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To grow up


The Problem:

Children growing up in the confines of jail cells without access to education, proper nutrition, warm clothing, and medical care Inability of the imprisoned mothers to fulfill the basic needs of their child Difficulty in finding income source for women inmates during their sentence and after being released (Women Inmates : 208, Kathmandu,

What We Do:

Dedicated to helping the children of imprisoned parents - giving them shelter, education and honing their talents to break the cycle of crime and poverty Provide the children with the opportunity for education, healthy development, trainings in extra-curricular activities to secure their future, independent of ECDC Secure a source of income source for imprisoned mothers Utilize of spare time of women inmates by involving them in productive skills
ECDC currently supports a total of 9 imprisoned and released women inmates and their family with additional income source. Supports overall development of 45 inmates children ranging from 3 16 years old.


Income generating skills provided to 9 women inmates in eco-friendly handicraft products to sustain their livelihood and provide support for their childrens education & their family Products modified to give Nepali touch such as the Waldorf dolls wearing Nepali Dresses made from scrap materials from boutiques currently exported to Sweden and US. Innovative approach by involving 25 children in skills and creativity 10 Rupees/day (US 11 cent) saving for 40 children to help them secure their future. Presently saving equivalent to 1600 US $.

Business Model:
Top 3 revenue sources:

Waldorf Dolls exported to Sweden and US 45% Greeting cards made by the children of ECDC 30% Collection of Handicraft products made by the women inmates domestic and international markets 25%

Revenue Models:
Export to foreign countries US, Germany, Sweden. - 40% Direct sale through our Residential Home and personal networks 30% Orders from large scale Companies like Surya Pvt. Ltd 20% Through Various exhibitions/fairs 10%

Price/ Competitor:

Low production cost of Waldorf dolls then of Sweden, hence reasonably priced (Production Cost 15 $, Market Price 30 - 40 $), International Price above 50$ Raw materials from various wholesale shops which results to low production cost. Diverse handicrafts suitable for everyone, Handicraft price range 2 $ to 40 $ with social cause. Competitors price range 2 $ to 100$ with profit motive only. Children -friendly and eco-friendly materials used in production


Open a shop to sell the products directly to customers. Export to other parts of the world.


2009 First huge order of Christmas Greeting Cards worth 350 $ from International Organization for Migration (IOM - Nepal) 2010 - Production of Waldorf dolls modified to replicate Nepali version - on high demand in Europe and US 2011 - Yearly order of Greeting cards from Nepals top Business firm Surya Nepal Pvt. Ltd. 2012 - Linkage with Qatar Airlines for Childrens Photography Exhibition 2012 - Linkage with Shanti International, U.K., to hone the childrens painting skills.


Initial investment for the start-up 600 $ ECDC (Nov 2009) & 1100 $ Change Fusion Nepal , (Jan 2010) Total Sales
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

3200 2400 1800 850





Monthly financial turnover of $ 300 Rotation of cash. Profit margin of 100% of production cost. Sales to US, Sweden, Germany. Repayment of Change Fusion Loan 2012 May. Total Savings at Children Saving Scheme 1600 $. Contribution to Inmates Income - 3100 $.

Future Plans:

Retail shop cum Boutique for the sales of handicrafts and tailored dress by 2013. (3500 US$) Separate Production room for handicrafts by end of 2012. (1500 US$) Full time job opportunity for 5 former women inmates by 2013. (Monthly Salary 150 200 US$ per person) Residential home support
2013- 65 children 2014 - 85 children

2015 100 children.


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