New Facebook Features and How To Use Them To Drive Your Business: CMO Briefing

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How Facebooks New Features Can Impact Your Business

CMO Briefing Facebook:

Facebook click-through rates are up 20% from one year ago. The time to get your Facebook marketing in shape is now or never.

Whats New?
Features like Timeline and Promoted Posts give companies plenty of opportunities to reach their target market.

Bottom Line
Only 16% of fans see your content. What you should really be focusing on is getting the people who already like you to pay attention to you.

The Business Leaders Guide to Facebook Marketing

Many companies are finding better ROI with the new Facebook features. How can your business benefit?
Many people find that trying to keep up with Facebook is frustrating because it is constantly changing. But in reality, your ultimate goal is still the same: to post content that people are interested in, and to try and get them to interact with you. When it comes to adapting to the new Facebook features, you do not need to change your marketing strategy. Youre just modifying your execution. This report shares the key insights you need to know get the ultimate results for your business using the new Facebook features. This Briefing will get you up to speed on Facebook without having to waste hours on the site, or reading hundreds of articles. Well cover: Current marketing trends Timeline and Innovative Ways That Marketers Are Using It Promoted Posts and other new ways to feature posts How to manage content How you can benefit from other new changes Studies show that Facebook is a great resource when it comes to loyalty marketing. Even though only 16% of fans are seeing your content, your business can still benefit by paying attention to those fans instead of trying to reach millions of uninterested viewers. Visibility plays a huge role in social media marketing, because psychology has proven that we do business with people we know, like, and trust. Remember Traditional Marketing will not work on Facebook Successful Facebook marketing is about posting content that people are interested in, not talking about yourself Only 14% of people trust ads, but 78% of people trust recommendations from other consumers

Why You Should Pay Attention

Do You Want Me to Personally Show You All of the Features and following on Facebook, Build a strong fan How to Take Advantage of them? and theyll do half the work for you!
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How Are You Going to Stand Out?

Every brand that is marketing on Facebook wants to do the same thing increase their success. Whether the ultimate goal is to build brand awareness, drive traffic to their website, or generate sales, marketers are bombarding Facebook users with content and information. How are you going to ensure that your fans want to hear from you?

Why Are Marketers Using Facebook?

A survey conducted by Ad Age/Citigroup shows that companies have several different goals for advertising on Facebook. The top 6 goals included: Building brand awareness and sentiment at 45.9% Driving traffic to the website at 17.8% Building fans or likes at 12.1% Staying in touch with customers at 11.9% Generating sales leads at 8.4% Social commerce at 2%

How Your Fans See It

The CMO Council conducted a survey focusing on reasons that fans like brands on Facebook versus what Marketers think the like actually means. A few of the reasons matched up fairly well, such as wanting to track news on the brand and product or wanting to engage with other customers. But some of the reasons were shockingly different. While 57% of marketers thought the like meant that the content is agreeable only 30% of fans agreed 43% of fans were looking for special savings or events, but only 27% of marketers agreed 24% of Facebook users say they like a brand because theyre a loyal customer, but half of marketers actually believed that was true! Only 33% of marketers believed fans liked a page were looking for incentives or rewards for engaging with the brand and failed to see that this actually applied to nearly 50% of fans

But although companies may have very specific agendas for their Facebook marketing, many are failing to connect with fans. What to keep in mind: Do not focus on getting millions of likes or fans The goal should be to post content that encourages interactions with consumers Try hosting a photo contest or posting relevant videos and links

This survey makes one thing clear: marketers representing all kinds of brands need to rethink their Facebook marketing. 646-450-2267

Timeline 101: How to Make the Most out of It

What is Timeline? Simply put, Timeline is a different visual setup and display of Facebook. It provides Facebook users the opportunity to be creative and visually innovative in an organized, chronological format. What Are the New Features Involved? Profile Photo The profile photo is now a smaller, simpler, square image. It is the perfect way for companies to use a small logo or emblem that makes it easier for people to associate with their image and brand. Cover Photo The cover photo is a brand new large, rectangular image right at the top of each Facebook page. It allows you to showcase your brand or product while being visually creative and stimulating. But there are some constraints: cover photos cannot contain calls to action, pricing or purchasing information for a product, contact information, or references to different Facebook features, such as like us. Timeline Apps These were previously called tabs and are found in the left sidebar column. In the apps, Photos always appear first, followed by 3 additional applications that can be chosen by page admins. Any additional apps can be accessed through the drop-down menu. Messages Messages are optional. If you make it available, fans can message you directly, allowing for open communication between brands and Facebook users. This does require monitoring. 3 646-450-2267

Pinned Posts Admins have the option to pin a post so that it stays at the top of the feed for 7 days. This is a great idea for promoting contests and other events. Likes App This allows for more publicly available stats about your brand. If you have a lot of likes, its a good idea to keep it at the top of the page so that other consumers see your popularity. If you have a low number of likes, consider using the option that allows you to keep it hidden. Friend Posts Facebook now allows brand pages to have a section that displays posts made by a users friends about the brand. This not only socializes the pages content, but also increases the chances that a user interacts more with the brand page, since they see that their friends are doing it. Fan Posts Fan posts are now placed in a small box, allowing posts by the actual brand to be the most prominent and visually dominating. Application Pages Formerly known as tabs but now displayed on a full page. This gives content more space and gives admins more creative freedom in designing said apps. Application pages can no longer act as welcome or landing pages, but can still be fan-gated. The Drawbacks of Timeline Since Facebook launched Timeline, there has been a 53% decline in views of tabs. Why? Brands can no longer default a tab page for non-fans Tabs are less prominent in the Timeline view

Overwhelmed yet? Let me personally show you the latest changes and how they apply to your business.
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4 646-450-2267

How Can You Use Timeline to Increase Interactions?

