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Prepared By: Floriza P. de Leon, Click to edit Master subtitle style PTRP


Biomechanics - study of body mechanics, as it relates to the functional and anatomical analysis of biological systems and especially humans

Necessary to study the bodys mechanical characteristics & principles to understand its movements

Manual of Structural

Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts



Mechanics - study of physical actions of forces Mechanics is divided into

Statics Dynamics

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts



Statics - study of systems that are in a constant state of motion, whether at rest with no motion or moving at a constant velocity without acceleration

Statics involves all forces acting on the body being in balance resulting in the body being in equilibrium

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts



Dynamics - study of systems in motion with acceleration

A system in acceleration is unbalanced due to unequal forces acting on the body

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts



Kinematics & kinetics

Kinematics - description of motion and includes consideration of time, displacement, velocity, acceleration, and space factors of a systems motion Kinetics - study of forces associated with the motion of a body

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts


Types of machines found in the body

Musculoskeletal system may be thought of as a series of simple machines

Machines - used to increase mechanical advantage Consider mechanical aspect of each component in analysis with respect to components machine-like function

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts


Types of machines found in the body

Machines function in four ways

balance multiple forces enhance force in an attempt to reduce total force needed to overcome a resistance enhance range of motion & speed of movement so that resistance may be moved further or faster than applied force alter resulting direction of the applied force

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts

Types of machines found in the body

Musculoskeletel system arrangement provides for 3 types of machines in producing movement

Levers (most common) Wheel-axles Pulleys

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Humans move through a system of levers lever - a rigid bar that turns about an axis of rotation or a fulcrum axis - point of rotation about which lever moves Levers cannot be changed, but they can be utilized more efficiently

Manual of Structural

Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts



Levers rotate about an axis as a result of force (effort, E) being applied to cause its movement against a resistance or weight In the body bones represent the bars joints are the axes muscles contract to apply force

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts



Resistance can vary from maximal to minimal May be only the bones or weight of body segment All lever systems have each of these three components in one of three possible arrangements

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Three points determine type of lever & for which kind of motion it is best suited Axis (A)- fulcrum - the point of rotation Point (F) of force application (usually muscle insertion) Point (R) of resistance application (center of gravity of lever) or (location of an external resistance)

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts



1st class lever axis (A) between force (F) & resistance (R) 2nd class lever resistance (R) between axis (A) & force (F) 3rd class lever force (F) between axis (A) & resistance (R)

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts



FAR 1st ARF 2nd AFR 3rd


Force Arm


Resistance Arm

| Resistance Arm | | Force Arm



| |

Force Arm

Resistance Arm
F R 153-15

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts

First-Class Levers

Produce balanced movements when axis is midway between force & resistance (e.g., seesaw postural mm, atlanto-occipital jt.) Produce speed & range of motion when axis is close to force, (triceps in elbow extension) Produce force motion when axis is close to resistance (crowbar)
Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts 163-16

Manual of Structural

First-Class Levers

Head balanced on neck in flexing/extending Agonist & antagonist muscle groups are contracting simultaneously on either side of a joint axis agonist produces force while antagonist supplies resistance

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First-Class Levers

Elbow extension in triceps applying force to olecranon (F) in extending the non-supported forearm (R) at the elbow (A)

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First-Class Levers

Force is applied where muscle inserts in bone, not in belly of muscle Ex. in elbow extension with shoulder fully flexed & arm beside the ear, the triceps applies force to the olecranon of ulna behind the axis of elbow joint As the applied force exceeds the amount of forearm resistance, the elbow extends

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts


Second-Class Levers

Produces force movements, since a large resistance can be moved by a relatively small force Wheelbarrow Nutcracker Loosening a lug nut Raising the body up on the toes

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts


Second-Class Levers
Plantar flexion of foot to raise the body up on the toes where ball (A) of the foot serves as the axis as ankle plantar flexors apply force to the calcaneus (F) to lift the resistance of the body at the tibial articulation (R) with the foot Relatively few 2nd class levers in body

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts


Third-Class Levers

Produce speed & range-of-motion movements Most common in human body Requires a great deal of force to move even a small resistance

Paddling a boat Shoveling - application of lifting force to a shovel handle with lower hand while upper hand on shovel handle serves as axis of rotation
Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts 223-22

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Third-Class Levers
Biceps brachii in elbow flexion Using the elbow joint (A) as the axis, the biceps brachii applies force at its insertion on radial tuberosity (F) to rotate forearm up, with its center of gravity (R) serving as the point of resistance application

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts


Third-Class Levers

Brachialis - true 3rd class leverage

pulls on ulna just below elbow pull is direct & true since ulna cannot rotate

Biceps brachii supinates forearm as it flexes so its 3rd class leverage applies to flexion only Other examples

hamstrings contracting to flex leg at knee while in a standing position using iliopsoas to flex thigh at hip

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts


Factors in use of anatomical levers

Anatomical leverage system can be used to gain a mechanical advantage Improve simple or complex physical movements Some habitually use human levers properly Some develop habits of improperly use human levers

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Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts


Torque and length of lever arms

A, If the force arm and resistance arm are equal in length, a force equal to the resistance is required to balance it, B, As the force arm becomes longer, a decreasing amount of force is required to move a relatively larger resistance, C, As the force arm becomes shorter an increasing amount of force is required to more a relatively smaller resistance
Manual of Structural Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts 263-26

Torque and length of lever arms

Human leverage system is built for speed & range of movement at expense of force Short force arms & long resistance arms require great muscular strength to produce movement Ex. biceps & triceps attachments

biceps force arm is 1 to 2 inches triceps force arm less than 1 inch

Manual of Structural

Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts

Torque and length of lever arms

Human leverage for sport skills requires several levers

throwing a ball involves levers at shoulder, elbow, & wrist joints

The longer the lever, the more effective it is in imparting velocity

A tennis player can hit a tennis ball harder with a straight-arm drive than with a bent elbow because the lever (including the racket) is longer & moves at a faster speed

Manual of Structural

Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts

Torque and length of lever arms

Long levers produce more linear force and thus better performance in some sports such as baseball, hockey, golf, field hockey, etc.

Manual of Structural

Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts


Torque and length of lever arms

For quickness, it is desirable to have a short lever arm

baseball catcher brings his hand back to his ear to secure a quick throw sprinter shortens his knee lever through flexion that he almost catches his spikes in his gluteal muscles

Manual of Structural

Basic Biomechanical Factors & Concepts


Studying Kinesiology (Cont.)

The forces affecting motion (gravity, muscle tension, external resistance, and friction) are never seen and seldom felt. Kinematics is the science of the motion of bodies in space. Osteokinematics is concerned with movements of bones Arthrokinematics addresses the movements occurring between joint surfaces.

Describe the anatomical position? Identify the cardinal planes and axis.

Planar classification of position and motion (osteokinematics)

Figure 1-2

Identify the position of the hip.

Planar classification of position and motion (osteokinematics)

Frontal plane abduction and adduction Sagittal plane flexion and extension Horizontal plane internal/external rotation pronation/supination Special cases radial/ulnar deviation dorsi-/plantar flexion. Goniometry (Gr. gonia, angle, and metron, measure)

Differentiate arthrokinematics and osteokinematics

Application of Goniometer

Summary Range of Joint Motion (Cont.)

Normal End-Feel

When a normal joint is moved passively to the end of its range of motion, resistance to further motion is felt by the examiner The resistance is also called physiological end-feel

What are the types of end feel?

Rotary and Translatory Motion


Movements are described as occurring around an axis or a pivot point, identified by mechanical terms as rotary motion, angular motion, or rotation Translatory motion is used to describe movement of a body in which all of its parts move in the same direction with equal velocity

Degrees of freedom
l l

Joints that move in one plane possess one axis and have one degree of freedom If a joint has two axes, the segments can move in two planes, and the joint is said to possess two degrees of freedom motion Ball-and-socket joint such as the hip joints, which permit flexion-extension, abduction-adduction, and transverse rotation, are said to possess three degrees of freedom

Identify the degrees of freedom of the following Elbow Knee Ankle MCP PIP

Kinematic chain
l l

A combination of several joints uniting successive segments constitutes a kinematic chain Distal segments can have higher degrees of freedom than do proximal ones

Open and closed kinematic chains


In an open kinematic chain, the distal segment of the chain moves in space whereas in a closed kinematic chain, the distal segment is fixed, and proximal parts move (Steindler,1995) In the upper extremity, open-chain motion occurs when reaching or bringing the hand to the mouth, and closed-chain motion occurs when performing a chin-up

Explain how does a chinup became a closed kinematic chain


Arthrokinematics is concerned with the movement of the articular surfaces in relation to the direction of movement of the distal extremity of the bone (osteokinematics)

Ovoid joint surfaces


The ovoid articular surfaces of two bones from a convex-concave paired relationship

Sellar joint surfaces


Joints have both convex and concave surface on each articulating bone

Movement of joint surfaces

l l l

Rolling or rocking Sliding or gliding Spinning

Convex-Concave Relationships
Convex-concave principles. l Convex joint surfaces move in the opposite direction to the bone segment l Concave articular surfaces moves in the same direction as the bone segment

Close-packed Position
l l l

The ovoid surfaces of joint pairs match each other perfectly in only one position of the joint. This point congruency is called the close-packed position In this position, (1) the maximum area of surface contact occurs, (2) the attachments of the ligaments are farthest apart and under tension, (3) capsular structures are taut, (4) the joint is mechanically compressed and difficult to distract

Open-packed Position

In all other position, the ovoid joint surfaces do not fit perfectly but are incongruent and called openpacked, or loose-packed

Close-packed Position

The close-packed position usually occurs at one extreme in the range of motion. This is in full extension at the elbow, wrist, hip, and knee; dorsiflexion at the ankle; and flexion at the metacarpophalangeal joints

Accessory Motions

In addition to angular motions such as flexion or abduction, joint surfaces can be moved passively a few millimeters in translatory motion. These small motions called accessory movements or joint play

Clinical Applications
l l l

Joint mobilization techniques Normally, ligament and capsular structures limit passive accessory motions in open-packed positions. Has been severed or stretched out, the accessory motion that the ligament controls will be excessive or hypermobile.

