Multi-Functional Leadership - An ABM College Feb 2012

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Ajit Nayak MD- Haircare Asia BFO

My Career Journey


Asia BFO PT / H&S / VS

What do you want to learn in this session?

Which of you feels you are working with the BEST (or WORST) team you have ever been part of ? What factors make the team successful (or unsuccessful) ?
What did YOU do? What did OTHERS do? What came from outside the team?

Team Effectiveness Model

#1. Direction

Key Questions

Key Message Be a credible magnet

#2. Leadership

The 5 Es of Leadership
Envisioning Engaging Energizing



Key questions
1. Have we shared a common vision? 2. Have we secured buy-in ? 3. Do we have resources needed ? 4. Are we resolving barriers quickly ? 5. Are we getting things done / following through on plans ?

#3. Role Definitions


Key questions
1. Does every person in the team have a defined role and responsibility? And are they aligned? 2. Have we maximised the effectiveness by matching strengths with tasks?

Key Message Unleash the Expertise


#4. Robust Systems


Key Questions
1. 2. 3. 4. Do you have a decision making process? Do you have a problem solving process? Do you have a priority setting process? Do you have a process for tracking whether or not your team is delivering good results?

Key Message Make the process your friend, not your enemy


#5. Communication


Key Examples
Informal Emails: for speedy response, to give a heads up (e.g. heres what happened in the meeting). File Memos: Captures important learnings or observations (qualitative, store checks, meetings, etc.) to lead thinking. Memo to Business Team: Reinforces direction, leads action. Formal Recommendation: Underutilized today, but can be a powerful way to get what you want for Management. Issue Sheets: Good replacement for powerpoints when framing an issue and options for an A.

I notice that you use plain, simple language, short words, and brief sentences. That is the way to write (and speak) English. It is the modern way and the best way. Stick to it. Mark Twain to a friend The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook William James If you unclutter your mind, youll think more clearly --Jack Trout

Tips on Powerful Written Communication

Write with Senior Management in mind. Documents travel and this is a good logic/clarity check. Be concise, clear and specific. Senior Managers are busy. The shorter, more concise, the better. Brief, Brisk, Simple Know where you are going before you start writing outline your logic flow Separate facts from opinions. Avoid sensationalist language. Never be content with your first effort. Remember the New York Times rule or the person least in favor of your argument. Be timely. The quicker the better.

Tips on Powerful Oral Communication

Follow the discipline of the written tips. Be Concise. Brief, Brisk, Simple. Avoid giving too much detail. Listen first. Answer the question that was asked. Be responsive to the listeners. Dont Bluff. Beware of inconsistencies from previous meetings or at least explain them. Remember, its ok to say I dont know.

Key Message Communicate! Communicate!! Communicate!!!

#6. Relationships


Key Questions
1. How well are you keeping your commitment ? 2. What will make your team members feel rewarded and recognized? 3. What are the hidden agendas?

Key Message Treat others as they want to be treated


TEAM EFFECTIVENESS MODEL 1) CLEAR DIRECTION * Align team on compelling business need * Align on success criteria 2) STRONG LEADERSHIP * Envision, Engage, Energize, Enable, Execute

Tips * Be a credible magnet, be unstoppable in achieving your vision

* Know your 5Es strengths/opportunities * Think through the 5Es for each chunk of the project

3) ROLE DEFINITIONS * Match individual strengths to task with single point accountability 4) EFFICIENT & EFFECTIVE SYSTEMS * Decision making * Results tracking * Resources planning

* Believe, really believe, other functions can contribute and expect this

* Use the team to align on decision making authority, issue resolution process and results to be tracked * Use this to motivate the team * Celebrate Wins/ Share Bad news faster * Over communicate!!

5) COMMUNICATION * Intellectual Honesty * Give and receive robust feedback * Common communication vehicle 6) RELATIONSHIPS * Meet commitments * Know how others are recognized/rewarded

* Treat others as they want to be treated * Dig out hidden agendas

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