KTN0106 SCMPAccount Team Partner Presentation

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SCMP Preparation for Account Teams and Partners

Service Contract Management Practice Preparation

Know the Network.


SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt

2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential

Preparation Objectives
Review Service Contract Management Practice Review next level of detail on the Service Contract Management Engagement including roles and responsibilities Discuss timeline for and commitment to engagement Understand conclusions from customer profile Review next steps

SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt

2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential

Goals of the SCMP Engagement

Conduct a one-time co-managed network discovery and service contract update Synch the partner / end-customer view and Ciscos view

Know the Network.

Establish a streamlined co-managed process
Ensure ongoing updates and synchronization as the network changes

Success targets:
End-customers network view = Ciscos view Improved service contract accuracy (90%+) Trained and committed owners for ongoing co-management Effective co-managed process in place to ensure proper network coverage Reduced service contract administration activities

SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt

2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential

Benefits of Service Contract Management

Reduces risk of network outages; contributes to confidence in network up time Enables improved service Validates / confirms the current Cisco assets in the network Creates an ongoing co-managed process to keep the service contracts in synch with changes in the network Improves business operations Decreases network compliance and security issues Drives improved asset management accounting / depreciation Increases business control for asset ownership, usage, and procurement

Increases customer satisfaction Aids Service Delivery Performance Increases knowledge and trust of Cisco asset/inventory data, locations, and Service Levels Reduces risk of network outages and non-entitled events Identifies uncovered equipment in network Establishes a collaborative process for co-managing contract/inventory data and MACD updates Improves business operations Network compliance and security Asset management accounting / depreciation Asset ownership, usage, and procurement business controls

Identifies uncovered equipment in the network Improves renewal cycle time, and efficiency; increase sales productivity Increases customer and partner satisfaction Increases Service Delivery Performance and Contract Accuracy Improves entitlement verification and speed; reduces service leakage Improves depot sparing accuracy Establishes a collaborative process for co-managing contract/inventory data and MACD updates Eases introduction of new service offerings

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2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cisco Confidential

Co-Managed Service Contract Management

Engage Collect Process Apply Maintain

Introduction Assessment Preparation Customer Kickoff Engagement Plan Train SCMP

Train CNAC Install collector Perform network discover and inventory Send data to Cisco

Parse collected data Validate SN/PID Produce reports Send reports

Establish target view Map locations to Site IDs Create contracts Create quotes Get quote approval Manage $0 updates Confirm updates

Establish MACD* process Establish entitlement controls Close engagement Implement MACD (Ongoing)

3 weeks

1 week

1 week

8 weeks

Average Three Month Engagement (Based on size and complexity)

*MACD = Moves, Adds, Changes, and Deletions
SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential

Roles and Responsibilities

Account Team / Partner

Set customer expectations for: Customers responsibilities in the co-managed engagement and process Engagement timeframe Ongoing MACD process Commit to ongoing co-management with the customer Train on SCMP process; review reports and define Target View Request service contract creation / adjustment Establish MACD process with customer Maintain service contract accuracy and correctness Verify completeness and changes to Target View Map locations to hostnames Manage requests for service contract creation / adjustment Create service quotes, where necessary Upon completion, confirm that CIBER matches the Target View Commit to ongoing service contract co-management Manage requests for service contract creation / adjustment Train on CNAC; perform discovery and inventory Create service quotes, where necessary Establish the Target View Map hostnames to locations Update service contracts where necessary Assign coverage Upon completion, confirm that CIBER matches the Target View Establish ongoing MACD process for managing network changes Confirm service contract changes
2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential

Account Support Team / Partner

Updatecompleteness and changes to Target View Verify service contracts where necessary Map locations to hostnames Customer / Partner

SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt

SCMP Self-Service Solution Engage

Engage Collect Process Apply Maintain Account Team / Recommend Partner Preparation Theater Ops Theater Ops/ Account Team Prepare Account Team / Partner: Process Expectations Timeline Customer Kick-Off



Engagement Plan

Task Owner Task

Theater Ops

Account Team/ Theater Ops. Conduct assessment on candidate Survey Profile Tool

Account Team/ Partner Prepare Customer KickOff presentation Perform presentation

Account Team/ Partner Develop engagement plan Provide feedback to Theater Ops for tracking

Introduce SCM Value Process Expectations Criteria

Recommend one of three courses of action to the Account Team Training & Education KTN Solution SCMP Classic

