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Festivals rock
how Edinburgh
became the Worlds
festival capital
Edinburgh Chamber - UK Chamber of the year 2010
Ron Hewitt
June/July2010 BC 3
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25 24
03 Introduction/contents
04 ChamberAwardsincentive
07 Capitalview
08 Neweventsbookingsystem
08 GetonlinewiththeChamber
13 Bethebest
15 Goinginternational
16|18 Inspiringconnections
19 60seconds
22|23 Theinterview
24|25 Coverfeature
27|31 Financefeature
34 PR&marketingfeature
37 Inthespotlight
38 Chambernews
39 Legal
41 Asktheexpert/getwithIT
44 Gettingstarted
45 Businessnews
47 Arts
49|50 Movers&shakers
Dont let September
SLIP you by
Every cloud eventually moves on to let in fresh sunshine. It might
not be doing so in a hurry, and we may feel weary of the effects
of recession, but as surely as summer eventually comes, fresh
challenges and opportunities arise.The art of business is to stay
awake to such opportunities constantly.
I am excited by the prospect of what the low carbon economy
can offer our businesses by way of new products, services and
customers. I am also aware that meeting the imperatives of a new
way of thinking about energy presents diffculties which have to
be solved.
Our oil has not run out yet, and we have signifcant reserves of
coal; these are vital (alongside nuclear) for providing our present
electricity base load. But our previous profigate energy habits
cannot continue; environmental considerations and booming
global demand dictate we have to get lean and mean on this one
The big opportunity is that new approaches to renewable
energy for transport, electricity generation and heating, as well as
judicious planning of buildings and conservation measures, offer
a rich store for future businesses that are willing to risk exploring
Our temperate Northern maritime climate means we have
always had a high need for energy to warm our buildings and
light the long winter nights, and our early self-suffciency fuelled
the industrial revolution.The multitude of opportunities for
renewable generation is driving forward fast as the latest round of
Crown Estate offshore licensing creates the possibility for 11GW
of fresh generation capacity.
More importantly, it creates a whole new prospect
for Scotlands businesses to become world-wide
providers ahead of the game not just in products,
but also in know-how and services globally.
I am delighted we have been asked to stage
the Scottish Governments conference on the
28th of September at EICC, with a Holyrood
reception and a dinner at The Castle to progress
the Low Carbon Investment Plan (SLIP).
If youre a player in the industry itll be an
unmissable event and if youre not, it might be
your perfect chance to fnd out how you could
be. See you there.
Cover photo Christine Fiedler, courtesy of Paul Lucas Productions and Richard Jordan Productions.
Business Comment is an Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce publication.
All edi tori Al And generAl enqui ri es:
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Phone: 0844 736 2992 email:
Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, Capital House, 2 Festival Square,
Edinburgh EH3 9SU
President: Robert Carr
Chief Executive: Ron Hewitt
Busi ness Comment edi tor
Josef Church-Woods, Marketing & Communications Executive
Phone: 0131 221 2973 email:
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Distinctive Publishing or Business Comment cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies that may
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4 BC June/July2010 June/July2010 BC 5
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An exciting new arts project called
ARTERY, initiated by not-for-proft
organisation 26, aims to transform one
of Edinburghs main bus routes the
number 26 route into urban artand
businesses are invited to get involved.
ARETRY is the brainchild of Henzteeth copywriter Stuart Delves, 26s
Director in Scotland, who, in association with The Scotch Malt Whisky
Society, developed previous 26 project in Edinburgh, 26 Malts, in 2005.
Supported by Lothian Buses,The City of Edinburgh Council and
Edinburgh Zoo amongst others, ARTERY will see writers work in
collaboration with visual artists, involving neighbourhood communities
within the city and outlying East Lothian towns along the 26 bus route.
The project intends to make bus stops along the 26 route into urban
shrines by February 2011, with text pieces, posters, sculptures, pavement
graffti and sound installations. Selected 26 buses are to sport art instead
of ads on their exteriors, with panel poems, sound installations and Wi-Fi
reception for down-loadable clips inside.
Core funding for the ARTERY project is currently being sought, as well
as one or two major commercial sponsors. Businesses along the route are
also being offered the opportunity to sponsor an artist or writer/artist
pair, in return for a prominent position on the number 26 bus route map.
26 strives to raise the profle of words and language, both in business and everyday
life.The organisation has staged a number of public-facing creative projects since
2004, working in high profle partnerships with the likes ofThe British Library,
Arts &Business Scotland, London Underground andThe GlobeTheatre.
tofnd outmore aboutArterY ortogetinvolved, please contact
stuarton 01316535080oremailhim:
to Edinburghs
creative pulse
bmi has launched two new routes from
Edinburgh to Berlin and Vienna, via London
Heathrow, to make business travel to and from
Scotland even easier.
The airline now operates four daily fights to
Germanys vibrant and cultural capital city,
renowned for its design expertise and creative
industries, whilst fights to Vienna will operate
in conjunction with Austrian Airlines, to offer
fve fights a day, seven days a week to the
Austrian capital.
Both cities offer a fascinating dynamic between
old and contemporary, where historical
buildings, monuments and museums jostle for
space alongside modern plazas, contemporary art
galleries and gourmet restaurants.
There has never been a better time for business
travel with bmi.With improved schedules,
outstanding benefts and fantastic value, bmi
offers business travellers a greater range of
connections across Europe, Africa, the Middle
East and Russia.
Edinburgh-based customers can make the
most of business travel budgets with bmis
re-launched shorthaul product on all services
across the UK and Ireland to and from
London Heathrow.The introduction of a
single Economy cabin and enhanced services
for customers travelling on Flexible Economy
fares offers excellent value and gives customers
the ability to keep business travel costs down.
Passengers travelling on to Vienna and Berlin,
can experience all the benefts of a full service
business and economy class product onboard.
Customers travelling with bmi will beneft
from excellent onward connections, high-
quality service, bmis Company Rewards
programme for SMEs and the UKs leading
loyalty programme, Diamond Club, where
destinations miles can be spent on fights
with Star Alliance member airlines, hotel
accommodation and a range of gifts and treats.
Formore information ortobook fights visit return fares toBerlin and
viennastartfrom174, includingtaxes.
Mix business with pleasure in Vienna
Go continental with bmi
Berlins iconic Brandenburger Gate
Edinburghs number 26 bus route is to get a makeover
26 malts a previous 26 project in Edinburgh, with
The Scotch Malt Whisky Society
To encourage our members to showcase
their talent by entering the Chamber
Awards 2010, we are offering a reward
to any business within our network that
submits an application!
We will commit to giving all our
members who enter one or more
categories of the awards, run by the
British Chambers of Commerce, a
free advertising slot in one of our
e-newsletters, worth 200*.
Better still, we will give any member
who is crowned a regional winner a
years free membership to the Edinburgh
Chamber of Commerce. If thats not a
win, win deal, we dont know what is!
Formore information aboutthe
awards, howtoenterand alistofaward
The Chamber Awards 2010 entry
deadline is the 25th of June.
ifyou wanttodiscuss any ofthe
above with someone atthe edinburgh
Chamber, callourCustomerservices
teamon 08447362992.
Enter the
Awards its a
win, win deal!
*The timing of your free advertising slot
will depend on the number of applicants as
well as the availability in our e-newsletters.
There are 5-6 advertising slots per month
and paid-for advertising will be prioritised.
Adverts need to be supplied by the advertiser,
to Chamber specifcations. One free advert
per member company.
June/July2010 BC 7
The recent volcanic ash cloud cast a large
shadow over many of us, not least Edinburgh
Airport and the many businesses we support.
Beyond the initial week of no fying, the
ramifcations of the crisis are still unfolding.
The potential reluctance of people to fy, the
ongoing impact on the tourism industry and
the large dent in the reputation of aviation all
remain with us and pose big challenges for
Edinburgh Airport and the capital alike.
The crisis underlined the importance of
aviation to a country like Scotland.Were a
nation at the north-west periphery of Europe.
Tourism is one of our biggest employers and
exports and aviation is still the main access to
the vast majority of our overseas markets.
The crisis showed the capital in a great light.
When the disruption initially hit, we asked
Edinburghs tourism and hospitality trade to
assist us with the many passengers stranded
here.Within a matter of hours we had a list
of discounted hotels, restaurants and bars, to
help ease the stay of those stranded. City of
Edinburgh Council did its bit too, with its
social work department offering help to those
in fnancial diffculties.
So adversity has again shown us the intrinsic
links between Edinburgh and its airport.
Were a big employer in the City Region,
supporting around 5,000 jobs on the airport
campus and many more in the surrounding
community. Our economic contribution in
2009 was estimated as 118.4m.
And the capital is a huge factor in that success.
Sometimes we can forget how great our city
is when we get distracted by local issues and
challenges. But lets not forget how others
perceive us and it is generally something to
Edinburgh Airport has managed to build a
reputation for value for money.This doesnt
mean that were the cheapest, but what it does
mean is that we work hard to understand and
meet our airline customers needs.
Were aggressive commercially as we know
that every penny counts for our customers
and their passengers.The more we can invest
in our airport and the more revenue we can
generate from elsewhere, the less we need
to charge our customers.This will continue
to grow the choice and frequency of fights
from Edinburgh, all delivered without any
public money unlike most of our European
Growth airlines like Ryanair and easyjet are
not in this industry to fy to airports and cities
that will not be proftable.We need to blend
our expertise in running an airport with
Edinburghs world class status to maintain the
unbeatable product that has already seen huge
growth over the past decade.
So in order for us to truly be Scotlands
airport of choice, Edinburgh must be
Scotlands city of choice.We will only be
successful if Edinburgh is successful.
We intend to build on what weve achieved
together. Im ambitious for Edinburgh and
the airport and believe that together with my
team we can attract more routes and open up
further parts of the world for our enterprising
businesses to exploit.
Were working with our partners in
Edinburgh such as the excellent Edinburgh
Chamber of Commerce and development and
tourism groups such as DEMA and ETAG
to ensure that Edinburgh is the best that it
can be.
Despite the challenges that our city has faced
recently, Im optimistic about the future.
We all live and work in Scotlands city of
choice. Lets keep our eyes on that as we
compete on the European and global stage.
Getting Edinburgh ready for take off
How the capitals airport is helping Edinburgh to global success by Gordon
Dewar, Managing Director, Edinburgh Airport
Gordon Dewar
Managing Director
Edinburgh Airport
Ofcial government fuel consumption gures in mpg (litres per 100km) for the E-Class range: urban 15.0(18.8)-42.8(6.6), extra urban 30.4(9.3)-
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Recently, we have used our social marketing platforms to seek
feedback from members, highlight marketing and partnership
opportunities and even tender out contracts, so it could well be worth
your while connecting with us online.
When this magazine went to print our Twitter page (EdinChamber)
had over 1,000 followers including a host of local businesses and
the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce Group on LikedIn had around
700 members, many of whom use the discussion and news boards to
seek feedback and services, as well as new business opportunities, from
fellow users.
The latest addition to our social marketing tools the Edinburgh
Chamber of Commerce fan page on Facebook has already attracted
almost 90 fans and drummed up some interesting debates among
All our Facebook updates are fed through to our Twitter page and, in
turn, to LinkedIn and the news page on our website (Whats new), but
make sure youre not missing out on any opportunities or member-to-
member action by joining us on all three.
Were constantly looking at how we can improve our use of social
marketing and online networking, with some exciting ideas in the
pipeline, so watch this space! In the mean time, why not fnd us online
and get involved? search foredinburgh ChamberofCommerce search foredinburgh ChamberofCommerce
Get online with Edinburgh Chamber
Edinburgh Chamber is now on Facebook, as well as Twitter and LinkedIn, offering
members the chance to interact and network online.
June/July2010 BC 9 8 BC June/July2010
Central taxis
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Plans to refurbish a historic Edinburgh
building are being reassessed.
The City of Edinburgh Councils proposal to breathe new life into
the Assembly Rooms received a setback when a bid for 2.7m was
rejected by the Heritage Lottery Fund. Plans for the Grade A listed
George Street events venue are being reviewed.
