Gasket Engineering

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Presented by Sunil Dhuri P. M. Cell

Introduction Sealing Gaskets positioning Gasket selection Classification Common gasket types in use Heat exchanger gasket selection Reliability Performance analysis

Gasketshaveseveralimportantjobsinsealing systems.Agasketmustcreateasealandholdit overalongperiodoftime.Itmustbeimpervious andnotcontaminatetheinsulatingfluidorgas abovethefluid.Itshouldbeeasilyremovedand replaced.Itmustbeelasticenoughtoflowinto imperfectionsonthesealingsurfaces.Itmust withstandhighandlowtemperaturesandremain resilientenoughtoholdthesealevenwithjoint movementfromexpansion,contraction,and vibration.Itmustberesilientenoughtonottakea seteventhoughexposedforalongtimeto pressureappliedwithbolttorqueand temperaturechanges.

are used synonymously to describe static seals cut or fabricated from any compressible flat sheet material Primarily to prevent leaks at joints and to withstand harsh operating conditions of temperature, pressure loading, relative physical movement of

What are Terms joint, jointing and gaskets gaskets?

Itmusthavesufficientstrengthtoresistcrushing underappliedloadandresistblowoutunder systempressureorvacuum.Itmustmaintainits integritywhilebeinghandledorinstalled.Ifa gasketfailstomeetanyofthesecriteria,aleak willresult.Gasketleaksresultfromimproper torque,choosingthewrongtypegasketmaterial, orthewrongsizegasket.Impropersealingsurface preparationorthegaskettakingaset(becoming hardandlosingitsresilienceandelasticity)will alsocausealeak.Usually,gasketstakeasetasa resultoftemperatureextremesandage..

How gaskets seal?

A gasket is balanced by a combination of forces namely: Compressive load Hydraulic end thrust Extrusion forces Assembly load Assembly stress

Positioning gaskets..

Gaskets selection
Gasket thickness Sealing and surface stress Surface finish Gasket stress Temperature effect Other compressive and thermal properties..

Classification of gaskets
Ring type gaske ts Full faced gaskets

Type of Gasket RUBBERIZED CORK GASKET Paper gaskets Metallic gaskets Plastic gaskets Rubber gaskets Compressed asbestos fiber Statotherm HT Thermoactive


Cork in Electrical Industry

Special cork-and-rubber have been developed to prevent leakage of the very searching cooling fluids used in modern electrical transformer, similar material are also widely used in switch gear circuit breakers, lightning arresters, and other transmission equipment, as well as in conduit fittings, gear cases and cover plates in washing machines. Rubbers cork gasket materials specification as per is -4253 part -II 1988 ( ASTM - F-104 ).

RUBBERIZED CORK SHEET CORK in combination with RUBBER Provides unique properties. By itself Cork is amazing, it is natural, light, imputrescible, impervious to liquids and gases, flexible, resistant, it has great dimensional stability and is a thermal and acoustic insulator. Remarkably when combined with rubber we get properties of the polymer plus the property of true compressibility. This unique combination has a never-ending potential of applications.

Rubberized Cork has major superiority over other gasket material, which makes it ideal for wide range of other gasket material where application of oil is involved and only choice for flanges, which are not fully flat, or having limited surface area. Other material under pressure crush, distort or extrude. Cork is endowed with a natural property allowing it to recover its initial shape after being compressed. Cork is the only material that can compress without lateral spread, and can recover up to 80% of its original thickness. This property ensures there is a Relaxation stress (outward pressure) on the flanges to maintain the seal.


Synthetic Rubber bonded cork sheets have wide application where gas, oil or any other liquid is used at low bolt loads. Thus it has wide application in Transformers & switch gears, Automobiles and General electrical industry. Many applications ranging from gearboxes, inspection covers to water piping gaskets use rubber - cork. In high voltage transformers rubberized cork sheet is used as oil sealants. Even at elevated temperature, Rubberized Cork Sheets have a deformity of less than 0.1% and the physical stability of the products is excellent. They do not swell, have high tensile strengths and are resistance to the temperature as high as 110 degree Celsius. In automobile industry, rubberized cork gaskets are used as a sealant for engine heads, sumps or packing to prevent leakage of oil.

Gasketleaksresultfromimproper torque,choosingthewrongtypegasket material,orthewrongsizegasket. Impropersealingsurfacepreparationor thegaskettakingaset(becominghard andlosingitsresilienceandelasticity) willalsocausealeak.Usually,gaskets takeasetasaresultoftemperature extremesandage.

Caution:Takeextracarethatrustanddirtparticlesnever fallintothetransformer.Theresultscouldbecatastrophic, whenthetransformerisenergized.

Horizontalgroovefillisdeterminedbyhowwidethegroove is.Thegroovewidthisequaltotheouterdiameter(OD) minustheinnerdiameter(ID)dividedbytwo: (OD ID)/2. Or just measure the groove width with an accurate caliper.

Thewidthofthegrooveminusthewidthofthegasketisthe roomleftforthegaskettoexpandwhilebeingcompressed. Fornitrile,theamountofhorizontalroomneededisabout15 to25%.Therefore,youneedtocutthegasketcrosssectionso thatitfillsabout75to85%ofthewidthofthegroove.



Gasketthicknessis determinedbygroove depthandstandard gasketthickness. Choosethesheet thicknesssothatone fourthtoonethirdof thegasketwill protrudeabovethe groove;thisisthe amountavailableto becompressed. (Seetable2.)Gasketsheetscomeinstandardthicknessesin 1/16inchincrements.Chooseonethatallowsonethirdofthe gaskettostickoutabovethegrooveifyoucan,butnever chooseathicknessthatallowslessthanonefourthoras muchasonehalftoprotrudeabovethegroove.Donottryto 22 removeoldprimerfromthegroove.

Alwayscuttheouterdiameterfirst.Inthisexample,theouter 23 diameterwouldbe8inchesminusinch,or7inches.

Properboltingsequencesareillustratedfor varioustypeflanges/coversinfigure17.Bolt numbersshowthecorrecttightening sequences. 24


Properboltingsequencesareillustratedforvarioustype flanges/coversinfigure17.Boltnumbersshowthe correcttighteningsequences.


Many larger transformers have 8 bolt butterfly valves to control the oil flow between the radiator and the main tank. Often there are 8 bolt flanges on the pump assemblies. Gasket deterioration invariably leads to leaks. (Figure 1) Like 4-bolt flapper valve failure, to repair the 8 bolt flange gasket normally the radiator bank must be drained and the bank removed and all gaskets replaced on all connecting flanges and valves. Since 8 bolt butterfly valves are associated with large service transformers, down time for a traditional repair is very expensive.



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