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Recognizing & Coping

My Stress and Strategies Week 4 Personal Skills for Supervisors Online By: April Tupper

My Personality Type (Myers Briggs)


Moderately Expressed Introvert 56% * Meaning that I am slightly less sociable and enjoy quite time. * Meaning I tend to have feelings of intuition about people, situations, and other peoples feelings.

N Very Expressed Intuitive Personality 88%

Slightly Expressed Felling Personality 12%

* At only 12 % this indicates that I dont often freely express my feelings.

Distinctly Expressed Judging Personality 67%

* This percentage suggests that I have distinct beliefs in which I tend to judge others upon.

Coping Skills
My Coping Strategies/Situations
1. Although my personality type does well in groups, prolonged time in social situation can stress me out. To deal with this I will usually find a quite place to regroup and unwind even if for only a minute. 2. My need to be private about my life and complicated inner life make me reluctant to get close to others. The stress of this is manifested in ways of somewhat anti social behavior to deal with the stress. 3. Family get-togethers and events always stress me out. To cope with this I sometimes avoid the gathering or go and usually find I do find.

1. Effective, however, hard to find solitude at times. 2. Ultimately ineffective as the less I socialize the harder it is the next time I have to. 3. Very Ineffective when I chose not to go as this strains relationships which causes more stress

Other Ways I Cope

Cry Get Angry/yell Frustrated Talk about it. Smoking Disorganization Slack on priorities Re-Organize

Reducing Stress
Personal Management Skills
I will start utilizing this by making lists like that suggested in the text, as well as plan and practice making my goals a reality . (1989, Tubesing)
I am aiming at utilizing the relationship skill of making more of an effort to be around people and socialize outside of work more. I will start by initiating an unrelated goal of finding playmates for my children. In doing so I will be faced with meeting the parents which brings opportunities to communicate and form friendships.

Relationship Skills

Outlook Skills
Of these skills I am going to begin utilizing the skill of surrendering. I will focus on something I need to let go and say good-bye to it. I will make a conscious effort to not worry about things before they are present, and I will work toward understanding that not everything will get finished. I will also talk more to a friend about my issues.
I am going to begin using the Relaxation Skill by taking 10 minutes once a day to relax through walking. I will periodically evaluate where I am feeling tension and visualize it disappearing as well as do breathing exercises.

Physical Stamina Skills

Summary- What have you learned about stress from this course? How can you recognize when you are becoming stressed in a negative way? How will you ensure that you recognize symptoms in the future and ensure that you do not become stressed to the point that it has negative consequences? What ways will you use stress to your advantage? 20 Points I think what I really have learned from this course is that there is a difference between knowing that your stressed out and knowing why your stressed out, why your reacting the way you are, and how there are many ways to reduce stress. I learned that by analyzing your stressor triggers and how you cope with each kind of stress differently, one can more easily recognize high stress and actively work towards changing any bad coping habits.

Anxiety is caused by the stress in my life both from current and past experiences. After some time of successfully managing this on my own it became apparent that medication may be beneficial to help alleviate some of the anxiety. This has so far proven to be effective in helping me to better manage my feelings and stress.

References Kicking Your Stress Habits: A Do-It-YourselfGuide for Coping with Stress, D. Tubesing, (1989), Illinois. Dealing with Stress from Work: Idealists Out of Balance, INFJ type description by D.Keirsey

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