Councillor Deidre Brock, Culture Leader, said: The Assembly Rooms
is an extremely important venue for Edinburgh and indeed Scotlands
cultural and events offer, and there was already substantial fnancial
commitment to the project in place from the Council and other
funding bodies. The Assembly Rooms is now in desperate need of
investment and while the full refurbishment proposals may have to be
scaled down, we need to press on with improvements to this iconic
Alan Johnston, Chair of Destination Edinburgh Marketing Alliance,
said: It is extremely important that the Assembly Rooms secures the
investment it needs and deserves so that it can fulfl its role as one of
the capitals premier arts and conference events venues.
The investment was confrmed at a meeting,
chaired by Nicola Sturgeon, Deputy First
Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health &
Wellbeing, at the Scottish Parliament where
representatives of the Parliament and the
Technology Strategy Board discussed how to
build on the science base that already exists
in Scotland.
The 750,000 investment goes towards
the Boards Sustainable Agriculture and
Food Innovation Platform that will see
investment of up to 90 million over the
next fve years in technological research and
development in crop productivity, sustainable
livestock production, waste reduction and
management, and greenhouse gas reduction.
Iain Gray, chief executive of the Board, said:
In the current economic recession, it is
more important than ever that the Scottish
economy should beneft from partnerships
and joint investments that support the
development of innovative technologies.We
aim to turn clever ideas into commercial
Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead
said: This funding capitalises on our
scientifc strengths and helps meet our
objective in supporting food producers and
suppliers in order to feed our country, and
the world, in the coming years.
By making this initial investment we hope
to attract additional funding into Scotland in
future and further promote and strengthen
our world-leading Scottish science base.
For more information on the Sustainable
Agriculture and Food Innovation Platform,
visit the Technology Strategy Boards website
at or speak to Calum
Murray on 01793442700.
Building plan
being reassessed
Scientifc investment
Scottish Government ministers have announced
a 750,000 boost for technological advances in
sustainable and agricultural development.
Iain Gray
As of the 1st of July 2010, we will require payment for events at the
same time as bookings are made.You will be able to pay by cheque
(payable to Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce) or by debit/credit
card but unfortunately we do not accept American Express.You
will also be able to book and pay online, via www.edinburghchamber.
We hope you will bear with us and appreciate that our new process
is designed to increase effciency and save costs, in turn allowing us
to put more resources into delivering an improved and enhanced
membership service. Hand in hand with our event booking and
payment review, we are also working on revitalising our member
benefts and support.The Chamber is all about representing business
interests while helping our member companies grow and save money,
and we are working hard to ensure our membership offering refects
theses aims as closely as possible.
Our updated package of member benefts and schemes will be
launched shortly so watch this space! In the mean time, why not check
out the June events diary and get networking?
tobook aplace atany ofournetworkingevents, callourevents team
on 01312213194, oremail:
New Chamber
events booking
and payment
Following a review of our internal processes and in order to streamline our
activities as well as improve our service to members, we are introducing a new
approach to events bookings and payment.
Edinburgh is a city that you
think you know well, however
there is so much more going on
than meets the eye. Edinburgh
has medieval roots yet is very
much a city that has grown
and developed to be a city of
enlightenment, science, business,
architecture and since 2004 the
worlds frst City of Literature.
Edinburgh is very much a city
moving toward the future with a
buoyant economy across many
sectors and is a highly desirable
destination in which to invest,
visit, live, work and study.
Edinburgh attracts business and
leisure tourists all year round
with its beauty, history, vibrancy
and wealth of visitor attractions.
its mix of urban amenities, rich
culture, inspirational festivals
and quality accommodation
has led Edinburgh to be named
as of the worlds top ten cities
by travel magazine Wanderlust
(2008). May 2010 saw Trip
Advisor destination Awards name
Edinburgh as the only british city
in the top 25 destinations in the
2009 saw the city voted for a
tenth consecutive year, Favourite
uK city at the guardian, Observer
and Travel Awards.
Edinburgh is the uKs most
favoured city after London to
hold an international conference.
The Scottish capital has a
strong track record in delivering
successful conferences and major
international events including
the MTV Europe Music Awards
(november 2003), the g8 (2005)
and the 49th nATO conference
(2003) to name just a few.
Edinburgh is extremely proud of
the accolade of The Festival City
and can also add europes top
location for economic potential
and best small city of the future,
according to Financial Times
Foreign direct investment (fdi)
magazine, March 2010.
The economic value of business
tourism to Edinburgh and its
city region is estimated to be
in excess of 300m per annum;
also Edinburgh is the most
popular uK city after London for
hosting international association
Edinburgh is quickly becoming
a key destination city in which
to do business and invest in, it
was ranked frst in a value for
money survey of ten world
class conference destinations
commissioned by Visitbritain last
Scotlands capital won at the
MiPMconference in Cannes, the
best small city of the future by
fdi Magazines European Cities
& regions for the second year in
a row.
A number of growth zones
around the city offering
exceptional development and
investment opportunities are
continuing to make the city a
desirable and key destination in
which to invest.
The north of the city centre
is being developed along
Edinburghs Waterfront into
one of Europes most signifcant
regeneration projects. Plans
include transforming the
industrial periphery of Edinburgh
into a new urban quarter for the
city including residential, leisure
business and visitor destination.
To the west of Edinburgh, the
area around Edinburgh Airport
is being developed as a new
international business gateway
zone. Future developments
include the expansion of
Edinburgh Park, recognized as
one of the best business parks in
Europe, from 58 to 78 hectares.
Land has also been allocated
nearby for 1,000 new homes and
new hotel developments.
in Edinburgh city centre itself,
more than 1 billion is currently
earmarked for development.
At the east end of Princes
Street construction will begin
in 2011 on the 850 million
redevelopment of the St James
Quarter by henderson global
investors. The development
will include two new hotels,
cafs, restaurants, offce space,
underground parking spaces,
residential apartments and retail
To the south of the city,
Edinburghs life sciences cluster
also includes one of the worlds
leading animal bioscience groups
in the Easter bush research
Consortium. developments here
amount to over 100 million and
include a new research facility
for The roslin institute, a new
building for the royal (dick)
School of Veterinary Studies and
expansion of Pentlands Science
Park, home of Moredun group.
Many factors make Edinburgh
a desirable destination; the city
provides a range of conference
and meeting venues. You can host
a reception in the royal Yacht
britannia, prepare for a seminar in
the rooftop garden of a boutique
hotel, or host a themed banquet
in the great hall of Edinburgh
Theres even more to come
too, with multi-million pound
refurbishments of both the
national Portrait gallery
and national Museum, the
redevelopment of top arts venue
the usher hall and the arrival
of new Tattoo stands in 2011
ensuring the Edinburgh visitor
experience remains world class.
its these reasons that also
make Edinburgh a great place
to do business or to stage a
conference; as well as playing
host to centrally-located, top-
quality meeting and conference
facilities, and the city offers
delegates so much more besides.
World class events are what
also gives the city its unique
atmosphere, upcoming
events include a rugby
Magic Month of May, World
duathlon Championships,
Taste of Edinburgh and a Super
September of Sports as well as
the usual festivities of arts and
culture blending in the worlds
largest Festival City.
To fnd out more about Scotlands
inspiring Capital, go to www.
Learn about how to become
an ambassador for the city, visit or
contact the team at dEMA at
A dESTinATiOn WOrTh diSCOVEring
Some advisors will tell you that it isnt a
quick process to bring a franchise to market
and in general this is the case. Nevertheless
it is possible to move quickly if what youre
offering is attractive and some good fnancial
constructs are in place. Sadly, franchising
is not a magic wand if the core business
doesnt make enough money, it cant possibly
work as a franchise.
Successful franchise systems rely on the
business owners being very committed to
the sales process and ensuring that the right
people are recruited to fll the frst few
places. Future sales are always reliant on the
frst ones through the door because these
provide the terms of reference for many years
to come.
Gerry Forristal, a partner at The Infnite
Group of Business Advisers in Scotland said:
Franchising is a fantastic way to build a
business, leveraging other peoples money to
build your company and brand.The key is
to tread lightly and keep your eye on what
makes the most money in the early stages.
Edinburgh Chamber runs a series of training
courses to develop sales skills, and works
directly with businesses that are considering
franchising, as well as with people looking to
buy a franchise.
Formore details, and
check outourBusiness solutions listing.
Formore information on the infnite group,
Per capita of population, the UK still remains relatively under-franchised; this
represents a huge opportunity for businesses to expand, utilising other peoples
investment to create leverage in a cash poor economy.
Gerry Forristal
Considering franchising?
June/July2010 BC 13 12 BC June/July2010
Having a laugh at work can be proftable
- thats the message from an Edinburgh
Chamber member company thats
challenging ideas about motivational
speaking, putting an emphasis on having fun.
Dunfermline-based Tree of Knowledge
believes that fun is crucial to business
confdence and self-belief.
Headed by managing director Gavin Oattes,
Tree of Knowledge is attracting big-name
clients such as the Scottish Government,
The Princes Trust, KPMG, Scottish Natural
Heritage and Registers of Scotland.
Last year, the frm became one of the frst
in Scotland to have a management buy-
out funded by the Government-backed
Enterprise Finance Guarantee scheme.
Since the deal,Tree of Knowledge has been
showing businesses the power of humour in
the workplace.
As part of that approach, it launched
Fun@Work, a series of half-day workshops
for corporate audiences held at Edinburgh
Zoo, using humour and fun activities to
instil positivity and lateral thinking.
The frm believes that helping people to
think outside the box promotes greater
creativity at their place of work.
The company also works in schools, giving
motivational talks to pupils and staff. Its
Peapodo system is full of fun activities for
early-years children, while the Apodo System
for Enterprise is aimed at older pupils.
With Tree of Knowledge poised to launch a
corporate Apodo, containing more than 100
motivational activities, the frm is confdent
of continued success in helping businesses
fnd that having fun can be proftable.
Formore information
For some years now, larger companies have
been churning out annual reports describing
their corporate responsibility (CR) or
sustainability record.While these reports have
become more sophisticated, they try in many
ways to please everyone and often please
very few.
At the same time, there is a growing band
of smaller companies which have embraced
regular reporting as a means of driving
process improvement.These companies will
take different approaches to environmental
management and working conditions,
but they share a desire to improve their
relationship with the environment, suppliers,
local communities and employees.This work
is partly driven by legislation, but is also
a means of responding to questions from
customers and saving money, for example
through reduced waste disposal, energy and
recruitment costs.
Why make progress or problems with
sustainability public? Firstly, the report can
be a mechanism for setting targets and
driving the resulting process improvements
you cannot beat a public statement of
intent to concentrate minds! The report
can sit easily alongside an existing data and
management system and should offer a full
and frank picture, even where progress is
not being made. Secondly, the company
may well be getting enquiries from potential
customers, investors and employees about
its sustainability record.Thirdly, greater
transparency is a facet of improved
management, which in turn enhances the
value of the company brand.
The rise of digital communication means
that even small businesses can produce
concise, engaging and up to date summaries
of environmental and sustainability
performance.While a printed summary
will always be necessary, online reports can
be much more fexible, visual and up to
date. In addition, the work of those within
the business can be brought to life, specifc
projects can be illustrated and targets
The report need not emulate the thick
tomes produced by larger companies. It
should describe the nature of the business,
associated policies and how the company is
tackling its key impacts such as waste, water,
responsible sourcing, employee development
or community involvement.The report
may also be structured in line with external
voluntary guidelines.
In the era of business transparency and
scrutiny, those companies that are prepared to
expose their management of environmental,
ethical, social and community issues, will
undoubtedly enhance their bottom-line and
their value.
Dr. Michael Groves is an environmental
professional whom helps companies report and
communicate around environment and corporate
Formore info, goto:
The Government has announced that fathers
will be able to take up to six months absence
from work on paternity leave if the mother
chooses to return to work.
This means that fathers will now be given
the legal right to take the place of the
mother during the last three months of her
nine month maternity leave.
The current payment attached to the
entitlement is Statutory Pay of 123 per week.
Fathers who are eligible to receive Statutory
Pay would then also be entitled to take a further
period of unpaid leave of up to three months.
