Progress in Pakistan: Literacy & Education

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Literacy & Education

Progress in Pakistan
Business English Program

Institute of Business Administration (IBA)

Submitted By : M. Tauqeer Ahmad
Submitting Date: 2012

When Pakistan was founded in 1947, the country had only one institution of higher education,

University of the Punjab.

Over the next 20 years, many private, public schools and higher education institutions were established. In the early 1970s, all of Pakistans educational institutions were nationalized under the government of Pakistan, By the mid-1980s, private educational institutions were allowed to operate on the condition Until 1991, there were only two recognized private universities: Aga Khan University established in 1983 LUMS established in 1985

In 2003-2004 total numbers of private degree granting institutions were,
Region Universities Public Private


Islamabad KPK

17 21

14 1 12

3 9

Northern Areas 1

Sindh Total

38 122

13 66

25 56

No doubt literacy and primary school enrolment rates in Pakistan are low, but these are improving over the passage of time due to Government policies through different programmers such as SAP, PRSP( Social Action Program) & (Punjab Rural Support Program) etc. by extending universal primary education and improving the quality of education but still we are so far from the expected level.

Educational Level
Education is organized into five levels,
Primary (gd. 1 ~ 5) Middle (gd. 6 ~ 8) High (gd. 9 ~ 10) Intermediate (gd. 11 ~ 12) University programs leading to undergraduate and advanced degrees.

Why literacy ?
Education refers to the development of human skills, knowledge of the people or work-force. The contribution of education to economic growth can be measured in terms of rate of return. It calculated by measuring the flow of an individuals future earnings. Literacy is a right literacy is a foundation for all further learning

Literacy matters for poverty reduction

Literacy drives progress & define the goals & objectives

Why literacy ?
Recite in the name of your Lord who created - (1) Created man from a clinging substance. (2) Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous (3) Who taught by the pen - (4) Taught man that which he knew not. o !) () () o() o() o
Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) Says Obtain Knowledge even if in China
(Hedith - Ibn Adi (925 AD) and Abul Fazl Baihaqi)

Come forward as servants of Islam, organize the people economically, socially, educationally and politically and I am sure that you will be a power that will be accepted by everybody. Muhammad Ali Jinnah (R.A.)

Why Foreign Aid !

A new British aid package for Pakistan, announced by Prime Minister David Cameron in Islamabad, is worth $1,055 million over four years. The money will fund education i.e. for up to 4 million students, train
9,000 teachers, purchase 6 million new text books & build 8,000 schools by 2015.

Cameron said, I struggle to find a country thats more in our interest to progress and succeed than Pakistan." If Pakistan succeeds then we will have a good story ... if it fails we will have all the problems of migration and extremism.

Literacy Rates All Over The Country.

Literacy by Province

By Gender

Literacy Growth , Adult Literacy (10+ years) 2004/05

100 80 60 40 20 0 Urban Rural Total 29% 40% 78% 58% 62% 65% Male Female

Comparisons with Different countries,

Literacy ratio (Adult) in Diff. countries

Change from 1990 to 2000-2004 (millions)

India China Bangladesh Pakistan Nigeria Ethiopia Indonesia Egypt Brazil Iran, Isl. Rep. Morocco D. R. Congo
6.8% 6.2% 2.9% 2.8% 2.4% 2.2% 1.9% 1.8% 1.7% 1.6% 11.3%


-5.3 -94.3 10.6 6.2 -1.5 -3.0 -5.4 -0.2 -2.5 -1.0 1.0 -1.3

Primary & Secondary School Enrolment

Primary Completion Rate (World Wide)

Illiteracy Impact

Teacher shortages

Teachers shortage has increased burden on administration of institutions.

To overcome the problem, the administration put 60-65 students in each class, crossing the limit of 40 students, Again depend upon the enhancement of quality literacy ratio to create the good teachers that fill this gap.
18 million new primary teachers needed by 2015

Teachers in Educational Institutions.

Condition of Some Govt. Schools

GDP Contribution in Edu.

Defence Vs Education

Improving learning
(Suggestion Part)

Trained and motivated teachers

Effective teaching and learning strategies developed by Government Learning time, materials and textbooks Healthy and safe learning environment

We need a lot in improving the education system of the country, since its independence. Females also got their right to education, but still majority of them our illiterate, because of our social, cultural and religious norms of the society. Government should provide awareness about education and also provide incentives such as, education free for poor, building schools and colleges for them.
*With illiteracy we can't appear a successful nation in the map of World. M.Tauqeer

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