at Bhiwadi for a voltage dip at Agra indicate that there is considerable interaction between Agra and Bhiwadi inverter.

3.2 Computation of MIESCR at Bhiwadi, Agra and Dadri inverters:

From the MIIF values presented in Table 1 above, using the MIESCR formula given in eq.(3), values of MIESCR are computed at Agra, Bhiwadi and Dadri inverters and presented in Table 2 below. SCC in MVA 21839 15876 28324 Table 2: MIESCR values at inverters Agra, Bhiwadi and Dadri MIIF Qfilter in Pdc MVAr in MW Agra Bhiwadi Dadri 1800 3000 1 0.568 0.094 1685 2500 0.304 1 0.079 690 1500 0.294 0.298 1

Inverter Agra Bhiwadi Dadri

ESCR 6.68 5.676 18.423

MIESCR 4.771 3.051 13.96

It is interesting to observe that in the above table, the dominating influence the large HVDC link is having on the smaller link resulting in a dramatically different value of MIESCR to its ESCR. The system characteristics at inverters are mostly defined by the presence of other HVDC links. It can also be noted that MIESCR collapses into conventional definition of ESCR for single infeed HVDC system. Among the three inverters MIESCR at Bhiwadi is less which is 3.0548 making it sensitive for any kind of faults in nearby inverters as well as in AC systems.

3.3 Computation of Local & Concurrent CFII at Bhiwadi, Agra and Dadri inverters:
The challenging part of finding CFII, that is defined in equation (3) is the finding of Lmin, which is a fault inductance at inverter that never results in commutation failure irrespective of the switching instant. Considering all the parameters which affect the transient behavior of an HVDC system, the analytical approach for finding Lmin is either inaccurate because of oversimplifications or prohibitively complicated. A more feasible approach is to search the inductance size and point on wave domain by multiple runs [6]. Determination of Lmin requires multiple runs of fault simulation by varying the fault impedance and the switching instant, which is accomplished using the script file. Detection of a commutation failure is carried by measuring the , and checking for < 7 in script file. For three phase and single phase inductive faults at inverters for a fault duration of 100ms, script file developed based on the flow chart given in Appendix -III, the value of fault inductance Lmin that never results in CF for any fault switching instant is found and CFII is computed by substituting Lmin in Equation (3). Thus computed Local CFII and Concurrent CFII for Bhiwadi, Agra and Dadri inverters are tabulated in Table 3 and Table 4 below for three phase and single phase faults. From the fault inductance Lmin the threshold fault level that never results in commutation failure is also determined and tabulated in the same table. Fault location Agra Bhiwadi Dadri Table 3 Local and Concurrent CFII at Bhiwadi for 3 phase fault Agra Bhiwadi Dadri CFII T.F.level Lmin CFII T.F.level Lmin CFII 42.74* 1282 0.145 128.45 3211 0.015 1887.04 14446 0.475 39.13* 978 0.005 5489.42 48.22 7026 0.045 415.97 10399 0.115 243.57* 234.22

Lmin 0.335 0.320 0.065

T.F.level 28305 82341 5181

Table 4 Local and Concurrent CFII at Agra and Dadri for 1PSG fault Agra Bhiwadi Dadri Fault location Lmin CFII T.F.level Lmin CFII T.F.level Lmin CFII Agra 0.285 56.90* 1707 0.085 240.91 6023 0.005 6359.00 Bhiwadi 0.155 3128 0.335 62.27* 1557 0.005 6496.93 104.28 Dadri 0.045 10890 0.025 828.12 20703 0.095 345.41* 362.98 Lmin is in Henries, *Local CFII, Concurrent CFII, T.F.level: Threshold fault level in MVA,

T.F.level 95380 97453 5181

The waveforms of DC power, AC Bus voltage, fault current and extinction angle plots for three phase to ground fault at Bhiwadi are shown in Figure 6(a). When the fault inductance is 0.465 H, as seen from the figure, the dip in Bhiwadi bus voltage is more compared to other two inverters and the extinction angle at Bhiwadi falls to a value of 6.53, indicating that CF has occurred at Bhiwadi. Figure 6(b) shows the waveforms for three phase to ground fault at Bhiwadi without CF at Bhiwadi when the fault inductance is 0.475H(Lmin). As seen from the figure, the extinction angle at Bhiwadi is 8.92, which is greater than 7 and indicates that no CF has occurred at Bhiwadi.