Classification of joints

1. Immovable 2. Slightly movable 3. Movable




I. Gliding Joint II. Ball and socket Joint III. Hinge Joint IV. Pivot Joint


The first kind of joint is called a gliding joint. Gliding joints are found in our wrists, ankles, and backbone. Gliding joints do what they say: they glide past one another, and help us move those body parts.



Hip joint, Arm joint


These joints move up and down in one direction, like a door opening and closing. This type of joint can be found in our fingers, elbows, and knees. Move these joints in your body.

A hinge joint allows extension and retraction of an appendage


Move your neck from side to side. Can you feel how a pivot joint moves? Joint between 1st and 2nd neck vertebrae. This type of joint lets bones roll over each other, like in our forearms and neck.

Hyoid bone the only jointless bone

A small, U-shaped bone situated centrally in the upper part of the neck, beneath the mandible but above the larynx near the level of the third cervical vertebra.

The hyoid is (uniquely in the vertebrate skeleton) not joined to any other bone but is suspended by the stylohyoid ligaments from the styloid process of each temporal bone at the base of the skull. It is formed from three separate parts the body, and the left and right greater and lesser cornu (horns) which fuse in early adulthood. The function of the hyoid is to provide an anchor point for the muscles of the tongue and for those in the upper part of the front of the neck.

The hyoid bone can be felt by pressing one's finger into the crease where the chin becomes the neck.


Muscular system consists of three muscle types: cardiac, smooth, and skeletal Skeletal muscle most abundant tissue in the human body (40-45% of total body weight) Human body has more than 430 pairs of skeletal muscle; most vigorous movement produced by 80 pairs

Muscle Structure

Structural unit of skeletal muscle is the multinucleated muscle cell or fiber (thickness: 10-100 m, length: 1-30 cm Muscle fibers consist of myofibrils (sarcomeres in series: basic contractile unit of muscle) Myofibrils consist of myofilaments (actin and myosin)

MicroscopicMacroscopic Structure of Skeletal Muscle

Muscle Structure (continued)

Composition of sarcomere Z line to Z line ( 1.27-3.6 m in length) Thin filaments (actin: 5 nm in diameter) Thick filaments (myosin: 15 nm in diameter) Myofilaments in parallel with sarcomere Sarcomeres in series within myofibrils

Muscle Structure (continued)

Motor unit Functional unit of muscle contraction Composed of motor neuron and all muscle cells (fibers) innervated by motor neuron Follows all-or-none principle impulse from motor neuron will cause contraction in all muscle fibers it innervates or none

Size Principle

Smallest motor units recruited first Smallest motor units recruited with lower stimulation frequencies Smallest motor units with relatively low levels of tension provide for finer control of movement Larger motor units recruited later with increased frequency of stimulation and increased need for greater tension

Size Principle

Tension is reduced by the reverse process Successive reduction of firing rates Dropping out of larger units first

Muscle Structure (continued)

Motor unit Vary in ratio of muscle fibers/motor neuron Fine control few fibers (e.g., muscles of eye and fingers, as few as 3-6/motor neuron), tetanize at higher frequencies Gross control many fibers (e.g., gastrocnemius, 2000/motor neuron), tetanize at lower frequencies Fibers of motor unit dispersed throughout muscle

Motor Unit

Tonic units smaller, slow twitch, rich in mitochondria, highly capillarized, high aerobic metabolism, low peak tension, long time to peak (60120ms) Phasic units larger, fast twitch, poorly capillarized, rely on anaerobic metabolism, high

Muscle Structure (continued)

Motor unit (continued) Weakest voluntary contraction is a twitch (single contraction of a motor unit) Twitch times for tension to reach maximum varies by muscle and person Twitch times for maximum tension are shorter in the upper extremity muscles (40-50ms) than in the lower extremity muscles (70-80ms)

Shape of Graded Contraction

Shape and time period of voluntary tension curve in building up maximum tension

Shape and time period of voluntary relaxation curve in reducing tension

Due to delay between each MU action potential and maximum twitch tension Related to the size principle of recruitment of motor units Turn-on times 200ms Related to shape of individual muscle twitches Related to the size principle in reverse Due to stored elastic energy of muscle Turn-off times 300ms

Force Production Length-Tension Relationship

Force of contraction in a single fiber determined by overlap of actin and myosin (i.e., structural alterations in sarcomere) (see figure) Force of contraction for whole muscle must account for active (contractile) and passive (series and parallel elastic elements) components

Types of Muscle Contraction

Type of Contraction Concentric Eccentric Isokinetic Definition Work
Force of muscle contraction Positive work; muscle moment resistance and angular velocity of joint in same direction Force of muscle contraction Negative work; muscle moment resistance and angular velocity of joint in opposite direction Force of muscle contraction = Positive work; muscle moment resistance; constant angular and angular velocity of joint in velocity; special case is same direction isometric contraction Force of muscle contraction No mechanical work; resistance; series elastic physiological work component stretch = shortening of contractile element (few to 7% of resting length of muscle)


Effect of Muscle Architecture on Contraction

Fusiform muscle Fibers parallel to long axis of muscle Many sarcomeres make up long myofibrils Advantage for length of contraction Example: sartorius muscle Force of contraction along long axis of muscle of force of contraction of all muscle fibers Tends to have smaller physiological cross sectional area (see figure)

Fusiform Fiber Arrangement

Fa = force of contraction of muscle fiber parallel to longitudinal axis of muscle Fa Fa = sum of all muscle fiber contractions parallel to long axis of muscle

Effect of Muscle Architecture on Contraction (continued)

Pennate muscle Fibers arranged obliquely to long axis of muscle (pennation angle) Uni-, bi-, and multi-pennate Advantage for force of contraction Example: rectus femoris (bi-pennate) Tends to have larger physiological cross sectional area

Pennate Fiber Arrangement

Fa = force of contraction of muscle fiber parallel to longitudinal axis of muscle Fa Fm = force of contraction of muscle fiber = pennation angle Fa = (cos )(Fm) Fa = sum of all muscle fiber contractions parallel to long axis of muscle


Effect of Muscle Architecture on Contraction (continued)

Force of muscle contraction proportional to physiological cross sectional area (PCSA); sum of the cross sectional area of myofibrils Velocity and excursion (working range or amplitude) of muscle is proportional to length of myofiblril

Muscle Fiber Types

Type I Slow-Twitch Oxidative (SO) Speed of contraction Primary source of ATP production Glycolytic enzyme activity Capillaries Myoglobin content Glycogen content Fiber diameter Rate of fatigue Slow Oxidative phosphorylation Low Many High Low Small Slow Type IIA Fast-Twitch Oxidative-Glycolytic (FOG) Fast Oxidative phosphorylation Intermediate Many High Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate Type IIB Fast-Twitch Glycolytic (FG) Fast Anaerobic glycolysis High Few Low High Large Fast

Muscle Fiber Types (continued)

Smaller slow twitch motor units are characterized as tonic units, red in appearance, smaller muscle fibers, fibers rich in mitochondria, highly capillarized, high capacity for aerobic metabolism, and produce low peak tension in a long time to peak (60120ms). Larger fast twitch motor units are characterized as phasic units, white in appearance, larger muscle fibers, less mitochondria, poorly capillarized, rely on anaerobic metabolism, and produce large peak tensions in shorter periods of time (1050ms).

Muscle Fiber Types (continued)

Nerve innervating muscle fiber determines its type; possible to change fiber type by changing innervations of fiber All fibers of motor unit are of same type Fiber type distribution in muscle genetically determined Average population distribution: 50-55% type I 30-35% type IIA 15% type IIB

Muscle Fiber Types (continued)

Fiber composition of muscle relates to function (e.g., soleus posture muscle, high percentage type I) Muscles mixed in fiber type composition Natural selection of athletes at top levels of competition

Electrical Signals of Muscle Fibers

At rest, action potential of muscle fiber -90 mV;caused by concentrations of ions outside and inside fiber (resting state) With sufficient stimulation, potential inside cell raised to 30-40 mV (depolarization); associated with transverse tubular system and sarcoplasmic reticulum; causes contraction of fiber Return to resting state (repolarization) Electrical signals from the motor units (motor unit action potential, muap) can be recorded (EMG) via electrodes

Summary of Function of Cranial Nerves

Figure 13.5b

Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory

Arises from the olfactory epithelium Passes through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone Fibers run through the olfactory bulb and terminate in the primary olfactory cortex Functions solely by carrying afferent impulses for the sense of smell

Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory

Figure I from Table 13.2

Cranial Nerve II: Optic

Arises from the retina of the eye Optic nerves pass through the optic canals and converge at the optic chiasm They continue to the thalamus where they synapse From there, the optic radiation fibers run to the visual cortex Functions solely by carrying afferent impulses for vision

Cranial Nerve II: Optic

Figure II Table 13.2

Cranial Nerve III: Oculomotor

Fibers extend from the ventral midbrain, pass through the superior orbital fissure, and go to the extrinsic eye muscles Functions in raising the eyelid, directing the eyeball, constricting the iris, and controlling lens shape The latter 2 functions are parasympathetically controlled Parasympathetic cell bodies are in the ciliary ganglia

Cranial Nerve III: Oculomotor

Figure III from Table 13.2

Cranial Nerve IV: Trochlear

Fibers emerge from the dorsal midbrain and enter the orbits via the superior orbital fissures; innervate the superior oblique muscle Primarily a motor nerve that directs the eyeball

