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Event Management Body of Knowledge

What is it?
- three dimensional description of the
knowledge and skills essential to create, develop and deliver a successful event

What are the dimensions?

1) Core Values 2) Phases 3) Processes
All three together forms the Domains

Event passes through series of phases
On time decisions underlies all aspects of event

So what are the phases?

Phases include:
Initiation Planning Implementation Event Closure

Phases: Initiation
research conducted/feasibility
Concept defined/validated Goals/objectives are defined

Phases: Planning
Requirements/specifications are determined - what do we need? When?
Plan activities that will occur

Resources that will be needed - time, staff, finances, venue etc.

Phases: Implementation
All resources (goods & services) are contracted - procurement
Synchronizing all operations and logistical requirements - verification & control

Phases: the actual event

Production begins
Go/no-go decisions up until here Cancellations - back up?

Phases: Closure
Shutdown & dismantled Contractual obligations completed Feedback & review of actions Evaluation to criteria (goals) Reveal impacts (economic, environmental, social and cultural) Knowledge transfer to next event

Core values
Principles that must be applied to all decisions regarding every element (domain), phase and process To ensure successful outcome

Core value: creativity

Innovative & imaginative solutions
Inventiveness, inspirational, artistry,

Core Value: strategic thinking

View planning/methods as part of the enterprises goals & objectives

Core Value: Continuous improvement

Continuous and pro-active improvement of all procedures, systems, results Continuous learning/adapting

Core Value: Ethics

Judgment and choices made - right versus wrong
Embedded in code of conduct

Guides your decisions, negotiations fairness and decency

Core Values: Integration

Need to coordinate ALL interactions, dependencies and interconnected elements To ensure decisions incorporate all factors influencing and influenced by those choices E.g.

series of step by step tasks or activities that are repeated in the management of an event.

These actions can be regarded as the components in the overall process to deliver the event.

Process: Assessment
Two step system Identification and then analyses Discovery in all elements/class or category Analytical process - prioritizing

Process: selection
Decision making point Choosing the methods or tactics deemed most likely to achieve goals Assignment of resources, responsibilities and authority (who/what?)

Process: Monitoring
Tracking of the progress, status or conditions of tactic selected

Process: documentation
Reporting, recording, maintaining of assessments, analyses,, monitoring and control results
E.g. risk management process, contracts, permits etc

Process: Communication
Vital component Timely information acquisition Appropriate consultation and decision making

Knowledge Domains (function areas)

Every event manager, from festival organiser to conference planners, must manage each of these areas - they represent the divisions of event management

Ps. The order of the classes do not imply their priority each event will have its own priorities


Administration domain
Deals with proper allocation, direction, and control of resources (time, money, people, info) used in event

Administration: Financial Management

development & use of budgets costing and pricing strategies cash flow management
To achieve financial goals of the event

Administration: HR Management
Formulation of organizational structure

Policies & procedures for: -recruitment, -orientation, -training, -compensation, -motivation, -discipline of employees

Administration: Information Management

Distribution, control and retention of information
Implementation of record keeping, privacy and info protection services

Administration: Procurement management

Sourcing, selection and contracting of suppliers, vendors Keep quality criterion, cost avoidance measures in mind

Administration: Stakeholder Management

Interactions with stakeholders of event Includes clients, officials, authorities, sponsors, participants To develop a mutual vision and commitment to the requirements and outcome of event

Administration: Systems management

Coordination of various databases, knowledge management using suitable technology equipment

Administration: Time management

Establishment and verification of timelines, production schedules

Focuses on the artistic interpretation and expression of the goals and objectives

Design: Catering design management

Catering operations Selection of menus, quantities and service styles

Design: Content design management

Selection of appropriate topics and presenters to achieve communication objectives

Design: Entertainment design management

Selection of suitable entertainment, recreational activities

Design: Environment design management

Creation and arrangement of -dcor, -props, -furnishings, -signage to enhance attractiveness

Design: Production design management

Sourcing/selection of sound, lighting, visual projection, special effects
To meet communication objective and create a desired ambiance at the event

Design: Programme design management

Agenda of activities, elements, exhibits and amenities that shape the event

Design: theme design management

Development of theme development principles
To communicate and integrate the purpose, message, image and branding of the event

Marketing domain
Functions that facilitate business development

Marketing: Marketing plan management

Development of the overall marketing strategy - how?
Target customer

Marketing: materials management

Design, acquisition and production of printed materials (used to support marketing)

Marketing: merchandise management

Product development, manufacture and distribution of retail merchandise

Marketing: promotion management

Promotional efforts: -advertising -public relations (publicity) -sales promotion -personal selling
Activities conducted to generate attention, interest and demand for event

Marketing: Public relations management

Tactics capable of garneting publicity Beneficial relationships with media

Marketing: Sales management

Supervision of procedures, platforms & transaction processes for all on-site, remote and electronic sales
Ticketing operations (Computicket)

Marketing: sponsorship management

Identifying, securing, retention of sponsors, donors Suitable tangible and intangible benefits

People, products and services that will be brought together on-site to produce the event
Roles & responsibilities

Impeccable coordination required to manage this domain

Operations: attendee management

Control systems: registration, ticketing

Operations: Communications
Equipment, modes etc. for on-site briefing activities - how? Memo (email) Info exchange with internal and external constituents - documentation

Operations: infrastructure management

Equipment and services to ensure -sufficient transportation systems, -parking facilities, -sanitation; and -waste management Emergency response services

Operations: logistics management

Supervision of tasks necessary for: -move-in, -installation, -maintenance, -disassembly and move out activities

Operations: Participant management

Measures necessary to meet the procedural and hospitality requirements of those having a participative role in the event

Operations: site management

Sourcing, inspection, selection and contracting of locations and facilities Ensuring proper layout

Operations: technical Management

Acquisition of necessary staging and equipment
Installation, operation and technician personnel

Protective obligations and legalities Link to every choice made and activities conducted

Risk: compliance management

Permissions and instruments to demonstrate adherence to: -all accessibility mandates (permits), -property rights and other regulations

Risk: decision management

Criteria for risk
rules and restraints Authority and empowerment

Risk: emergency management

Authorities, medical services and other medical responders Plans/procedures to respond to emergency (evacuation, crisis or disaster)

Risk: Health & Safety

Fire & life safety Crown control policies? Procedures for health & welfare OHS

Risk: Insurance Management

Liability exposures and contractual requirements Guests and their liabilities Minimum R3750 per event (annual options)

Small frequent claims include guest vehicles being damaged by shoddy parking areas, guests being served food they were allergic to, guests handbags or coats going missing, gates closing on guests vehicles & so forth. The more rare but crippling claims occur when guests are seriously injured because the event organiser failed to protect them.

Risk: legal management

Negotiation and execution of contracts and other legal documents (indemnity)
Companies policies, procedures and practices

Risk: Security management

Sourcing, selection of the personnel and equipment to be used for protective services

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