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12 point system to building a large organization. This training is a kindergarden approach to building a network marketing organization. 1.

The Journey 1.Duplicate Before You Multiply Track 1 2. One-on One Presentation Track 2 3.In Home Weekly Presentation Track 3 4. Share/Introduce/Sponsor Track 4 5. Setting Your Posture Track 5 6. Prospect VIP List Track 6 6. Weekly Business Briefing Track 7 7. 48 Hour Planner Track 8 8. Train Duplicate Train Track 9 9. Motivation Up/Self/Down Track 10 Complete with Audio Book and 12 hand cards to follow step by step. Includes a card system and audio system where you can train your new business partners to duplicate the system. Listen to CD and master each step and train your new business partners to master the system. Tried and proven methods in Network Marketing for over 50 years.

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Super Rich

Earn 15% Of The Income Control 60% of the Wealth Earn 20% of the Income and control 15% of the Wealth Earn 44% of the Income and control 23 % of the Wealth Earn 21% of the Income and control 2% of the Wealth

Working Rich


Middle Class Working Poor


Working Poor


The Secret Of Building Wealth

Rich Mind Poor Mind

Four Qutuam Of I AM Wealth Creation Formula



Rich Mind Poor Mind

I Am Rich Quantum


Cash Flow Quantum





Who Control The Real Pyramid The Wealth Of This Nation


Network Marketing Turns The Pyramid Upside Everyone Starts Out With The Same Opportunity Anyone The Homeless, Doctors, Lawyers, The Poor, Men, Women Mothers, Grandmothers, High School Drop Out, College Professors.


Paul Zane Pilzer -- who is openly praised by many business leaders including Sam Walton (owner of Wal-Mart) -- said the following in one of his bestselling books, ' The Next Millionaires': "In the United States, household wealth tripled--growing from $13 trillion in 1991 to more than $40 trillion in 2001. Over the same ten years, the number of U.S. millionaire households doubled, jumping from 3.6 million in 1991 to 7.2 million in 2001. U.S. household wealth rose 20 percent to $48 trillion--the number of U.S. millionaires grew from 7.2 million in 2001 to 8.5 million by the end of 2004.

From 2006-2016, U.S. household wealth will double to $100 trillion, and 10 million new U.S. households will become The Next Millionaires --bringing the total number
of U.S. millionaire households to 18.5 million doubling of U.S. household wealth to $100 trillion in the next decade--it tripled in the 1990s; and it takes only $10 trillion to create 10 million new millionaires from scratch. Many of them will be network marketers (home based business)."

"Ten million new millionaires will be created between 2006-2016... especially if you are in direct selling, technology, home-based business, product distribution or an emerging industry

Are You Ready To Start Your Own Business

1. What can you expect from your business 2. When to expect it 3. The collective benefits 4. Tools/Are you willing to develop the skills needed/capital

5. Why have you chosen to start your own business In Network Marketing?
6. Time/Communication/Goals 7. Definition of your business 8. What are you willing to give up to get it? 9. Take action by duplicating (Is the master worth duplicating 10. Reeach out for your dreams and goals

Duplicate Before You Multiply Duplicate Before You Multiply

Track 1 Making It Complicated Makes It Difficult to Duplicate Track 1 Continue
1) Security and extra $500 a month 2) Romance, travel, vacations, houses 3) money financial independence 4) Recognition awards for outstanding performance or accomplishtments The answers to your questions will help you to identify your prospects will help you to identify your associates area of motivation thus allowing you to scratch them where they itch. No that youve made contact, you must FOLLOW THROGH. Follow through begins by asking questions that will lead to another meeting with your potential network porspect or customer. This meeting should either a One-on-One or In-Home Weekly Presentation, a Weekly Business or Training Seminar or a Sizzle Session. All of these presentations and seminars are key elements to follow through and sponsoring your new prospects in your network


This is where you start. Learn to approach your potential network associates, business partner or customer. There are five stages to this phase. Approach/contact leads to Follow Through which leads to SHARING, which leads to Sponsoring. Your initial APPROACH/CONTACT should always begin by asking question. There are four basic areas that motivates people into action

Follow through will give you the opportunity to SHARE the benefits of the product/service as well as facts regarding the companys philosphy and financial support network. Thjis offerrs you the opportunity to eventually INTROUDUCE your new prospect into your network. With your time energy and knowledge and their contacts you can then begin to help them reach their dreams. (Remember, their dreams, goals and areas of motivation are more important than yours The key to successful SPONSORING is to understand your new prospect needs and desires. The Network Marketing is only the vehicle you will use to help then attain their goals