Cranial Nerve IV: Trochlear

Figure IV from Table 13.2

Cranial Nerve V: Trigeminal

Composed of three divisions Ophthalmic (V1) Maxillary (V2) Mandibular (V3) Fibers run from the face to the pons via the superior orbital fissure (V1), the foramen rotundum (V2), and the foramen ovale (V3) Conveys sensory impulses from various areas of the face (V1) and (V2), and supplies motor fibers (V3) for mastication Tic douloureux or trigeminal neuralgia - Most excruciating pain known (?) - Caused by inflammation of nerve - In severe cases, nerve is cut; relieves agony but results in loss of sensation on that side of the face

Cranial Nerve V: Trigeminal

Cranial Nerve VI: Abducens

Fibers leave the inferior pons and enter the orbit via the superior orbital fissure Primarily a motor nerve innervating the lateral rectus muscle (abducts the eye; thus the name abducens)

Cranial Nerve VII: Facial

Fibers leave the pons, travel through the internal acoustic meatus, and emerge through the stylomastoid foramen to the lateral aspect of the face Motor functions include; Facial expression Transmittal of parasympathetic impulses to lacrimal and salivary glands (submandibular and sublingual glands) Sensory function is taste from taste buds of anterior twothirds of the tongue

Cranial Nerve VII: Facial

Figure VII from Table 13.2

Facial Nerve (CN VII)

Bells palsy: paralysis of facial muscles on affected side and loss of taste sensation Caused by herpes simplex I virus Lower eyelid droops Corner of mouth sags Tears drip continuously and eye cannot be completely closed (dry eye may occur) Condition my disappear spontaneously without treatment

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Cranial Nerve VIII: Vestibulocochlear

Fibers arise from the hearing and equilibrium apparatus of the inner ear, pass through the internal acoustic meatus, and enter the brainstem at the pons-medulla border Two divisions cochlear (hearing) and vestibular (balance) Functions are solely sensory equilibrium and hearing

Cranial Nerve VIII: Vestibulocochlear

Figure VIII from Table 13.2

Cranial Nerve IX: Glossopharyngeal

Fibers emerge from the medulla, leave the skull via the jugular foramen, and run to the throat Nerve IX is a mixed nerve with motor and sensory functions Motor innervates part of the tongue and pharynx, and provides motor fibers to the parotid salivary gland Sensory fibers conduct taste and general sensory impulses from the tongue and pharynx

Cranial Nerve IX: Glossopharyngeal

Figure IX from Table 13.2

Cranial Nerve X: Vagus

The only cranial nerve that extends beyond the head and neck Fibers emerge from the medulla via the jugular foramen The vagus is a mixed nerve Most motor fibers are parasympathetic fibers to the heart, lungs, and visceral organs Its sensory function is in taste Paralysis leads to hoarseness Total destruction incompatible with life

Cranial Nerve X: Vagus

Cranial Nerve XI: Accessory

Formed from a cranial root emerging from the medulla and a spinal root arising from the superior region of the spinal cord The spinal root passes upward into the cranium via the foramen magnum The accessory nerve leaves the cranium via the jugular foramen Primarily a motor nerve

Supplies fibers to the larynx, pharynx, and soft palate Innervates the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid, which move the head and neck

Cranial Nerve XI: Accessory

Figure XI from Table 13.2

Cranial Nerve XII: Hypoglossal

Fibers arise from the medulla and exit the skull via the hypoglossal canal Innervates both extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the tongue, which contribute to swallowing and speech

If damaged, difficulties in speech and swallowing; inability to protrude tongue

Cranial Nerve XII: Hypoglossal

Figure XII from Table 13.2

Surface Anatomy


Surface Anatomy of Head


Surface Anatomy of the Neck

Thyroid Cartilage Hyoid Bone Cricoid Cartilage Thyroid Gland Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Arteries Veins Trapezius Muscle Vertebral Spines Anterior Triangle Posterior Triangle


Surface Anatomy of the Trunk

Scapulae Latissimus dorsi muscle erector spinae muscle infraspinatus muscle trapezius muscle teres major muscle posterior axillary fold triangle of auscutation


Surface Features of the Chest


Surface Features of the Abdomen


Surface features of Pelvis

Iliac Crest Anterior Superior Iliac Crest Posterior Superior Spine Pubic Tubercle Pubic Symphysis Mons Pubis Sacrum Coccyx Perineum


Surface Anatomy of the Upper Limb

Surface features of the Shoulder Acromioclavicular Joint Acromiun Humerus Greater Tubercle Deltoid Muscle


Surface Anatomy of the Upper Limb

Surface Features of the Armpit apex base axillary lymph nodes anterior wall posterior wall medial wall lateral wall


Surface Anatomy of the Upper Limb

Surface Features of the Arm & Elbow Humerus Biceps brachii muscle Triceps brachii muscle Medial epicondyle Lateral epicondyle Olecron Ulnar nerve Cubital fossa Median cubital vein Brachial Artery Bicipital aponeurosis


Surface Anatomy of the Upper Limb

Surface Features of the Forearm & Wrist Ulna Radius Muscles Radial Artery Pisiform Bone Anatomical Snuffbox Wrist Creases


Surface Anatomy of the Upper Limb


Surface Anatomy of the Lower Limb

Gluteus maximus muscle Gluteus medius muscle Gluteal cleft Gluteal fold Ischeal tuberosity Greater trochanter


Surface Anatomy of the Lower Limb

Surface features of the Thigh Sartorius muscle Quadriceps femoris muscle Adductor longus muscle Hamstring muscles Femoral triange


Surface Anatomy of the Lower Limb

Surface Anatomy of the Knee Patella Patellar ligament Medial condyle of femur Medial condyle of thigh Lateral condyle of femur Lateral condyle of thigh Popliteal fossa


Surface Anatomy of the Lower Limb

Surface features of the Leg, Ankle & Foot Tibial tuberosity Tibialis anterior muscle Tibia Peroneus longus muscle Gastrocnemius muscle soleus muscle


Surface Features of the Leg, Ankle & Foot

Achilles (Calcaneal) tendon Lateral malleolus of fibula Medial malleolus of tibia Dorsal venous arch Tendons of extensor digitorum longus muscle


Shoulder anatomy

Shoulder Complex Bone Anatomy


Sternal end Acromion end Surfaces


Acromion end

Sternal end

Costal Dorsal

Borders Angles

Shoulder Complex Bone Anatomy

1. spine


2. acromion 3. superior border 4. supraspinous fossa 5. infraspinous fossa 6. medial (vertebral) border 7. lateral (axillary) border 8. inferior angle 9. superior angle 10. glenoid fossa (lateral angle) 11. coracoid process 12. superior scapular notch 13 subscapular fossa

Shoulder Complex Bone Anatomy


head anatomical neck greater tubercle lesser tubercle greater tubercle lesser tubercle intertubercular sulcus (AKA bicipital groove) deltoid tuberosity

Shoulder Complex Bone Anatomy


Surgical Neck Angle of Inclination

130-150 degrees 30 degrees posteriorly

Angle of Torsion

Shoulder Complex Articulations

Sternoclavicular Joint

Sternal end of clavicle with manubrium/ 1st costal cartilage 3 degree of freedom Articular Disk Ligaments

Capsule Anterior/Posterior Sternoclavicular Ligament Interclavicular Ligament Costoclavicular Ligament

Shoulder Complex Articulations

Acromioclavicular Joint

3 degrees of freedom Articular Disk Ligaments

Superior/Inferior Acromioclavicular Ligaments Coracoclavicular

Trapezoid Conoid

Shoulder Complex Articulations

Glenohumeral Joint

Configuration 3 degrees of freedom Labrum Ligaments

Capsule Coracohumeral Ligament Glenohumeral Ligaments

Superior Middle Inferior of Weitbrecht Foramen of

Posterior Capsule

Shoulder Complex Articulations


Not a joint Movements here very important

Other Shoulder Complex Structures


Anterior Border Posterior Border Medial Border Lateral Border

What structure comprises the 4 borders of the axilla?

Shoulder Complex Muscles

Scapular Muscles Click to edit Master subtitle style

Levator Scapulae

O Transverse processes of C1-C4 I Medial border of scapula between superior angle and root of spine of scapula N Nerve root C3-5 F

scapular elevation retraction

Rhomboid Major

Major T2-T5 spinous processes Minor Ligamentum nuchae, C7-T1 spinour processes Major Medial borde of scapula between spine and inferior angle Minor medial border at root of spine of scapula

N Dorsal Scapular

Upper Trapezius

Occiptal protuberance Medial 1/3 of nuchal line Upper part of ligamentum nuchae C7 spinous process Posterior border of lateral 1/3 of clavicle Acromion process

N spinal accessory F

Scapular elevation, retraction Rotation of head to opp. Side Lateral flexion of head to opp. side

Middle Trapezius

Inferior part of ligamentum nuchea T1-T5 spinous processes Medial margin of acromion process Superior lip of spine of scapula

N Spinal accessory F

Scapular retraction

Lower Trapezius

T6-T12 spinous processes Tubercle at apex of root of spine of scapula

N spinal accessory F

Scapular depression, retraction and upward rotation

Serratus Anterior

Outer surfaces and superior border of ribs 1-8 Ventral scapular surface on medial border from superior angle to inferior angle Long Thoracic Scapular protraction, upward rotation Scapular depression (lower fibers) Scapular elevation (upper fibers

Pectoralis Minor

Superior margins and outer surface ribs 3-5 near cartilages Fascia overlying corresponding intercostal muscles Medial border, superior surface of coracoid process Medial Pectoral Scapular depression, downward rotation, protraction

Glenohumeral Muscles
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Biceps Brachii

Short head coracoid process Long head supraglenoid tubercle of scapula Radial tuberosity Biceps brachii aponeurosis

N Musculocutaneous F

Shoulder flexion Elbow flexion, forearm supination


Coracoid process Medial surface of midhumerus, opposite to deltoid tuberosity

N Musculocutaneous F

GH flexion, adduction, Hor. Adduction

Pectoralis Major

Sternal anterior surface of sternum, cartilages of ribs 1-6 or7 Clavicular anterior surface of sternal clavicle crest of humeruss greater tuberosity Sternal medial pectoral Clavicular lateral pectora GH ADD, H. ADD and IR

