Amira 7.3 Typically Jelly

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Amira Ibrahim 7/3 LB

By; Amira Ibrahim

Typically Jelly

New school, new people, new neighborhood, new everything. This is my story; Im Alyss, Alyss Sail, in the last 17 years of my life I have been to 10 different schools. Moving schools that much I havent exactly gotten to have friends that last very long because I end up moving again. This year is my last year and then Ill be off to college, which means one last move and then no more moving; at least for a couple of years. My dad is the reason that Ive had to move a lot because he would rather put his business before me, and my mum isnt exactly around anymore because she left us when I was three. But to be honest Im glad she left because she was always drunk and was never there when I needed her the most. So I have pretty much learned to survive school by myself, considering my eleventh first day at school is tomorrow, and Im going to be a senior that comes in handy. * * * * *

Its day one at West-Side Heights and I can already tell whos in what clique and who the Queen Bee is and who are her little minions, but its still good to know that there are people who dont feel like they belong anywhere. Take me for instance I dont know anybody here, except for my new friend Abbie who feels exactly the same way. Our Queen Bee here is Katie Samuels who is of course dating the football quarterback Nick Daniels and her two minions are Lucy Nell and Santana Miel, the classic popular group. Then everyone else falls around them hoping to be noticed. Abbie tells me that I shouldnt even make contact with Katie because she could and I quote Make me wish I never came to her school. Little dramatic dont you think? Anyway, Abbie thinks I should watch out for Katie just because I have all the same class as Nick and that shell think that I want to date him just like all the other girls in this school. * * * * *

Its not even half way through the year and there are already exams! But its not that big of a deal because its only on chemistry, English and Math, which I feel like Im repeating because I have done them before in my other schools, but Mr. Snook (our school principal) doesnt want to move me up because he doesnt think I could take all the

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work. On top of all that the weirdest thing happened today, Nick asked me to help him study for the big chemistry exam because apparently Im sharp-witted. Im so confused because I barely know the guy, I mean yeah weve talked a bit in class, but there has to be other girls that hes known longer, that are also sharp-witted. To me he is really funny and sweet but thats all. After I told Abbie what happened she flipped out, like crazy, obviously she thinks its a bad idea, but hopefully I reassured her enough saying that it was going to be fine, and we are just going to study. I would be a complete liar if I said Im not nervous for today. Honestly I dont even know why Im nervous; I dont have any interest in him whatsoever, it just doesnt make sense! Im sitting here in the library shaking like a Chihuahua; Im starting to think that Abbie was right. I shouldnt have come; well its too late now Hes here. Omygod! His smile is soo gorgeous! Wait! No I dont like him he is dating Katie. Why do I keep fighting with my own conscience?? He is laughing, why is he laughing! I think he can see me panicking! Okay wait back to life! We have to study! Just study; dont think about anything else! Hes laughing because it looked like I was frozen (which I probably am). This is going to be a very, very long night! * * * * *

I have never ever been so eager to get to school! I need to find Abbie and tell her everything that happened yesterday. Running through the halls and then crash! My head is throbbing, someones carrying me and before I know it Im in the nurses office alongside Abbie, who looks like shes knocked out cold. Abbie! Abbie, are you okay? I exclaimed What?! What happened?! she said in a rush. Why are we in here? Oh my gosh Alyss! Howd it go last night wit- Shhh! I dont want anyone to know! I whispered I, well he kissed me. YOU KISSED NICK?!? she yelled. Yeah, Abbie shout it out so the whole school can hear! I said a little annoyed. Sorry! she said now whispering, You kissed Nick? Nick Daniels? The same Nick that was dating Katie? Yeah Wait what do you by was? Isnt he currently dating her? I said, now more confused than ever. Are you telling me you honestly dont know? She asked with disbelief.

