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sci and art of preventing dse, prolonging life, promoting health & efficiency through organized community effort. so organizing these benefits as TO ENABLE EVERY CITIZEN TO REALIZE HIS BIRTHRIGHT TO HEALTH AND LONGEVITY.

According to WHO
PUBLIC HEALTH - the ART OF APPLYING SCIENCE in the CONTEXT OF POLITICS so as to REDUCE INEQUALITIES IN HEALTH while ensuring the best health for the greatest number.


The practice of nursing in national and local government health departments (which include health centers and rural health units), and public schools.
- Standards of Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, 2005

Major concepts:
Health promotion
Peoples participation towards selfreliance

most effective total dev & life of the indiv & his society

applies holism in early years of life, young, adults, mid year & later prioritizes the survival of human being

Theoretical bases of CHN practice Theories and principles:

Nursing PH

Community health nsgby Dr. Araceli Maglaya

the utilization of the nsg process in the diff levels of clientele- individual, families, pop grps, and comm. concerned with promotion of health prevention of dses disability and rehabilatation

to raise the level of health of the citizenry by helping comm. & families to cope with the discontinuities in & threats to health in such a way as to maximize their potential for high-level wellness.

Special field of nursing that combines the skills of nsg, PH, and some phases of social assistance & functions as part of the total PH program for the:

promotion of health improvement of the conditions in the social and physical environment rehab of illness and disability

CHN is learned practice discipline with the ultimate goal of contributing, as individual and in collaboration with others, to the promotion of the clients optimum level of functioning through teaching & delivery of care.

CHN is service rendered by a professional nurse with the comm., groups, families, and individual at home, in Health Centers, in clinics, in school, in places of work for the ff:
promo of health prevention of illness care of the sick at home and rehab

Dr. Margaret Shetland

philosophy of CHN is based on the WORTH AND DIGNITY of man

Basic concepts of CHN

primary focus/ emphasis- health promo 7 dses prevention
primary goal- self reliance in health or enhanced capabilities ultimate goal- raise level of # of citizenry Philo of CHN- Worth and dignity of man

CHN practices -to benefit ( indiv, fam, special pop, comm.) CHN is integrated and comprehensive CHN are generalists- matter of comm. health work all types and levels of HC

Levels of HC:
PHC- comm. SHC- regional, provincial, district, municipal, and local hosp (complicated sx) THC- sophisticated med ctrheart ctr, QI, NKI

Nature of CHN practice requires knowledge on biological, social sciences Implicit in CHN is the nsg practice (ADPIE)

Basic principles of CHN:

The comm. is the patient in CHN, the family is the unit of care and the 4 levels of clientele are:
individual Pop. grp ( those who share common char, dev stages and common exposure to the problems ex. Children, elderly) family community.

In CHN, the client is considered as an ACTIVE partner NOT PASSIVE recipient of care-participatory approach Client- active participant, full involvement recipient care

CHN practice is affected by devts in Health technology, in particular, changes in society, in general. The goal of CHN is achieved through multisectoral efforts- coordinated with other sectors. CHN is a part of health care system and the larger human services system.- Nsg practice, human service

Basic Concepts of CHN

Primary focus is on health promotx. The comm. H nurse by the nature of her work has the opportunity & responsibility for eval the health status of people & groups & relating them to practice. CHN practice is extended to benefit not only the indiv but the whole family and community. Community health nurses are generalists in terms of their practice through lifes continuum- its full range of health problems and needs.

Contact with the client and/or family may continue over a long period of time which includes all ages and all types of health care. the nature of CHN practice requires that current knowledge derived fr the biological and social sciences, ecology, clinical nsg, and community health organizations be utilized.

The dynamic process of assessing, planning, implementing and intervening, provide periodic measurements of progress, eval, and a continuum of the cycle until the termination of nsg is implicit in the practice of CHN.

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