The combined effect of this is to grant to
those parents who wish to take advantage of
the new entitlement a combined total of 12
months leave.
The announcement has caused disquiet
amongst employers, not least the British
Chambers of Commerce.
A major concern is that this further
additional regulation will discourage
employers to take on more staff.
The Government has confrmed that they
only expect between four and eight per
cent of those fathers eligible for extended
paternity leave, to take up the offer.
The full details and copies of the Regulations
entitled The Additional Paternity Leave
Regulations 2010 can be found on the
Offce of Public Sector Information (OPSI)
website. Forassistance contactthe helpline
on 01455850000.
reporting is not just
for the big boys
Dr Michael Groves
Paternity ruling a concern
Tree of Knowledge MD Gavin Oattes,
fanked by directors Alan Burton (left) and
Dougie Clark, with two of their products:
a Peapodo, for early-years children, and
an Apodo, which provides motivational
activities for older pupils and adults.
Laughing all the way to the bank
June/July2010 BC 15
The Chamber recently welcomed a new addition to its fast growing
international trade team. Ross Clark has been appointed as Operations
Director International, for Scottish Chambers International (SCI),
Edinburgh International Trade and Smart Exporter.
Formerly known as Intelligent Exporter, Smart Exporter is an
international trade up-skilling programme for Scottish businesses,
which is match-funded by the European Social Fund and is a
partnership involving the private and public sectors.
Managing Director for the Chambers business development and
international trade activity, Alasdair Kerr, says: Ross is a welcome
addition to our team and brings a wealth of international trade
experience as both an exporter and an importer. He has a clear
understanding of the issues and challenges that face businesses, which
informs his work in supporting Scottish businesses to achieve their
international trade ambitions.
Having previously run his familys engineering company and as
Divisional Managing Director within the Howden Group plc, Ross
has been involved in the design, manufacture, marketing and sale
of capital equipment worldwide. Over a period of 15 years, he has
dealt with and visited global customers, distributors and agents. He
has also been a distributor and agent for imported equipment, and in
a third international venture has exported and imported consumer
Part of his time at Howden was in the role of European Sales Director,
which involved the set up of overseas offces and staffng, and liaising
with worldwide Centres of Excellence in design and manufacture.
Latterly he has focused on assisting high growth technology companies
to achieve their potential.
tofnd outmore aboutthe internationaltrade supportopen toyou
business contact08447362992orlogon to:
New faces, global places
Financial markets do not like uncertainty, as witnessed by the 8%
depreciation in the euro against sterling in the two months since
Greece unveiled its austerity package to tackle the debt crisis. Fears of
contagion to other parts of the Euro zone, particularly Portugal, Spain
and Ireland, have further undermined the euro.
Whilst recent data has provided some encouragement for the UK
economy, there is no doubt investors wish to see a swift and credible
plan put in place to address the UK debt issues to prevent this
contagion spreading across the channel.
Looking at 9-month highs, and close to last years 1.1905 high in
-eur, many businesses with overseas exposure would like to take
advantage of current exchange rates to protect against the potential for
sterling depreciation in the wake of the General Election.
A simple forward contract, bookable out as far as two years if required
and for as little as a 5% deposit, would lock into current exchange
rates and eliminate the risk of a potentially damaging fall in the value
of the pound. Clearly this would also remove the possibility to take
advantage of further gains, although protecting margin should be seen
as a priority over undefned currency gains or losses.
ifyou would like tospeak toone ofourforeign currency specialist
Edinburgh Tour Guides is an Edinburgh based company. We have local
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From walking tours to coach and car tours, our guides would love to show
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Ross Clark international outlook
With earlier fears of a hung parliament now realised investor confdence in the new
Governments ability to address the UK budget defcit will be critical to the performance of
the pound. Sterling has been riding high against the euro as internal pressures weigh on the
single currency and this has, until now at least, sheltered the UK from the negative spotlight.
Can we protect against Euro zone
June/July2010 BC 17 16 BC June/July2010






, T

01 03
Coming up roses: forists Amanda Baillie-Hogg & Lydia Shade of
Style Exotic (4th & 5th from the left) are congratulated on winning
the Grahame Cunningham Award by (L to R) Donald Kerr, Bank
of Scotland, the chambers Linda Fenwick, Elaine Cunningham and
Chamber President, Robert Carr
Managing Director of the Chamber, Graham Birse, with Sarah
Boyack MSP, who was among the guests
L to R: Ewan Thomson of First Scottish Group with Charlotte Di
Corpo of Festivals Edinburgh & Barclay Price of Arts & Business in
Scotland enjoy the drinks and networking
Dinner with Donald
Bank of Scotland Director of Commercial Banking Donald Kerr took
centre stage at our Premier Series Dinner at The George Hotel on
Thursday 8 April, sharing his thoughts on how Bank of Scotland plans to
help Scotlands economic recovery.The winner of the annual Grahame
Cunningham Award, Style Exotic, was also announced at the event.
Budget breakfast
On the 25th of March we hosted our annual
Budget Breakfast, kindly sponsored by Chiene +
Tait, where Bill Jamieson of The Scotsman and
David Collier of Chiene + Tait gave us their
analysis of the 2010/11 budget.
Bill Jamieson makes a crucial point
David Collier of Chiene + Tait gets
ready to make taxation exciting!
Jeremy Peat, Chairman of
The David Hume Institute, delivers
his summing up
Key note dinner
with the
First Minister
L to R: The Chambers Ron
Hewitt with Dame Joan Stringer
of Edinburgh Napier University,
the main event sponsor, and James
Smith of Shell UK
The First Minister takes centre stage
First Minister Alex Salmond with Donald
Anderson of PPS, who kindly supported
the event
All smiles: the Chambers Liz McAreavey and
Dave Anderson, Director of Development
with the City of Edinburgh Council look
pleased to be mingling
On the 4th of March the First Minister, Rt Hon Alex Salmond MSP, and Chairman of Shell UK,
James Smith, spoke to guests at our Opportunities for Scotland in new energy future dinner at
Prestonfeld Hotel.The dinner was supported by Napier, PPS Group, and our valued Partner in
Enterprise, Spire Edinburgh Hospitals, as well as media partner,The Scotsman.
05 06
June/July2010 BC 19
q In fve words or less, what do you do?
A Architect in private practice.
q How long have you been a Chamber member?
A Five years.
q Why did you join?
A To increase the profle of our business.
q What services do you use?
A Attendance at networking events and utilisation of the business mentoring services.
q Whats the best business/beneft you have won through the Chamber?
A We have met some valuable client and other industry contacts.
q Are there any additional services or information youd be particularly interested in?
A Further expansion of online services, including access to more detailed presentation notes
from chamber events.
q If you were telling another business person about the Chamber, whats the frst thing you
would say?
A You only get out of it what you put in.
q Where do you read your copy of Business Comment?
A In the offce or on the train.
Architects(UK) Ltd.
18 BC June/July2010
L to R: Jackie Rochmankowska of Toys Galore, Norma
Reid of the RBS Group and Pauline Forbes, Caledonia Asset
Management LTD
Sylvia Whyte of EHS Architectural Ltd, Susan McFadyen of
Tods Murray LLP, Avrill Elliot of MRICS and Emma Watts
of Contract Scotland Ltd enjoy the view
Strike a pose: a model makes a lasting impression
Jill Davidson of the Chambers Events Team (2nd left) poses
with the models
Working the
On the 15th of April, Edinburgh Chambers Women in Business
committee and John Lewis in Edinburgh organised a glamorous
fashion show for members, showing off the new seasons trends, from
business wear straight through to evening and cocktail attire.
Encouraging conditions in the commercial
property investment market have helped
Ryden to complete deals worth 144m across
Scotland, including in Edinburgh.
Independent commercial property frm
Ryden acted in the purchase of The Bridge
on Edinburgh s Royal Mile; 1m was paid by
SWIP Property Trust for the of development,
which includes two retail units, two restaurants,
a banking hall and the fve-star Missoni Hotel.
Other completed deals included those in
Glasgow and Aberdeen and Ian Dougherty, a
partner based in Rydens Glasgow offce, said:
Factors which drove demand to exceptional
levels in 2009 prevail in 2010.
High quality investment opportunities
continue to attract interest from indigenous and
overseas investors as well as property companies
however many investors are looking higher up
the risk curve for properties with shorter leases
or voids in the search for a higher initial yield.
Ryden has offces in Edinburgh, Glasgow,
Aberdeen, Dundee and Inverness.
Buoyant commercial property
market helps secure deals
20 BC June/July2010
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June/July2010 BC 23 22 BC June/July2010
However, that is the challenge that Kath
Mainland took up last year after four years
as administrative director of the citys hugely
successful International Book Festival.
Appointed to the job in February, and taking
up the post three months later, she did not
inherit an easy situation, arriving after the
previous years event suffered from the collapse
of its online booking system.
But with last years highly successful Edinburgh
Festival Fringe behind her, and an online
system that worked well in handling ticket sales,
she is now looking forward to this years event
between August 6 and 30.
She says:It has been a hectic time since I took
the job but that is the nature of all festivals and
that it is why we like them.
The appeal of the Fringe is that it is open
access which means that we are never quite
sure what will happen.That is what makes it an
interesting job.
With the Book Festival, and many other
festivals, decisions could be made about the
size of the event and the programme could be
shaped around those decisions but the Fringe is
not like that.
There are none of those boundaries and none
of those decisions to make. It all depends on
who wants to perform.
I think the Fringes accessibility is one of the
reasons for its success.
Because the programme largely develops itself,
the main role for Kath and her team is a more
practical one as they look after the needs of
performers from around the world.
Kath says:Our job is to support, encourage
and advise all participants, before, during and
after the Fringe.
Our role is to provide comprehensive
information and ticketing for the participants,
the media and the public, and raise the profle
of the entire Fringe worldwide through the
media and other outlets.
The fgures for last years record-breaking event
show how big a job that can be with 31,000
performances of more than 2,000 shows,
featuring 18,000 performers.
The main vehicle for promoting the shows is
the printed programme, which comes out in
Where the unexpected is to be expected
June and reveals for the frst time what kind of
a Fringe it will be. It is only then that the city
gets an idea of the size of the event.
But whereas with many festivals, the
programme is confrmed well in advance, the
Fringe is different.
Kath says:We set a deadline for the printed
programme but there are always people who
come along afterwards.
They still get to perform, its just that they do
not get to go in the programme.
In addition to organising the promotional
work, another key role undertaken by
the Fringe Society team is make sure that
performers are given the practical help that
they need.That help is important because many
of the citys more traditional entertainment
buildings are already in use as part of the
Edinburgh International Festival.
Indeed, thats the point because when the
Fringe began in 1947, the catalyst was the
arrival of eight uninvited theatre groups
to the frst Festival.
The team works hard to ensure that a balance
is struck between artistic freedom and the
need to observe undertakings such as meeting
health and safety legislation for audiences and
performers alike.
Kath says:During the Fringe, events happen
in temporary buildings and structures and the
support of the city council and emergency
services is invaluable in making sure that the
shows can take place.
We have a good relationship with them.They
understand what an event this size means to the
city and their approach is another reason why
the Fringe has been such a success.
They are not the only people to appreciate the
scale of the Fringe; Ms Mainland secured the
job over more than 100 applicants from across
the world.
Although she hails from Orkney, the
appointment was a form of homecoming
because she began her career at the Fringe
as an administrative assistant in 1991 before
working on many of Scotlands biggest festivals
and events.
One of her priorities since taking up the job
has been to help the citys businesses take better
advantage of the opportunities which the
Fringe offers.
She says:We do have commercial sponsorship
but it is something in which we can do better.
For that month in August we will have a
community of performers in this city.
They will spend all their lives here and do
the things that everyone else does, eating,
taking taxis, going to the doctors, visiting
the launderette and one of the things we
want to do is bring businesses closer to that
Its a hectic job - the Fringe has developed into
the worlds largest arts festival, ranging from
theatre, comedy, music and dance to musicals,
opera, childrens shows and exhibitions - but
just over a year into the post, Kath Mainland is
relishing the challenge. She said: I am loving
it, It can be nerve-wracking at time and you
are never quite sure what is going to happen
but thats part of the thrill.
