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Instructions for Wipe Testing for Radioactive Material Contamination

Radiation Safety Program Environmental Health & Safety 713-500-5840

Outline of Instructions
Purpose of Wipe Tests UTHSC-H Wipe Test Requirements Wipe Test Materials Appropriate Lab Attire UTHSC-H Radiation Safety Forms Instructions for Wipe Tests How to Clean a Contaminated Area Safety Resources on the Web Summary

Purpose of Wipe Tests for Radioactive Material Contamination

To ensure that education, research, and health-care related activities take place in conditions that are optimally safe and healthy for students, faculty, staff, visitors, surrounding community, and general public.

UTHSCH Wipe Test Requirements

Any Room Authorized to Work with Radioactive Materials Must at Least
Document monthly wipes where used, stored and selected clean areas If storage only, monthly wipe test of storage location If no use AND no storage, monthly statement indicating no radioactive material used or stored for XXX month

Additional requirements may occur for researchers working with greater than 5 mCi
Urine bioassay and more frequent surveys

Contamination Survey
For the protection of the researchers and all workers in the lab, a contamination survey should be performed at the end of each experiment or project. Not documented Can be performed with a Geiger-Mueller detector Simple check to make sure there is no contamination in the lab that may have resulted from the radiation work

Safety Resources on the Web safety

Radiation Safety


Radiation Safety Requirements

Upon Receipt of Radioactive Material

Documented monthly lab wipe tests

Wear proper attire
Lab coat Eye protection Gloves Cotton swab, filter paper, or paper towel Vial or Envelope

Gather equipment

Attire & Equipment

Wipe Test Procedure

Use cotton swab to take several samples from different areas within the lab At least one wipe in storage area
If no use or storage in month, document as no use or storage in XXX month

Place samples in separate vial or envelope Label each vial or envelope noting the location of the sample Fill out Laboratory Wipe Test Report

Collecting the Sample

Take samples using a S motion while rotating the cotton swab. Also shown, collecting a sample using a chem wipe.

Collecting the Sample

Cut stick of cotton swab down to fit inside vial and close vial with lid.

Preparing the Samples

Samples are placed individually in separate eppendorf tubes and 1 mL of cocktail or enough cocktail to cover the sample is added A blank eppendorf tube is prepared in the same manner that will serve as the background sample

Preparing the Samples

Take cut cotton swab and place in tube Fill tube with approximately 1mL of cocktail Close tube

Loading the Samples

Place tubes into vial holders Insert tubes into LSC racks Load racks into the Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) and flag the samples for counting by moving tab. Example for loading the LSC:
Slide the tab located on the rack to the position where the color is not showing.
This tells the LSC that the sample has not been read.

When the tab is in the opposite position it signals to the user and LSC that the sample has been read.

Loading the Samples

Place closed tube into vial holder Tab position indicates vials to be read.

Tab position indicates vials will not be read.

Load rack into LSC to run wipe test

Various LSCs

Filling out the Report

Fill out all necessary information
Authorized user Date Building and Room number Wipe tested by

Draw and label laboratory diagram in space provided

Laboratory Wipe Test Report for Radioactive Materials for Authorized Users
Building: ________ Room Number: ________ Wipe Tested by: __________________________ Radioisotopes used in this Laboratory: Date: ____________________

____________________________________ Authorization Number: ____ Serial Number: ___________ Model: __________________

Channel A ________ B ________ _________ _________ _________ Energy Range (keV) 0 - 20 _______________ 0 - 1800 _____________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Note: If Storage Only - Wipe test must at least be taken of storage area If No Use or Storage - In comment section indicate No Use or Storage This Month

Authorized User: _________________________ Counting Equipment . Type: LSC or Other (specify) _____________
Standard Isotope Example: H-3 _____ Example: P-32 ____ _________________ _________________ _________________ Efficiency (%) * 30 % ___________ 75 % ___________ _______________ _______________ _______________