Audience/ Receiver Timeframe

Account Team

Account Team

Account Team/ Partner



1-3 weeks
SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential

SCMP Self-Service Solution Collect

Engage Collect Process Apply Maintain Send CNAC Training Link CNAC Training Send CNAC Download Link Install CNAC Perform Discovery and Inventory Send Encrypted Data

Task Owner Task

Account Team

Customer/ Partner NE

Account Team

Customer/ Partner NE

Customer/ Partner NE

Customer /Partner NE Send encrypted file to Cisco

Send link for CNAC training

Downloads and review CNAC training Perform CNAC training Complete COLT assessment

Receives notification of successful completion of CNAC training Sends CNAC download link

Download and Perform install CNAC Discovery Configure Perform CNAC Inventory Collect hostname to physical address mapping details

Audience/ Receiver Timeframe

Customer/ Partner NE

Customer/ Partner NE

CNAC alias

1 week
2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential

SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt

SCMP Self-Service Solution Process

Engage Collect Process Apply Maintain

Parse Data

Validate SN / PID

Produce Report

Review and Send Report

Task Owner Task

Data Analyst

Data Analyst

Data Analyst

Account Team/ Partner Review ISIR* Send encrypted ISIR* to Customer Inform Theater Ops

Decrypt inventory data Parse inventory using appropriate tools

Perform SN / PID validation using appropriate tools

Generate ISIR: One encrypted ISIR * for Partner & Customer use One un-encrypted ISIR* for Account Team Account Team/ Partner

Audience/ Receiver Timeframe


1-2 weeks
SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt

* ISIR = In-Service Inventory Report

Cisco Confidential

2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

SCMP Self-Service Solution Apply (1)

Engage Collect Process Apply Maintain Establish Target View Review Target View Map Locations to Site IDs Create Site IDs and Contracts

Task Owner Task

Customer / Partner / Account Team Map hostnames to physical locations Assign and confirm target service coverage Confirm Target View * Send Target View * Account Team/ Partner

Account Team/ Partner Verify Target View * for completeness Determine if site mapping is needed Work with Customer to map missing coverage / site info, if necessary

Account Support Team / Partner

Customer Service

Determine and categorize changes Map physical locations to Site IDs Request to create Site IDs and contracts Update Target View * Customer Service

Create Site IDs and Contracts

Audience/ Receiver Timeframe


Account Support Team / Partner

3-8 weeks
SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt

* Target View = proposed view of Service Contracts

Cisco Confidential

2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


SCMP Self-Service Solution Apply (2)

Engage Collect Process Apply Maintain Create Parse Quote Data Approve Validate Quote SN / PID Update Produce Contract Report Get Customer Review and Sign-Off Send Report

Task Owner Task

Account Support Team / Partner


Account Support Team / Partner

Account Team/ Partner

Create quote for adds and service changes Submit quote to Customer

Approve quote

Verify changes in CIBER Compare Target View to CIBER Notification that contracts are updated

Notify Customer that contracts are updated Request Customer to sign-off on changes

Audience/ Receiver Timeframe


Account Team/ Partner

Account Team/ Partner


3-8 weeks
SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential


SCMP Self-Service Solution Maintain

Engage Collect Process Apply Maintain Establish Parse MACD* Data Establish Validate Entitlement SN / PID Controls Close Produce Engagement Report Implement Review and MACD* Send Report

Task Owner

Account Team/ Partner

Account Team/ Partner

Theater Ops.

Account Support Team / Partner


Establish MACD* process with Customer Agree on frequency of MACD* updates Customer

Establish full entitlement Notification that MACD process is in-place

Run metrics baseline (Contract Accuracy & Correctness) Close engagement

ONGOING Collect MACD* changes Apply MACD* updates

Audience/ Receiver Timeframe

Theater Ops

Account Team/ Partner

Overlaps with Apply Phase

SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt

* MACD = Moves, Adds, Changes and Deletes

Cisco Confidential

2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


SCMP Deliverable

In-Service Inventory Report Account Team and Partner / Customer Versions

Provides a detailed view of validated, actionable information, including current service coverage, uncovered equipment, and End of Service equipment Based on equipment information taken directly from the network inventory Room for customer / partner to document requested changes / updates

Assists the Account Team in managing and executing the changes

SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential


Next Steps

Ask questions get familiar with current Know the Network process and available materials

Commit to SCMP Co-management for the account

Create customer kick-off document from available collateral Meet with Partner / Customer for kick-off meeting
Explain the program Obtain Partners/Customers commitment to co-manage Develop engagement plan Get started
SCM052SCMP Account Team / Partner Presentation_ v1.1.ppt 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential


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