Few jobs in Edinburgh can be as demanding and high-profle as chief executive of
The Festival Fringe Society.
Kath Mainland, chief executive,
The Festival Fringe Society
For example, one of the keys to the Fringes
success is the use of unconventional
performance spaces, often in old buildings
designed for another purpose.That means
applying sensitive fre and access regulations
to make sure audiences really are safe rather
than insisting that venues ft box-ticking
It also means accepting that the city will, for
one month, be a quite different place from
what it is during the rest of the year. It is
business, of course, but it is also disruption.
Were it badly managed, the disruption could
damage the core activities that drive the city
through the rest of the year. All tourist centres
have to cope to some extent with surges of
visitors with different values to the locals, but
this is extreme stuff.The lesson, therefore, is
not just to permit the creation of a market but
also to relish it.
Lesson two is to blend top-down and
bottom-up.There is no single mind planning
what happens in Edinburgh; there are and
always have been lots of minds, which work
in different ways. And there is one crucial
function that the Fringe performs beyond
logistics.This is teaching. Every year it holds
a series of seminars to show would-be
performers and promoters how to put on a
show.The trick, which the various organisers
of the Edinburgh festivals have managed to
pull off, is to achieve balance to plan but
not to over-plan, to lead but also to follow the
demands of the market.
That leads to the third lesson: the need to
listen.This has been central to Edinburghs
development at three stages.What started as
a conventional arts festival, and might have
remained so, was swiftly transformed by the
demands of the market into something much
bigger. Nothing is for ever but the sheer
size and variety of the talent on display in
Edinburgh gives it a stability that other arts
festivals lack. Because it is market-driven,
it cannot be snuffed out by a squeeze on
funding; as long as it provides a useful
showcase function for the entertainment
industries, it will survive.
So far, Edinburgh seems to have caught the
fckle shifts of fashion and retained its lead.
Long may it continue to do so. Meanwhile,
anyone in the world who is interested in
the arts should have at least one shot at
braving the cacophony on the High Street of
Edinburgh one August.
Go to ten shows in a day and stagger back to
the hotel battered and ready for some more
tomorrow. Better still, put on one: back some
students or even commission some music and
give it a world premiere.
At some stage the ever-greater size of the
festival will become a more serious obstacle.
Maybe the re-timing of the flm festival
carries a warning here it cannot go on
growing for ever and the switch from its
present very big bang to some sort of steady
state will be tricky. But for years to come it
will remain, quite simply, the greatest show
on earth.
Hamish McRae is the principal economic commentator of The
Independent and the Independent on Sunday and associate editor of
The Independent. What Works was published in January 2010 by
Harper Press (12.99), ISBN 9780007203772.
June/July2010 BC 25 24 BC June/July2010
In 2009 the Edinburgh Festival
Fringe alone sold 1.9 million tickets
and generated 75 million for the
local economy
The festivals attract a vast range
of performers, from international
drumming groups, such as the Tao
Drummers, to cabaret-style acts like
Frisky & Mannish
All eyes are on Edinburgh during
the festival season
A shouted warning for the audience to stand back and a burst of fre
from a human fame-thrower surges towards the crowd of onlookers
on the Mound. A troupe in silver body-paint hands out leafets for
the nights performance. Down the High Street, a jazz band bangs out
the sounds of New Orleans. It is clamour, clamour come and see
us, the most brilliant act ever as every group of talent demands your
For it is August in Edinburgh and the prim grey capital of Scotland
is once again home to the largest arts show in the world. As the
International Festival guide puts it: There is no place on earth like
Edinburgh in August. Nothing, but nothing, prepares the frst-time
visitor for the scale of what is on offer.You could in theory set to work
every morning at ten, jam-pack the day with visits to shows and go
all the way through the wee hours to 4 a.m. and still see only a tiny
fraction of what is available.
There are more shows, more world premieres, more tickets, more new
talent, more critics, more media moguls, more authors and playwrights
in short more talent on display than at any other arts festival
There is a host of other arts festivals around the world but Edinburgh
is three times the size of any of them. It is an extraordinary, if
improbable achievement and one that many other cities would love
to emulate. How has Edinburgh done it? The short answer is slowly.
This is not one festival but depending what you include ten. Each
reinforces the others, giving the city an artistic critical mass that makes
it impossible to topple.
Critical mass matters. Once the Fringe was established as the premier
showcase for British, later world, theatrical talent, it was natural that
Edinburgh in August should attract other festivals too.The market was
largely ready-made, for people who are interested in new experimental
theatre are probably also interested in more conventional drama, in
classical music and jazz, in new books in all the other experiences
that Edinburgh offers.
But Edinburgh is not just a retail show for interested individuals; it is a
wholesale show for the different artistic trades. For a young performer
to get noticed at Edinburgh can be a life-changing experience.Win
one of the top awards and nothing will ever be the same again.
Edinburgh has long had a lot of things going for it things that would
naturally make it the ideal backdrop for an arts and entertainment
festival. It is, physically, the most beautiful city in Britain, with its castle,
its gardens, its medieval Old Town and its Georgian squares. It is a
capital city and important in the entertainment world an English-
speaking one. But none of this, of course, would have been enough.
There are at least three special features about the Edinburgh Festival
that carry a message for other cities seeking to develop their own
special face to the world.
Lesson one is the willingness to create and permit a completely open
marketplace.This means accepting that what happens cannot be
controlled. Edinburgh has tended this marketplace wisely, not by piling
in huge amounts of money or building infrastructure, but rather by
clearing bureaucratic blockages that might stife it.
The greatest show on earth
how does Edinburgh do it?
03 04
Cover photo of Die Roten Punkte
by Christine Fiedler, courtesy of
Paul Lucas Productions and Richard
Jordan Productions; spoof rockers and
comedy act Die Roten Punkte are
touring the world this year after their
sell-out debut at the 2009 Fringe.
For more information, check out:
Photos kindly supplied by the
Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Society/Colin Hattersly
The Edinburgh Festival has long been an important part of the citys calendar and crucial to the
local economy but why is it so successful? Financial journalist Hamish McRae explains in this
extract from his book What Works Success in Stressful Times.
AssociateEditor, TheIndependent
Scotland was no exception and not only did
major fnancial centres like Edinburgh feel
the effect on their major institutions but the
knock-on impact damaged confdence in
businesses large and small.
Now, with the banking sector recovering
and more talk of a recovery, there has been a
greater emphasis on ensuring that businesses
can gain access to the funds they need to
survive and thrive.
And the message from the banking sector is
that it is still there to help businesses - and
that it has been doing so throughout the
Brian Capon, Assistant Director of the
British Banking Association, said there had
been a perception among businesses that
money was not available.That had led to
some businesses not even trying to obtain
loans because they assumed that the answer
would be no.
He said: The fact is that the banks have
continued to lend to businesses.What we
are seeing is some businesses making the
decisions themselves.
According to the BBA, new lending to small
businesses has stabilised at just over half a
billion pounds a month. Banks are currently
lending a total of around 55bn to small
BBA statistics for February showed that
48,000 new banking relationships were
established in February. Most were businesses
starting-up, but one-in-eight were switching
to alternative banks.
Statistics director, David Dooks said: New
lending to small businesses is running at
a fairly constant monthly level and there
is evidence in new business banking
relationships of lender competition to
provide small business support.
Business behaviour is still being conditioned
by the diffcult economic environment,
with cost containment, reduced investment
and lower trading activity all suppressing
borrowing demand.
Mr Capon said that, although funding is
available, businesses seeking to apply for loans
need to make sure they are well prepared.
He said: Banks are more cautious. I think
any business is in these times but banks will
look more favourably on an application
that is well presented.They are looking for
businesses that have done their homework
and have a plan B should things go awry.
Mr Capon said that banks are also wary
of businesses that seek loans to see them
through the remnants of the recession, rather
than to fnance growth.
He cites the hypothetical case of a restaurant
which sees its clientele halved every night
because people have not been spending as
much during the recession.
Mr Capon said: That business may approach
a bank and ask for money to tide it over
but the bank is more likely to be favourable
if the business has identifed what has
happened to it and knows what it needs to
do to see it through.
June/July2010 BC 27 26 BC June/July2010
Planning crucial for companies
seeking loans
The virtual collapse of the banking system sent shockwaves through the UK
economy and had a disastrous impact on many businesses.
Whilst larger companies have a higher value of invoices paid late, as a
proportion of turnover it is smaller businesses which are worst affected.
For example, one in fve (20%) businesses with an annual turnover of
between 250,000 and 500,000 has suffered.This compares with just
one in ffteen (7%) of medium and large businesses. For businesses with
a turnover between under 1m, the equivalent of 12% of their annual
turnover is paid late.
Despite these problems, the research reveals that less than half (45%)
of SMEs have taken measures to improve their cash fow. Of these
businesses, around one in ten (11%) have hired an in-house credit
controller. Only 9% have used invoice discounting and 8% have used
factoring, both of which are effective means of plugging a cash fow gap
and are now widely recognised as appropriate alternatives to mainstream
funding methods.
Graham Galloway, Managing Director, Scotland, Business and
Commercial Banking, said:Bad debts and late payment of invoices are
endemic problems for UK businesses. For more than one in ten (12%)
frms, over 60% of all their invoices are paid late, causing major cash fow
problems for many Scottish businesses.Whats concerning is that so few
are making use of services from their bank to help alleviate the problem.
For businesses trading on short-term credit there are fnancial solutions
available which enable them to turn unpaid invoices into working
capital. For example, RBS Invoice Finance is ideal for businesses looking
to take control of cash fow and fund growth. It can give businesses an
immediate cash injection of up to 85% of the value of unpaid invoices.
The reality for most small businesses is that they are too busy to spend
time chasing payment and managing debtors. However, our Invoice
Finance team can pick up the burden of chasing payments and help
protect businesses by safeguarding their fnancial supply chains.
Colin Borland, spokesperson, Federation of Small Businesses in Scotland,
said:Poor payment practices can drastically affect cash fow for small
frms at a time when business owners are doing their best to hold on to
precious funds. Indeed, fgures from BIS show that late payments were
responsible for some 4,000 business failures in 2008 alone. Since the
economic downturn we have been urging businesses and agencies in
both the public and private sector to sign up to the Prompt Payment
Code to highlight best practice and help boost the cash-fow of small
frms during these tough times.
latepayments by sector
Late payments are most prevalent in the wholesale industry with 93%
of frms reporting that they have experienced late payments in the last
twelve months. For one in fve (19%) business services companies, over
60% of all payments they received were paid late.The retail industry has
fared the best with late payment fgures below the UK average of 71%.
The invoice fnance solutions offered by NatWest and RBS include
factoring and invoice discounting converting unpaid invoices into
immediate liquid funds; bad debt protection to protect frms if their
customers become formally insolvent; asset-based lending, enabling
frms to use assets to raise additional funding. RBS Invoice Finances
FacFlow facility enables businesses to manage and monitor their invoice
fnance facility online.
Scotlands 4.3 billion late
payment mountain
New research from RBS reveals that 71% of SMEs in the UK have suffered from
late payments over the last 12 months. The collective value of invoices paid outside
of the stipulated terms and conditions in Scotland alone is an estimated 4.4
billion. As a result, some 16,000 SMEs in the region claim time wasted chasing
debt has adversely affected their business.
Wholesale 93% 11%
manufacturing 81% 18%
Construction 80% 11%
Businessservices 72% 19%
retail 66% 8%
uKAverage 71% 12%
industry number of companies
that saidover 60%of all
Yourhome orpropertY mAY Be repossessediF
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RBS Invoice Finance is part of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, RBS Invoice Finance Limited. Registered in England No. 662221. Registered Offce: Smith House, Elmwood
Avenue, Feltham, Middlesex TW13 7QD. RBS Invoice Finance Limited?s registered VAT number is 243 8527 52.
June/July2010 BC 29
Scottish manufacturing frm Paragon Inks
has secured funding from The Royal Bank of
Scotland (RBS) to support the construction
of a new 3.5 million purpose-built business
premises in Livingston. The expansion of
the business has resulted in the planned re-
location to new premises and will bring the
creation of new jobs to the area.
