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Organization of Library Materials

By R.O.AJAO {Chartered Librarian} C. Miango 2006.

eLearning is the effective teaching and

learning process created by combining digital content with local community and tutor support along with global community. eLecture provides crucial concept or term of technique students need to apply to a problem of discussion electronically.

Introduction cont.- - Paradigm shift is, therefore, necessary.

Paradigm shift is a total movement from a former way of doing things/beliefs to another-electronic way of doing things elearning,eTeaching .It is a combination of ICT and Pedagogy, an effective learning involving learning tasks that brings tangible outcomes.

Objectives of this lecture

To teach two {2} types of Catalogues- -

Author/Title and Subject To teach LCLibrary of congress classification scheme. To teach online search strategy approaches by Author ,Title ,and by subject using EBSCO Host And OUP

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lecture, you will be able

to Use the Author/title and subject cards catalogue approaches to retrieve books from the shelves and from the Internet Use LC classification scheme to retrieve library materials Recognize online search strategy approaches by Author ,Title and Subject

What is the catalogue?
What is Author/Title and Subject

catalog? How are the catalogues used manually and online? What is LC classification scheme? What are call marks & Location marks ? What is Serials List /

Learning Tasks and Activities

Use Author/title and subject approaches

to retrieve 5 books in your subject area from the library Open Ebsco Host. User id :eifl , pass word : nigeria Use Author/Title/Subject approaches to locate 5 materials in your subject area

Learning tasks cont.- Open OUP oxford university press. User id: unijos Password : unijos

Use Author/Title/Subject approaches to

retrieve 5 materials in your subject areas.

Assessment online
Log in to KEWL.NextGen and submit your

answers by 2 pm 30th Feb.2006.This assignment is 5% while Examination scores 15% Questions: 1 if you have a reading list you will use ------ catalogue 2 Unijos library uses ----- classification scheme 3 To locate books from the shelves you will use -------. 4 To locate journals you will use -------

Reading List
1 know Your library university of Jos

Library Jos Nigeria Nedosa & Ajao Information `& Communication Technology [ICT] Handbook for library users Jos: Deka;2004. EBSCO Host---Author/title/subject approaches OUPAuthor/title/subject approaches.

Discussion Forum
Go to discussion forum in and post your replies to the following topics. The importance of Author/title/subject catalogues The usefulness of Self list. The importance of call mark The importance of location mark.

Notes Online
The catalogue: This is the record kept of most

material [excluding serials] held in the library. A catalogue is a systematic arrangement of items in an alphabetical or other logical order including brief descriptive information such as price, size, colour etc e.g. library has a list of books and other library material held in the library and includes such information as author, title, Publisher, date of publication etc and where the book is located in the library [location marks].

The catalogue cont.-- Many Firms also produce Lists or catalogues of

the items that they sell. Unijos library catalogue: There are 2 types 1Author /Title catalogue and 2- Subject catalogue. The 3x5 inch card catalogue are filed alphabetically in drawers for now. [The online public access catalogue OPAC- is under construction] it is easily updated by the insertion of a card in the appropriate place for a new book .

Catalogue- The author/title catalogue may be used to

answer the following questions; From a reading list- is a particular book [author and title] in the library? What books by this author does the libray have? The subject catalogue may be used to answer the following type of query:What books does the library have on this subject? Most books will be represented by at list 3 cards- Author, Title and subject cards

Catalogue- Author card

To find a book by author e.g. Wole Soyinka ,

look under his surname i.e. Soyinka, Wole. If the library has more than one book by an author ,the author cards are filed alphabetically by the title. If the author is an organization or Institution look under the fist word of the name Nigeria union of Teachers, American chemical society. For a book written by 2 or 3 people, a card will be made for each of them and you can locate the book by looking up any of the authors names.

Author card- At the bottom of the author card, there is

usually a list of the other catalogue cards representing that book which is known as the TRACINGS. Where a book is written by many people the tracings are usually on the title card. If you know the author or title of a book and you want to find out if the library has more books on that subject use the subject tracings in the subject catalogue under the subject headings you will find the other books on the same topic.