Fibers twist in themselves

Anterior Deltoid

Anterior border, superior surface of lateral third of clavicle Deltoid tuberosity

N Axillary F

GH H. ADD, flexion IR when in supine position

Middle Deltoid

Lateral margin and superior surface of acromion Deltoid Tuberosity Axillary GH ABD

Posterior Deltoid

Inferior lip of posterior border of spine of scapula Deltoid tuberosity

N Axillary F

GH extension, H. ABD, ER when in prone position

Triceps Brachii

Long Head infraglenoid tubercle Lateral Head lateral and posterior surface of proximal of body of humerus Medial Head distal 2/3 of medial and posterior surfaces of humerus below radial groove Posterior surface of olecranon proess

N Radial F

Shoulder long head Ext and ADD Elbow -- extension

Latissimus Dorsi

Posterior layer of lumbodorsal fascia, then attaching to the T6-T12, lumbar and sacral vertabrae External lip of iliace creast lateral to erector spinae Ribs 9-12 Slip from inferior angle of scapula Intertubercular groove (distal aspect)

N Thoracodorsal F

GH IR, ADD, Ext,

Teres Major (Lats Little Helper)

Dorsal surface of inferior angle Lower 1/3 of scapula lateral border Crest of lesser tuberosity

N Lower Subscapular F


Rotator Cuff


Medial 2/3 supraspinatus fossa Superior portion of greater tuberosity

N Suprascapular F

Intiates shoulder ABD Humeral head stabilization


Medial 2/3 infraspinatus fossa Middle portion of greater tuberosity

N Suprascapular F

GH ER Humeral head stabilization

Teres Minor

Upper 2/3 dorsal surface of lateral border of scapula Lowest portion of greater tuberosity Axillary GH ER Humeral head stabilization

I -


Subscapular Fossa Lesser tuberosity Anterior capsule of GH joint Upper and lower subscapular GH IR Humeral head stabilization

Basic Shoulder Complex Mechanics

Performing Abduction

Initiation Scapulohumeral Ryhthm

First 30 degrees > 30 degrees


Brachial Plexus

Mechanism of Injury (Erbs Palsy)

Erbs Palsy

Deltopectoral Groove


Winging of the Scapula

What is the muscle paralyzed which will cause the lateral winging of the scapula?

What do you call a congenital undescended scapula?

Sprengels Deformity

SITS Muscles

What is the primary function of the SITS muscles?

What is the innervation of the SITS muscles?

Elbow Anatomy
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Bone Anatomy


Proximal Radial Head Radial Tuberosity Radial Neck Distal Ulnar Notch Radial styloid process

Bone Anatomy


Proximal Olecranon Olecranon Process Coronoid Process Trochlear notch Radial notch Ulnar tuberosity Distal Ulnar Styloid Process

Elbow Articulations

Humeroulnar Joint Humeroradial Joint Proximal Radioulnar Joint Distal Radioulnar Joint

Ligamentous Support




Ligamentous Support

Medial (Ulnar) Collateral Ligament

Anterior Posterior Oblique

Ligamentous Support

Lateral (Radial) Collateral Ligament

Ligamentous Support

Annular Ligament

Ligamentous Support

Quadrate Ligament

Ligamentous Support

Dorsal and Plamar Radioulnar Ligaments

Ligamentous Support

Interosseous Membrane


Biceps Brachii

Short head coracoid process Long head supraglenoid tubercle of scapula Radial tuberosity Biceps brachii aponeurosis

N Musculocutaneous F

Shoulder flexion Elbow flexion, forearm supination


Distal 2/3 anterior humerus Ulna tuberosity Coronoid process Musculocutaneous Elbow flexion

Triceps Brachii

Long Head infraglenoid tubercle Lateral Head lateral and posterior surface of proximal of body of humerus Medial Head distal 2/3 of medial and posterior surfaces of humerus below radial groove Posterior surface of olecranon proess

N Radial F

Shoulder long head Ext and ADD Elbow -- extension


Posterior lateral humeral epicondyle Lateral side of olecranon process Upper posterior ulnar body Radial Assist with elbow extension


Upper 2/3 of lateral humeral supracondylar ridge Lateral radius just proximal to base of styloid process Radial Elbow flexion Supination to midposition Pronation to midposition


Lateral humeral epicondyle LCL Annular ligament Lateral upper 2/3 of radius Radial Forearm supination

Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

Lower 1/3 of lateral supraconsylar ridge Dorsal surface of base of 2nd metacarpal Radial Wrist extension Wrist radial deviation Elbow flexion

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

Lateral epicondyle of humerus Dorsal surface of base of 3rd metacarpal Radial Wrist extension Wrist radial deviation Elbow flexion

Extensor Digitorum Communis

Lateral humeral epicondyle Extensor expansions of digits 2-5 Posterior interosseus nerve (continuation of radial) 2-5 MCP extension 2-5 IP extension

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

Lateral humeral condyle Posterior base of 5th metacarpal Posterior interosseus Wrist extension Wrist ulnar deviation

Pronator Teres

Medial humeral epicondyle Coronoid process Lateral radius near its center Median Forearm pronation Elbow flexion

Flexor Carpi Radialis

Medial humeral epicondyle Palmar surface at base of 2nd metacarpal Slip to base of 3rd metacarpal Median Wrist flexion Wrist radial deviation Elbow flexion

Palmaris Longus

Medial humeral epicondyle Palmar aponeurosis Wrist flexor retinaculum Median Wrist flexion Elbow flexion

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

medial epicondyle of humerus olecranon and posterior border of ulna

Pisiform bone, hook of hamate bone, and 5th metacarpal bone Ulnar Wrist flexion Ulnar deviation Elbow flexion

Pronator Quadratus

Distal anterior ulna Distal anterior radius Anterior interosseus (median) Forearm pronation

Cubitus Valgus/Varus

Olecranon Bursitis

Elbow Joint

Cubital Fossa

Radia Head Fracture

Distal Radioulnar Joint

Uniaxial pivot joint that has one degree of freedom Resting position: 10 supination Close packed position: 5 supination Capsular pattern: full ROM with pain at extreme of rotation

Radiocarpal (Wrist) Joint

Biaxial ellipsoid joint Radius articulates with scaphoid and lunate Distal radius is not straight but is angled toward the ulna (15-20), and its posterior margin projects more distally to provide a buttress effect Lunate and triquetrium also articulate with the triangular cartilaginous disc and not the ulna. (the disc extends from the ulnar side of the distal radius and attaches to the ulna at the base of the ulnar styloid process) The disc adds stability to the wrist; creates a close relation between the ulna and carpal bones and binds together the distal

Radiocarpal (Wrist) Joint

With the disc in place, the radius bears 60% of the load and the ulna bears 40%. If the disc is removed, the radius transmits 95% of the axial load and the ulna transmits 5% Therefore, the cartilaginous disc acts as a cushion for the wrist joint and as a major stabilizer of the distal radioulnar joint; the disc can be damage by forced extension and pronation Distal end of radius is concave and the proximal row of carpals is convex Has two degrees of freedom Resting position: neutral with slight ulnar deviation

Intercarpal Joints

Include the joints between the individual bones of the proximal row of carpal bones (scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrium) and the joints between the individual bones of the distal row of carpal bones (trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate). Bound together by small intercarpal ligaments (dorsal, palmar and interosseus), which allow only a slight amount of gliding movement between the bones. Close packed position: extension Resting position: neutral or slight flexion Capsular pattern is none Pisotriquetral joint is considered separately

Midcarpal Joints

Form a compound articulation between the proximal and distal rows of carpal bones with the exception of pisiform On the medial side, the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrium articulate with capitate and hamate, forming a compound sellar (saddle-shaped joint). On the lateral aspect, the scaphoid articulates with the trapezoid and trapezium, forming another compound sellar joint These articulations are bound together by dorsal and palmar ligaments; however, there are no interosseus ligaments between

Carpometacarpal Joint

Sellar joint that has 3 degrees of freedom (thumb) Plane joint for 2nd to 5th CMC joints Capsular pattern of CMC jt (thumb): abduction is most limited, followed by extension Resting position (thumb): midway between the abduction and adduction and midway between flexion and extension Close packed position (thumb): full opposition Capsular pattern (2-5): equal limitation in all directions Bones of are held together by dorsal and

Intermetacarpal Joints

Have only a small amount of gliding movements between them and do not include the thumb articulation They are bound together by palmar, dorsal and interosseus ligaments

Metacarpophalangeal Joints

Condyloid joints 2nd and 3rd MCP joints tend to be immobile and are the primary stabilizing factor of the hand, whereas the 4th and 5th joints are more mobile. Collateral ligaments of these joints are tight on flexion and relaxed on extension These articulations are also bound by palmar ligaments and deep transverse metacarpal ligaments Has two degrees of freedom 1st CMC has 3 degrees of freedom Close packed position: maximum opposition (thumb); maximum flexion

Interphalangeal Joints

Uniaxial hinge joints with one degree of freedom Close packed position: full extension Resting position: slight flexion Capsular pattern: flexion more limited than extension During flexion, there is some rotation in these joints so that the pulp of the fingers face more fully the pulp of the thumb Cascade sign if the MCP jts and PIP jts of the fingers are flexed, they converge toward the scaphoid tubercle If one or more fingers do not converge, it usually indicates trauma to the digits that

Common Hand Deformities

Swan-neck deformity Involves only the fingers. There is flexion of the MCP and DIP. There is hyperextension of the PIP jt. Result of contracture of intrinsic mm and is often seen in RA Boutonniere deformity Extension of the MCP and DIP and flexion of PIP jt Result of the rupture of the central tendinous slip of the extensor hood Most common after trauma or in RA Ulnar drift