*Efficiency may be omitted if equipment automatically converts to dpm

Laboratory Diagram

Wipe Test Results

Background Count Rate (cpm): ____


cpm background

Number Count Rate (dpm) 1 ________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 ________ 5 ________ 6 ________ 7 ________ 8 ________ 9 ________ 10 ________ 11 ________ 12 ________ 13 ________ 14 ________ 15 ________ 16 ________ 17 ________ 18 ________ Rewipe of # ___ ________ Rewipe of # ___ ________
Comments:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Laboratory Wipe Test Report for Radioactive Materials for Authorized Users
Building: MSB____ Room Number: 5.432___ Wipe Tested by: John Smith ________________ Date: July 11, 2006_________

Radioisotopes used in this Laboratory: P-32, C-14, S-35, H-3 __________________

Note: If Storage Only - Wipe test must at least be taken of storage area If No Use or Storage - In comment section indicate No Use or Storage This Month

Authorized User: R. Emery ________________ Counting Equipment . _ Type: LSC or Other (specify) LSC_________
Standard Isotope Example: H-3_____ Example: P-32 ____ _________________ _________________ _________________ Efficiency (%) * 30 % ___________ 75 % ___________ _______________ _______________ _______________

Authorization Number: 001 _ Serial Number: 426589_____ Model: Packard___________

Channel A ________ B ________ _________ _________ _________ Energy Range (keV) 0 - 20 _______________ 0 - 1800 _____________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

How do you know if results show contamination??

1. Floor 2. Lab bench

*Efficiency may be omitted if equipment automatically converts to dpm

Laboratory Diagram

Wipe Test Results

Background Count Rate (cpm):18 __

6 7


cpm background

2 8 1 5

Number Count Rate (dpm) 1 20 ______ 2 23 ______ 3 19 ______ 4 22 ______ 5 26 ______ 6 250 _____ 7 18 ______ 8 21 ______ 9 ________ 10 ________ 11 ________ 12 ________ 13 ________ 14 ________ 15 ________ 16 ________ 17 ________ 18 ________ Rewipe of # __6_ 22______ Rewipe of # ___ ________

3. Fume hood
4. Sink 5. Door 6. Lab bench 7. Lab bench 8. Sink

Comments: Wipe test for area 6 showed slight contamination. After cleaning the area it was re-wiped and tested to provide proof of decontamination. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How do you know if results show contamination?

Wipe test results show counts in excess of three times the background count. Contaminated area should be documented and cleaned, then re-wiped to verify area now clean. Channels on the LSC should be set to maximum beta energy for isotope(s) of interest
If upon running a wipe test a channel produces high value counts, then based upon that channel one can determine what isotope is the contaminating factor

Quick Contamination Calculation

A rule of thumb for determining if the area is contaminated is if the sample CPM is greater than three (3) times that of the background

Contaminated area > (3)*(Background)

If Area is Contaminated
Take proper precautions IF MINOR Spill or Contaminated Area
Clean the affected area per proper lab cleanup procedures

IF MAJOR Spill or Contaminated Area Secure the area, prevent re-entry Contact Radiation Safety for Assistance
0485-005-317 During Business Hours 7534-005-317 After Hours (500-HELP) UT Police

How to Clean Up Contamination

Ensure that spill is contained
Limit traffic where event occurred. Prevent runoff (from table to floor or spreading on table). Inform coworkers and lab manager.

Call Radiation Safety! (713) 500-5840

How to Clean Up Contamination

Obtain necessary supplies for cleanup
Paper towels or diapers RADCON or Scrubbing Bubbles (DOW) Opaque plastic bags for waste. Labels Gloves

How to Clean Up Contamination

Ensure that contamination is contained

How to Clean Up Contamination

Spray area with RADCON or Scrubbing Bubbles (DOW) to lift contamination from the surface

How to Clean Up a Contamination

Wipe from the outside in so not to spread the contamination

Documented Monthly Wipe Tests for Radioactive Material Contamination are Required A Radioactive Spill or Contaminated Area Should be Decontaminated (Cleaned) and Wipe Tested Again For Assistance, You can Contact Radiation Safety at 713-500-5840

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