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Relationship between rewards and Employee motivation Presented By Shahid Hasnain 2010-AG-1323 MBA(R)

College of Agriculture D.G.Khan


What is motivation Types of motivation What is reward Types of rewards Objective of research Research Methodology Findings Conclusion Recommendation Limitation

What is motivation?
Motivation is the desire to achieve beyond expectations, being driven by internal rather than external factors, and to be involved in a continuous striving for improvement

Components of motivation

What a person is trying to do

How hard a person is trying

Persistence :
How long a person keeps on trying

Types of Motivation

Intrinsic motivation:
Refers to the motivation that comes from inside an individual. Th
motivation is gnratd through satisfaction or plasur that on gts in complting or vn working on a task. Factors that influence on intrinsic motivation include responsibility, freedom to act, scope to use and develop skills and abilities, and opportunities for advancement.

Extrinsic motivation:
Is something that is done for people to motivate them It
arises from factors outside an individual, such as salary, bonuses , incentives, etc.

What is reward?
Reward is the benefits that arise from performing a task, rendering a service or discharging a responsibility

Types of Rewards

Financial Rewards(tangible)

It include salary, bonus, commission, incentives

Non Financial Rewards(intangible)

It include promotion, training, skills, meaningful work etc

Objectives of the research

To determine there is any association between rewards and employee motivation

To determine the type of reward system in banks

To determine the impact of rewards system on employee


To suggest ways in which reward programs in banks can be

improve in order to increase employee motivation


Research type (causal research)

Sample unit
Sampling Technique Sample area Sample size Data sources
Primary data (Questionnaires) Secondary data ( internet, different books)


93% Employees are agree on that rewards are motivate him

39% Employees think that training and development are the best
reward they received so far

54% Employee want to get reward as an individual 53% Employee are dissatisfy on that they get enough rewards 81% Employees prefer tangible rewards

43% Employees are agree on that rewards are distributed rightfully 50% Employees are satisfy that rewards match his efforts 54% Employees are not satisfied with the quality and quantity of rewards they received

68% Employees are ready to increase his efforts to gain rewards 72% Employees are agree to work as a team to get rewards

61% Employees think that rewards have a positive effect on work atmosphere

67% Employees think that reward motivate him to perform well in job

57% Employees are satisfied on his current salary

64% Employees think that his employer are motivate him to

do good work

69% Employees are motivated to do a good work

91% Employees are satisfied with his current job

There is direct and positive relationship between

rewards and employee work motivation. It means that

reward is directly proportion to employee work motivation. The change in rewards offered to employees necessarily changes the work motivation and

performance of employees. Better the rewards, the higher the levels of motivation and greater levels of employee performance


Employees should be trained according to the present context

of the environment.

Regrading the salary and other allowances

There should be the balance between financial and non

financial rewards

Internal work environment of banks must be pleasant. In

order to satisfy the staff and work with efficiency


Data collected only form specific area (DG Khan) Sample size is not enough for batter results

Any Question

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