Ayahuasca Galactic Transcommunication

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Ayahuasca is the name given to both the central ingredient of a South American Indian psychoactive potion (a species of the Banisteriopsis genus) and the potion itself. Almost invariably other plants are mixed together with the jungle vine Banisteriopsis; about a hundred different species are known to have been added to the potion at different times and places. Ayahuasca has been used in a number of countries in South and Central America, including Panama, Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia, and by at least seventy different indigenous peoples of the Americas. In addition to ayahuasca, other native names include yaj, caapi, natema, pind, kahi, mihi, dpa and bejuco de oro, the last meaning 'vine of gold'. Ayahuasca itself means 'vine of the soul'. Ayahuasca is made in the form of a drink or potion. The bark of the Banisteriopsis vine is either mashed to a pulp and then mixed with cold water or, in other regional methods of making the potion, it is boiled for a number of hours and then the resulting liquid is consumed. Ayahuasca gained a reputation for providing telepathic powers and a psychoactive alkaloid found to be present in it was named telepathine (now known to be the same as the alkaloid harmine found in Syrian rue). Harmaline is also present in both ayahuasca and Syrian rue. Other psychoactive plants are often added to Ayahuasca to achieve visionary states of consciousness; for example leaves from Psychotria viridis, which is a source of dimethyltryptamine (DMT). The harmala alkaloids serve to potentiate these brewed compounds by preventing their breakdown in the digestive tract. The harmala alkaloids are not especially psychoactive on their own, even at high dosages, when vomiting and diarrhea become the main effect.

Peganum harmala, commonly known as Syrian Rue

Psychotria viridis is a shrub from the coffee family, Rubiaceae. It has many local names, including Chacruna and Chacrona (from Quechua chaqruy, "to mix").

How AYAHUASCA works Scientific analysis isolated the main chemicals responsible for the hallucinogenic properties of ayahuasca. In 1923, Fischer analyzed the B. caapi vine and isolated a compound he named telepathine (from the telepathic powers one reportedly gains when under the influence of ayahuasca). It was not until 1969 that a full chemical analysis was carried out (Shultes & Hoffman, 1992), and the compound was actually found contain three active molecules harmine, harmiline, and d-1,2,3,4tetrahydroharmine. Harmine and harmiline were shown to be the primary molecules of the B. caapi vine responsible for the altered state of the ayahuasca drinker; however, these chemicals alone could not account for the intense visions and experiences of ayahuasca. The beta-carboline chemicals like harmine found in the B. caapi vine can be psychedelic, but only in toxic doses (McKenna, 1993). Further research revealed P. viridis (chakruna) as a common admixture to ayahuasca. Assays showed this plant to contain small but significant amounts of the potent hallucinogen DMT or N, Ndimethyltryptamine. However, DMT is rendered in active when taken orally. How does the DMT in chakruna get into the blood when drinking ayahuasca? In the presence of the harmine (found in the B. caapi vine), DMT from the P. viridis plant becomes orally active in the body. Harmine alkaloids inhibit enzymes in the stomach that normally destroy DMT. In other words, the B. caapi vine allows the hallucinogen DMT to make its way to the brain to help induce hallucinations (Turner, 1994). Of the thousands of plants in the Amazon rain forest, only these two types of plants when combined and drank will allow the user to experience a slow, sustained release of DMT and the resulting hallucinations.

The NOOSPHERE and the emergence of a cosmic civilization The effort of cosmic civilization to establish communication with intelligent life throughout the universe is vast, heroic and, to most humans of this little planet, virtually incomprehensible. For the possibility of such communication, there must exist in the planetary field of intelligence not yet incorporated into cosmic civilization, a receptive capacity of consciousness in need of being informed by a higher perceptual order of reality. The term "noosphere," referring to the mental sheath or envelope of thought that encompasses the Earth, is derived from nous, the Greek word for "mind." It is like a grid through which we are all connected. The noosphere is a planetocosmic reflecting medium capable of receiving and transmitting galactic telepathic information structures. Telepathy depends on synchronization of a collective mind. As the medium through which a galactic order of evolutionary intelligence interacts with and ultimately transforms the material processes and organic expressions of the Earth, the noosphere is not restricted to a limited rationality or a linear either/or meaning. Instead, once we align with the noosphere, we will perceive and know radially. We will experience everything as multiple sets of correspondences that link everything to everything else in a synchronically harmonized multidimensional universe. Opening to the noosphere, we avail ourselves of the thinking layers of cosmic civilization. The highly advanced telepathic intelligence communicated through the noosphere resonates different dimensions. The realization of the human holon as the microconductor of the planet holon operating within the holon of time lays the groundwork for the creation of galactic culture: the realiztion of humanity as a planetary art spore in communion with the great cosmic forces and intelligences functioning throughout the galaxy.

