Weekly HG Guide 7 15 12

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Welcome This weeks passage talks about one of the most challenging struggles we face in our dealings with others in a fallen world: the desire to seek revenge when we have been harmed. And just as in weeks past, Jesus has had some turn your world upside down comments on this subject. At meal time, pray that the Lord would speak gently, but clearly regarding any hurt feelings or longings for revenge that we are presently harboring toward others; and even more so, what he wants us to do about it!

July 15-21, 2012

Family Time Start the discussion by asking the kids to share if they think there is any difference between revenge vs. being punished by their parents for wrong-doing. If so, how? Then have a few of the parents respond by clearing up any loose ends in their childrens understanding between the two. Part I Write on a piece of paper (but dont show anyone) the name of a person whom youve wanted to see vengeance taken out upon. This could be a co-worker, a neighbor, friend/enemy, family member, etc. (Leader: briefly pray that God would give each participant divine insight as to how to respond to the second part of the exercise.) Part II Have each person ask the Lord silently (and then record on their paper) an act of kindness/goodness they could do to the other person to bless them this week. Allow for as much sharing as each member feels comfortable. Then CHALLENGE THEM (!) to actually do it and report back the follow week how God worked in/through their obedience.

Kids Time Have each child come up with a list of as many things they can think of that God has blessed them with (Ex: forgiveness of my sin because of Jesus, parents who love me, friends, summer break, special vacations, particular gifts/toys, etc). Let each child share their list. Have them add to their list as others blessings are being read. Then read Romans 5:8. Then ask them as a group how we should respond to Jesus requests to be kind to those who have been unkind to us in light of the MANY things he has given to us (especially since he gave us Jesus while we were still enemies with God!) Have them give some specific answers to a few examples (i.e. a fellow student cuts in front of them in a line, or they hear that someone they thought was their friend said something hurtful about them to a mutual friend, etc).

Adult Time 1 Sam 13:11-14, marked the beginning of the end of Israels first king, Saul. God appointed David to be his replacement. Perhaps believing that Gods appointment was unwarranted, Saul began a crusade of retaliation against David. Have different members of the group read the following passages to identify Sauls actions: 1 Sam 18:10-16; 19:1-7; 19:8-10; and 19:11-24. inform the group that in chapter 20, Saul even tries to get his son Jonathan (and Davids best friend) to turn on David. Now, read Davids response to Sauls aggression: 24:4-10; 26:9-11a. Compare the results (Saul: 18:9, 28overcome with fear/ jealousy; 19:9 continued tormented/influenced by an evil spirit; 20:30 angry/insulting toward others; 20:31 disillusioned/irrational; 1 Sam 22:8, 13-16paranoia to murder; 28:15; intense anguish/despair; 31:4suicide. David: 2 Samuel 2:1-7annointed king). As a follow up, tie Jesus words in to this story. If time permits, tie Jesus words to a present practical application for each in attendance tonight; especially in light of Gods assertion/promise to be our avenger! (Rom 12:19).

Prayer Time Thank God for extending his mercy, grace, and unconditional love upon believers rather than exercising his justice by pouring out his wrath for our sin upon us. And just as he has had compassion on us (even when we were his enemies! - Rom 5:8), ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you anyone with whom you might presently be withholding, mercy, grace, compassion...and/or unconditional, undeserved loving-kindness.

Community Calendar Mark your calendars for Sunday, July 29th! There will be a Summer Connections Event for you in your area. Get ready! Church Calendar We still have our short-term Spain trip taking place. Please pray for Gods protection and provision as they take the Gospel into the world.

Pantego Bible Church

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