Common Hand Deformities

Claw fingers Results from loss of intrinsic mm action and the overaction of the extrinsic (long) extensor mm on the proximal phalanx of the fingers. MCP jts are hyperextended, and the proximal and distal IP jts are flexed. If intrinsic function is lost, the hand is called intrinsic minus hand Normal cupping of the hand is lost, both the longitudinal and transverse arches of the hand disappear. There is intrinsic mm wasting Often caused by a combined median

Common Hand Deformities

Ape hand deformity Wasting of the thenar eminence of the hand occurs as a result of the median nerve palsy Thumb falls back in line with the fingers as a result of the pull of the extensor mm Px is unable to oppose or flex the thumb Bishops hand or Benediction hand deformity Wasting of the hypothenar mm of the hand, the interossei mm, and the 2 medial lumbrical mm Occurs because of the ulnar nerve palsy Flexion of the 4th and 5th fingers is the

Common Hand Deformities

Z deformity of the thumb Thumb is flexed at the MCP jt and hyperextended at the IP jt. Caused by heredity, or it may be associated with RA Dupuytrens deformity Result of contracture of the palmar fascia There is a fixed flexion of deformity of MCP and PIP jts. Usually seen in ring or little finger. Skin is often adherent to the fascia Affects men more than women and seen in 50-70 year age group

Types of Grip

Power Grip Requires fine control and gives greater flexor asymmetry to the hand Used whenever strength or force is the primary consideration Digits maintain the object against the palm Thumb may or may not be involved, and the extrinsic mm are more important For a power grip to be formed, fingers are flexed and the wrist in ulnar deviation and slightly extended Hook grasp in which all or the second and third fingers are used as

Precision or prehension grip An activity limited mainly to the MCP joints and involves primarily the radial side of the hand Used whenever accuracy and precision are required Radial digits (index and long fingers) provide control by working in concert with the thumb to form a dynamic tripod for precision handling There is pulp to pulp contact between the thumb and fingers, and the thumb opposes the fingers. Intrinsic mm are more important

Wrist and Hand Anatomy

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Bone Anatomy

Scapoid Lunate Triquetrium Pisiform Trapeziod Trapezium Capitate Hamate

Wrist Articulations

Radiocarpal Joint

Proximal portion Distal portion Most surface contact found


Midcarpal Joint

Articulation between proximal and distal row of carpals Not an uninterupted joint Distal Row

2 degrees of freedom Moves as a fixed unit

Ligament Support

Volar Carpal Ligaments

Volar Radiocarpal Ligament

Three bands

Volar Ulnocarpal Ligament Scapholunate Interosseous Ligament Lunotriquetral Ligament

Ligament Support

Dorsal Carpal Ligaments

Dorsal Radiocarpal Ligament Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament Radial Collateral Ligament Ulnar Collateral Ligament

Triangular Fibrcartilage Complex

Composition Role

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Carpometacarpal (CMC) Joints of 2-5

Composition Carpal Arch

Carpometacarpal (CMC) Joints of 2-5

Composition Carpal Arch Ligament Support

Transverse Carpal Ligament Dorsal and Palmar CMC Ligaments Dorsal and Palmar Metacarpal Ligaments Metacarpal Interosseous Ligaments

Carpometacarpal (CMC) Joints of 2-5

Composition Carpal Arch Ligament Support

Transverse Carpal Ligament Dorsal and Palmar CMC Ligaments Dorsal and Palmar Metacarpal Ligaments Metacarpal Interosseous Ligaments

Movement of CMC Joints

Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) Joints of 2-5 Fingers

Ligament Support

Capsule Volar Plate Collateral Ligaments Motions

Interphalangeal Joints of 2-5 Fingers

Hinge Joints Motions

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CMC of Thumb

Saddle Joint Ligament Support

Capsule Intermetacarpal Ligament

MCP of Thumb

Ligament Support

IP Joint of Thumb

Extrinsic Hand Muscles

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Extensor Indicis

Dorsal surface lower body of ulna Interosseus membrane Ulnar side of index fingers EDC tendon Radial (posterior interosseus) MCP and IP Ext of 2nd digit

Extensor Pollicis Longus

Posterior 1/3 ulna Interosseus membrane Posterior surface of base of thumb distal phalanx Radial (posterior interosseus) CMC, MCP and IP Ext of 1st digit

Extensor Pollicis Brevis

Dorsal 2/3 of radius Dorsal surface of base of proximal 1st phalanx Radial (posterior interosseus) CMC & MCP Ext of thumb CMC ABD of thumb

Abductor Pollicis Longus

Posterior distal 2/3 of ulna Posterior middle 1/3 of radius Interosseus membrane Radial side of base of 1st metacarpal Radial (posterior interosseus) CMC ABD & Ext of thumb

Flexor Pollicis Longus

Anterior middle of radius Interosseus membrane Palmar surface of base of distal 1st phalanx Median (anterior interosseus) IP Flexion of thumb

Extensor Digiti Minimi

Lateral epicondyle of humerus Extensor expansion of 5th digit Radial (posteior interosseus) MCP and IP extension of 5th digit

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis

Medial epicondyle of humerus Coronoid process Middle anterior radius Four tendons separating into two parts that insert into sides of bases of middle 2-5 phalanxes Median MCP flexion digits 2-5 PIP flexion digits 2-5

Flexor Digitorum Profundus

Anteriomedial surface of ulna Interosseus membrane Four tendons inserting into distal phalanxes of digits 25 Media 2-3 digits Ulna 4-5 digits DIP flexion of 2-5 digits

Intrinsic Hand Muscles

Thenar Eminance

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Abductor Pollicis Brevis

Scaphoid tuberosity Trapezium ridge Transverse carpal ligament Lateral base f proximal 1st phalanx Median CMC & MCP ABD of thumb

Flexor Pollicis Brevis

Superficial head trapezium Deep head trapezoid, capitate and palmar ligaments of distal carpal bones Base of prximal 1st phalanx on radial side Extensor expansion Superficial median Deep Ulnar CMC & MCP Flexion of thumb

Opponens Pollicis

Trapezium Transverse Carpal Ligament Radial side of 1st metacarpal shaft Median Opposition

Intrinsic Hand Muscles

Hypothenar Eminence

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Abductor Digiti Minimi

Pisiform Ulnar side base of 5th proximal phalanx Ulnar MCP ABD of 5th digit

Opponen Digiti Minimi

Hook of hamate Transverse carpal ligament Ulnar border of entire 5th metacarpal bone Ulnar MCP flexion & rotation of 5th digit

Flexor Digiti Minimi

Hamate bone Transverse carpal ligament Ulnar side of proximal 5th phalanx Ulnar MCP Flexion of 5th digit

Other Intrinsic Hand Muscles

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Adductor Pollicis

Oblique Head

Capitate bone Bases of 2-3 metacarpals Proximal 2/3 of palmar surface of 3rd metacarpal

Transverse Head

Ulnar side of base of 1st proximal phalanx Ulnar CMC ADD of thumb

Palmar Interossei

1st ulnar side base of 1st metacarpal bone 2nd ulnar side of 2nd MC bone 3rd radial side of 4th MC bone 4th radia side of 5th MC bone Extensor expansion of 2,4 and 5th digits Ulnar ADD of 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th digits toward midline of hand

Dorsal Interossei

1st lateral head ulnar side of 1st metacarpal bone 1st medial head radial side of 2nd metacarpal bone 2nd, 3rd, 4th space between metacarpal bones 1st radial side 2nd proximal phalanx 2nd radial side of 3rd 3rd ilnar side of 3rd 4th ulnar side of 4th Ulnar ABD of 2nd, 3rd, and 5th finger from midline


Tendons of FDP Extensor expansion on dorsal aspect of each digits radial side 1 and 2 median 3 and 4 ulnar MCP flexion 2-5 digits DIP & PIP ext 2-5 digits

Palmaris Brevis

Flexor retinaculum Palmar surface skin on ulnar side of hand Ulnar Wrinkles skin of hand on ulnar side

Biomechanics of Hand
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Biomechanics of Finger Flexion

Gliding mechanisms

Retinaculae Ligaments Bursa Digital tendon sheaths A1-A5 C1-C3

Annular Pulleys

Cruciate Ligaments

Function of Pulleys

Biomechanics of Finger Extension

Extensor Hood

EDC tendons DI and PI tendons Lumbricales Central tendon Oblique Retinacular Ligaments Sagittal Bands

Effects on MCP joints Effects on IP Joints



Koilonchyia (spoon nails)

Clubbed Nails

Carpal Bones

Anatomic Snuffbox

Tunnel of Guyon

Carpal Tunnel

Dupuytrens Contracture

Trigger Finger

Bouchards Nodes

Heberdens Nodes

Boutonniere Deformity

Swan Neck Deformity

Mallet Finger

Hip Anatomy
Click Prepared By: Floriza P. de Leon, PTRP to edit Master subtitle style

Bony Anatomy


Femoral Head Femoral Neck Greater Trochanter Lesser Trochanter Intertrochanteric Crest Intertrochanteric Line Gluteal Tuberosity

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Bony Anatomy

Pelvic Girdle

Acetabulum 3 bones fused together


Iliac fossa Iliac Crest ASIS AIIS PSIS PIIS Gluteal Lines Greater Sciatic Notch

Frolich, Human Lateral View Anatomy, Lower

Bony Anatomy


Iliac fossa Iliac Crest Iliac Tuberosity ASIS AIIS PSIS PIIS Gluteal Lines

Frolich, Human Medial View Anatomy, Lower

Bony Anatomy

Ilium Ishium

Ramus of ishium Ishial tuberosity Ishial spine Lessor Sciatic Notch

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Bony Anatomy

Ilium Ishium Pubis

Superior Ramus of Pubis Inferior Ramus of Pubis Pubic Crest Pubic Tubercle Pectin Symphyseal Surface

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Articulations of the Hip and Pelvis

Pubic Symphysis

Interpubic disk Some movement

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Articulations of the Hip and Pelvis

Pubic Symphysis Sacroiliac Joints

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Articulations of the Hip and Pelvis

