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Presented By Zaid Shakil



Different people have different explanation Definition of freewill The ability to choose, think, and act voluntarily. Example: If I ask you not to go to nightclub then you have the right to agree or disagree with me. This is freewill to chose to listen to me or not to.


People say that they believe freewill doesnt or only partly exist because when I was a kid my parents use to tell me what to do and what not to.
This argument makes no sense. Your parents were always there for a reason because when you were a kid your brain was not developed, you had very low/no understanding, you had no understanding to differentiate between good and bad, right or wrong. Now when youre here even if you do something wrong you still have the ability to differentiate between right or wrong because you learned this from your elders your parents. Everything happens for a reason.


Think about this !

Purpose & Goal Everything have purpose & goal. Youre here in university, what is your purpose ? To educate yourself. What is your Goal ? To become a doctor, an engineer, a psychologist, a social worker. This connects back to what I said about parents. You had no freewill when you were a kid and I accept it but then can you imagine the consequences ? If there is no one to tell you what is good, what is bad. When you grow old you wont be able to differentiate between good and bad and hence the society on this earth will be in trouble. But now when youre grown, youre ready to face challenges, deal with it and make this world more peaceful. Didnt I say Everything happens for a reason ?


There are many examples in our lives and around the world which shows that we make real choices that have real consequences. Some choices are of course about small stuff like what to wear today, work out after school or skip it, go out or stay home. Other choices have major consequences. Decisions that change our lives. Whether or not to chose friends who will have a good influence on you, whether you smoke or not, whether to go for university or work after high school.


I believe this life is a test as told by GOD himself

HE who created death and life to test you as to which of you are good in deeds and HE is the exalted in Might, the Forgiving [Quran 67:2] One may Question if GOD granted us freewill why some people are poor and some people are not, why some people suffer and other enjoy. Well the answer to this question in answered by GOD himself HE says We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits but give glad tidings to those who are patient


GOD Knows everything and HE guides us to everything so where is the question of freewill if HE does everything ?
Yes God knows everything but HE gave you freewill to chose between good and bad. Remember the verse We have shown man the path of truth and the path of falsehood; he may choose either the path of guidance and offer thanks or choose the path of gratitude. Still Confused ?


Let me give you an example to clarify.

Suppose in a classroom there are 100 students and at the end of the year before the examination the teacher predicts that Mark will get A+, Michael student will get C and Brett will get F. The teacher predict, do you know ? He knows Mark is very studious, studies extra hours, Michael is not hardworking and Brett misses class, dont do his homework. Now once the examination takes place after the results come out Mark gets A, Michael gets C and Brett fails get F. Im asking you a question. Can Brett blame the teacher that because the teacher predicted I will fail thats why I failed ? Who is to blame ? The student or the teacher ? The student. So Similarly God has given human beings the freewill. God has told you what is right, what is wrong but the choice is yours.


For example: If you come at a cross road, there are four roads A,B,C,D. You can chose any. You chose road C so GOD knows in advance that when you come at crossroad you will chose C. So HE keeps a record When you come at a crossroad you will chose road C So it is not because GOD wrote you will chose road C but because you will be choosing road C, Hes wrote. Because GOD knows the future so HE writes in Advance. Like you chose to become a doctor, an engineer after you pass high school. You did not chose to become an engineer because GOD wrote. God wrote because you chose to become an engineer, a doctor. God told you what is good, what is bad. God gave you free will, It is your choice. God does not interfere in your freewill. HE can if HE wills. Whatever happens, happens with Gods will but the choice is yours !


We want our decisions to be wise. How do we go about making really wise choices ? Ways to test whether or not your choice will be one you can live with. 1. Count the possible cost of making the wrong decision. E.g. Maybe harm to yourself or someone you love because you chose to drink and drive. The point here is to never make a major decision until youve done your homework. Its why people read a lot of stuff about several new cars before they make their final choice. Taking time to do some research keeps you from making impulsive decision. Youre no longer led by what you feels good, but by what facts tell you.

Reflective advertence to the moral quality We decide between right or wrong Consciousness or Awareness arises within us that we are choosing freely. We are responsible for it and as for moral actions.

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