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Presented by JAYPEE group


Although services are product in general sense, they

have special characteristics and marketing needs. The biggest difference come from the fact that services are essentially intangible and they are created through direct interactions with customers
Like when you traveled in airlines
Thai airways ..smooth as silk.

Nature and Characteristics of a service






Service intangibility : the major characteristics of services

they cannot be seen ,tasted, felt , heard, or smelled before they are bought. For ex- people undergoing cosmetic surgery , CA providing expertise. Service inseparability: they are produced and consumed at the same time and cannot be separated from the providers. Service variability : their quality may vary greatly depending on who provides them and when , where and how . For ex-hotel industry Service perishability : they cannot be stored for later sale and use. For ex-restaurants , doctors appointment

Marketing strategies for service firms

RBS-make it happen Apollo hospitals- Touching lives DHL- on time delivery

These firms have established themselves in target market however because services differ from tangible products , they often require additional marketing approaches.

The service profit chain

Three types of Service Marketing

Internal marketing : orienting and

motivating customer-contract employees and supporting service people to work as a team to provide customer satisfaction
Interactive marketing: training service

employees in the fine art of interacting with customers to satisfy their needs.

Marketing Task
Services companies face three major marketing tasks : they want to increase there Service

differentiation , service quality & service productivity

managing service differentiation : due to intense competition its difficult to maintain differentiation from competitors . Solution is we can differentiate by offer in price , service delivery and images

Managing service quality : a service firm can

differentiate itself by delivering consistently higher quality than its competitors provide . They have started customer driven quality movement. Solution is empower front line employees- to give them the authority , responsibility and incentives they need to recognize , care about, and tend to customer needs.

Managing service productivity : service firms

are in a great pressure to increase service productivity . They can do in a several ways Train the employees Harness the power of technology Increase the quantity of service by giving up some quality .

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