Fig 6(a): 3PSG fault at bhiwadi with CF Fig 6(b): 3PSG fault at bhiwadi without CF Lmin for three phase to ground fault is greater than that for single phase to ground fault and CFII for three phase to ground fault is less compared to single phase to ground fault. This implies that three phase to ground fault gives the worst case scenario of fault simulation to find CFII. The Concurrent CFII at Bhiwadi for a fault at Dadri is more compared to Concurrent CFII at Agra. This shows that the Bhiwadi inverter is more immune to CF for a fault at Dadri compared to a fault at Agra. This also shows that the interaction between the Bhiwadi and Agra inverters is more compared to the interaction between the Bhiwadi and Dadri inverters.

4.0 Conclusions:
A practical multiinfeed HVDC system in Northern Region is chosen to study the multiinfeed interactions. Multiinfeed interaction factors MIIF, MIESCR and CFII are computed using script files developed on RTDS with out user intervention in muti run method. To find the basic knowledge of interaction potential, MIIF is a good indiactor. It is found that for a dip in voltage at Agra & Bhiwadi, there is no dip in voltage at Dadri. Thus there is no interaction of Dadri inverter with Agra and Bhiwadi inverters. But MIIF values at Bhiwadi indicate that for a voltage dip at Agra, there is considerable dip in voltage at Bhiwadi and interaction between Agra and Bhiwadi inverters is high. MIESCR which is an extension of definition of ESCR for single infeed HVDC systems, taking into consideration the interactive effects of other HVDC schemes in electrical proximity is found based on the MIIF parameters derived at inverters. Among the three inverters MIESCR at Bhiwadi is less which is 3.051 making it sensitive for any kind of faults in nearby inverters as well as in AC systems. It is inferred that the value of concurrent CFII at Bhiwadi for a fault at Dadri is more compared to concurrent CFII at Agra. This shows that the Bhiwadi inverter is more immune to CF for a fault at Dadri compared to a fault at Agra. This also shows that the interaction between the Bhiwadi and Agra inverters is more compared to the interaction between the Bhiwadi and Dadri inverters. Vise versa was also found true i.e Agra inverter is more immune to CF for a fault at Dadri compared to a fault at Bhiwadi. From Lmin and CFII obtained at dadri bus, it is found that concurrent CFII at Dadri is not occurring for single phase to ground fault at Agra and Bhiwadi. It is also found that fault at Bhiwadi inverter do not have any effect on the Dadri inverter and there is no interaction between Dadri and Bhiwadi inverters. From the indices CFII, MIFF and MIESCR it is reinstated that Bhiwadi inverter is more sensitive for fault at Agra compared to fault at Dadri.

5.0 References:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CIGRE Report No.364: Systems with multiple HVDC DC infeed by Working Group B4-41, Dec 2008. Commutation Failure in Single and Multi-infeed HVDC Systems by E.Rahimi, A.M.Gole, J.B.Davies, I.T. Fernando, K.L.Kent presented at the 8th IEEE int. conf. on AC and DC power transmission 2006. Commutation Failures in HVDC Transmission Systems, C.V.Thio, J.B.Davies and K.L.Kent IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 11, no.2, April 1996. CPRI Report No. PS/RT/20/2006: System studies to evaluate the behaviour of HVDC controllers for High capacity HVDC transmission system associated with Lower subhansuri HEP December 2006. RTDS Simulation Studies on the upcoming Multi-infeed HVDC systems in India, Dipti Khare, C.Prabhakar, K.S.Meera, P.V.Balasubramanyam, Sujatha Subhash, A.K.Tripathy presented in B4-106, CIGRE 2008. Commutation Failure Analysis in HVDC Systems Using Advanced Multiple Run Methods, E.Rahimi, S.Filizadeh, A.M.Gole presented at the International Conference on Power Systems Transients, Canada on June 1993. Appendix III: Flow Chart for computing CFII
int i, j; L[j]=[0.005 1 2 3 4]

6.0 Appendices:
Appendix I: Details of HVDC links Parameters RihandBaliaNER Dadri Bhiwadi Agra Rated voltage in kV 500 500 800 Rated Power in MW 1500 2500 3000 Line length in km 810 775 2200 10.7 13.5 15.0 Line resistance in Smoothing reactor in mH 540 300 400 Filter MVAR 690 1685 1800 Short circuit MVA at 28324 15876 21839 inverter Appendix II: Flow Chart for computing MIIF Start

POW[i]=[0 1 220]

i=1;j=1;L min=L [j] POW=POW[i] Start simulation yes



lf = 1.0



Start simulation Start all HVDC links Wait for steady state flow Apply fault

L min=L[j-1] L min=L min + 0.1 i=0 Start simulation

lf = lf + 0.01
Check V at Bus

lf = lf + 1.0
POW = POW [i] yes

Apply fault <7 no If i<21

Lmin=Lmin+0.01 Yes

lf = lf - 0.01 V0.9

0.99 V 1.009


MIIF21 = V at Agra MIIF23 = V at Dadri


L min=L[j]

2 Vac CFII = L P 100 min dc


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