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Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility

What is a Gage R&R Definitions Standards that companies use Examples of Gage R&Rs

What will not be covered

The Equations for Gage R&R
There are many statistics programs Go to and type in Gage R&R and there are work sheets






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What is a Gage R&R?

A method to check whether a gage is capable of making the appropriate measurements. Doing an Analysis of Variation (ANOVA) of a group of readings to ensure measurement precision and reliability The gage is a constant

What is a Gage R&R?

A measurement is characterized by Location (accuracy, stability and linearity metrics) and Spread (repeatability and reproducibility). A Gage R&R measures spread

the differences within a piece, from piece to piece, measurement to measurement, and other variation such as process step to process step, etc.

Every process has variation including in the measuring gage Want to make sure that variation in the gage is acceptable

Bias. Difference between an average of a number of measurements and the true value

Gage must be accurate Test for accuracy is calibration The Gage must be calibrated

Precision. The ability to repeat the measurements by the same operator at or near the same time

Reliability. The ability to reproduce the measurements by different operators at different times.


What are some standards that companies such as GE are using for acceptable gages?

For gages that are used to make pass/fail decisions < 30% of the process variation can come from the gage For gages that are used to measure improvements in the process < 10% of the process variation can come from the gage

Any Questions?

Examples from the simplest measuring gages to more complicated equipment

Example of a simple Gage R&R

A micrometer is tested by having 3 people measure 5 to 10 parts 3 times each in random order

Part Inspector Nick Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Individual 1st set 4.822 4.81 4.808 4.796 4.818 4.811 4.816 4.809 4.809 4.811

Readings 2nd set 4.823 4.811 4.814 4.795 4.817 4.815 4.801 4.817 4.808 4.802 3rd set 4.826 4.813 4.81 4.813 4.816 4.812 4.813 4.81 4.811 4.808

Part Inspector Roy Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Individual Readings 1st set 4.826 4.803 4.834 4.8 4.816 4.804 4.821 4.814 4.811 4.806 2nd set 4.827 4.811 4.812 4.808 4.834 4.796 4.806 4.827 4.815 4.816 3rd set 4.817 4.815 4.794 4.803 4.811 4.812 4.813 4.824 4.813 4.81

Part Inspector Greg Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Individual 1st set 4.845 4.831 4.808 4.814 4.812 4.828 4.812 4.799 4.804 4.809

Readings 2nd set 4.821 4.819 4.815 4.807 4.81 4.82 4.81 4.79 4.809 4.791 3rd set 4.813 4.812 4.819 4.814 4.816 4.813 4.809 4.819 4.801 4.8

Gage R&R

Source Total Gage R&R Repeatability Reproducibility Operator Operator*Sample Part-To-Part Total Variation

Sigma2 7.29E-05 6.20E-05 1.09E-05 0.00E+00 1.09E-05 1.92E-05 9.21E-05

%Contribution (of Sigma2) 79.12 67.27 11.85 0.00 11.85 20.88 100.00

Gage R&R (ANOVA) for Measurement
Com ponents of Variation
100 %Contribution 4.85 4.84 4.83 50 4.82 4.81 4.80 0 Gage R&R Repeat Reprod Part-to-Part 4.79

Gage name: Date of study: Reported by: Tolerance: Misc:

Micrometer Dav Potty e

By Sam ple


4.85 UCL=0.03183 4.84 4.83 4.82 R=0.01237 LCL=0 4.81 4.80 4.79


R Chart by Operator
Sample Range
0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0
Greg Nick Roy

By Operator





Xbar Chart by Operator

Greg Nick Roy

Operator*Sam Interaction ple


Greg Nick Roy

Sample M ean

4.81 4.80 0

M ean=4.812



4.82 4.81 4.80




Example of a more complicated Gage R&R

We had a continuous measurement of width of a flat wire We measure a standard 10 times and compared the measurements


T W i t h i n p a r t V a r i a t i o n

t a l o f o b s e V a r i a t i o n

r v e

s u

r e

r i a

t i o

Average SD Count 4.7473 0.0309 990 4.7479 0.0058 1008 4.7485 0.0064 983 4.7484 0.0055 979 4.7483 0.0065 986 4.7484 0.0056 984 4.7477 0.0067 987 4.7480 0.0056 979 4.7493 0.0060 987 4.7486 0.0056 976


Grand Average = 4.748 Grand SD = 0.011 Wire variation = 0.005 Measurement variation = 0.010 99% CB = 5.15 * measurement variation 99% CB = 0.051

Width Measurement variation Tolerance GRR (tolerance) 0.051 0.250 20.4%

What is a Gage R&R Definitions Standards that companies use Examples of Gage R&Rs

Any Questions?

Thank You!

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