Paragon Inks is an established manufacturer
of printing inks which had been in operation
since 1985.The team has over 25 years
experience in the UV products and services
sector and operates globally supplying
products to the global web printing market
through specially selected distributors and
direct sales.
Paragon Inks will re-locate from its existing
premises in Broxburn to Livingston with
completion of the project expected for the
end of this year.
Managing Director Gerry Merten approached
his long-standing bank RBS to provide the
funding to support this project. Relationship
Director Stuart Wilkie structured a funding
package to assist the construction of the
new premises.The new site will allow for
additional growth of the business, with a focus
being made on growing the export side.
Paragon Inks invest 3.5 million in
construction of new purpose-built
n Paragon Inks business expansion leads to relocation plans for new purpose
built site.
n Completion planned for end of 2010 with support provided by RBS
n Backing provided by RBS in the form of 1.4million senior debt funding
Thisdeal demonstratesthattheBankisopenforbusinessand
continuestosupportviablecommercial businesseswithstrong
managementanddetailedbusinessplans. Withtheconstruction
workunderwaywewishParagonInksall thebestwiththe
developmentof thenewpremisesandlookforwardtosupporting
stuartWilkie, relationship directoratrBs
Thetimeisright for Paragontocapatiliseonitspositionasa
global inksupplier withinthenichemarket of webpackaging.
Wehavebuilt averystrongdistributor networkworldwideand
havetocompliment thiswithamoreeffcient andhigher capacity
facility. The6.5acreStarlawsitepurchasedfromSEisperfect for
our longtermambitions. WevebeenwithRBSfor 25yearsand
seethemastheobviouspartner inthisnewexcitingventure
gerry merten, managingdirector
Forfurtherinformation please contact: stuartWilkie, relationship director,
the royalBank ofscotland, Business &CommercialBanking
tel: 01315235883 mob: 07909998764 email:
Yourhome orpropertY mAY Be repossessediFYoudonot KeepuprepAYmentsonYourmortgAge
Security may be required. over 18s only.
30 BC June/July2010
Supporting the work of banks have been a raft of initiatives which
recognised the continuing challenges that smaller businesses face in
accessing fnance.
One such initiative announced by the UK Government was that
the Enterprise Finance Guarantee will be continued for a further 12
months, enabling 500m of additional bank lending to go to SMEs
between April this year and March next year.
The Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG) is a loan guarantee scheme
that was launched in January 2009 to help viable SMEs obtain the
working capital and investment that they need during tight economic
Initially, EFG made provision for up to 1.3 billion of additional bank
lending between 14 January 2009 and 31 March this year, which has
now been extended.
By providing lenders with a Government-backed guarantee for 75% of
the loan value, the scheme facilitates lending that would otherwise not
be available.
There is no automatic entitlement to receive a guaranteed loan but
the idea behind EFG is to help businesses which do not have suffcient
security and at businesses that can ultimately repay the loan in full.
With 44 lenders taking part, EFG supports lending to businesses with
an annual turnover of up to 25m seeking loans of 1,000 through
to 1million, repayable over a period of between three months and 10
Under EFG, the following types of lending can be guaranteed:
Refnancing the existing term loans, where the loan is at risk due
to deteriorating value of security or where for cash fow reasons the
borrower is struggling to meet existing loan repayments.
Conversion of an existing overdraft into a term loan to meet working
capital requirements.
A guarantee on invoice fnance facilities to support an agreed
additional advance on an SMEs debtor book.This will supplement the
invoice fnance facility already in place.
A guarantee on new or increased overdraft borrowing for the SMEs
experiencing short term cash-fow diffculties.
Business Gateway can provide information and advice to businesses
seeking fnance including under EFG. For an initial appraisal on
whether your business may be eligible for the Enterprise Finance
Guarantee go to the Real Help Help with Finance web page hosted
Mr Capon at the British Banking Association said that although
such schemes were welcome, business needed to still remember the
importance of correct planning.
He said: Schemes like the Enterprise Finance Guarantee scheme
are out there but it is important that people realise this is not blanket
lending. Banks are still more likely to lend to businesses whose
applications are well thought out, businesses that have grasped what
they need to do.
During the frst quarter of 2010 the fgures show that 241 businesses
faced critical problems, a hefty 59.6 per cent increase on the same
period of 2009.
I think this increase is very interesting as it is traditionally the
companies with critical problems which are far more likely to fall into
some sort of insolvency, says Ken Pattullo, group managing partner for
Begbies Traynor in Scotland.
The statistics again show that hardest hit year-on-year was the
construction sector with an increase of 14 per cent while property
services was up 11 per cent and business to business services by a
massive 26 per cent. Retail was up 6 per cent.
On a slightly brighter note, however, there is an encouraging 9.8
per cent year-on-year fall in the number of companies experiencing
signifcant problems, down from 11,233 to 10,136, although this drop
is less than in any other part of the UK.
He believes that although the Scottish economy is now technically
out of recession the fgures indicate there is likely to be more pain to
come. This is particularly likely given the Scottish economys heavier
reliance than Englands on public sector spending with swingeing
Government cuts expected to be made.
There is now a climate, says Mr Pattullo, where trade suppliers are
increasingly seizing the opportunity to take action against their debtors
in order to raise much needed working capital. He sees this shift
in behaviour heralding a new phase in the cycle, putting businesses
experiencing fnancial problems at greater risk of failure.
Low interest rates have been one of the principal reasons why
business failures have not yet reached the peak levels that many feared
this savage recession would cause, he adds. Interest rates will also
have a role to play, with the latest Reuters poll of over 50 fnancial
institutions predicting a rise of 1 per cent over the next 12 months,
thereby tripling current base rate, with some banks forecasting a rise of
as much as 1.5 per cent.
A rise may tip more struggling businesses over the edge later in the
year and through into 2011, especially in the embattled but vital SME
sector that is so important to Scotlands economy and which cannot
afford the protection of sophisticated rate hedging.
Looking ahead, with recent increases in infation and anticipated
increases in interest rates and taxes, it is likely that there will be
signifcant pressure on consumer spending in the near future.
In an unequivocal message to company directors Mr Pattullo warns:
While the country may be exiting recession, the peak of insolvency
activity may be some time away yet, both at a corporate and personal
level. This is why its crucial for company directors to ensure they are
in full control of their businesses and have up-to-date fnancial reports
on the performance of their business.
Mr Pattullos comments also come in the wake of statistics released by
The Insolvency Service on 7 May showing that company liquidations
in Scotland in the frst quarter of 2010 totalled a provisional 275, an
increase of 71 per cent on the same quarter of 2009 compared with a
decrease over the same period of 17 per cent in England and Wales.
June/July2010 BC 31
Crucial for directors to ensure they are in full
control of their businesses
Economic recovery still remains fragile and the latest fgures from the quarterly
Red Flag statistics compiled by leading business rescue, recovery and restructuring
specialist Begbies Traynor underline the fact that the pain in Scotland is more
acute than the rest of the UK.
Ken Pattullo
Begbies Traynor
By Ken Pattullo
Begbies Traynor
Giving something back
how private sector philanthropy offers
hope in tough times
With talk of further economic diffculties
to come, charities are thinking harder and
working smarter than ever before to ensure
that vital services continue to be delivered.
With cuts in public sector spending a certainty,
charities are encouraging corporate partners to
invest in local communities.
Bethany Christian Trust,TFN Scottish Charity
of the Year 2009, has benefted greatly from
the support of leading individuals and private
sector organisations. As Iain Gordon, Bethanys
Chief Exec, comments In uncertain times,
most of us have concerns about what the future
holds. What Bethany is seeking to convey
is that for the most vulnerable in Scotlands
communities, the concerns are very real indeed
and the consequences can only be described as
devastating for many of the people we support
Bethany started 2010 with a boost from
Morton Fraser LLP as its Charity of the
Year. Morton Frasers Chief Executive Linda
Urquhart spoke of the decision. We are
delighted to support the important work of
Bethany. Our focus is very much on engaged
philanthropy on a local level and on giving
more than just fnancial support.
Alan Henderson, a senior solicitor with
the frm, was one of more than a hundred
people who slept rough for the night in aid
of Bethanys work. The Big Sleepout was
a unique opportunity to experience what life
is like for the thousands of homeless people
across Scotland. It was an eye-opening nights
sleep literally - which really made me think
about the daily struggle homeless people face. I
was proud to take part.
Peter Vardy, CEO of Peter Vardy Ltd, told us
why charity and private sector partnerships
work so well in producing results. We are
really proud supporters of Bethany. The
organisation is tackling homelessness at all
levels, providing vital services to bring direct
help to those who really need it. I am very
impressed with the support they give in
moving people on from a life on the streets to
one where they have greater stability.
Dan Reynolds, Fundraising and Marketing
Manager, commented on why Bethany was
seeing an upsurge in corporate support. Many
leaders in the corporate sector are aware of
the levels of professionalism and innovation
that underpin the work of an organisation like
Bethany. However, charities can sometimes fail
to offer compelling models of participation that
work for corporates.
Bethanys partnership schemes provide an
immediate and tangible buzz but with an
assurance that any time, energy and money
invested will have a guaranteed long term
impact. Edwin Backler, Managing Director,
Charles White Ltd has found this to be true.
Our company volunteering scheme with
Bethany has been actively embraced, has
opened our eyes to real-life needs in Edinburgh
and has enabled us to give of ourselves in
Bethany is currently expanding its offer of
participation with accessible ways to give
something back.
Contact danfor moreinformation
call 01316255319.
32 BC June/July2010
Elixir Incubation Ltd (Elixir), an Edinburgh
and London based business incubator, brings a
package for start-ups that can assist in leveraging
growth and in achieving a signifcant uplift in
equity value. Backed by AIM-listed MWB Business
Exchange PLC, Elixir offers a combination of
capital, offce space and business advice and
support. For each company this package will look
different, dependent on needs.
MWB Business Exchange PLC is one of the UKs
leading serviced offce companies, and as part of
the relationship with Elixir, brings high-quality
facilities to the mix. With a wide ranging expertise
amongst the various backers of Elixir, business
advice and skills input can be from people who
have worked in manufacturing, service industries,
fnance, property investment, leisure, design,
restaurants, hotel industry and many other felds.
Combining this offer with an ability to deploy
capital to the startup, predominantly in the form
of equity investment, Elixir is a good place for
rapidly growing start-ups to consider as a partner
for future growth. Each investment opportunity is
assessed on its own merits, but broad investment
criteria include existing sales of less than 300k,
cash break-even to be achieved within the next
twelve months, necessary technical knowledge
already in place and a funding requirement from
Elixir of up to 25,000.
Elixir has no sector or industry bias, and considers
service companies and product companies.
It looks for investments where there is some
overlap with the existing expertise, although
this is considered very broadly. It does consider
opportunistic partnering where, perhaps due
to the fnancial climate, short term investment
funding might be required.
Duncan McFadzean, Investment Director at Elixir,
stated that Weve already had many exceptional
applicants approach us, attracted by our partners
and our wide-ranging offer. We want to come
alongside Edinburgh and Scotlands best new
companies and propel them to the next level. We
believe that we tackle the three biggest headaches
of funding, property and advice. We would
encourage anyone interested or even curious to
just get in touch.
Further information including contact details can
be obtained at
The right chemistry for business ...
Edinburgh start-ups are exactly the market we are looking to get behind. We
believe that looking into an economic recovery, the entrepreneurial ventures with
solid support are exceptionally positioned for the next few years.
Duncan McFadzean, Investment Director of Elixir Incubation Ltd
As the economy shows sign of recovery, there has never been a better
time for businesses to tell people what they can offer - and that means
investing in Public Relations and Marketing.
Many companies see the value in promoting themselves and bring
in outside companies specialising in PR and marketing whose staff
understand how best to convey a message.
It is an area that is constantly changing with the advent of new
Going back twenty years, the main way for Edinburghs public
relations agencies to convey information about their clients was
through the post, sending out hardcopy press releases and printed
Technology then introduced the fax, a much faster way of conveying
information, but what brought about the major change was the advent
of email. Suddenly, it did not take a press release two days to reach a
media outlet, it took two seconds.
