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You and Youth

. . . . The changing face

About You and Youth

You and Youth is an evening tabloid, printed in English language, which is basically meant for young people. The GEN-Y of the nation is not aware of many things of our system and hence this is an attempt to indulge them into reading newspapers and creating awareness through it. You and youth is evening daily, hence the targeted audience can read the newspaper in the evening after college or work. It is reader friendly tabloid with all what a young mind wants to read. It will deal in various spectrums like careers, work and life balances. You and youth will also speculate readers related to youth like parents, teachers etc. , which can turn out to be huge market.

Why You and Youth

In a country where 65% of the population is below the age of 35, as per the latest Census, for them there is only one online newspaper that is YOUTH KI AWAAZ. Youngsters in India are supposed to be the biggest market , that is declined. Youth of a country is said Face of that country, hence we are giving an opportunity to them to change the face of the nation. We can be voice of the unheard youth community that fails to reach out to a mass audience when they raise their voices. We help them reach out to other like-minded people, to work on constructive solutions for global concerns by making best use of social media tool and journalism skills mobilizing and engaging young people in participatory and collaborative journalism. We combine the dynamism of the youth with the power of journalism to create a thought provoking awareness.

Content of You and Youth

Social Disorder and corruption Education and Career Youth Affairs Political system Laws and rights Travel Sports Work - Life balance Entertainment and parties Janta bol (column for common people to write about their problems) Rural India Women issues Photogiri (page or column where they can share their pictures)

Target Audience Age 15- 30 years We are targeting both the gender for You and Youth
Age-wise Distribution of Population
0 -15 years 15 - 30 years 8% 22% 30- 60 years 12% 60 + years


Market Survey

Demographics -Area
We will first launch the tabloid in Mumbai and after retrieving the cost incurred and additional 25-30 marginal profit in estimated time duration of one year, we will propose the plan the launching in other metros also. As per Census 2011, the population of Mumbai is approx. 92,26,956. Out of which we have a pair of eye balls around 53,51,055 in our target zone.

Distribution & Circulation

Though the figure in the previous slides were vast, nevertheless we will target the figure but to begin with we are planning to have a circulation of around 100000 copies for Mumbai- sub urban for first 3 -6 month If the marketing strategies work then we will expand our offices to Thane and Navi Mumbai with 50000100000 copies As this is an evening tabloid, hence the expected time for You and youth to reach readers home should be 5.00pm to 7.00 pm

Prime Competitors
Times of India groups Mumbai Mirror- 31.4 lacs Hindustan Times- 11.4 lacs Indian Express - 3.5 lacs Mid Day- 2 lacs These are a few English newspaper that hold the major chunk of circulation.

Design and Layout

It will have 8 pages with the sections aforementioned in previous slides. The size would be 16.9 by 11 inches , length and breadth respectively. The tabloid would be of normal paper. We would keep as many pictures as possible as they speak louder than words.

Registration and other norms

Title Verification Title Registration; Declaration Ownership Statement Ownership Change Annual Statement Foreign Direct Investment Import of Printing Machinery/Newsprint Daily press newspapers Exemption under FCRA; Return for Imported Newsprint No Foreign Tie-up Affidavit and Indigenous Newsprint. Click on to view links to the details of each of the forms. Also click on for instructions on how to start a newspaper

Pricing Strategy
The cost of a newspaper is determined by following sources:
- Production cost - Administration & Management cost - Marketing cost - Distribution Cost

Price of You and Youth

The cost of a tabloid would be Rs 5/ Anything beyond this amount, the targeted segment of reader would not prefer to invest in the initial stages of product launch. We will have to run various attractive offers as - Yearly subscription at Rs 1200 - Special gifts for people taking subscription for more than 3 months - Various quizzes and prizes for different activity - 10 % on taking 3 month subscription - 25 % on taking 6 month subscription

Production cost
Expenses Estimated Cost
1,20,00,000 90,00,000 9,00,000

Machinery and other equipments Paper and ink (For 6 months) {360 * 20000}+{360*5500} Cost of premises/Rent of premises(around 5000 sq feet for 6 months)
Labor cost (for 6 months)


Misc expenses


Administration & Management cost

Expenses (For 6 months)
Registration expenses
Office Rent (2000sq feet) Office Expenses(Salaries *) Furniture Maintenance (Phone, elec . , internet) Stationery Computers and soft wares Misc expenses

Estimated Cost
3,00,000 2,70,000 5,00,000 30,000 50,000 2,40,000 35,000



*The staff compromises of 1 Chief editor, 3-4 Sub editors, 5-6 reporters/ writers, 2-3 Photographers, 2 office boy, 2 accountants, 2 designers/technicians

Marketing Strategy
We will run a campaign for promoting our newspaper by going to various colleges and Junior colleges, offices and BPOs and distributing free copies We will also selling free copies to students/ working people near their workplaces Conducting seminars about You and Youth and other Youth campaign and presenting our newspaper as a youth symbol for enthusiasm and zeal. Promoting our newspaper through various youth organizations like Yuva Bharati, Yuva chetna etc Through banners , hoardings and advertising by different places like local trains Conducting social campaign like a marathon or a cycle rallies Designing a good advertising campaign by some agency. Promoting You and youth through various Social networking sites Organizing an event for promotion and launch of the newspaper

Marketing Cost
Advertising campaign -50,00,000 Event -50,00,000 Social campaigns and seminar - 25,00,000 Total -1,25,00,000(approx)

Distribution Strategy
Special privileges and additional discounts to be given to distributing agents taking more copies. Gifts and incentives to be given to hawkers who derives more sale. Tie up with various local bookstores and library along with big names like Odyssey, Crossword, I read etc. Effective circulation system to be functioned where time quotient is involved.

Distribution Cost
Wages Overhead expenses Gifts and prizes Branding with bookstores 50,000 1,50,000 1,50,000

Estimated Cost

Agents commission
Additional incentives to hawkers




Production Cost
Management & Administration Cost Marketing Cost Distribution Cost

14,30,000 1,25,00,000 22,50,000



Sources of Revenue
Personal Funds Bank Loan Circulation Sponsorship of various product Revenue from Advertisements With expected circulation we are expecting around atleast 60000-70000 copies to sell that will give us estimated Rs 3,00,000- 3,50,000

Advertisement Cost
Full front page adv Half front page adv 30,000 20,000


Adv in inside pages (per sq inch) Classified

Front page (per sq inch)

250 150

We will offer various packages to avail bulk advertisement offer. We will give 15% discounts for 3 advertisements, 20 % for 5 advertisements and 30 % for more than 8 advertisements

Sales Forecast
Chart Title
100 80 60 40 20 0

advertisement stall sale

circulation complimentarycopy


In the first year we might not forecast about profit as we are still making market for us. We need to have working capital for atleast 6 months to survive in the race. Working capital comprises of administrative cost, production cost(excluding the purchase of machinery), management and distribution cost.

Break-even Point
The targeted circulation for 1 year is 1,00,000 readers After 1 year our aim will be 1,50,000 readers The rates of advertisement will increase with the accentuated circulatory figures and goodwill of the company We aim to reduce the cost of production by strategic planning and techniques in coming year. We plan to reach our break even point in 3 -4 years.

Submitted By
Shilpa Dubey J-02

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