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in the morning at Petersburg Office colony

Joelle Wears a skirt and shirts Carries a cup of hot melted chocolate and a black hand bag. Wakes up late Known to be lazy at work Was born in Milan, Italy Works in Petersburg Eats sweets and chocolate. Keeps insect repellant in bag .

Was born in Milan, Italy


Female ant
Worker of the colony:

build the nest, forage for food, take care of the young, and fight predators. Social insect Small in size but strong for their size Lives in an organized society called colony Black in colour Knot like growth or node on the top of the waist


Works at Petersburg Usually relax at the window side of his office

Jane who was born in Milan, Italy woke up late this morning, rushed into the office dressed in a black skirt suit holding her bag with one hand and a cup of hot melted chocolates in the other hand, she walked straight towards her office room with her gaze on the cup she was holding and did not pay at tension to where she was going , Mr. James was coming her direction and she bumped into him, the cup splashed out but she quickly guide it from staining her colleagues clothes; thank God it didnt touch him she says in her heart.

Mr James looked at her and says to her: again you are late and I assume it is the usual reason; you woke up late today, you have to be careful because you have been warned on your lateness and laziness at work. I heard the Human resource manager discuss that any short coming from you will result to a termination of your appointment here at Petersburg.

I can help you by introducing Antee to you she lives and work in my office room only; we met during one of my usual habit of relaxing at my office window sides. How come I have never met her says Jane, Mr James replied her : because you do not pay attention to her even though you daily invite by all the sweets and chocolate you eat, instead you chase her away with the repellent you carry about.

They both entered his office and he introduced Antee and her other colleagues in the same colony, Mr James and Jane moved closer to the window to catch a glimpse of Antee and her colleagues they all have a Knot like growth or node on the top of the waist, they work hard carrying food stuffs and matching on the same line while the move quickly to store all they gather in the colony which is built at the outer window part of the office.

Jane observed the that these black small ants help each other when working and are strong in size, provides support for those carrying load to heavy to climb, she watches them as they go to and fro. She was surprise to hear one them talk to her: hello, my name is Antee, my colleaques and I are social ants. We build the nest, forage for food, take care of the young, and fight predators.

I assume you are taking a time to study us so you can learn to help develop cognitive skills, well I teach you; Lessons You must learn never to be lazy; a lazy woman cannot take care of her home, family and work. Laziness cannot help you achieve a leadership position. You must hate sleep, rest is good for the body but sleeping over time is wrong.

These two lessons if you apply it to your life will help you to become a better person, be punctual, avoid lateness and work hard. I have much to do see you another time. Jane thanked Mr. James, Antee and her colleagues and she went to her office room with a feeling applying all she leant.

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