The effect has been dramatic: suddenly a PR agency sending out a
release can see it hitting the web within minutes, particularly as many
media outlets now consider themselves as much Internet providers as
purveyors of more traditional formats.
That in itself has created new outlets and PR agencies are acutely
aware of the growth in independent websites or those run by
organisations which focus on their particular feld of speciality.
For instance, an agency representing clients in the housing sector
will be as aware of the specialist housing websites as much as local
newspapers and associated media.
However, that does not mean that more traditional outlets are being
ignored. Far from it. A mention in the local newspaper or radio station,
or a slot on a television bulletin, can still do wonders for a business -
and all of them have their own websites as well.
However, there is more to promoting a business than the good old
press release, which is where marketing companies come into the
equation.Their ideas go way beyond PR, taking in everything from
branding to viral marketing.
Good marketing experts realise that the companies who fare best in
this hothouse of creativity are those who think - to use a modern, but
very appropriate, clich - outside the box.
They are experimenting with the likes of podcasts and fash banner
advertising on websites or taking advantage of the exciting revolution
in hand-held technology and the opportunities it offers for downloads
onto mobile phone and I-pod technologies and apps.Technology has
opened up a wealth of opportunities limited only by the imagination
of those who pursue them.
That is not to say that print is dead - far from it. Indeed, there are
those who will tell you that the pendulum always swings and that, for
all the glittering array of technology, more and more people will value
hardcopy material.
For many of the companies who realise that, producing their own
printed publications is the key and those who succeed are the ones
who value creativity above everything else, who dedicate time and
effort to getting the look and the text right so that they make for
attractive and informative reads. It is not enough to simply slap words
and images on a page: it is a more creative affair than that.
All these avenues are open to PR and marketing experts and for each
and every one, the goal is to make their client stand out from the
34 BC June/July2010
PR and marketing
Getting the
message out there
1. Whatwere you doingbetween 10and 12this morning?
I was stuck on a seven-hour train journey from Glasgow to
Bournemouth - this ash cloud fasco has all the trappings of
swine fu!
2. Whatdoyou see as yourjobs biggestchallenge?
Culture change - our sector is changing quite rapidly and getting
staff to embrace and deliver change ahead of the opposition is
the biggest challenge.
3. Whatdoyou consideryourbiggestbusiness triumph?
Persuading private equity owners to invest 500k in a Nursery
for our staff
4. doyou have any money-savingbusiness tips?
Im a fan of the every penny counts approach - get the culture
right with the small stuff and the rest will follow.
5. Whatdoyou believe are the 3key stages on yourcareerladder?
Stage 1 - qualifying as a chartered accountant - testing myself
against my peers gave me huge confdence.
Stage 2 - stepping out of my comfort zone of fnance into
business development.
Stage 3 - moving from a company where I had almost 15 years
experience (Kwik Fit) to another sector and company (Barbon).
6. Where doyou stand on work/life balance?
I have to get the home life right or work wont follow - a bit of
a challenge for me right now as I live in Glasgow and work four
days a week down south.
7. Whatdoyou like todoon yourspare time?
Mucking about with the kids and watching the Toon (NUFC for
the uninitiated).
8. Whatqualities doyou need tosee in youremployees?
Attitude is by far the most important - most everything else can
be taught.
9. in business, is itmore importanttobe liked orsuccessful?
I dont do business with people I dont like, if that helps!
10. Whatis the one piece ofadvice you would give toothers tryingto
reach the top?
Work harder than the next guy - most textbooks hardly mention
11. Whois yourhero?
Sir Bobby Robson - a gent and a giant of a man.
12. Any business (orother)projects you would like toplug?
Barbon of course - the best commercial insurance broker in the
13. otherthan yourcurrentposition, whatwould be yourdream
England cricket captain on a winning away Ashes test series.
14. Who(livingordead)would you invite toafantasy dinnerparty?
Bon Scott (ex lead singer of AC/DC).
15. outside ofbusiness, whatis the mostimportantthingin your
A regular and active love life (you did ask!)!
June/July2010 BC 37
I wonder how many people really understand the benefts of light,
whether it is for commercial use or domestic. To say good lighting
is a life changing experience is not overstated, it is fact.
Here is a thought, did you know compact fuorescent lamps can
be an environmental disaster, or cost you money, not to forget the
gloomy atmospherics when used incorrectly.
So, what are you meant to do about improving your lit environ-
ment? To start off with it doesnt have to cost an arm and a leg; it
can actually reduce your electricity bill. Now thats worth consider-
ing in this uncertain economic climate.
Did you know you can change the perception of a space with
light? In short, dont spend a lot of money on expensive fnishes
if you dont intend to light them properly.
Commercial environments
How about improved effciency, not only do you work effciently
under good light you can be more fulflled in your achievements.
Now you can increase the bottom line through working in good
We use rest rooms, breakouts, canteens, staff rooms and relax-
ations areas to escape from the work station and take your mind
off the working day. Atmospheric lighting helps to differentiate
areas and clearly defnes the difference between a working area
and a relaxation / rest area. This will create the edge between you
and your competitors.
Domestic environments
A home is split into areas and rooms for a reason, each one has a
specifc function and each one should be lit accordingly. A multi
functional space will require multi functional lighting solutions.
The secret is how light is integrated into the design and controlled
by the touch of a button. It should never be over complicated or
diffcult to use.
Lighting is not an afterthought; it is a fundamental part of the
building process. The more thought goes into a lighting design
the better the results, be specifc in your objectives. Its no longer
acceptable to food the room with a 300w pendant just so you can
read a book when everyone else has to put their sun glasses on.
Think of the safety and practical features of night lights. Great for
young children, guests or even getting up early to catch the red
eye to London.
Dining out:
Where to, is it a canteen or is it an atmospheric dining experience.
How often can you recall sitting under a beam of light and the
table is in darkness. Wrongly directed light doesnt do much good
for hiding the receding hair line or disguising the results of aging.
Its the table that should be lit and not over lit at that.
The bottom line is lighting is a pleasure to work in, live with and
enjoy. Now, not everyone knows how this is achieved, but rest as-
sured, if you contact us for a face to face chat with no obligations,
then you wont go wrong.
222 Leith Walk Edinburgh EH6 5EQ Give us a call on 0131 555 4499 or email me at
38 BC June/July2010
June/July2010 BC 39
Last month Steve Felice, Dells President of
Consumer, Small and Medium Business,
hosted a special business breakfast briefng
with Edinburgh Chambers delegates looking
at how SMEs can take advantage of new
technologies to be more competitive in
the recovering economy. One of the key
technologies Steve talked about was social
You may have read that Dell has generated
millions of dollars through sites like Twitter
and Facebook, which together directly
accounted for $9 million of the companys
sales last year. But social media impact
goes beyond revenue its about making
connections and engaging in conversations
that build customer loyalty. Dell connects
with 3.5 million people through its global
social properties, such as forums, blogs,
Facebook and Twitter pages. If youre not
part of the conversation, then youre leaving
it to others to answer questions and provide
information, whether its accurate or incorrect.
Or, even worse, you may be leaving it up to
your competition to jump in to become the
resource for the community.
SME business owners are fnding the barriers
to investing in social media are very low
anyone can open a Facebook or Twitter
account for zero cost. Correctly used, social
media offers exceptional opportunities to
engage in a conversation with a worldwide
community of customers, suppliers and
partners. So theres a real opportunity for small
businesses to grab the lead. And once you do,
the skys the limit.
some simple ways togetmore active in
n Get on Twitter
n Start a blog
n Harness the power of Facebook
n Share photos and videos on line using free
sites such as Flickr and YouTube
n Create evangelists for your brand and get
them talking about you online
n Measure your success online
foraseries ofusefulsocialmediaguides
Have you joined the conversation?
Steve Felice
An Edinburgh Chamber member has been
named Scottish Design Consultancy of The Year.
Awarded by the Scottish Design Review, in
association with Easter Exhibition and Display,
the prize went to Whitespace, whose co-owner
Iain Valentine was awarded Design Leader of the
Year, voted for by his peers.
Despite diffcult economic times,Whitespace has
notched up a design fee growth of 16 per cent,
winning new work from the likes of Tennents,
Aegon, Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society and
Investors in People, while being retained on the
Scottish Government roster.
As well as identifying the best overall portfolio of
work, the judges were also asked to select their
one favourite piece of creative.
for paint brandvaltti.
(pictured left, along with samples of their
diversely creative portfolio)
Design agency secures award
n a sound business idea demonstrating
demand for your product/service; clear
competitive advantage; an ability to
maintain proft margins; scope for strong
sales growth
n a credible business plan for marketing
and delivering the product or service
n a committed management team, capable
of implementing the business plan and
managing and controlling operations.
Assuming that you have all of these
qualities, any potential investor will soon
instruct lawyers to carry out due diligence
(DD) on your company.This process
involves you providing the potential
investor with information covering every
legal aspect of the company including:
n employee contracts
n health and safety compliance
n Data Protection compliance
n intellectual property (IP) ownership
n litigation/disputes involving the
n the companys key contracts
n details of the companys heritable or
leasehold property
n the companys statutory books.
It is therefore important that when you
reply to the DD questions, you ensure that
there is nothing that gives the investor
the impression that yours is a badly run
company. Even if you can demonstrate
that you have the three key qualities listed
above, any investor will be wary if, for
n your employees dont have written
employment contracts
n you dont have Data Protection
registration with the Information
Commissioners Offce (assuming that
you require such registration, which is
n your statutory books are not up to date,
or even non-existent
n you are illegally using IP (e.g. Microsoft
software without a valid licence)
n you have unresolved chronic disputes
with suppliers/customers
n your company is occupying premises
without a legally documented right to
do so
n key contracts are not properly
Over the years, I have encountered all of
these issues, and more. Suffering from one
of these issues is probably not the end of
the world; suffering from several simply
gives an investor the impression that things
arent entirely under control.Therefore
it is crucial to be able to reply to DD
promptly and with all of the information in
order, and in such a way that the investor
sees an organised and effcient investment
opportunity. First impressions count, even
in the world of private equity.
What I therefore recommend to my client
companies is that they instruct me to carry
out pre investment DD on them: we
then correct anything that shows up.This
remedial process is much easier and cheaper
to implement in advance of formal investor
DD; doing it in the heat of an investment
is at best a distraction, at worst, fatal to the
investment (the cat is out of the bag by the
time the investor spots the problem), and in
all cases is just one more thing to deal with.
ifyou would like todiscuss any ofthese
issues, please callme toarrange afree
consultation on 01312471260.
By Austin Flynn
Corporate Law Partner
Morton Fraser LLP
Making your business
investor ready the
legal considerations
Raising fnance to grow your company can be tricky
at the best of times. In todays market, however, it is
doubly important to have a better story to tell than
your competitors. The key qualities needed are:
q: iveheardaboutcloudcomputingandgoogleAppsbut
dontknowmuchaboutit. WhatisCloudComputingand
A: Cloud computing is the equivalent
of buying your electricity from Scottish
Power rather than generating your own!
For a fxed monthly cost, you get the same
functionality as you would running your
own server, but without the associated
headaches and expense.
This model makes enormous sense for
small and medium businesses who want
enterprise-grade functionality but without
the price-tag and hassles involved in doing
it themselves.
Take email and shared calendars: typically,
providing these to your staff means having a
server running 24 x 7 in an offce down the
hall.This is expensive and labour-intensive.
Google Apps and Microsofts Business
Productivity Online Suite allow companies
to ditch that server while retaining all the
usual features for a fxed monthly or annual
So what are the drawbacks? Well, for a
start, you are trusting your precious data
to someone else, so you need to make
sure theyre doing back-ups and keeping
your data secure.You also need to look at
how easy or diffcult the provider makes
moving your data to an alternate provider.
Both these issues should be dealt with
transparently and in simple language on
their website.
With effective implementation, cloud
computing can be an enormous competitive
advantage for SMEs and one that should not
be ignored.
