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Business Presentation Skills Training

Dr. Sarma-Saama Academy 23 August 2010

The Most Common Problems in making effective presentation

Power point is not the end of all The power of speaking is all about it Anxiety kills Not preparing spoils. Not having message or urge to action destroys your presentation Not preparing the script yourself is disaster.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Saama-academy -dr.sarma

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6 strong tips

Developing Presentation Style Dealing with Presentation Nerves Working your Audience Structuring Effective Presentations Developing as a Presenter

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Saama-academy -dr.sarma

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Preparation involves


Technical support/visu al aids.


Blue peter syndrome.

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be your self- if you can develop your own style that is the bestwave it is useful to keep movement

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How Can You be not nervous?

After thousands of time I still get butterflies in my stomach when I get up to speak or present. The trick is not to think of getting nervous Imagine all people are here to know from you and you are the master.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Saama-academy -dr.sarma

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Working your audience

Presentation as Conversation Make it a conversation make them feel consulted, questioned, challenged, argued with; stimulate your audience into wanting to get more Interact Engage with your present audience, not the one you have prepared for. Show conviction Give an expressive presentation and an enthusiastic presentation Get some perspective The odds are that someone in the audience will not like your presentation, or may disagree with you.
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Structuring effective presentations

Use metaphors Metaphors and analogies are vital presentation Story/anecdote spices up The point Stick to the point using three or four basic ideas. For any detail that you cannot present in 20 minutes, try another medium such as handouts or brochures.
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Presentation Finale
you're probably the worst judge of your presentation, and second, if you finish well you'll certainly fool some of the people into thinking it was all pretty good. Developing as a presenter Trust yourself and your skills If you do not think you are up to a particular presentation either get help (do training courses and rehearsals), or get someone else to do it (there's no shame in recognizing your limits).. Success is the best presentation training Don't over reach yourself. Several short presentations that you feel went well will do you far more good than one big one that makes you sick with nerves and leaves you feeling inadequate. Feedback Encourage those around you to tell you the things you did well. Very few of us make progress by being told what was wrong with our presentation. When we're up in front of an audience we all have very fragile egos.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Saama-academy -dr.sarma

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Passion is Mandatory

You can get everything else perfect, but if it doesn't have as sense of your commitment behind it, it will be dead. Everything we have been talking about is to do with keeping presentation alive and powerful. Keeping it in the moment so that no one can sleep through it. Keeping it so that no one quite knows what's coming next. Making it something that people can't switch off to. Making it interactive as opposed to a repetition of a rehearsed and fixed programme.

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We all get better

Every presentation situation is different. what is certain is this: doing ballroom style or keynote-style presentations with bullet-point filled slides with small graphics and tiny charts is an antiquated and ineffective (though still common) way to make a meaningful presentation.
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What to wear?

or what not to wear) at your next business presentation. In any situation you have only 90 seconds to create a good first impression. Research shows that 93% of the impact of a first impression is formed on non-verbal communication i.e. how we speak and how we look and behave. So as you stand in front of your audience you need to ensure you are giving the right signals.
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final word
A smart presenter is one who captures attention quickly, Tells the story effectively

There is climax the key point to make

Urges for action

Leaves a telling impressions

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Saama-academy -dr.sarma

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