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Presenter Info
Kris Dunn CHRO at Kinetix Founder of Fistful of Talent Hoops Junkie

Steve Boese Director of Talent Management Strategy at Oracle Contributor at Fistful of Talent BBQ Aficionado

This Just In Your Brand isnt Google, Apple or Even Zappos

Employment Brand vs. EVP

If you dont think you match up, stop trying to match their brands Sell what you can Sell who you are Position who you are as the positive it is FIND YOUR EVP and communicate it if you want to get in the game

What is an EVP?
AKA Employer Value Proposition

The EVP is an employees perspective on whats in it for me to work here? and thus, the employers communicated promise to its employees.
Key components of an EVP may include: Compensation, Benefits, Affiliation, Career Prospects and Work Content, Cool Factor and more.

Its What They Think, Not What You Think

Youre short stacked but thats ok, (you saw Moneyball, right?)
You I dont have the time/resources/budget/brand to compete with those names The Universe Waaahh Snap out of it, you can compete in the EVP game. How? By being more aggressive, smarter, faster, willing to take chances, and defining your unique EVP and communicating it in a memorable way

How to Figure Out What The Actual EVP @ Your Company Is

1. Stuff Youll Need to Do an EVP Project

A complete list of employees, broken down by Sr. Team, line managers and individual contributors Term list from the last year List of declined offers from the last year Voluntary and Involuntary term rates for the last 2 years Promotion list (including promotions and lateral moves) GUTS to go out and interview people and ask them what they really think about your company

2. Get Ready to Talk to These People

Youll need to interviewing stakeholders to identify true EVP themes across multiple groups in your company and community. Heres a sample plan of who to interview:
5 Sr. Team Members 5 midlevel managers at Directorlevel 5 early career managers who used to be individual contributors before being promoted to the manager level 7 employees hired over the last 15 months 7 employees/individual contributors with between 25 years of experience The last 7 candidates who have declined offers at your company

3. STEAL THIS: Heres What you Ask Them to get to the EVP
Why do you like best about working at FOT?

1. What do you like best about working at FOT? 2. What do you like least about working at FOT? 3. What does your family and friends think about you working at FOT? 4. Whats the reputation of FOT as a place to work in the Atlanta community? 5. Does FOT pay well? What info do you have that tells you that? 6. How do the benefits at FOT stack up against other companies youre familiar with? What info do you have that tells you that? 7. What are you most proud of related to FOT as a company? What do they do right related to team members, the community, the industry, etc.? What does FOT not do right related to team members, the community and the industry? 8. Complete the following sentence: When people see that Ive spent time at FOT, theyre going to know that I _______________. 9. Whats the career path for you at FOT? What do you want your next job to be inside the company? 10. What do you like best about your specific role/job at FOT? 11. What do you like least about your specific role/job at FOT? 12. If I could tell people that think FOT is a good place to work one thing, it would be that ______________. 13. If I could tell people that think FOT isnt a good place to work one thing, it would be that ______________.

4. What to Do After the Interviews to Find Your EVP

1. 2. 3. 4. Blend the raw feedback and agree on positive themes from the interviews Consider negative themes if critical for cultural match Make the number of themes you select manageable Remember the branding work you do with the EVP theme may focus on who doesnt want to work at your company vs. overselling people who will leave in the first 12 months Max number of EVP themes 5 (generally advise 3 to 4 as sweet spot)


Developing Cool Content to Support Your Real World EVP

Where Do You Put EVP Content? An EVP Centric Blog

Hint its not your careers site its not flexible enough You need a blog for EVP positioning that is visible and easily accessible from your website home page and careers portal Why a blog? Designed to house informal content to market and engage candidates in a conversation Source from which social and other forms of positioning emulate

Things to Consider When Bootstrapping a Blog

Provider Wordpress, Typepad, Blogger? Naming Format and appearance two column, three column? Use of Categories and Tags Whos going to write? How often do you commit to updating? Legal approval, etc.

An Abandoned Blog is Sad: Enter the Monthly Content Map

You need a blog to support the EVP (housed content) Most people start a blog and then abandon it (oops) Dont be one of those people manage your commitment through the monthly content map Map out your 1, 2 or 3X a week commit by making a monthly map of what youre going to talk about when You also need to determine your media mix on the monthly map written post, photo, video, audio?

The Monthly Map: Big Areas to Build Your Posts Around

Map a months worth of content (weaving your EVP themes in) along these content types:
Leadership/Values/Culture Functional Areas Individual Profiles Industry news/happenings Career Help Career Track Testimonials

STEAL THIS: A Sample Monthly Content Map For Your EVP Blog

VIDEO: Bernardo Hess: What you should look for in a career. If you want a job, dont come here.

VIDEO: Your CEO: If you dont want to be a partner in the company you work for, you shouldnt take the job. Ops Track: Think you know business? Can you run a 1.0M business right out of undergraduate school? Ops Track: Two questions to ask when youre hiring your first employee as a manager. VIDEO: Profile TBD: Ops Track, Where are they now? (focuses on the opportunity that the ops track candidates have at you company they cant find elsewhere). VIDEO: Profile TBD: Corp Track, Where are they now? VIDEO: Goal Setting at your company: The difference between hitting and crushing your goals. Floor Plan at your office: The pros and cons of open floor plans. IN YOUR STORES: Behind the promo, or what was marketing thinking? INTERNATIONAL: The difference between the Euro and Chicago markets at your company. INDUSTRY NEWS: One item from the your industry of note that means something to the average recruit (PS the angle is you share the news from another source and then tell the people why its important to them) VOLUME PLAY: Stat on your company or the industry of note. The more obscure the better.

Eye Candy Counts: The impact of photos, video, audio and more

Video continues to kill less exceptional stars

Great EVP Blogs: DAXKO

Great EVP Blogs: Rackspace

Cant or Wont Write? Get a Tumblr or Facebook Business Page to showcase your EVP

Steal from Find inspiration from anywhere

Once Youve Got Content, You Need Distribution <enter social media>

How Social Distributes Your EVP

Through the following: Official company accounts Through sharing by employees Through sharing by people outside your company Job postings Open APIs that move across the big 3 social tools Your recruiting process and communications with candidates Other ways too numerous to mention

Engagement: Whos Talking When They Talk?

If you do a great job with EVP content and social distribution, people will engage via the social tools Most companies dont monitor and engage you should Our experience says its not the number of followers its the total engagement picture Total engagement means you react, answer question and talk.

ROI and Your Employment Brand +Social What Do We Focus On?

Industry Insider
Gary Zukowski The resume: Founder and SVP of TweetMyJobs On the frontlines of the ROI of your EVP/employment brand and social efforts

More Than Click Deep

Gary Zukowski

DEEP THOUGHTS: How do you get your employees involved and engaged in your EVP?

You Should Remember This: The 9-Box

Integrity Drive Teamwork Ambition Communication Innovation Competitor High Energy Execution Smart

Integrity Drive Teamwork Ambition Communication Innovation Competitor High Energy Execution Smart

The Connection of Real Values to Your EVP

Fanatical Support in all we do. Results first, substance over flash. Committed to Greatness Full Disclosure and Transparency Passion for our Work Treat fellow Rackers like Friends and Family

Other Ways to Engage Employees with EVP

Interview for Values with EVP components Recognize and Reward with EVP in mind Link the EVP components to the competencies you use in performance management

Connect with the external brand

Gary Zukowski @GaryZukowski

Kris: Twitter: @kris_dunn LinkedIn: Steve: Twitter: @SteveBoese LinkedIn:

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