Pubic Symphysis Sacroiliac Joints Hip Joints

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Ligamentous and Cartilogenous Structures for the Hip and Pelvic Girdle

Sacroiliac Joint

Sacrotuberous Sacrospinous Function of these two ligaments Iliolumbar Interosseous Sacroiliac

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Ligamentous and Cartilogenous Structures for the Hip and Pelvic Girdle

Sacroiliac Joint

Sacrotuberous Sacrospinous Function of these two ligaments Iliolumbar Interosseous Sacroiliac

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Ligamentous and Cartilogenous Structures for the Hip and Pelvic Girdle

Sacroiliac Joint

Sacrotuberous Sacrospinous Function of these two ligaments Iliolumbar Interosseous Sacroiliac Dorsal Sacroiliac

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Ligamentous and Cartilogenous Structures for the Hip and Pelvic Girdle

Sacroiliac Joint Hip Joint

Capsule Three thickenings of the capsule

Iliofemoral Pubofemoral Ishiofemoral

Ligamentum Teres Inguinal

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Ligamentous and Cartilogenous Structures for the Hip and Pelvic Girdle

Sacroiliac Joint Hip Joint

Capsule Three thickenings of the capsule

Iliofemoral Pubofemoral Ishiofemoral

Ligamentum Teres Inguinal

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Ligamentous and Cartilogenous Structures for the Hip and Pelvic Girdle

Sacroiliac Joint Hip Joint

Capsule Three thickenings of the capsule

Iliofemoral Pubofemoral Ishiofemoral

Ligamentum Teres Inguinal

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Ligamentous and Cartilogenous Structures for the Hip and Pelvic Girdle

Sacroiliac Joint Hip Joint

Capsule Three thickenings of the capsule

Iliofemoral Pubofemoral Ishiofemoral

Ligamentum Teres Inguinal

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Hip Muscles


Rectus Femoris Sartorius Iliopsoas Muscle Group

Iliacus Psoas Major

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Hip Muscles


Rectus Femoris Sartorius Iliopsoas Muscle Group

Iliacus Psoas Major

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Hip Muscles


Semimembranosus Semitendinosus Biceps Femoris Gluteus Maximus

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Hip Muscles


Adductor Brevis Adductor Longus Adductor Magnus Pectineus Gracilus

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Hip Muscles


Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus Tensor Fascia Lata Six Intrinsic External Rotators

Periformis Quadratus Femoris Obturator Internus Obturator Externus Gemellua Superior Gemellus Inferior

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Hip Muscles


Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus Tensor Fascia Lata Six Intrinsic External Rotators

Periformis Quadratus Femoris Obturator Internus Obturator Externus Gemellua Superior Gemellus Inferior

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Femoral Triangle


Superior Lateral Medial Posterior Anterior


Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Movements of the Pelvis

Forward and Backward Tilt Left and right Lateral Tilt Left and Right Rotation

Primary Movements of the Pelvis as Performed in a Standing Position

Pelvis Forward Tilt Backward Tilt Lateral Tilt Left Rotation Left
Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Spinal Joints Hyperextension Slight Flexion Slight Lateral Flexion RT Rotation RT

Hip Joints Slight Flexion Complete Ext. R = ADD L= ABD R = Slight ER L= Slight IR

Movements of the Pelvis Secondary to those of the Spine

Spine Flexion Hyperextension Lateral Flex Left Rotation Left
Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Pelvis Posterior Tilt Anterior Tilt Lateral Tilt Left Rotation Left

Movements of Pelvis secondary to LE

Moves with LE to supplement the LE ROM for 3 types of motion Movements of the limbs acting in unison Movements when LE is moving in opposite directions Movements of one limb

The Lower Limb

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Lower Limb

Skeleton (homologous with upper limb) Muscles--anterior, posterior compartments Nerves--sciatic, femoral Surface anatomy

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Upper-Lower Limb Comparison

See Table M&M, Table 8.1

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower


Tibia--big toe side Fibula--little toe side (no pronation/supination)

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower


Tarsus--forms ankle joint Calcaneus--forms heel

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower


n n

Support weight Act as lever when walking


Talus = ankle

Between tibia + fibula Articulates w/both Attachment for Calcaneal tendon Carries talus

Calcaneus = heel

n n
Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower


Homologous to metacarpals


Smaller, less nimble

Joints of Lower Limb


Hip (femur + acetabulum)

n n n

Ball + socket Multiaxial Synovial

Knee (femur + patella)

n n n

Plane Gliding of patella Synovial

Knee (femur + tibia)


Hinge Biaxial Synovial

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

n n

Joints of Lower Limb


Proximal Tibia + Fibula

n n n

Plane Gliding Synovial

Distal Tibia + Fibula

n n

Slight give Fibrous

Ankle (Tibia/Fibula + Talus)

n n n

Hinge Uniaxial Synovial


Frolich, Human 218 Anatomy, Lower

Lower Limb Movements

Bending on posterior side is flexion (except hip) Bending on anterior sided is extension (except hip)

Hip Flexion/extension Abduction/adduction Lateral/medial rotation Knee Flexion/extension Ankle Dorsiflexion/plantarflexion Inversion/eversion Toes Flexion/extension

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Anterior/Posterior compartments
Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Extension Quads Shin Femoral n. (lumbar plexus)

Flexion Hamstrings Gastrocs Sciatic n. (sacral plexus)

Thigh movements by compartment

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Posterior Thigh

Gluts (gluteal nn.)

Maximusextensor of thigh Medius--pelvic tilt Piriformis syndrome Biceps femoris Semimembranous Semitendinous

Lateral rotators (spinal nn.)

Hamstrings (sciatic n.)

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Anterior thigh (femoral n.)

Sartorius (Tailors muscle) Quads (four)

Rectus femoris (crosses hip) 3 vastus mm. (vast--big)

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Medial compartment (obturator n.)

Adductor muscles

Gracilis Adductor

Magnus Longus brevis

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Leg movements by compartment (in leg all nn a

branches of sciatic)

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Anterior Leg (deep fibular n.)

Fibularis (peroneus) longus Extensor digitorum longus Extensor hallicus longus Tibialis anteriorus

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Lateral Leg (superficial fibular n.)

Fibularis brevis/longus

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Posterior Leg (tibial n.)

Gastrocs and soleus Flexor digitorum longus Flexor hallucus longus

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Intrinsics of foot
Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Sacral plexus (sci nerve)

With leg out to side like quadruped, lumbar-anterior, sacral-posterior makes sense

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Lumbar plexus (femoral nerve)

Dermatomes show twisting of leg in development

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

supply to lower limb

Internal Iliac
n n

Cranial + Caudal Gluteals= gluteals Internal Pudendal = perineum, external genitalia Obturator = adductor muscles

External Iliac

Femoral = lower limb

Deep femoral = adductors, hamstrings, quadriceps

Popliteal (continuation of femoral)

Geniculars = knee

Frolich, Human Anterior Tibial = ant. leg muscles, further Anatomy, Lower to feet branches

Surface Anatomy: Posterior Pelvis

Iliac crest Gluteus maximus = cheeks Natal/gluteal cleft = crack Gluteal folds = bottom of cheek

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

pg 789

pg 792

Surface Anatomy: Anterior Thigh + Leg


Patella Condyles of femur Sartorius (lateral) Adductor longus (medial) Inguinal ligament (superior) Femoral a + v, lymph nodes

Femoral Triangle

pg 785

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Surface Anatomy: Posterior Leg

Popliteal fossa

Diamond-shape fossa behind knee Biceps femoris (sup-lat) Semitendinosis + semimembranosis (supmed) Gastrocnemius heads (inf) Popliteal a + v



Frolich, Human pg 793 Lower Anatomy,

Calcaneal (Achilles) tendon

Foot Anatomy

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Bone Anatomy

Tarsal Bones


Sustentaculum Tali Peroneal Tubercle

Cuboid Navicular 3 Cuneiforms 5 metatarsals 5 phalanges (proximal, middle, distal)

Frolich, Human Exception Anatomy, Lower

Division of the Foot

Rearfoot Midfoot Forefoot

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Hindfoot (Rearfoot)

Subtalor Joint

Talus and calcaneus articulation Individual Bone Formation


Calcaneal Tuberosity Sustentaculum Tali Three facets Five functional articulation

Inferior Talus

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Composed of

Navicular 3 cuneiforms cuboid

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5 MTs

Proximally 1-3 articulate with cuneiforms Proximally 4-5 articulate with cuboid Bases articulate with:


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Articulations and Ligamentous Support

Subtalor Joint

Three facets Motions of the Subtalor Joint

Supination Components Pronation Components

WB vs NWB Status of Foot at Subtalor joint

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Hindfoot Articulations and Ligamentous Support

Subtalor Joint

Ligamentous Support Intra-articular Ligaments

Interosseous Talocalcaneal Ligamentum Cervis Medial Talocalcaneal Lateral Talocalcaneal

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Midfoot Articulations and Ligamentous Support

Six Joints

Talocalcaneonavicular Calcaneocuboid Cuboideonavicular Intercuneiform Cuneocuboid Cuneonavicular Comprised by calcaneocuboid & talonavicular

Transverse Tarsal

Stability Related to subtalor joint

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Midfoot Articulations and Ligamentous Support

Ligamentous Support

Talocalcaneonavicular Joint

Plantar Calcaneonavicular (Spring Ligament) Talonavicular Bifurcate

Calcaneonavicular Calcaneocuboid

Calcaneocuboid Joint

Bifurcate Ligament

Calcaneocuboid portion

Plantar Calcaneocuboid Long Plantar Ligament

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Midfoot Articulations and Ligamentous Support

Ligamentous Support

Intercuneiform Joints

Dorsal and Plantar Intercuneifrom Ligaments Plantar and Dorsal Cuneocuboid Ligaments Plantar and Dorsal Cuneonavicular Ligaments


Cuneonavicular Joints

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Forefoot Articulations and Ligamentous Support