Scott McKenzie,
Cloud Logic,
Here, think about engaging a strategic
partner to help develop and implement a
comprehensive and integrated IT roadmap
solution across all functions, centred, for
example, on Oracles E-Business Suite
Phil Wilson, consultancy director of award-
winning Inoapps (Oracle UK partner of the
year two years running) explains from their
Edinburgh offce that it represents the most
comprehensive suite of integrated, global
business applications.
One endowed with a triple strength adding
up to the most complete integrated business
intelligence portfolio, coupled with the
most adaptable global business platform,
and add to this the most customer-focused
applications strategy.
In todays economy, customers may not be
inclined to implement large-scale upgrades
of their core operational systems. Rather,
were talking here about having the ability
to recognise rapid value in the near term,
without requiring an upgrade; an effective
way to build a strategic IT roadmap, laying
the groundwork for long-term success and a
lasting return-on-investment.
All departments can be integrated, including
project management costing and billing;
human resources processes; marketing
and feld sales; proposals and quoting; and
telesales. Even an iexpenses package can be
installed as every base is covered.
By Bill Magee
Scottish Business Technology Writer of the Year
June/July2010 BC 41 40 BC June/July2010
An integrated approach to recovery
As we all strive to lift ourselves out of the recession, serious and considered
thought should be given towards utilising clever technological solutions to
successfully enter the next stage of an organisations growth cycle.
Every business needs space to think; to focus the mind and refresh the
batteries.With spring in full bloom and summer nearly upon us, there
has never been a better time to get out of the offce to motivate staff and
build relationships with key clients.
Research by psychologists has shown that holding events in a tranquil,
rural setting can stimulate creative new solutions which can impact on
your business bottom line. North East Englands range and quality of
rural venues provide the perfect opportunity to escape to a place where
the only tweet is from the countrysides natural birdlife.
Thirty venues across North East England have teamed up to encourage
businesses in and around Edinburgh and Glasgow to venture south of
the border into their back garden to experience its space, beauty, quality
and value, with a new promotion launched offering 10 delegate places
for the price of nine.
Space to Think is a new campaign offering meeting planners a unique
insight into North East Englands stunning rural conference scene, with
a whole host of top-class venues to choose from, dotted throughout
North East England from the atmospheric Hadrians Wall, to Durhams
beautiful landscapes; right through to the striking countryside of Tees
A brand-new Space to Think brochure and bespoke website enable
conference organisers to directly access information on conference
venues, with details on function suites, the great leisure offer, maps and
locations and of course the 10th delegate goes free promotion.
Major venues, hotels, castles and stately homes, including big-name
brands such as Barcel, De Vere,Von Essen and Macdonald, are all part of
the campaign, as are a range of high-quality independent properties like
Rockliffe Hall, Matfen Hall and Hardwick Hall Hotel. The very highest
standards are ensured but at prices that wont break the bank - with fve-
star, 24-hour delegate rates from 175 and day-delegate rates from 40.
Time is always of the essence and with Alnwick Castle under 2 hours
drive from Edinburgh and the stunning Slaley Hall roughly 2 hours
drive from Glasgow, delegates and team members will be feeling relaxed,
inspired and motivated in next to no time.
toreceiveyour essential brochureguidetoconferencinginrural north
east englandandtakeuptheuniquepromotional offer,
contact: 01914405757, email:
or visit:
Venues across North East England have teamed up
to offer meeting planners a fantastic 10-for-9 deal
running to the end of March 2011, so theres never
been a better time for you to find Space to Think.
Visit today to find out more,
or request a Space to Think brochure by emailing or calling 0191 440 5757.
In association with NewcastleGateshead Convention Bureau, Northumberland Tourism, Visit County Durham
and Visit Tees Valley. Supported by One North East Regional Development Agency.
10 for 9
Beautifulback garden
Rest assured that after a
busy day of discussions and
seminars theres no better
place to cool down than
by the water features at
The Alnwick Garden in
Northumberland. Labyrinths,
a tree-top bridge, treasure
hunts and the UKs biggest
tree house make this venue
stand out as special and
memorable for business
meetings or conferences.
Think outside the box (room)
and take your team meeting
to the very top at the
Close(r)than you think
An elegant restoration of this
18th-century mansion set in
an exceptional location makes
Northumberlands Close
House one of North East
Englands most stylish and
distinctive conference venues.
It sets out to make business
both enjoyable and productive
with fve fully-equipped
meeting rooms for up to 100
guests, all with magnifcent
views across the 300 acres
of beautiful parkland. At just
over 2 hours drive from
Edinburgh, this sublime rural
setting is Close enough to get
to, but far enough away to feel
youve escaped!
Find some
Space to Think
June/July2010 BC 43 42 BC June/July2010
In an economic downturn, there is always a temptation for businesses
large and small to cut spending on staff training, however, now
is precisely the time to be investing in the skills and talents of your
staff. Investing now in building new skills will put companies in the
strongest position as the economy recovers.
With a proven track record and 20 years experience in developing and
delivering demand led training, both on and off site we pride ourselves
on building long lasting partnerships.
The Business partnership Centre can help put in place a framework
that will:
n Build talent and skills in your business.
nIncrease business performance and contribute to make the UK a
world-class leader in productivity.
nHelp improve the way your business works and infuence the
performance of your suppliers.
nImplement Business Improvement Techniques.
nA Free Training Needs Analysis is available to help you establish
your skills development requirements.
We offer a completely fexible approach to delivery and training.
Sessions can be held in the workplace or at the Business Partnership
Centre. In addition, over thirty qualifcations can now be accessed
on our innovative e-learning portfolio including the new suite of
Professional Development Awards (PDAs) in Management.
The Centre also has conferencing and venue hire at competitive
rates, offering executive facilities to suit all group sizes as well as a
conference hall which can accommodate up to 800 people for large
corporate events.
Forfurtherdetails on the trainingcourses available please contact
Business Partnership Centre
Business Partnership Centre offers a fexible approach to delivery and training.
SQA Scotlands national accreditation and
awarding body - is pleased to announce that
we have launched a new Emergency First
Aid at Work qualifcation which will support
employers in meeting these requirements.
The content of the course includes,
understanding the role and responsibilities of
an emergency frst aider and knowing how
to assess and respond to an incident. It is
approved by the Health and Safety Executive
(HSE) and meets the Health &Safety
regulations 1981 in respect of Emergency First
Aid at Work.
The course content has been produced
by the HSE. Successful completion of the
qualifcation will allow participants to give
emergency frst aid to someone who is injured
or becomes ill while at work.
SQAs award can be delivered over one day
or two half days/evenings with continuous
assessment throughout the delivery of the
award. Assessment will take the form of
practical activities, observation, and short
answer questions. Successful completion of
the award will allow learners to carry out
the role of an emergency frst aider in a low
hazard environment.They will also receive a
certifcate from SQA a nationally recognised
awarding body.
All employers are required to carry out an
assessment of frst aid needs to determine what
training and facilities are required for their
business. HSE has published a Q&A leafet,
available from their website about frst aid
provision at work and what level of cover is
Formore information aboutdelivering
the newsqAemergency FirstAid at
Work qualifcation contactourBusiness
developmentteamon 03033330330or
SQA launch new Emergency
First Aid at Work qualifcation
Health and Safety (First Aid) regulations require employers to provide adequate and
appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to enable frst aid to be given to
employees if they are injured or become ill at work. These regulations apply to all
workplaces including those with fve or fewer employees and to the self-employed.
q1: tell us abit about your business?
A: SoulFit Personal Training is a premium
bespoke personal training service based
in Edinburgh.Working with clients
in their home, offce or local park, we
create custom-made ftness & nutrition
programmes for individuals to help them
reach their health & ftness goals.
q2: What gives your business thex-factor?
A: It is SoulFits mission to create components
to enable people to live longer, healthier
and more fun lives. By creating ftness and
nutrition solutions that are quick, simple
and fun, SoulFit provides people with
the knowledge and encouragement they
need to empower their every day lives, and
incorporate the idea of wellness into their
q3: What motivatedyoutoset upinbusiness
for yourself?
A: I love for people to be healthy, whether
its mentally, physically or emotionally
and for a long time have been involved in
sport and ftness. Following redundancy in
2009, I decided to take the plunge and give
my long held dream of starting my own
business a go. And thats when SoulFit was
q4: What doyoulikemost about workingfor
A: Making all the decisions.
q5: What has beenyour greatest business
success todate?
A: Seeing how happy my clients are when they
start to see the results they are achieving.
q6: What has beenyour lowest moment?
A: There havent been any low moments so
far! Im loving every minute of it.
q7: interms of business achievements, where
doyouwant tobewithinthenext 5years?
A: Its my aim to turn SoulFit into the number
one personal training business in Scotland
and then the UK.
q8: What wouldbeyour toptiptosomeone
thinkingof startinguptheir ownbusiness?
A: Share your passion with somebody in need.
Itll make both your lives better.
soulFitpersonal training
June/July2010 BC 45 44 BC June/July2010
Also to be congratulated is Edinburgh-
based Bright Red Publishing, which was
named Education Publisher of the Year at the
Independent Publishing Awards.
The only Scottish company to be shortlisted
in the 12 award categories, Bright Red was
founded in 2008.
The company was praised by the judging
panel for winning a tender to publish SQAs
Offcial Past Papers then by producing high
quality, student-friendly books across a range
of subjects.
The Judges were also impressed by the
companys understanding of its target market,
as well as its dedication to customer service
and order processing, both of which are
handled in-house at Bright Reds offces in
Edinburghs West End.
Richard Bass of Bright Red said: We
conceived Bright Red with the intention of
delivering the highest quality in all that we
do, and we are thrilled to have our efforts
recognised by this award.
Award for publisher
Passenger access is
being improved at
Haymarket Station.
The start date for the 1.5m investment
was accelerated so that the two lifts will
be installed by the end of the year -
meaning the project will be completed
almost one year early.
In addition, Queen Street station has
benefted from an investment of 2.25m,
with six new automatic ticket gates and
investigation works have started for two
new escalators.
Taken together, the schemes will
provide better access for passengers and
are being funded by First ScotRail as
part of their franchise agreement with
Transport Scotland to fund accessibility
improvements at both stations.
Dougie Andrews, franchise projects and
investment manager at Transport Scotland,
said: Transport Scotland is committed
to working with industry partners to
encourage people to travel by public
transport and improving accessibility plays
a key part in this.
Steve Montgomery, managing director
of ScotRail said: Access to these key
stations will be much improved and will
make a real difference for our customers.
The change in programme means the
Haymarket lifts will also be ready in time
for the predicted increase of passengers
from the re-opened Airdrie to Bathgate
line, which is scheduled to open this
to station
Branded Inspiring Growth, the programme
of support targets businesses with aspirations
to grow by up to 400,000 over the next
three years.The aim of the programme is to
help businesses that have potential to expand
and create employment, but do not qualify
for client or account management support
through Scottish Enterprise.
Inspiring Growth offers a comprehensive
package of support that includes one-to-
one business advice, business plan reviews,
investment readiness support and sources of
public and private sector funding.
In addition to a web forum, it also runs a
series of Inspiring Growth master classes and
events covering a range of topical subjects
with input from specialists and inspiring
business personalities.These focus on three
key themes: business growth, improving
effciency and effectiveness, and people
If you would like to fnd out more about
Inspiring Growth and stay up to date on
forthcoming events, please contact Nikki
Black on 01312213184 or email:
Nikki Black is the
Chamber contact for
the Inspiring Growth
Inspiring growth chamber style
Edinburgh-based businesses with aspirations to grow
can now tap into a new package of support through
a collaboration between Edinburgh Chamber and the
City of Edinburgh Council.
Richard Bass of Bright Red Publishing
receiving the award
The search is on for intrepid workmates to take
part in this years British Red Cross Three Peaks
This years challenge will see hundreds of walkers
climb the three highest peaks in Scotland,
England and Wales - Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and
Snowdon - over 24 hours.
The Three Peaks Challenge is one of the biggest
fundraising events in the Red Cross calendar and
teams raise vital funds to directly support the
work of the Red Cross in the UK and overseas.
Each team of four is asked to raise 2,750 for
the organisation, which is enough to train more
than 250 members of the public in life-saving
frst aid skills.