Track 2

One-On-One Presentation

One-On-One Presentation
1. . To Expose your potential business associates to the

power of duplication through Network Marketing. 2. To illustrated the power of Network Marketing as a viable business/investment, 3. To get your new business associaes involved by introducing them into your network. 4. To coninue to upgrade your new business associates so That your duplicating process will continue of low 2. Product/Service One-on One Presentation Product/Service One-on-One Presentations are 30 minutes overview highlighting the benefits of your companys product/ services. Benefits are defined as the end results of the satisfactory use of Product or service. The customer must be convinced that they will benefit from the use of the product or service, in other words by using the product or Service will satisfy a want or need. FEATURES are any distinguishing facts about the product/service that will be true whether they ever used| the product/service or not. In making your presentation it is important NOT to focus on features but on benefits, the endo results of which is the satisfactory use of your product or services. Example: Lets use a ballpoint pen as an example Features: The ballpoint pen has a retractable point, a jumbo ink cartridge and a stainless steel barrel Benefits: The retractalbe point feature may result in the benefit of not staining a shirt pocket or purse with ink and possibly saving money on cleaning costs. Remember, always highlight the benefits or Your product/service when doing your presentation

Business Introductory One-on-One Presentation Business Introductory One-on-One Presentation are 30 minutes overviews highlighting 1. The concepts Of Network Marketing (MLM) 2. The benefits of The product/services. 3. The compensation plan. Research statistics show that 80% of all the people that were Sponsored into network marketing were initially introduced through a One-on-One Presentation is:


Track 3


The two main ingredients of the In-Home Presentation is the opening (sharing) and the closing (commitment). When closing it is especially important to talk with each person in attendance. Ask for commitments for joining the network, commitment for the next weeks In-Home Presentation or simply for the commitment to establish the person as a new customer. Use this time to network To your fullest capacity and try to get some kind of commitment from each person in attendance. Enthusiam is very important when signing-up new associates At the cose of the presentation be enthusiastic and ask question with positive energy. For example, you might close with Well Joh what do you like best about the network? Was it the company, products/service or the money that you could make? Or John how do you see yourself spending the first $1000 you make in this business or John I see your excited to get started we need your approval on the application Never ask a prospect what they think. A In-Home Weekly Presentation should be conducted for four consequtive weeks and cover the following 1. Evaluating the concept of MLM Network Marketing 2. The Company/Product/Service Vehicle 3. Marketing/Compensation Plan 4. How to Drive/Road Map to your goals Each new associates should schedule and commit to attend all four presentation.

The In-Home Weekly Presentation is the heart of the People to People Network Marketing. A In=Home Presentation is an informal meeting in the home of your new associates. These inhome presentations put the Laws of Multiplied Efforts to work for you. Through this principle, you can truly have everything you want as you help others get what they want>

Track 4

Apparently, there is a difference between Introducing (recruiting) and SPONSORING (Duplicating). INTRODUCING is simply having a new associate sign an application. SPONSORING IS building a productive and successful relationship with a new business associate The key to effective sponsoring begins with ASKING QUESTIONS which leads to a CONVERSATION which Establishes PERSONAL INTEREST that sparks needs and DESIRES which leads to a commitment that brings About VOLUME equaling BONUSES. Without effective Sponsoring it is virtually guaranteed that your potential associate will drop out in 90 days

Success in Network Marketing begins and ends with successful duplication. You can duplicate yourself through introducing new associates into the network. When you teach them to do the same you are SPONSORING them. .

To Successfully SPONSOR a new associates, begin with the following steps. 1. 2. 3. 4. Help your new associate to fill out the application Fill out the first part of the prospect List Schedule four grand opening presentation Include your new associates in your weekly opportunity and training seminars 5. Work THREE level in depth with our new associates Rember, Duplicate Before You Multiply



Track 5

Now you receive the final rewards for duplicating yourself and helping other to
receive a bonus CHECK


In Network Marketing Volume is created through committed associates monthly auto ship A Commitment is establish when your new associate understand the rewards of their efforts Train them to duplicate




Are of primary important to each persons daily lives to dream of having a lot of money. The desire to earn more money requires commitment.

People are motivated by things that they are of interest to them. In order to determine what is of personal interest to you new business associates ask question about their goals in life.


The objective of asking questions is to create a conversation By utilizing the art of listening and asking questions a conversation will product additional information which will lead to your new business associates personal interest


Whenever two human being come together someone is buying and some one is selling. You can make sure that you are the one thats selling when you learn the power of asking question In any given conversation, whoever is asking the question will control the outcome of the conversation. In setting your posture to sponsor you new business associates start by asking question

What To Say Statement To Avoid

No I recently became involved Yes Im working on a project No Are you looking for a business Opportunity? Yes Do you keep your income Options open? No Are you interest? Yes You might want to see this No I want you to. Yes You might want to You might benefit from No Id like to get you involved Yes Im looking for the right person No I think you would love this Yes It may or may not be for you

No Come to a meet Yes Meet some other members of the team No New Business Opportunity Yes Business Idea or project


Track 6


However, the Prospect List is a tool that can aid you in getting people that wish to introduce into the network. Your Prospect Network List is the foundation of your business and it should be developed in three stages. The first stage is to have your new associates enter 5 names when he/she signs-up in the network. The second stage requires that an additional 15 names be added, when you do your 48 hour planner. The third state is to adds an additional 25 names with the first 72 hours The first three stages are only the beginning. The list should continue to grow as your are continually meeting new prospective daily. The list should include the names of doctors, dentists friends, relatives, neighbors, business associates, Mailman etx. Sponsor People at you level And above.