Examples of Success Many brands are coming up with creative ways to use Timeline to strengthen their interaction with fans. Verizon Wireless Photo Contest Verizon Wireless customers were encouraged to take pictures with their Verizon mobile phone and post it on the page. As seen above, Verizon posted the winning photo as their cover photo. This gave them a chance to not only encourage fan communication, but allowed Verizon to demonstrate the quality of their products. Red Bull Timeline Timewarp Timeline allows brands to add milestones to their page (such as when the company started). Red Bull added a series of milestones to their company page and created a scavenger hunt for fans. The contest was fun and engaging, taught fans more about the product, and allowed Red Bull to freely advertise to participants about their brand. How This Can Help Your Brand? It will increase your Edgerank Score! Edgerank is the math that Facebook uses to determine what appears at the top of a users feed Brand pages that have the highest Edgeranks are always placed at the top of users Newsfeeds One of the easiest (and free!) ways to get a high Edgerank is getting higher interactions on your content Future content you post will show up higher in Newsfeeds if more people are visiting, liking, and commenting on your page The easiest way to do this is by promoting contests and events, and posting content that users are interested in Its as simple as this: post relative content get a high Edgerank show up in more fans Newsfeeds achieve brand awareness, get new customers, generate sales the possibilities are endless! 5 646-450-2267

Promoted Posts
Facebook now allows you to pay to promote your posts and so that they show up at the top of someones feed. Promoted posts can be extremely effective if you post the right content. In the posting box, click the drop down promote button Think about what posts are relevant and how they can help your brand The post will show the first 90 characters Use the ad builder to customize who sees your post, and then preview it Budget based on impressions/interactions

Other New Changes

New Admin Features: admins can have different roles assigned to them, giving you more control of your page New buttons: Facebook is testing new buttons, such as the want button Facebook email: All users now have a Facebook email, ( Users will get a message in their inbox if emailed Instagram: Facebook recently bought Instagram, so users can now autoshare Instagram to Facebook Edit Comments: Facebook users can now edit past comments Hover Features: Hovering over a persons name allows you to see more information about them Mobile: Like buttons in apps creates more mobile potential for Facebook integration Recommendations Tab: Timeline allows your brand page to have a tab with recommendations from customers Offers: Click on the box where you post content, and there is an option to create an offer on your page

Remember: promoted posts typically dont increase fan count. Its about expanding reach youll reach a higher percent of your audience compared to a regular post. The average post is seen by 16% of fans, but promoted posts can be seen by up to 75% of fans. The ultimate coal is to increase engagement to increase your Edgerank.

Other New Ways to Feature Posts

Highlight a post: extends a post to take up the whole page (use it for big pictures) Pin a post: Remember you can pin a post so that it stays at the top of your page for 7 days Schedule posts: Facebook deprioritizes posts from 3rd party sites (like Hootsuite) so now you can do it directly on Facebook

More Management Tools 1. Fan post moderation: deny/allow posts before they appear in Timeline 2. Activity log: star, hide, delete, or change the date of posts in the admin panel 3. Post-date Timeline posts: schedule posts to appear at a later time 6 646-450-2267

It All Comes Down to the Content

Facebook is always going to be launching new features, whether you like it or not. The important thing to remember is that all you will need to do is change your execution. Your strategy should never change: the goal is content, content, content.

Remember That Theres Always Room for Organic Improvement

Promoted posts and advertising on Facebook can really go a long way. But there are always ways to build your brand organically, meaning people see content about your page in their newsfeed even though you dont pay for it. You should post content that is visually impactful (photos, videos, and links). It always lasts longer in Edgerank. Always distribute your content when users are most active (so no 3 am posts!) Train your audience to watch for your content. By posting consistently and creating regular features, users will automatically start expecting to hear from you.

The Time to Act Is Now

In a poll by AYTM Market Research, results showed that only 42.6% of Facebook users believed ads on Facebook were somewhat relevant to their interest, and only 6.9% actually believed they were fully relevant. That means that over half of Facebook users are still unimpressed and disinterested in the brands that theyre exposed to. By taking the information youve learned and applying it to your brand, you could change that number more easily than you realize.

Bottom Line
There are hundreds of success stories of brands harnessing the new tools on Facebook and getting excellent results. It can work for your brand too no matter how big or small your business is. See the page below to find out how you can walk away with an action plan to get your marketing in shape. 7 646-450-2267

About the Author: Krista Neher

Krista Neher is the CEO of Boot Camp Digital, a bestselling author and an international speaker. As the CEO of Boot Camp Digital Krista has trained thousands of marketers and businesses on how to harness the power of social media to grow their business. Krista has over 10 years of marketing experience and has worked with companies like P&G, Macys, GE and the United States Senate. Krista is the author of the bestselling Social Media Field Guide and a co-author of a leading textbook titled: Social Media Marketing A Strategic Approach. Krista also created one of the first accredited social media certification programs.

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Krista will show you everything you need to know to take full advantage of Facebooks latest changes so you can Get Results NOW.
The class was phenomenal! Krista was able to provide step-bystep instruction in how to use social media which tools to use to keep my website content current, how to start a Facebook fan page and how to create a blog. If you are new to social media or if youve been using social media, youll learn how to take your social media skills to the next level. I recommend the class to everyone, from small organizations to large; for businesses to non-profits. Everyone at any level will benefit. Amy Foly, Executive Director, NAMI-Clermont County

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