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A tour of features

Virtual Office
This presentation demonstrates the features of virtual office. You can access any information you store in your virtual office from anywhere

Document Manager

Schedule Manager
Task Manager Contact Manager Announcement Manager Forum Manager Poll Manager Expense Manager Leave Manager Knowledge Manager Register Manager

Document Manager
Manage and Share Your Documents Online. Central Information Resource
Access your information on-demand

Drag and drop multiple files Find documents fast Reduce email overload

Schedule Manager
Manage and Share Your schedule Online. Online Calendar for your business

Coordinate group meetings

Get automatic reminders

Schedule Web meetings.

Task Manager
Online Tool to monitor responsibilities of project team and deliverables.
Communicate with Project Team , Vendor, client

Project wise to do list.

Contact Manager
Online directory for personal and business contact.
Store contact information

Mail Contact.

Announcement Manager
Online tool to instantly flow news & information to all employees.
Announce important company news

Promote company milestones. Publish News Letter.

Forum Manager
Online tool to logically organize discussion and information is kept in context and on topic.
Brain storm and debate

Detail Project discussion. Maintain committee discussion. Maintain on going status report.

Poll Manager
Online tool to encourage employee opinion and inputs
Conduct company wise survey

Make better informed decision. Test new programs & ideas.

Expense Manager
Online tool to track individual business expense
Centrally manage expense

Keep records accurate.

Leave Manager
Online tool to track individual leave
Centrally manage leave

Keep information private and secured.

Knowledge Manager
Central repository for category wise company information
Keep relevant information as doc/pdf/excel etc file on various policies

Keep information private and secured. Speedy retrieval of information .

Register Manager
Tool to monitor movement of Letter/File/ Bill
Monitor Letter/File/Bill movement

Speedy retrieval of information .

The Power of Virtual Office

Dont carry your office let the office follows you.
No Software required in individual machine

Operating System independent

Browser based

Visualize It!
Document Manager Register Manager Schedule Manager

Knowledge Manager

Chat manager

Leave Manager

Virtual Office

Task Manager

Expense Manager

Contact manager

Poll Manager Forum Manager

Announce ment Manager

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