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Prepared by: Rabiul hossain ID:B092070 Batch: 28A12

Islamic Banking:Islamic banking is banking activity that is consistent

with the principles of Islamic law (Sharia) and its practical application through the development of Islamic economics. 1950 Islamic Banking in Theory 1970 Islamic Banking in Practice in the world. 1983-Islami Bank Bangladesh ltd.

.conventional Banking :A bank is a financial institution and a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities, either directly or through capital markets.

The absence of interest-based (riba) transactions; * The avoidance of economic activities involving oppression (zulm) * The avoidance of economic activities involving speculation (gharar); * The introduction of an Islamic tax, zakat; * The discouragement of the production of goods and services which contradict the Islamic value (haram)

Conventional banking is essentially based on the debtor-creditor relationship between the depositors and the bank on one hand, and between the borrowers and the bank on the other. Interest is considered to be the price of credit, reflecting the opportunity cost of money.

2. 3.

Interest Uncertainty

4. Speculation
5. Unlawful Products 6. Unlawful Services



Islamic Bank 1.wadia(trust) 2.Qardhan hassana(loan) 3.Mudaraba(passive partnership)

Conventional Bank 1.Current account 2.Saving account 3.Fixed deposit account

1.Murabaha #ijara 2.Musharaka 3.Mudarabah #salam #istisna #sukuk

1.Real estate loan 2.Financial institution loan 3.Industrial loan 4.Individual loan Every kind of loan are related with interest .

Murabaha : The Bank Buys the asset from the Vendor.

The customer then buys the asset from the bank at a mark-up price (P+X) , which is payable on a deferred payment basis.

The structure of a Murabaha Contract

Transfer of title to bank VENDOR ISLAMIC BANK Payment of purchase price (P)

Transfer of title to customer CUSTOMER

Payment of marked up price (P + X)


Musharakah:Both the Bank and the customer contributes

towards the capital of the enterprise . The customer and the bank share in the profits according to the agreed proportions

The structure of a Musharaka Contract


PARTNER (Customer)

60% Ownership

40% Ownership


Mudarabaha: The bank provides to the customer (mudarib) all the capital to fund a specified enterprise. The customer contributes only entrepreneurship
CLIENT (Mudarib)
Investor of Capital ISLAMIC BANK Payment of Mudarabah Capital


Earning of Profits CLIENT (Mudarib) Distributor of Profits Earned

ISLAMIC BANK Periodic proportionate Profits / Return of Capital


Some type form of financing of conventional Bank: 1.Real estate loan :these loans are secured by real property.

2.Financial institution loan: credit to bank, insurance companies, financial companies.

3.Industrial loan: Business to cover purchasing inventories, paying tax,. 4.Individual loan: automobile loan, medical loan, personal expense loan


Services of Islamic bank and conventional Bank

1.Deposit products 2.Loans products 3.Foreign exchange 4.Non stop banking 5.Cards 6.ATM 7.Loker services Same services are available in conventional bank .




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