Title Cards.
Often people remember the title of a

book rather than the author. Use the title card catalogue to trace the title of a reading list. When looking for a card and the title begins with an article [A, an or the] ignore the article and look under the next word e.g. A world of African song filed under [w] The growth of sociability filed under [g].

Title cards cont

The author and title cards are interfiled in

the author/title catalogue .e.g. EAST,R Eastern India EASTMAN, John

Subject Cards
You make use of subject cards when you need

materials on a subject without knowing any authors or titles. The cards for all the books on a particular subject are filed together and then arranged alphabetically by the authors name or title if their is no author. If your subject was Human Rights,you may or would find nothing listed in the subject catalogue but you will find relevant books listed under civil rights another similar words or phrase as your subject.

Subject cards ..
Take note that some phrases used as

subject headings are inverted so that instead of higher education, you will find education, higher and instead of organic chemistry you will find chemistry, organic. List of subject Headings can be used to assist you if you are unable to think of an alternative words or phrases to check in the subject catalogue

Alphabetical arrangement/ Filing

The entries in the catalogue are arranged or

filed alphabetically using American Library Association rules. Of the two basic filing systems-word by word and letter by letter Unijos Library uses word by word e.g. Port Harcourt; Port of Calabar; Port Said; Portals; Portrait; Portugal. Letter by letter example-Portals; Port Harcourt; Port of calabar; Portrait; Port said; Portugal.

This is the way in which books, serials and

other library materials are arranged in the library It helps users to browse, locate books quickly and easily. Classification scheme is used to group similar books together. A classification scheme provides for the systematic arrangement of books and other library materials so that those on the same subject are brought together.

Two popular schemes in School, public,

college, National and University Libraries are-1 The Dewey Decimal Classification system. [DDC] -2- The Library of congress Classification system [LC] Unijos Library together with other Academic Libraries in Nigeria use LC while Public libraries find DDC convenient for their users.

The main outline of the LC scheme is in the

Know Your Library and please treat the LC in details for easy location of materials Few examples include:-A general worksencyclopedia, B Philosophy & religion, BF Psychology, C history: Auxiliary sciences, D: History: general, DT African History, E-F history: Americas, G geography, GN Anthropology, H Social sciences, J Political science, K law, L education, M Music, N Fine arts/Architecture, P languages and Literature, Q Science, R Medicine, S Agriculture, T Technology, U military science, X books in Arabic [Unijos modified] Z Bibliography and Library science.

CALL MARKS/class marks: are the subject area of the

LC in which the item is classified and are used to retrieve books and journals from the shelves. They refer to the letters and numbers at the top left hand corner of the catalogue. Author Number is added to the call mark to distinguish between large number of books on the same topic. This is composed of the first letter of the authors name plus some letters which are assigned according to Cutter Tables used in the library. Example of call mark:- QA 303.F27 Calculus by Fadeli, E.R. Year of Publication is added-2003 .

Location marks
The following symbols [Unijos designed] found usually

above the call mark of each library material, on the book spine and on catalogue cards of each item are used to locate the section of the library where a given material is physically housed. REF reference books, FICHmicrofiche on serial list for serials on microfiche located in Document unit, FILM- microfilm in Document unit, 2 non-borrow-able books in the lending section, 3 Serials in the serials section, 6 BBP Bauchi, Benue and Plateau state collection in Document section, 7 Government Publications located in Document section, 8 Theses and Dissertations located in Document section. To find books on the shelves, note that books are arranged in order according to the call mark. Thus:-PN 86.k57 comes before PN 86.k7.

This is the record kept of the serials held in the

library. Serials is a broad term covering journals, newspapers, magazines etc Each serials title has a holding statement and a call mark [LC] for locating the serial. The holding statement gives a brief indication of the particular issues available in the library 3 is location mark for serials. Arrangement on the shelves is alphabetical by Library of congress classification marks. Record of each serial issues received is entered in the Kardex

For example a holding statement such

as - Nigerian Journal of History v6 [1960]* 10[1964] 15[1969]-- means that library has v6 issues in 1960,but does not have vols 11,12,13,14 but has all vols from 15 to date. An asterisk before the title indicates some missing vols or issues.

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