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Charge to the Working Group

Take all the suggestions made about improving communications and draft an action plan with specifics. Steve Smith

Problem Analysis Summary

Communication problems are a symptom of poor management skills by directors, managers, supervisors, project managers, etc. Communication problems are a symptom of differing priorities and values. Major issue from Fall 2002 Planning Retreat

More Impact

Lowest Volume Highest Impact

Mid-Range Volume High Impact May be Select Groups

Less Impact

Larger Volume (more frequent) Specific Groups or Individuals Impacted May be Low Impact Less Communication

More Communication

Survey Comments
Email from Director (and Steve Smith)
not enough too late

Avoid too much detail Focus on audience Recap & Follow-up

Why Communication Matters

Good two-way communications is the foundation of:
Understanding Trust Community common goals Efficiency Progress

Targeted Communication Training Commitment to Communications Define
roles dept/dir types of communications

Define Departments Directorates and Office

Why Communication Matters

Good two-way communications is the foundation of:
Understanding Trust Community common goals Efficiency Progress

Management is the Key

Managers at all levels need to make a strong personal commitment to being effective communicators

How do we know this?

Thats what staff say. The message is consistent across: The ITS Communications Survey Results from surveys done at other institutions (Stanford University ITSS) Case Study UA ITS and ACS TPA Status

Communications Responsibility
Listen Initiate Filter (the right amount) Interpret and Relate Add Context & Global Perspective Connect Deliver in a timely manner

Effective Communication is:

Regular one-on-one meetings Emails from managers Training sessions Concise and appropriate content

and Effective Communication is Not:

Letting a request for response go unaddressed Sharing information with only some who need to know Providing information without proper context Requesting input and doing nothing with it Meetings with no point, purpose, focus or time limit

So Our Communication Commitment is:

Accountability starts at the top Communication is everyones job Use Message Types appropriate to content
a.Critical: Action Needed Now (e.g. Worms)
1. Goes to everyone 2. Different messages audience specific

b.Important: Action Coming c.Planning d.Information (FYI)

Communication Commitment
Define types of communication
Department to department Project status Request for resources Task Update

Communication is everyones job

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