Tarsometatarsal Joint (Lisfrancs Joint) Intermetatarsal Joint Metatarsalphalangeal Joint (MTP) Interphalangeal Joint


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Forefoot Articulations and Ligamentous Support

Ligamentous Support
Intermetatarsal Joint

Proximal Distal Plantar Fascia Plantar Ligament MCL and LCL

MTP Joints

Interphalangeal Joint

Plantar and dorsal j capsule MCL and LCL

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Arches of the Foot

Function Medial Longitudinal Arch Lateral Longitudinal Arch Transverse Arch

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Arches of the Foot

Medial Longitudinal Arch

Calcaneus Talus Navicular 1-3 cuneiforms 1-3 MTs Function

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Arches of the Foot

Medial Longitudinal Arch continued

Ligament Support

Plantar Calcaneonavicular Long Plantar Lig Deltoid Plantar fascia

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Arches of the Foot

Medial Longitudinal Arch continued

Ligament Support

Plantar Calcaneonavicular Long Plantar Lig Deltoid Plantar fascia

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Arches of the Foot

Medial Longitudinal Arch continued

Ligament Support

Plantar Calcaneonavicular Long Plantar Lig Deltoid Plantar fascia

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Arches of the Foot

Medial Longitudinal Arch continued

Ligament Support

Plantar Calcaneonavicular Long Plantar Lig Deltoid Plantar fascia

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Arches of the Foot

Medial Longitudinal Arch continued

Muscular Support


Abductor Hallucis Flexor Digitorum Brevis Tibialis Posterior Flexor Hallucis Longus Flexor Digitorum Longus Tibialis Anterior Flexor Digitorm Longus


Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Arches of the Foot

Medial Longitudinal Arch continued

Muscular Support


Abductor Hallucis Flexor Digitorum Brevis Tibialis Posterior Flexor Hallucis Longus Flexor Digitorum Longus Tibialis Anterior Flexor Digitorm Longus


Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Arches of the Foot

Lateral Longitudinal Arch

Composed of

Calcaneus Cuboid 4-5th MTs Long & Short Plantar Plantar Fascia

Ligament Support

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Arches of the Foot

Lateral Longitudinal Arch continued

Muscle Support


Abductor Digiti Minimi Flexor Digitorum Brevis Peroneus Longus, Brevis & Tertius


Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Summary of Arches

Arches of the Foot

Transverse Arch

Formed By: Ligament Support

Intermetatarsal Ligaments Plantar Fascia All intrinsic muscles Extrinisic

Muscle Support

Tibialis Posterior Tibialis Anterior Peroneus Longus

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Foot Muscles Plantar Surface

Superficial Layer

Abductor Hallucis Abductor Digiti Minimi Flexor Digitorum Brevis

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Foot Muscles Plantar Surface

Middle Layer

Quadratus Plantae Lumbricales

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Foot Muscles Plantar Surface

Deep Layer

Flexor Hallucis Brevis Adductor Hallucis

Transverse and Oblique Heads

Flexor Digiti Minimi

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Foot Muscles Plantar Surface

Interosseus Layer

Plantar Interossei Dorsal Interossei

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Foot Muscles Dorsal Surface

Extensor Digitorum Brevis Extensor Hallucis Brevis

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Common Pediatric Foot Deformities

Anatomy/Terminolo gy

3 main sections 1. Hindfoot talus, calcaneus 2. Midfoot navicular, cuboid, cuneiforms 3. Forefoot metatarsals and phalanges

Anatomy/Terminolo gy

Important joints 1. tibiotalar (ankle) plantar/dorsiflexion 2. talocalcaneal (subtalar) inversion/eversion

Important tendons 1. achilles (post calcaneus) plantar flexion 2. post fibular (navicular/cuneiform) inversion 3. ant fibular (med cuneiform/1st met) dorsiflexion 4. peroneus brevis (5th met) - eversion

Anatomy/Terminolo gy


Calcaneovalgus foot

Calcaneovalgus foot
ankle joint dorsiflexed, subtalar joint everted classic positional deformity more common in 1st born, LGA, twins 2-10% assoc b/w foot deformity and DDH treatment requires stretching: plantarflex and invert foot excellent prognosis

Congenital Vertical Talus

true congenital deformity 60% assoc w/ some neuro impairment plantarflexed ankle, everted subtalar joint, stiff requires surgical correction (casting is generally ineffective)

Talipes Equinovarus (congenital clubfoot)


General - complicated, multifactorial deformity of primarily genetic origin - 3 basic components (i) ankle joint plantarflexed/equines (ii) subtalar joint inverted/varus (iii) forefoot adducted

Talipes Equinovarus (congenital clubfoot)

Talipes Equinovarus (congenital clubfoot)

B. Incidence - approx 1/1,000 live births - usually sporadic - bilateral deformities occur 50% C. Etiology - unknown - ?defect in development of talus leads to soft tissue changes in joints, or vice versa

Talipes Equinovarus (congenital clubfoot)

D. Diagnosis/Evaluation - distinguish mild/severe forms from other disease - AP/Lat standing or AP/stress dorsiflex lat films E. Treatment Non-surgical - weekly serial manipulation and casting - must follow certain order of correction - success rate 15-80% Surgical - majority do well; calf and foot is smaller

Talipes Equinovarus (congenital clubfoot)

Pes Planus (flatfoot)


General - refers to loss of normal medial long. arch - usually caused by subtalar joint assuming an everted position while weight bearing - generally common in neonates/toddlers

B. Evaluation - painful? - flexible? (hindfoot should invert/dorsiflex approx 10 degrees above neutral - arch develop with non-weight bearing pos?

Pes Planus (flatfoot)

Pes Planus (flatfoot)

C. Treatment (i) Flexible/Asymptomatic - no further work up/treatment is necessary! - no studies show flex flatfoot has increased risk for pain as an adult (ii) rigid/painful - must r/o tarsal coalition congenital fusion or failure of seg. b/w 2 or more tarsal bones - usually assoc with peroneal muscle


General - common finding in newborns and children - little evidence to show benefit from treatment

B. Evaluation - family hx of rotational deformity? - pain? - height/weight normal? - limited hip abduct or leg length discrepancy? - neuro exam C. 3 main causes (i) metatarsus adductus (ii) internal tibial torsion (iii) excessive femoral anteversion


metatarsus adductus - General

normal hindfoot, medially deviated midfoot

diagnosis made if lateral aspect of foot has C shape, rather than straight


metatarsus adductus - Evaluation

should have normal ankle motion

assess flexibility by holding heel in neutral position, abducting forefoot


metatarsus adductus treatment - if flexible, stretching; Q diaper change, 10 sec - if rigid, or if no resolution by 4-8 months, refer to ortho - prognosis is good: 85-90% resolve by 1yr


(ii) Internal Tibial Torsion usually presents by walking age

knee points forward, while feet point inward

(ii) Internal Tibial Torsion Treatment - reassurance! spontaneous resolution in 95% children, usually by 7-8yrs - controversy with splints, casts, surgery

(iii) Excessive Femoral Anteversion both knees and feet point inward

presents during early childhood (3-7yrs)

most common cause

(iii) Excessive Femoral Anteversion int rotation 70-80 deg ext rotation 10-30 deg

W position

(iii) Excessive Femoral Anteversion increase in internal rotation early with gradual decrease

(iii) Excessive Femoral Anteversion Treatment - no effective non-surgical treatment - surgical intervention usually indicated if persists after 8-10 yrs and is cosmetically unacceptable or functional gait problems - derotational osteotomy

Anatomy of the spine

Click to edit Master subtitle style

The spine is one of the most important parts of your body. Without it, you could not keep yourself upright or even stand up. It gives your body structure and support. It allows you to Click to edit move about freely and to bend Master subtitle style with flexibility. The spine is also designed to protect your spinal cord.

At Birth

The spine of a newborn is C-shaped, with one curve

At About Six Months

As the infant lifts his or her head during the first few months, the neck (cervical) curve and its muscles develop

At About Nine Months

As the infant learns to crawl and stand, the lower back (lumbar) curve and its muscles develop. Strong back muscles help give your child the strength and balance to walk and run.

The spine has three major components: the spinal column (i.e., bones and discs) neural elements (i.e., the spinal cord and nerve roots) supporting structures (e.g., muscles and ligaments)

A. The spinal column

The spinal column consists of individual bones called vertebrae, the building blocks, which provide support for the spine. These vertebrae are connected in the front of the spine by intervertebral discs. The spinal column consists of: seven cervical vertebrae (C1C7) i.e. neck twelve thoracic vertebrae (T1T12) i.e. upper back five lumbar vertebrae (L1L5) i.e. lower back five bones (that are joined, or "fused," together in adults) to form the bony sacrum three to five bones fused together to form the coccyx or tailbone

In general a typical vertebra consists of :

1. 2.


large vertebral body in the front two strong bony areas called pedicles connecting the vertebral body and the posterior arch an arch of bony structures in the back (posterior arch) = (the spinous process).


spinous process

transver se process

2 special cervical vertebrea:


Atlas: The atlas is the topmost vertebra The Atlas has no body, and this is due to the fact that the body of the atlas has fused with that of the next vertebra (the Axis) it has no spinous process, is ring-like, and consists of an anterior and a posterior arch and two lateral masses



The second cervical vertebra (C2) of the spine is named the axis The most distinctive characteristic of this bone is the strong dens which rises perpendicularly from the upper surface of the body.

B. Neural Elements:
The neural elements consist of the spinal cord and nerve roots. The spinal cord runs from the base of the brain down through the cervical and thoracic spine. Below the L1L2 level the spinal cord ends, as an array of nerve roots continues, looking somewhat like a horse's tail (cauda equina). At each vertebral level of the spine there are a pair of nerve roots. These nerves

The intervertebral discs make up one fourth of the spinal column's length. There are no discs between the Atlas (C1), Axis (C2), and Coccyx. Discs are not vascular and therefore depend on the end plates to diffuse needed nutrients

a tough outer portion and a soft inner core:

Discs are composed of two parts:

The outer portion of the disc (annulus fibrosus) composed of concentric sheets of collagen fibers that seal the gelatinous nucleus and evenly distribute pressure and force imposed on the vertebral column. The inner core (nucleus pulposus) contains a loose network of fibers suspended in a mucoprotein gel.

