Created by ALDE ADLE

Cultivation of GMOs [Seminar]

Event date: Thursday 31 March 2011 09:00 to 11:30 Location: BE BRUSSELS JAN-4Q1 As a reaction to the Commission's proposal on the "possibility for the Member States to restrict or prohibit the cultivation of GMOs in their territory", Mr. Krahmer together with AGRI Rapporteur Mr. Lyon and Mr. Mulder proposes to hold a public seminar in order to have a discussion on this issue with different stakeholders to a broader public. The main goal of this seminar is to raise a discussion on the value of possible justifications that could be used by Member States to support a measure restricting or prohibiting GMO cultivation. Representatives of the industry and agricultural sector, a stakeholder from a NGO and a representative of the European Commission are invited as a panel discussion.