Work Guide For Tgmc1

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First, installation of IBM Java 1.4.

--TGMC workshop team, SOC.

Second, an easy installation of Eclipse 3.1.2 with WAS CE patched plug-in

--TGMC workshop team, SOC.

Third, Installation of WAS CE

--TGMC workshop team, SOC.

Last in installation, DB2 Express c 9.0

--Rajaraman Srinivasan

Choose Install a Product

Choose Install New

Choose Typical, since only basic features are included in the CD

Remember this path

Remember this password

Remember this path

Remember this password

If you need, you could create a sample database. Or, you could create your own database from First Steps (this window) Or you could launch Control Center and create your own database from there

Control Center could be launched either from Taskbar (Right Corner) or from Programs IBM DB2 DB2COPY1 General Administration Tools Control Center

Enter the name of the database here

No Input needed in this page Just click Next

Choose IBM-1252 (default option) if you are using the database to store only English If you want localization choose UTF-8 Click Next

Click on Show Command to see the database creation command generated by Control Center Click Finish to create database

Click on Show Command to see the database creation command generated by Control Center Click Finish to create database

No Inputs needed on this page Click Next

No Inputs needed on this page Click Next

Click on Add Primary to add a primary key for the table. Similarly for Add Unique and Add Foreign (if needed)

No Inputs needed on this page Click Next

Click on Add to impose a check constraint (if needed)

Click on Next to proceed

Click on Show SQL to see the table creation command generated by Control Center Click Finish to create table

Click on Query to run queries insert, select, update or delete

Configuration of Installed Softwares and a deep introduction to J2EE

--TGMC workshop team, SOC.

Give a suitable workspace here, where all your work will be Stored!

Click the arrow like icon

Click window option in the menu bar

Right click here

Click next after selections are made as shown

Click next

The error symbol should disappear to a warning symbol after choosing the correct location

Click browse button, to choose the home directory where WAS CE is installed i.e., the parent-directory for the bin folder of WAS CE

Choose the home directory and press OK

As the correct path is given, the symbol changes as shown

Click next. Please note the user id and password for WAS CE

Click finish!

Right click the Dynamic web project as shown

Make similar selections and it will Guide you to the project creation Wizard

Give an appropriate name for your project and click next

Click next!

Click finish

You should have such hierarchy Of files inside your dynamic web Projects node in the tree shown in Project Explorer Pane

Right click the server

Click start

Wait until the server finishes starting You can see a message in the console! [it happens sometimes that the server Has some problems due to internet connection (wi-fi). So, disable wi-fi, if your server throws Exceptions at startup.]

Now server is ready to work

In the server pane also, the status will be started

Click this button, to open web browser

Type the address as shown

Here, user id is system And password is manager

Click the database pools link

Click this link(first one) This is for creating a link with the Database created at DB2

Give a name(and remember it) for the database pool you are creating. FYI: a pool is a set of connections with the database. It avoids the program To communicate with the database directly for accessing it each time. Instead, by creating this pool, it gets a set of connections from the database so that they can be used one-at-a-time basis, whenever needed. This not only saves time for the program, but also for the database!

Select DB2 for database type, as shown, and click next

This page requires all fields to be filled correctly.

From the drivers list, choose cc/8.2/jar

The name of the database is testdb in our case, and a snapshot of the control center is also shown

This is 50000 by default

Give the database name correctly as it is the one you are going to make transactions through the program. The database should already exist and should be running(at least before testing the connection)

If you see this message, leave the fields as such and click the Test Connection button

Now, the server is connected with the database and we can deploy the pool permanently. Click Deploy

The pool we created should appear in the list shown.

Also, the message of successful deployment should be seen on the console.

Now, to connect the pool with our application, Click usage link to the right of the pool, which has connections with the needed database

The next page has a picture, which is the screen shot of the page that appears after clicking the usage link of the database pool. It also has a clipped image of the project explorer pane of eclipse with the web content folder of the project expanded You can find two sub folders within it. Among which WEB-INF has two files. Those two files are needed to be modified, in order to make our application communicate with the pools, which in turn communicate with the database.

Let us look at the changes to be made.

Copy this selection and paste it into the source of Geronimoweb.xml

Pasting alone will lead to error at the <naming> tag

To rectify the error, change the nam shown in the highlight to naming

And change MyDataSource to your pool name, as shown

Similar changes are to be made for web.xml also

Now, we shall see, how to code in eclipse, retrieve data from DB2 and test-and-run it in WAS CE.

FYI: All packages needed should be placed inside the src folder for its usage as beans or as importable classes. All jsp,html pages should be placed inside the WebContent folder. In order to make a html page, right click WebContent and make selections as shown.