Last years challenge saw teams raise more than
60,000. Such funds are extremely valuable
to the Red Cross and could provide a new,
specialised frontline ambulance including
training for the driver and crew, or supply 600
family tents to provide shelter for displaced
families feeing disasters such as the earthquake
in Haiti.
Lucy Tambyraja, senior events offcer for the
Red Cross, said:Companies can use the event
to inspire staff bringing colleagues together
and setting some friendly competition.Training
for a challenge like this and raising funds for
a great cause can all help team building and
improve energy levels in the offce.
Land Rover, Halifax and Royal Bank of
Scotland were among companies that put teams
forward for the 24-hour Challenge in 2009 and
organisers are looking for 40 teams to take part
this year.
The event takes place on Saturday 4 and Sunday
5 September. It starts at Ben Nevis, continues up
Scafell Pike and fnishes with a party and prize-
giving event at Snowdon on the Sunday evening.
To take part you will need a team of four or fve
walkers and two support crew to keep you well-
fed and to drive you between the mountains.
Sign up for the challenge or fnd out more by
contacting Lucy Tambyraja at challenges@ or on 08444122877 or visit
Hitting the peaks
June/July2010 BC 47
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Love Nice Logos ad:Layout 1 07/05/2010 11:30 Page 1
Edinburgh Art Fair is committed to showcasing an array of art for all
tastes and budgets, but dont be fooled into thinking that this dilutes
the quality of work on offer.With Picasso, Henry Moore, and Jolomo
amongst the artists regularly on show, rarely is work of this quality and
variety accessible under one roof.
The diverse range of art on offer at Scotlands premier art fair makes
it the perfect place to view and purchase work by some of the worlds
most acclaimed artists. Examples of paintings, sculpture and glassworks
by leaders in their feld will be showcased in one venue, making the
Edinburgh Art Fair a must-see for any collector.
Works by the celebrated painter Beryl Cook will once again be
exhibited by Alexander Gallery from Bristol. Peter Slade, the galleries
proprietor, has published Cooks work since 1977, and holds the largest
selection of her work in the country.
The astonishing response to Beryls death at the age of 81 in 2008,
both from the media and the general public, is a remarkable testament
to her unoffcial position as Britains favourite painter whos lasting
popularity amongst the public was in direct contrast to the dismissive
view of the elitist British art establishment. Her original work regularly
sells for upward of 40,000 and her popularity will undoubtedly stand
the test of time.
Other household names that will be present include Alexander Millar,
Peter Howson, Gerry Burns, and John Bellany all of whom adorn
many a collectors wall.
Number Nine The Gallery, from Birmingham, represents leading artists
from the worlds of Sculpture and Glassware.The work of Edinburgh-
born, London Based sculptor, David Begbie is once again sure to
generate much interest from visitors to the fair. His sensual fgurative
pieces created from steelmesh and stainless steel, have heralded
continued rise in both popularity and value.
Bertil Vallien, easily the most
internationally celebrated
glass artist and designer
in Sweden, will also be
represented by Number Nine.
Vallien has worked within
the world-renowned Kosta
Boda design house since
1963, producing some of
the most critically acclaimed
and collectable pieces of this
With so many high quality,
collectable pieces on show at
one time,The Edinburgh Art
Fair must be a vital inclusion
in any collectors diary.
edinburgh ArtFair. 18th
21stnovember2010. Formore information,
Artistic galaxy
a must-see for
48 BC June/July2010
Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
New starts to the team:
Edinburgh Chambers Partners in Enterprise
June/July2010 BC 49
stay one step Ahead with free
dorothy taylor
Dorothy joined EBD in
March 2010 as Administrator
(Finance) for Projects and
Partnerships after nearly 30
years with Bank of Scotland.
Dorothy is a key addition to
the team providing general
claims and fnance support
as well as essential support
for the Intelligent Exporter
Jeananne henderson
Jeananne joined the
Chambers Edinburgh
Business Development, Public
Sector Training Contracts
team in March. She is
working on the Flexible New
Deal Project, providing both
administrative and client
support to assist in delivering
employability services.
Nicola joined the Chambers
Edinburgh Business Development,
Public Sector Training Contracts
team in March. She is working
on the Flexible New Deal Project
liaising with clients and businesses
to provide both placement and
permanent work opportunities for
our clients whilst assisting with
business recruitment needs.
ross Clark
Ross joined the Chamber
in March as Operations
Director, Scottish Chambers
International. Ross will
have overall operational
responsibilities for our
International activities
that include Edinburgh
International Trade, Scottish
Chambers International and
Smart Exporter.
7N Architects
Abacus Asset Finance Limited
Absolut Plumbing
Advance Consultancy UK Limited
AJA Events Limited
Allan Makin & Sons
Ambit Solutions
Aqua Energy (Scotland) Limited
Axiano Limited
Aye Do
B&M Joiners (Edinburgh) Limited
Barbon Insurance Group
Barnardos Scotland
Basically Tool Hire Limited
Bawbags Limited
Below the Belt Food Company Limited
Benugo Events
Biffa Waste Services
Big Ideas
Bigdna Limited
Brayleino Limited
Broomhouse Centre,The
Buchanan Chiropractic
Capital Appointments Limited
Castle Hotel Management Company Limited
Charles Stanley
Citrus4Benefts Ltd
Clean Earth Capital LLP
Co Star
Coast to Coast
Computer Law Training Limited
Cosmo Architectural Division
Danscot Print Limited
Dap Architecture LLP
Delta Design Limited
Delta-Simons Environmental Consultant Limited
Design LED Products Limited
DM Audio
DTR Services Limited
Dynamech Engineering Design Limited
E-Talent Systems Limited
Edinburgh Lock Centre
Edinburgh Property Maintenance Limited
Edinburgh Property Manager Limited,The
Electrical Hygiene Solutions
Elite Linguists CIC
Ellersly House Hotel
Engaging IT
Epitome Solutions Limited
Equity Bridge Limited
ESPC (UK) Limited
European Energy Centre Limited
Evidence Metrics
Expanding Web Limited
Falkirk Car Carriers
Fettes Management Limited
First Display
Five Star Forwarding & Logistics Limited
FLEXcon Europe Limited
Franchise Route
G.P Wolffe
Get Re-Wired Limited
Glenavon Insurance
Greywalls Hotel
Hannings Limited
Harajuku Kitchen
Hays - Experts in Career Transition
Hayward Jardine Limited (Ecospecialists Scotland)
Hebco Global Recruitment Limited
Holmes Partnership
House Call Care Support Limited
Hymans Robertson Services Limited
Informed Edinburgh
Ingenuity (Scotland) Limited
Ingenza Limited
Integrity Insurance
Intelligent Property
Internet Search Marketing
Intrelate Limited
Intuitive Documentation Limited
IT Pro Systems-UK
JMC Property
JPM Gas Services
JVR Properties
Kevlar Management Services Limited
Kingdom Capital Partners LLP
KK Interactive Limited
Krzysztof Borkowski Jewellery
L.F.T Promotions Limited
Lahori Karahi
LDN Architects LLP
Lets 4 U
Lochend Motor Company
Loud Street Limited
Love Food Catering
Macfarlane Gray Chartered Accountants
MacIntyres of Edinburgh
Mamook Graphics
Mary Reid International Spa Academy
Maryanne Johnston
Masons Mortar Limited
Media Plane Limited
ML Electrical
Morbaine Limited
MTA Couriers
Multiply UK Limited
Narwiks Transport Services
National Library of Scotland
Newsbase Limited
Newtyne Limited
Nightsky Cosmic Ceilings
Oakhill Appartments Limited
Oink of Edinburgh
Orton Search & Selection Ltd
Pagan Osborne
Pentland Format Offce Supplies
Pickled Piper,The
Plum Films Limited
PNE Winds UK Limited
Premier Inn
Private Booksales.Co.UK
PTS Consulting (UK) Ltd
QSE Training Ltd
Ravelston Golf Club Limited
Red Harbour Events
Redhouse Group
Regis Banqueting Limited
Restored Hearing Limited
Rettie & Co.
Rothera Group Limited
RPC Trading Scotland
Saville Ferguson
Scottish Arts Club
Shortbread House of Edinburgh Ltd
Six Brunton Place Guest House
Slorach Wood Architects
Smart Design & Print Limited
Spree Publications Ltd
Sterling FP
Tax Assist Accountants (Edinburgh West)
Thomson Bethune Limited
Transform Business and Training Consultancy Ltd
Urban Paintball Edinburgh limited
Victoria Rigalia Limited
Vistage International (UK) Limited
Wasp Wood Works
Waverley Management Consultants Limited
Whisky Club Bogot
Whole Works,The
Will Rudd Davidson Edinburgh Limited
Woodroyd Care Limited
Workfo Solutions
The Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce welcomes
its latest member companies:
50 BC June/July2010
Gillian Crandles, an expert in Family Law, has been promoted to Partner at Turcan Connell.
Specialising in divorce cases, particularly those involving business valuations, Gillian is ranked highly by Chambers
UK, who recognised her as operating at partner levelwhile still an Associate.
She has acted in several high profle cases, covering issues including the valuations of shares in private companies,
employee incentive schemes and share options and taxation.
Gillian also deals with high net worth cases in the Court of Session and disputes concerning children and has been
instrumental in introducing Collaborative Law, an innovative form of dispute resolution, to Scotland.
Family law expert takes on new job
Public relations agency the BIG Partnership has appointed Nicki Sturzaker as the new head of its Edinburgh
operation. Nicki takes over from Bill Shaw, who has stepped down after six years with the agency.
Edinburgh-born Nicki is returning to Scotland after ten years working for agencies in London and the South. BIG
director and founder Neil Gibson said:Nicki is a seasoned communications professional with some tremendous
experience of working with major brands as well as a track record of leading and developing teams. We believe
shell make a signifcant contribution to the ongoing growth of our Edinburgh operation and the wider company
in the years ahead.
Wed also like to wish every success to Bill Shaw, who has decided to step down to seek a fresh challenge. Bill has
made an important contribution to our Edinburgh offce since joining from Catchline Communications in 2004
and we wish him well.Nicki said:Despite the recent economic downturn, I believe this is an extremely exciting
time for Scottish businesses and the PR industry in particular.
Deloitte, the business advisory frm, has announced two new appointments to its Scottish practice.
John Watt has joined as an associate partner in its government and infrastructure practice and Pat Kenny joins as
a director in the audit practice where he will continue to grow the public sector audit and advisory practice in
Scotland. John, who will be responsible for building the frms government and infrastructure advisory business in
Scotland, will work across Deloittes consulting, audit, tax and corporate fnance practices. Pat joins Deloitte from
Mouchel, the global public sector business, where he led a team of 70, working in local and central government,
transport and the police service. James Baird, senior partner for Deloitte in Scotland & Northern Ireland, said:The
frm is signifcantly expanding its public sector business and John and Pats appointment illustrates our commitment
to deliver a broad range of capabilities in these challenging times.We are delighted to have them both on board.
BIG unveils new head of Edinburgh
Two join Deloitte
Clydesdale Bank has appointed a new Managing Partner at its Edinburgh Financial Solutions Centre (FSC).
Simon Kerr has 28 years of banking experience and moves into the post from Clydesdale Banks Glasgow FSC,
where he has worked as a Senior Partner since September 2006. In his new role he will lead a team of more than
70 Partners and Associates at the Banks fagship offce on Lothian Road, with Business and Private Banking clients
across all sectors.Mr Kerr said:Clydesdale Banks traditional banking approach has allowed the FSCs doors to
remain open. Ninety-fve per cent of decisions can be taken here in Edinburgh and along with my team, I look
forward to helping local businesses realise their growth potential.
Clydesdale Bank has a close working relationship with the Capitals business community and I am delighted to be
taking on that responsibility and carrying the mantel for the Bank here in Edinburgh.
Clydesdale Bank appoints new
Edinburgh boss
mean more
with SQA.
SQA offers a range of qualifications and services
to develop the skills people need to work more effectively
and more productively. Meaning happier employers,
happier staff, happier results.
Log onto
Contact SQAs Business Development Team on
0303 333 0330 or email

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