Created by Theresa-Ann


Personal journals, none of which are first published here. I use this site as a reference, a back-up or helpful tool in support of my YouTube blog (or vlog, maybe—not quite hip with these terms). My very first foray into publishing my journals was on Bolgger, where I created a page, This, That, and the Author, to share them. It felt strange, to be sharing something so personal, but that's what I felt led by Spirit to do~~~~ Next, a number of months later came my YouTube adventure. Don't ask me why—same reason—just felt inspired to do it... And, oh, what a blast, why a joy, what a wild ride it's been. I hope you can sense some of that joy, that pure pleasure, in these journals, where you can watch me so constantly morphing that I hardly know myself, sometimes, from one day to the next.