Give a name and click next

Click finish

You can type the html codes here, save it. The sample, we are having has the following objectives: 1. Gets the user id and password from user through a html page 2. Verifies it with the data stored in the database and 3. Finally direct the right user to welcome screen and others back to Login

The values of inputs in this form will lead the page mentioned in its action property. If the page mentioned is not found, WAS CE reports error

Now, to run the page, right click the file on the project explorer pane and select the options as shown.

Click next. After selecting this

Make sure that the project in which the file to run exist in the list of configured projects and click finish

<<sample`s output>>

<<sample`s output>>

As we dont have any log.jsp, this error is reported!

Now, create a jsp page.

The following two slides shows the codes in this page as snapshots. To understand it, the forthcoming pages at the last will consist of Explanations to each necessary statement.

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" import="javax.naming.*,javax.sql.*,java.sql.*"%> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>Hai!</title> </head> Here, the first few lines are taken. <%@ page> tag needs attention for the last import property. As value(s) for the property you can give any number of valid java packages, separated by commas. The pageEncoding field can be changed to any encoding schemes like UTF-8,UTF-16 etc. <!doctype> tag plays importance only in case of using XML. We can apply particular style for custom tags using XSLs in XML. It can be ignored right now. Next is the <head> tag, within which the <title> is used to display the text at the title bar of the browser.

<script language="javascript"> function fun() { alert("welcome user!your details are found in the database!!"); } function foon() { alert("Sorry! you are not a valid user!! click here to go back to login!!!"); history.back(1); } </script>
The power of J2EE lies in the use of HTML, java, JavaScript, XML etc. in a single source file. This shows two javascript functions with the output of fun() as shown in (i) and foon() produces the message as shown in(ii) and leads to the page visited before.



<body> <% String user=request.getParameter("uid"); String pas=request.getParameter("pass");

Inside the <%...%> tag, we can type all java regarding statements. The request.getParameter(<name_of_the_input>); will return as String the value of the input in the previous page with the corresponding name given, when the submit action was performed in the form, which led to this page. When there are more than one inputs with the same name in a form, their values can be collectively retrieved as a String array using request.getParameterValues(name);

try {
boolean flag=false; InitialContext ic=new InitialContext(); DataSource ds=(DataSource)ic.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/testpool"); Connection con=ds.getConnection(); Statement stmt=con.createStatement();

For simplicity, it is not necessary to understand ever line of this jdbc block. These are the statements for making connection with the pool. These statements need Javax.naming.*, javax.sql.*, java.sql.* ; boolean flag=false; is a statement to be used to indicate the validity of the users login. In the 5 th line, the testpool should be replaced by the appropriate pool names given in the WEB-INF/web.xml and WEB_INF/geronimo-web.xml files. Statement is a class, which has methods for executing queries and it cannot be directly instantiated. The first statement try{ will be referred in slide 82.

ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from log_table"); while( { String temp=rs.getString(1); String temp1=rs.getString("pass"); if(temp.equals(user)&&temp1.equals(pas)) { flag=true; break; } }

To execute select queries, we use stmt.executeQuery() whose result is returned in a ResultSet object. Insert, update & delete queries should be executed as stmt.executeUpdate(query); From the ResultSet object , we should know about 2 general functions. next() function takes the cursor to the next row of the result and returns true on success and if it is already in the last row, returns false. get<type>() method returns the cell value specified by the column name as String or column index as integer with the specified type. The logic involves checking the user id and password entered with those retrieved from the log_table in the database.

if(flag) { out.println("hai!!!"+user); %> <script language="javascript">fun();</script> <% } else { %> <script language="javascript"> document.write("Invalid parameters"); foon(); </script> <% }

The logic here is, for valid users, fun() is called and for others foon() is called. This piece shows how interoperable languages are! We can close java abruptly, begin html, which in turn begins javascript. We can publish the text in a page by all 3 means. Using <%out.println();%> in java Or document.writeln() in JavaScript Or using ordinary markups. It is to be noted fun() and foon() have their codes and explanation in slide number:77

} catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } %> </body> </html>

Every try{} block should have a catch(){} block or finally{} block or both. As java is very cryptic In errors and exceptions it is necessary to use them. However J2EE has a choice. But to keep track of errors, it is advised to use try blocks wherever needed. The statement e.printStackTrace(); will have references to the line in which the error occurred by showing a lengthy stack trace at the servers console, which will help in debugging. Finally, the code is to be tested and run. As seen, this page needs the sample.html page to be run, in order to check for bugs. So, run sample.html.

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