Your List Your Biz Inventory

THE concept of networking is People To People Network Marketing. The network marketing company can provide you with everything you need to be successful except for two things. People and Deisre. There is vry little any outside force can do to provide you with desire. Desire is an internal energy that you must develop for yourself


Track 7


Weekly presentations are generally conducted on a nationwide basis. This gives you the ability to direct your success line to weekly presentations throughout the country. Across section of various success lines are usually in attendance. This type of People to People networking provides motivation, friendships, strong business relationships and creates a high level of energy. In general, the weekly presentation acts as a spaceship center that generate and promote satellite in-home presentations throughout the community. Weekly presentations provide a high level of belief and dreams, especially from the leaders. New associates can borrow from the beliefs and dreams of others until their own personal beliefs and dreams are confirmed. Weekly presentations establish credibility to the network and provide a professional introduction to the company, product/service and compensation plan. The weekly Business Briefing Presentation is an excellent vehicle to use when introducing new associates into the network. To build a success full large Network Marketing it is important to attend the weekly presentations. Each presentation you attend is at least worth $1,000 because each meeting will put your closer to your goal of earning a $1,000 a week

The Weekly Business Briefing Presentation is an open meeting usually held in a public facility. i.e. hotel, recreation room, etc. This general presentation is about the company, product/service and compensation plan, The weekly meeting fosters the real spirit of networking. Weekly presentation are often scheduled on a particular night each week and are conducted by local leaders in the area.

Track 8


In order for any business venture to be successful there must be a high degree of structure and professionalism in both the company and the person representing it. That is why it is crucial to follow-up on your new associate within 48 hours of your initial presentation. The new associate not only realizes that they are getting special attention but can see that you are treating your business as a business. These things can have a tremendous impact at a time when their excitement and expectation are at their peak. The entire procedure helps to enhance their belief and commitment levels tremdously.

THE 48 Hour Planner is divided into seven (7) steps. One of the purpose of the planner is to determine the commitment level of your new associates. Another purpose is to review the 7 simple steps that you new associates must perform in order to be successful in Network Marketing in the shrotest period of time. Most people want to get off the right start in Network Marketing they just need to know how

The person conducting the interview should know the 7 steps of the 48 hour planner by heart. They should also bring any related material, i.e. mediat coverage, company literature etc, that would help support the growing demand For their service/and or industry. Make sure to schedule all presentation to bring along plenty of belief, excitement sincerity and a good attitude to share with them

48 Hour Planner Seven Steps

48 Hour Planner Seven Steps

1. Answer All Question 2. Go Through Getting Started Fast Table To Training 3. Discuss And Write Down Goals 4. Make List Of Contacts 5. Schedule A Weekly Training Fast To Success School 6. Go Over Inviting Technique 7. Get Your New Associate Committed To The Network Marketing Concept Note: Go over the concept The power of one and geometric progression

48 Hour Planner Getting Your Business Associate Started Right

IMPORTANT Master the art of communication with your business associates

Basic Training

Track 9

When introducing a new associate into the network, it is important to stress that the key to building a successful organization is Basic Training. Basic training comprises all the skills and knowledge a new associates will need in order to function as a foot soldier. Specialization comes later.

You new associate should receive training from the day of your first approach/contact. It is imperative not to let your new associates speak to anyone about the business or the product/service until they have had at least two hours of Basic Training. Be sure to schedule a date and time for their training within 48 hours of introducing them into the network In Network Marketing training and duplication is the most powerful security you can obtain for building a successful business 3-6 Months Business Training

You must stress the importance of training when you make you One-on-One presentation. Inform you new associates that they will have to participate in a 3-6 month Business Training Program, whereby upon completion they will advance into management training

Track 10

Is an internal action that is constantly fed by ones own desire to reach their dreams or goals. Self Motivation is ones awareness of the POWER WITHIN THEIR OWN MIND. It is available for the asking to help you to reach your dreams and goals. Self Motivation begins with desire, it is constantly stimulated by successful experiences which by reading books and listening to tapes supports ones own belief level. In many cases Up Motivation can help to stimulate Self Motivation





Bob Not Motivated Ted Not Motivated Doris Not Motivated Juana is Motivated Everyone Else Is Up Motivated



is an external action that stimulates a direct benefit to someones dreams or goals. In Network Marketing Up Motivation is working in depth with your personally sponsored associates. Up Motivation is expressed in ones attitude. Excitement is a key ingredient to building a large successful organization Working in Depth Tap To The Root

Is an external action generally referred to as a Hot Bath For example, when a new associate attends a rally, training session or any type of group function their excitement level usually peaks, i.e. , they are going to get with it, get going, break all records, etc. For this brief period of time they are borrowing the beliefs and confidences of others. It is a hot bath because generally they will cool off within a couple of weeks or months. Why? Because during all the hype and the excitement nobody bothered to tell them WHAT to do and/or Ho to do what is necessary to be successful in the business Consequently, after awhile the excitement turns to depression and eventually they just cool down


Motivated By The Possibility Of Gain 95%

Fear Of Lose
First Brand You Inc. Build Yourself Network Marketing Opportunity Self Development System With A Compensation Plan Attach To It

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