The outer portion and inner core of the spinal disc fit together like two concentric cylinders and are interconnected by cartilaginous endplates

C. the supporting structures:


Ligaments Fascia Muscles Nerves




Ligaments: Ligaments are rope-like bands of tissue that connect bones together. Most ligaments are lined up to keep joints from bending in the wrong way

The most important ones are:


2. 3.

Anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments Ligamentum flavum Intervertebral discs

Fascia: Fascia is similar to ligaments, but fascia is more like a sheet than a rope.

The most important of which is the thoracolumbar fascia (TLF) which has the following functions:

As the spinal muscles work, the TLF pulls tightly the low back, keeping the lumbar spine from bending out of the neutral position. It augments the power generated by spinal muscles.

Because of their location toward the center of the body, and because of their importance in spine stability, these key stabilizers are called "core, paraspinal" muscles

Core muscles help grip and hold the spine. They keep each spinal segment from shifting and sliding as you do your activities

Motor nerves signal the key muscles to grip and hold and to guide and control the spine.

Sensory nerves transmit sensations such as heat, cold, touch, pressure, and pain. They also give us our sense of position

Q. What are the functions of the spinal curves?

Absorbs the shocks of walking on hard surfaces qMore weight can be supported by a curved spine than if it were straight qAdditional space for the viscera is provided by the concavities of the thoracic and pelvic regions. qLastly, the S-curvature protects the vertebral column from breakage

What are the functions of the spinal column?

The major functions of the vertebral column are: oProtection of the spinal cord. oProviding stiffening for the body and attachment for the pectoral and pelvic girdle and many other muscles. oProviding motion for the human skeleton. oThe S-curvature enables the vertebral column to absorb the shocks of walking on hard surfaces

Spinal Cord Anatomy

Spinal Cord

Runs through the vertebral canal Extends from foramen magnum to second lumbar vertebra Regions

Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Coccygeal All are mixed nerves

Gives rise to 31 pairs of spinal nerves

Not uniform in diameter Cervical enlargement: supplies upper limbs Lumbar enlargement: supplies lower limbs Conus medullaris- tapered inferior end

Ends between L1 and L2

Cauda equina - origin of spinal nerves extending inferiorly from conus medullaris.

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Connective tissue membranes

Dura mater: outermost layer; continuous with epineurium of the spinal nerves Arachnoid mater: thin and wispy Pia mater: bound tightly to surface

Forms the filum terminale

anchors spinal cord to coccyx

Forms the denticulate ligaments that attach the spinal cord to the dura


Epidural: external to the dura

Anesthestics injected here Fat-fill

Subdural space: serous fluid Subarachnoid: between pia and arachnoid

Filled with CSF

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Cross Section of Spinal Cord

Anterior median fissure and posterior median sulcus

deep clefts partially separating left and right halves

Gray matter: neuron cell bodies, dendrites, axons Divided into horns Posterior (dorsal) horn Anterior (ventral) horn Lateral horn White matter Myelinated axons Divided into three columns (funiculi)

Ventral Dorsal lateral

Each of these divided into sensory or motor tracts

Frolich, Human Anatomy, Lower

Cross section of Spinal Cord

Commissures: connections between left and right halves Gray with central canal in the center White Roots Spinal nerves arise as rootlets then combine to form dorsal and ventral roots Dorsal and ventral roots merge laterally and form the spinal nerve

Organization of Spinal Cord Gray Matter

Recall, it is divided into horns

Dorsal, lateral (only in thoracic region), and ventral

Dorsal half sensory roots and ganglia Ventral half motor roots Based on the type of neurons/cell bodies located in each horn, it is specialized further into 4 regions

Somatic sensory (SS) - axons of somatic sensory neurons Visceral sensory (VS) - neurons of visceral sensory neur. Visceral motor (VM) - cell bodies of visceral motor neurons Somatic motor (SM) - cell bodies of somatic motor neurons

Gray Matter: Organization

Figure 12.31

White Matter in the Spinal Cord

Divided into three funiculi (columns) posterior, lateral, and anterior

Columns contain 3 different types of fibers (Ascend., Descend., Trans.) Ascending fibers - compose the sensory tracts Descending fibers - compose the motor tracts Commissural (transverse) fibers - connect opposite sides of cord

Fibers run in three directions

White Matter Fiber Tract Generalizations

Pathways decussate (most) Most consist of a chain of two or three neurons Most exhibit somatotopy (precise spatial relationships) All pathways are paired one on each side of the spinal cord

White Matter: Pathway Generalizations

Descending (Motor) Pathways

Descending tracts deliver motor instructions from the brain to the spinal cord Divided into two groups Pyramidal, or corticospinal, tracts Indirect pathways, essentially all others Motor pathways involve two neurons Upper motor neuron (UMN) Lower motor neuron (LMN) aka anterior horn motor neuron (also, final common pathway)

Pyramidal (Corticospinal) Tracts

Originate in the precentral gyrus of brain (aka, primary motor area)

I.e., cell body of the UMN located in precentral gyrus Its axon forms the corticospinal tract Some UMN decussate in pyramids = Lateral corticospinal tracts Others decussate at other levels of s.c. = Anterior corticospinal tracts Exits spinal cord via anterior root Activates skeletal muscles

Pyramidal neuron is the UMN

UMN synapses in the anterior horn with LMN

LMN (anterior horn motor neurons)

Regulates fast and fine (skilled) movements

Corticospinal tracts
Location of UMN cell body in cerebral cortex 2.Decussation of UMN axon in pyramids or at level of exit of LMN 3.Synapse of UMN and LMN occurs in anterior horn of s.c. 4.LMN axon exits via anterior root

Extrapyramidal Motor Tracts

Includes all motor pathways not part of the pyramidal system Upper motor neuron (UMN) originates in nuclei deep in cerebrum (not in cerebral cortex) UMN does not pass through the pyramids! LMN is an anterior horn motor neuron This system includes

Rubrospinal Vestibulospinal Reticulospinal Tectospinal tracts

Axial muscles that maintain balance and posture Muscles controlling coarse movements of the proximal portions of limbs Head, neck, and eye movement


Extrapyramidal Tract
Note: 1. UMN cell body location 2. UMN axon decussates in pons 3. Synapse between UMN and LMN occurs in anterior horn of sc 3. LMN exits via ventral root 4. LMN axon stimulates skeletal muscle

Extrapyramidal (Multineuronal) Pathways

Reticulospinal tracts originates at reticular formation of brain; maintain balance Rubrospinal tracts originate in red nucleus of midbrain; control flexor muscles Tectospinal tracts - originate in superior colliculi and mediate head and eye movements towards visual targets (flash of light)

Main Ascending Pathways

The central processes of first-order neurons branch diffusely as they enter the spinal cord and medulla Some branches take part in spinal cord reflexes Others synapse with second-order neurons in the cord and medullary nuclei

Three Ascending Pathways

The nonspecific and specific ascending pathways send impulses to the sensory cortex

These pathways are responsible for discriminative touch (2 pt. discrimination) and conscious proprioception (body position sense).

The spinocerebellar tracts send impulses to the cerebellum and do not contribute to sensory perception

Nonspecific Ascending Pathway

Include the lateral and anterior spinothalamic tracts Lateral: transmits impulses concerned with pain and temp. to opposite side of brain Anterior: transmits impulses concerned with crude touch and pressure to opposite side of brain 1st order neuron: sensory neuron 2nd order neuron: interneurons of dorsal horn; synapse with 3rd order neuron in thalamus 3rd order neuron: carry impulse from thalamus to postcentral gyrus

Specific and Posterior Spinocerebellar Tracts

Dorsal Column Tract 1. AKA Medial lemniscal pathway 2. Fibers run only in dorsal column 3. Transmit impulses from receptors in skin and joints 4. Detect discriminative touch and body position sense =proprioception 1st O.N.- a sensory neuron synapses with 2nd O.N. in nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus of medulla 2nd O.N.- an interneuron decussate and ascend to thalamus where it synapses with 3rd O.N. 3rd-order (thalamic neurons) transmits impulse to somatosensory cortex (postcentral gyrus) Spinocerebellar Tract Transmit info. about trunk and lower limb muscles and tendons to cerebellum No conscious sensation

Spinal Cord Trauma and Disorders

Severe damage to ventral root results in flaccid paralysis (limp and unresponsive) Skeletal muscles cannot move either voluntarily or involuntarily Without stimulation, muscles atrophy. When only UMN of primary motor cortex is damaged spastic paralysis occurs - muscles affected by persistent spasms and exaggerated tendon reflexes Muscles remain healthy longer but their movements are no longer subject to voluntary control. Muscles commonly become permanently shortened. Transection (cross sectioning) at any level results in total motor and sensory loss in body regions inferior to site of damage. If injury in cervical region, all four limbs affected (quadriplegia) If injury between T1 and L1, only lower limbs affected (paraplegia)

Spinal Cord Trauma and Disorders

Spinal shock - transient period of functional loss that follows the injury

Results in immediate depression of all reflex activity caudal to lesion. Bowel and bladder reflexes stop, blood pressure falls, and all muscles (somatic and visceral) below the injury are paralyzed and insensitive. Neural function usually returns within a few hours following injury If function does not resume within 48 hrs, paralysis is permanent.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (aka, Lou Gehrigs disease)

Progressive destruction of anterior horn motor neurons and fibers of the pyramidal tracts Lose ability to speak, swallow, breathe. Death within 5 yrs Cause unknown (90%); others have high glutamate levels


Virus destroys anterior horn motor neurons Victims die from paralysis of respiratory muscles Virus enters body in feces-contaminated water (public swimming pools)

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