Managing People Module 1 2010 May 25 Recorded

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People Management -Human Behavior Why bother trying to understand it?

Todays facilitation is by Dr.Sarma and Erlyn Labra

24 July 2012


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Human Behavior Why bother trying to understand it? And

Why cant everyone just learn to get along with each other? Is human interaction so simple?

We all want two things from life: Happiness and Success. Whats the one common denominator to success and happiness? Knowing how to do a job is not the key to success... It is more important to know how to work with people
7/24/2012 dr.sarma/saamaacademy Page 3

Human nature is one of those things that everybody talks about but no one can define precisely. Every time we fall in love, fight with our spouse, get upset we are, in part, behaving as a human animal with our own unique evolved nature human nature



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Human behavior is a product both of our innate human nature and of our individual experience and environment.



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Understanding Human Behavior :

What is the key to success? :

What is the key to success? IQ versus EQ .

Is there a career where career success is completely a matter of technical skills?

The History of People Management Machiavelli: earlier approaches on management through manipulation (1469-1527) People are lazy, and self-centered and you have to trick them into working . Not uncommon to find modern managers with same belief systems even now



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The Scientific Approach: The late 1800s brought the Industrial Revolution

There was no one best way to do a job.

Scientific methods and tools can solve peoples problems

The Hawthorne Effect : Paying attention to workers needs affected output. Social and psychological factors play important roles in productivity.



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The important drivers

Belief systems Control theory Choice theory



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What is personality?
What is personality? What makes us what we are?

What are the key elements of personality?

Are there generic types or classes? Is this personality good or bad?



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Few steps in mastering the behavioral skills

People are the most important organizational resource Improving predictability and self-confidence Building relationships Effective utilization of human resources Avoiding or managing conflicts Improving the quality of life and work environment



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Human Relation- organizational context:

People are motivated by many factors, not just pay/money. Employees have feelings and attitudes that affect the work. Informal workgroups affect performance. Employees like and need to participate in decision making. Communication channels should open flow down, up and horizontally of information.



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Have you ever faced a person whom you failed to understand?

Have you ever been misunderstood (as a person)?

Have you ever been frustrated by people who looked, behaved, thought or felt very different than you?

Have you ever looked down on someone who behaved, thought or felt differently?

Personality describes the character of emotion, thought, and behavior patterns unique to a person It is a particular pattern of behaviour and thinking prevailing across time and situations that differentiates one person from another

Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual react and interacts with others

Personality is that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation
It explains how each individual is unique Personality is one of the key determinants of human behavior but there are also other factors of behavior e.g. situation, attitude, cognition, motivation, belief etc.

What makes us what we are? How do i become true i?

How do we start to understand people management?



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Review of what we learned

Technical skills are necessary but not sufficient for career success as we go up in career ladder. human nature is to combine behavior with emotions nature is the product of innate and learned experiences. traditional approaches to managing people in organizations have limited or no validity in modern complex organizations . social and psychological factors play important role in motivation and productivity. mastering behavioral skills involve 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. understanding self/others belief systems in alignment with right corporate values. having the right attitude towards self/othersbuilding healthy interpersonal relationships. skills in resolving conflicts.



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End of Part 1 module 1



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