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Presented by : Ankita Deshpande Anup Deshmukh Arvindar S. Bhatia

Case Introduction
Neo labs pvt. Ltd.(NLPL) based on pharmaceutical was governed by three khanna brothers. Mr. ajit khanna was head of marketing team.he is believing to do work in traditional style. He didnt believe in recruiting managers from outside, he believed in promoting his old employees from within to the ranks of managers. For the future plans for expansion,increases work load and because of the poor sales turnover mr. khanna appoint a ten year professionally trained Mr. karla as marketing manager.

Mr. karla took certain steps to improve the situation of the copany. He implemented certain very effective and consice formats for managers which worth of the managers. But the older employees found the difficulties to cope up with the changes and there performance get effected but some new young managers are appriciated the changes. Because of these diffrences in working style of managers and thought of the employees company has not achieved,what the mr. khanna actualy want. PROBLEM: lack in professionalism in management.

Alternative Solution
1st Solution

Mr. khanna should take a risk of recruiting new people in organization.

Due to entry of new people working environment will change. New people will give new idea and information. New employees may have more experience and technical knowledge.

Mr. khanna is not habitual to work with new people so he is require to take time to make faith or trust on a team.

2nd Solution
To give them proper professional training with proper facilities.

It increase professional abilities of the employees. They feel themselves as part of the company and they will work with more responsibility. Increase the trust of employees over the company and their leader. It helps employees to cope up with changes in company.

Many employees are older in company they have adopt a working style, they may restrict the procedure. Because of the having the job security they may resist the training program.

Best solution for the problem of the case is to give them professional training with facilities.

Because of the professional training employees are improve their technical ability and also improve coordination between them.

Improved abilities and coordination will enhance the result of the karla used the same solution for improvement of company. Because of his work company atleast increase the 30% growth over than the previous year.

Solution -2 is implemented with the idea of Mr. karla.

The main problem is lack of professionalism and mr. karla has done some important changes to overcome from this problem. Mr. khanna should give atleast one opportunity to mr. karla to achieve his taskfully and effictively. And now we can say that management should be professionlism.


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