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I shook my head Nick broke up with Katie just this morning. At least now it makes sense why he broke up with her. Better you than her right? She sounded so enthused while I was still taking it in unsure of how to feel. You cant possibly mean to tell me that he broke up with her because of me? Who in this school would want to date me? Are you kidding me? Like are you seriously asking me that question. Every guy wants to date you! Have you not seen the Hot or Not website? I shook my head feeling so confused. Its this website that everyone at school rates who they think is hottest, and you have kicked Katie of the top and have been at number one for the last four weeks! My head is now spinning; this is way too much information to take in. I dash out of the nurses office as fast as I can and bang I run into an open locker! Oh no! My head is throbbing again. There are people around me and I hear voices but Im not sure whom. Abbie? I way weary. Alyss? Alyss? Are you alright? That is not Abbie That is Nick. He pulls me up too him and embraces me with a hug, I feel safe, like no one is going to hurt me while Im in his arms. Just when I feel like it couldnt get any better He kisses me!!! Im I a completely different world; where nothing else matters but us just him and me. I pull back and see Katie standing behind him. I can just see it now her anger flaming up inside her and she is already planning my death, which is most probably a long and painful one. Everyone is watching and I can tell that they know a war has just started. I am mortified, but the Nicks smile just makes everything go away. * * * * * I was backing out of my driveway heading to school when I get a phone call from Abbie. Its so weird because she usually never calls me early in the morning, I didnt think it would be that important of a phone call so I let it ring. Ill call her back when I get to school I thought. That was very bad idea. I get to school and it looks like its been abandoned for years and a bunch of street kids came along and decided it would be a great canvas for graffiti. Abbie rushes right up to me. What did you do?! the words tumbled out of her mouth What do you mean; what have I done? I didn't do anything I just got here! I shouted, hating the fact that Im being accused. Dont play dumb with me! I saw the school cameras! It was you! You and your favorite converse hoodie and your curly brunette locks! Why would you do something like this?! she demanded

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I stood there stunned, not knowing what to say, and so shocked that my best friend was actually accusing me of doing this! Which never in my life would I want to do and even be capable of accomplishing! I didnt do anything! I cant believe you think that I could have done this! I shouted. Well the evidence footage says otherwise! She snarled If thats how you feel, then fine I whispered. This is the worst discussion I have ever had. I rush inside the school and frantically start looking for Nick. I find him in the gym staring at all the destruction. Hi How are you? I said awkwardly. Hey, Im fine. But I think its you that we should be worrying about. He said with Concern in his voice Please tell me you dont think I did this? Ive already been accused once today. I pleaded feeling tears stinging my eyes but forcing myself to keep them back. Nick reached out to me and held me close in his arms, my head resting on his chest able to hear his soft heart beat. Its alright. I dont believe for a second that you could be able to do something so horrible. Youre too kind hearted. Ill help you find out who is trying to frame you. His soft smile reassuring me that everythings all right. Even though I want to believe him, I find it really hard too. How are we meant to prove I didnt do it, if theres full proof evidence? I sobbed I dont know Unless its not full proof! I stand there staring at him, having no idea what hes talking about. Okay. Have you actually seen the footage yourself? No. I shake my head Maybe if you looked at it yourself, you can find something that might just prove you didnt do it! Nick exclaimed, so sure of himself. Yeah sure, but exactly how are we meant to look at the footage? Its either we go to the principle and ask to see it or ask some one else who has access to it. Doesnt Abbie have access to all that stuff? She probably wont let me see it, because she actually thinks I did it. Then we go see the principle. He started at me waiting for an answer. Fine! But youre talking Great! he grinned. * * * * *

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After a lot of questions about why we need to see the footage. Our nosy principle finally lets us see it. We think weve got something that will prove my innocence. Whoever the person that is trying to frame has a tattoo of a rose on her back just above her pants. We defiantly know its a girl because she almost has the same kind of hair as me and we doubt a guy would have a rose tattoo on their back. I have an idea of who it might be and even though Nick doesnt believe it could be Katie he is still going to help me find out for sure if its her by ambushing her. The plan is to tell her that our principle wants to see her and then when she walks in the room me and Nick will grab her by the hands and prove that I am innocent. Oh! Here she comes. Ready set Go! Grab her! Okay so show me this evidence. Says Mr. Principle I turn Katie around and pull her shirt up a little bit at the backand there it is! The rose tattoo that was supposedly me in the footage! Caught redhanded! * * * * *

Looks like Queen Bee has found herself dethroned. Now there is no more Queen Bee, no more minions, no more top of the food chain. It is now or should be at least for a while war free. After Katie pulled her big stunt to try and get me expelled it looks like the tables have turned, because now she is the one expelled and has to do 300 hours of community service by picking up the litter at all the parks, with the help of her two minions; Lucy and Santana will be helping her. After a lot of begging I decide to forgive Abbie, even to me the footage was pretty convincing. No matter what happens now I dont have to handle everything by myself anymore because I have the help of Nick (my boyfriend!) and of course Abbie! Prom will be coming up soon and guess whos already got a date? Me! Id say this is the perfect ending to most of the perfect year!

Wow a real soap opera! Criteria A= 9 Criteria B= 9 Criteria C=9

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