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Historical Research Methods: Telling the Stories of New Orleans Nursing History

Deborah Garbee PhD, APRN, BC & Dianna Hutto Douglas DNS APRN-CNS

Historical Research Defined

Integrated Written Record of Past

that Weaves in Multiple Factors e.g. Social, Political, & Economic

Probing for Explanations &

Relationships , Effects or Trends

Purpose is to Understand the Past

to Explain the Present or Future

Historical Research Traditions


Attempt to categorize information and show cause-effect


Try to Understand Thoughts of Individuals in an Event Along with Time, Place, and Situation

Historical Design
Define the Study Topic or Focus There May be a Hypotheses, Questions,

or Theoretical Orientation
Climate of the Time Period ROL, Major Works on Topic Identify Themes and Ambiguities Formulate Questions Organize Data (Full Reference,

Archive and/or Library)

Data Collection
Primary Sources

Personal Letters Diaries Organizational Records Photographs

Secondary Sources

Newspaper Journal articles Textbooks

Unpublished Material, Records,

Manuscripts, Papers
Finding Aids Collections, Record Group,

Series, Subseries
Linear Cubic Feet On-site Use Only Pencil & Paper Only

Confirming Sources
Genuineness Authenticity External Criticism Internal Criticism Corroborating Evidence

Data Analysis
Based on Questions, Themes,

and Conceptual Framework

Discover New Truths Researcher Bias & Other Bias

Researcher Bias Identified Present-Mindedness Ideological Bias

Ethical Issues
Right to Privacy v.

Right to Know
Infringement on

Historical Reputation

Researchers Tell the Story Explain What, How and Why Explore Relationships

Historical Research Voice

Creatively Render Events,

Findings, & Supporting Ideas

Plan the Story Using Themes Weave Together Historical Facts Go Beyond Facts Develop New Knowledge, Ideas,

and Meanings

Evolving Standards for Nursing Curriculum and Nursing Faculty in Louisiana 1920-1950

Research Questions
How did Louisiana, New Orleans specifically,

respond to national calls for nursing reform?

What changes were made to nursing school

curricula at Charity Hospital School of Nursing (CHSN) in New Orleans?

Primary Sources
CHSN reports to Committee on Grading of

Nursing Schools (Jan. & Oct., 1932)

National League of Nursing Education

(NLNE) Facts About Your School (1935, 1939, 1943, & 1945)

Secondary Sources
Goldmark Report, Nursing and Nursing

Education in the United States (1923) Nursing Schools Today and Tomorrow (Committee on the Grading of Nursing Schools, 1934) CHSN Yearbooks Caps and Capes (1938, 1942, & 1950) CHSN Bulletin (1958-1959) Louisiana State University (LSU) Register (1940-1941) LSU Bulletin (1942-1943).

National Calls for Reform

Improve Nursing School Curriculum

Without Duplication of Learning

Improve Faculty Qualifications to Teach

at a School of Nursing with College Graduates as Faculty

Eliminate Non-Nursing Duties

National Themes
Free Labor, A Win-Lose Situation Anyone Can Teach Raising the Bar for

Nursing Faculty
Folding Linen, Washing Lettuce, &

Cleaning Bathrooms

Local Perspective Story

Nursing NAwlins Style Sister Servants, CHSN Faculty

Nursing Students: White Caps, White

Stockings, & White Shoes

CHSN Similar to Nursing Schools Across America

Students Worked Long Hours A non-nurse board Same Person over Hospital Nursing Service & SON CHSN Ahead of Other Nursing Schools Staff Performed Non-Nursing Duties Large, Varied Patient Population Increased Number of Graduate Nurses at Bedside Presence of BSN Ed Students. Regardless of hard work, CHSN Students Seemed to Love Their Experience.

So what? Efforts to professionalize and improve nursing

image & education continues today.

The image of clinging to an instructors skirt the

first day on a nursing unit rings true today in that students are innocent & young.
Just as nurses before us, nursing faculty do not

want to sacrifice what we perceive as quality education in the process of reform.

What Topic do you

Want to Research from New Orleans Nursing History?

Glesne, C. (1999). Becoming Qualitative

Researchers An Introduction. (2nd ed.). New York: Longman. Kyvig, D.E. & Marty, M.A. (2000). Nearby History. (2nd ed.). Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press. Speziale, H.J. & Carpenter, D.R. (2007). Qualitative Research in Nursing Advancing the Humanistic Imperative. (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott.

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