Telepathic communion with extraterrestrial entities during the altered state of consciousness using AYAHUASCA Telepathine was originally thought to be the active chemical constituent of Banisteriopsis caapi, a key plant ingredient in the preparation of Ayahuasca; a sacramental beverage from the Amazon. This isolated chemical was so named because of the reported effects of Ayahuasca among the indigenous users, including: collective contact with and/or visions of jaguars, snakes, and jeweled birds, and ancestral spirits; the ability to see future events; and as the name suggests, telepathic communication among tribal members. Experimental data seem to strongly suggest that biological systems present nonlocal properties not explainable by classical modes. Most of the nonlocal communications is probably lost within the normal brain wave or EEG noise, otherwise we would be incapable of functioning normally and would overload when confronted with such an influx of data. A series of experiments involving human subjects is proposed, with an objective to test for possible extraterrestrial communications occurring in the subjects' brain. Individuals can receive within their brains, frequencies that are very likely used by extraterrestrials for communication purposes. While most individuals filter these out in order to function normally, it is very possible to access and interpret these brain frequencies. This makes it feasible for individuals to be trained to access these frequency bands in ways that makes communication with extraterrestrial intelligences possible. This would enable the development of a scientific protocol for "Controlled Superluminal Communications." Humans seem to possess an extraterrestrial consciousness, or exoconsciousness, which is integral to our bodies and our minds. We seem to possess a cosmic consciousness which links us directly to what the ancients called the star visitors and we term extraterrestrials. Consciousness studies held the potential for research to validate this subjective experience of exoconsciousness. In order for us to successfully interact and communicate with ET, we have to tap into that part of our consciousness that we have in common with them, i.e. our 'galactic information network.' We may need to be in altered states of consciousness to be able to access the galactic information network.

Consciousness expansion with AYAHUASCA

The ability to construct internal representations of sensory stimuli underlies perception and cognition. Viewed objectively, these mindscapes are perfectly concrete manifestations but also have a subjective aspect when we become aware of them. Our consciousness is experienced through our perceptions. Could altering brain chemistry by playing some visual and pleasure circuits, while quieting those governing self-image, cognition, orientation, and time sequencing give rise to a transcendental bliss, a God-experience? Can they give rise to the electrochemical supercharge described as kundalini, the serpent power that rises up the spine in illumination? How can we journey along the continuum from pleasure to enthusiasm, to joy, ecstasy and enlightenment? While under the influence of Ayahuasca, it is not uncommon for people to feel as though they have been lifted out of their bodies and catapulted into a strange, aerial excursion. During this voyage to far-off realms, the spirits of plants, animals, ancestors, angels, extraterrestrials, and other beings all become available for contact. After the unavoidable episode of purging, the senses liven up and the initiate experiences a kind of magnetic release from the world. This is followed by an onslaught of spectacular visions, a swirling pandemonium of kaleidoscopic imagery that changes faster than the speed of thought. Our interest is focused on the expanded states of consciousness reached during the experience of Ayahuasca and the healing process that can be achieved by visual stimuli of cosmic creation, a unique blend of Ayahuasca shamanism and mindfulness practices such as meditation and sound healing.

Ayahuasca Kirlionics at Sanctuary Palmeira with Krishna Madappa

Meditation space at the Sanctuary Palmeira

Sanctuary Palmeira

Human Energy Field Study with GDV Bioelectrography was conducted during an Ayahuasca Ceremony at the SANCTUARY PALMEIRA in Brasilia, capital of Brazil during the month of June, 2012. Ayahuasca Ceremonies are being held at the SANCTUARY PALMEIRA in Brasilia, by shaman TISMARA for more than 10 years with cabalistic purification rituals.

Ayahuasca ritual The offering starts with invocation of angel CHAVAKIAH

Ayahuasca ritual Meditation space at the Sanctuary Palmeira

Ayahuasca ritual

TISMARA Ayahuasca ritual

During the study, conducted by Krishna Madappa, the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Devices by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov were used. Sensor "GDV Sputnik" was used for measurements of changes in the surrounding space (air).

The Ayahuasca prepared for offering

Ayahuasca with the GDV SPUTNIK

An Analysis of Stimulated Electrophotonic Glow of the Liquid Ayahuasca was done. A drop of Ayahuasca was suspended at 2-3 mm distance above the glass surface of the optical window of the GDV device, and the glow from the meniscus of Ayahuasca was registered.

Krishna Madappa taking a sample of the liquid Ayahuasca

Krishna Madappa preparing the sample for GDV measurement

Subject biofields in various stages of the Ayahuasca healing experiment were recorded.

Bioelectrography of a Ayahuasca subject

Biofield data of Ayahuasca subject

Baseline data before the ritual

1.5 hours into the Ayahuasca ritual

The results of the human biofield measurment show a clear evidence of balancing of chakra flows in subjects during the healing effects of Ayahuasca, especially 1,5 hours into the ritual. The data recorded from the SPUTNIK ambient sensor shows a decrease in entropy of the locality as the effects of Ayahuasca in the subjects progressed during the ritual. A short video filmed at the location at the time of the ritual can be found at this address: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=2254942751168

Banisteriopsis caapi at Sanctuary Palmeira

Chacruna at Sanctuary Palmeira

Boris Petrovic with a bottle of Ayahuasca (June 2012)

TISMARA starts the Ayahuasca ceremony in ITIQUIRA, BRAZIL (April 2012)

Salto Itiquira 168m waterfall (67km north of Brasilia, the capital of Brazil)

Boris Petrovic and Krishna Madappa at the ceremonial location, on top of Salto Itiquira in Brazil

NOOSPHERE LABS PRODUCTION (c) 2012 ITIQUIRA, BRASIL http://www.facebook.com/NoosphereLabs +55 61 9984 9663 zlatnojaje@gmail.com

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