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MATLAB for Finance

Shivgan Joshi http://stockcreditfinancecfa.blogspot.i

Introduction Old work and experience Areas of Work of MATLAB in Industry Job requirements Conclusive points Literature Review Version of output TTD Conclusion

Usefulness with certification programs such as SAS How it takes your beyond excel Comparison of MATALB SAS R Excel/VBA

Master level course in Finance

Linking old work and experience to MATLAB

Old work ppt: Reliability, HPC, game theory, Neural network simulink etc Data cleaning, data modifications, data arrays, struct, rating matrix, selection of elements from rating matrix, banks internal rating and pod computations, post that you made For fixed income Bond pricing, CDS, and other leveraged fixed income tools on MATLAB Data handing from sql and other

Areas of Work in Risk

Back-testing of investment strategies Credit risk modelling using KMV approach (Merton Model), there is a tool of Moodies, and they are also working on Municipal bonds (question in Genpact) Monte-Carlo simulation , Portfolio Optimization Statistical modelling, variance-covariance modelling, value at risk modelling, regular risk reporting (hot spot reports, concentration reports), risk assessment and style analysis of money managers, term structure modelling, rich cheap analysis, Mark-to-market, Yield and CDS spreads Credit research reports covering liquidity and debt

Job Requirements in MATLAB

FRM L2 library: PD, LGD, Downgrade, Credit Rating Methodologies Functions such as struct & Pearson correlations Monte Carlo and Black scholes Scenario & Sensitivity Analysis, Portfolio Optimization, Asset liability management Real time risk management (looking across entire numbers) Normalizing and making data relevant by Data cleaning (playing with matrix) example for financial times series A/L using different types of bonds with different durations

Conclusive points
1. As far as the comparison goes, R vs MATLAB, MATLAB is much easier and the only reason people do R in west is because R is free and MATLAB is very expensive 2. As per my knowledge R and SAS are not so much user friendly, although when it comes to hardcore data handling SAS is much much better. MATLAB is good for easier applications like backtesting 3. MATLAB Credit Risk : Credit Risk Modeling Using Excel and VBA is a good book to look out for excel based modeling which then can

Literature review
1. Financial toolbox users guide (1500 pgs) 2. Fixed income toolbox 208 3. MATLABR (50 pages)

Version of Lessons
In 10 minutes concept MATLAB Financial toolbox Dummies Linking it to CFA FRM: Questions of these exam executed on MATLAB Prepare / Sensitize yourself for MATLAB in Finance

Financial toolbox users guide (1500 pgs)

1. Portfolio, Asset Allocation and Performance 2. Credit Risk (Ratings etc) 3. Financial times series (Trading data) 4. Technical Analysis (Trading, may include Ago or VAR or Regulations etc) 5. Trading risk or Market risk is interesting for Bank on CDS and other leveraged items

Increasing number of lines codes

10 Lessons of 10 min each

TTD (Internal use)

Revise CFA L2 and FRM L2 Fixed income, also helpful in passing these 2 exams Revise Financial time series and Quant of CFA level 2 Algo trading or related can be skipped

Online resources
Simulation and Optimization in Finance + Website: Modeling with MATLAB By Dessislava Pachamanova, Frank J. Fabozzi, CFA Numerical Methods in Finance and Economics: A MATLAB-Based Introduction (Statistics in Practice)

To Run on MATLAB

2 ways to make the course

Books MIT or university course

List of areas to Cover

From Financial toolbox help [1500p]

1. Portfolio Analysis and Optimization in MATLAB 2. Investment metrics for portfolio optimization [2nd biggest section] 3. Credit risk (small section) 4. Financial times series [biggest section]

Financial times series

MATLAB or SAS which does it? Both are used, SAS is in fact very popular Is it used in Fixed income as well? Not much But you can learn some basics of how to do that on SAS as well

Everything is linked to exams MATLAB basics will get over in some days Links things that you can link to SAS or R, a file called MATLABR will be useful Might help you in SAS as well for the Base and Advanced Exams

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