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By- Rahul Kashyap 29th Batch


In 1911 Bangal people were in protest against British

government during Bang-Bhang movement in India. So British government made a plan to bring peace they called their England King George V.
During that time British pressurized Rabindranath

Tagore to write a song in honour of King George V.

Continually Rabindranath Tagore was being

pressurized and lastly he wrote the Jan Gan Man song in compulsion made by British on him.
It was sung first in National Congress convention

and second day it was sung to honour the king of England on his visit to India.

Real meaning
Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka Jaya Hey, Bharata Bhaagya

vidhata- Oh! The ruler of the minds of people, Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India!
Panjab Sindhu Gujarat Maratha, Dravid Utkala vanga

vindhya Himachala Jamuna Ganga, Uchchhala Jaladhi Taranga-Punjab, Sindhu, Gujarat, Maharashtra,

Dravida(South India), Orissa, and Bengal,

The Vindhya, the Himalayas, the Yamuna, the Ganges, and the oceans with foaming waves all around.

Tava Subha Name Jage, Tava Subha Aashish Mage

Gaye Tava Jaya gatha-Wake up listening to Your auspicious name, Ask for Your auspicious blessings, And sing to Your glorious victory.
Jana Gana Mangala Dhayaka Jayo Hey Bharata

Bhagya vidhata Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey- Oh! You who impart well being to the people! Victory be to You, dispenser of the destiny of India! Victory to You!

As discovered
In the original Bengali verses only those provinces

that were under British rule, i.e., Punjab, Sindh, Gujarat, Maratha, were mentioned. None of the princely states, which are integral parts of India now, such as Kashmir, Rajasthan, Andhra, Mysore and Kerala, were recognized.
Neither the Indian Ocean nor the Arabian Sea were

included because they were directly under Portuguese rule at that time.

Letter to Brother
Surendranath Banerjee, ICS officer brother of

Rabindranath Tagore he had lived in London during that period, Rabindranath Tagore wrote a letter to his brother

that Jan Gan Man was written by me but I wrote in

compulsion and pressure made by British on me and I am very ashamed on writing this, In the end of that

letter Rabindranath wrote that dont tell anybody about

this letter but if I passed away then let it reveal with everybody.

Nobel Prize
King George was the president of Nobel Prize

committee in that period so he ordered to honour Rabindranath Tagore with Nobel Prize. Rabindranath Tagore denied to take Nobel Prize and said the king that if you really want to give honour to me then please give me Nobel Prize for my book Geetanjali which I recently wrote. George agreed and in 1913 Rabindranath Tagore was honoured by Nobel Prize in England.

So this was the history behind our National anthem Jan-Gan-Man, which became our national anthem in 1947. But the truth behind this is that it was written by Rabindranath Tagore to honour the England King George V.


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